  * Save a new media file and attach it to a specific model. The newFiles
  * attribute of the model must be set tp an instance of UploadedFile.
  * Example:
  * $model = new SomeModel();
  * $model->newFiles = UploadedFile::getInstances($model, 'newFiles');
  * if($model->newFiles)
  * {
  *   $this->saveMediafiles($model);
  * }
  * @param model the model to attach the file(s) to. The newFiles attribute of 
  * the model must be set, otherwise nothing happens
  * @param saveAsPng if true, images will be saved as png (this is the 
  * default)
  * @return whether saving succeeded or not
 public function saveMediafiles($model, $saveAsPng = TRUE)
     if (!$model->newFiles) {
         return FALSE;
     // We need this in the converter below.
     $pngType = Mediafiletype::findOne(['mimetype' => 'image/png']);
     $mediafiles = [];
     // First validate the new files. If the new files are not valid,
     // abort.
     foreach ($model->newFiles as $newFile) {
         $mediafileType = Mediafiletype::findOne(['mimetype' => $newFile->type]);
         // Mime type detection does not always work flawlessly. If no mime
         // type is supplied, check if we recognize the file extension.
         if (!$mediafileType) {
             $mediafileType = Mediafiletype::findOne(['extension' => $newFile->extension]);
         if (!$mediafileType) {
             throw new HttpException(500, 'Unknown media file type: ' . $newFile->type);
         $mediafile = new Mediafile();
         $mediafile->mediafiletypeid = $mediafileType->id;
         $mediafile->title = $newFile;
         $mediafile->file = $newFile;
         if (!$mediafile->validate()) {
             return FALSE;
         $mediafiles[] = $mediafile;
     // If we're still here, all media files were ok. Save them.
     foreach ($mediafiles as $mediafile) {
         // Create the directory if it does not exist yet.
         $directory = preg_replace('/\\/[^\\/]+$/', '', $mediafile->filePath);
         if (!file_exists($directory)) {
             $success = @mkdir($directory, 0755, true);
             if (!$success) {
                 Yii::error("Unable to create directory {$directory}");
                 throw new HttpException(500, "Unable to create directory for file upload.");
         // Convert all images to PNG if requested and save the data to disk.
         if (preg_match('/^image\\//', $mediafile->file->type) && $saveAsPng) {
             $converter = new ImageToPngConverter();
             $fileHandle = @fopen($mediafile->filePath, 'w');
             if (!$fileHandle) {
                 throw new Exception("Unable to save file data to " . $this->filePath);
             if (false === fwrite($fileHandle, $converter->getPngData())) {
                 throw new Exception("Unable to write file data to " . $this->filePath);
             $mediafile->mediafiletypeid = $pngType->primaryKey;
         } else {
             if (!copy($mediafile->file->tempName, $mediafile->filePath)) {
                 Yii::error("Unable to write to file " . $mediafile->getFilePath);
                 throw new HttpException(500, "Unable to copy uploaded file to destination.");
         @chmod($mediafile->filePath, 0755);
     return TRUE;