Exemplo n.º 1
  * Displays the scale levels of a given competency framework for selection.
  * @EXT\Route("/framework/{id}/levels", name="hevinci_pick_level")
  * @EXT\Template
  * @param Competency $framework
  * @return array
  * @throws \LogicException if the competency is not a framework root
 public function levelsAction(Competency $framework)
     if ($framework->getRoot() !== $framework->getId()) {
         throw new \LogicException('Scales are only linked to root competencies');
     return ['scale' => $framework->getScale()];
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function walkJsonNodes(\stdClass $parentData, Competency $parentCompetency, Scale $scale)
     if (isset($parentData->competencies)) {
         foreach ($parentData->competencies as $competency) {
             $newCompetency = new Competency();
             $newCompetency->setParent($parentCompetency, true);
             $this->walkJsonNodes($competency, $newCompetency, $scale);
     } else {
         foreach ($parentData->abilities as $ability) {
             $newAbility = new Ability();
             $level = null;
             foreach ($scale->getLevels() as $scaleLevel) {
                 if ($scaleLevel->getName() === $ability->level) {
                     $level = $scaleLevel;
             $link = new CompetencyAbility();
     return $parentCompetency;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function testSubmitValidData()
     $scale = new Scale();
     $scale->setName('Scale 1');
     $level = new Level();
     $level->setName('Level 1');
     $parent = new Competency();
     $parent->setName('Competency 1');
     $om = $this->client->getContainer()->get('claroline.persistence.object_manager');
     $formData = ['name' => 'Foo', 'level' => $level->getId(), 'minActivityCount' => 2];
     $form = $this->factory->create(new AbilityType(), null, ['competency' => $parent]);
     $ability = $form->getData();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('HeVinci\\CompetencyBundle\\Entity\\Ability', $ability);
     $this->assertEquals('Foo', $ability->getName());
     $this->assertEquals($level, $ability->getLevel());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $ability->getMinActivityCount());
     $this->assertViewIsValid($form, $formData);
 public function testSubmitValidData()
     $scale = new Scale();
     $scale->setName('Scale 1');
     $level = new Level();
     $level->setName('Level 1');
     $parent = new Competency();
     $parent->setName('Competency 1');
     $ability = new Ability();
     $formData = ['ability' => 'Foo', 'level' => $level->getId()];
     $form = $this->factory->create(new AbilityImportType($this->om), null, ['competency' => $parent]);
     $this->assertEquals($ability, $form->getData());
     $this->assertEquals($level, $ability->getLevel());
     $this->assertViewIsValid($form, $formData);
  * Returns the association between a competency and an ability.
  * @param Competency $parent
  * @param Ability    $ability
  * @return null|object
  * @throws \Exception if the ability is not linked to the competency
 public function findOneByTerms(Competency $parent, Ability $ability)
     $link = $this->findOneBy(['competency' => $parent, 'ability' => $ability]);
     if (!$link) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Competency {$parent->getId()} is not linked to ability {$ability->getId()}");
     return $link;
  * Returns all the competency nodes that must be taken into
  * account when computing level/percentage of parent nodes
  * from a given start node. It includes the node's siblings
  * and parent, and the parent's siblings and parent, and so on.
  * @param Competency $startNode
  * @return array
 public function findForProgressComputing(Competency $startNode)
     if (!($parent = $startNode->getParent())) {
         return [];
     $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
     return $qb->select('c')->where('c != :startNode')->andWhere('c.root = :root')->andWhere($qb->expr()->orX($qb->expr()->andX('c.lft > :parentLft', 'c.rgt < :parentRgt', 'c.lvl = :childLvl'), 'c.lvl < :childLvl'))->setParameters([':startNode' => $startNode, ':root' => $parent->getRoot(), ':childLvl' => $parent->getLevel() + 1, ':parentLft' => $parent->getLeft(), ':parentRgt' => $parent->getRight()])->getQuery()->getResult();
 public function testListFrameworksAsShortArrays()
     $c1 = new Competency();
     $c1->setDescription('Foo desc');
     $c2 = new Competency();
     $c2->setDescription('Bar desc');
     $this->competencyRepo->expects($this->once())->method('findBy')->with(['parent' => null])->willReturn([$c1, $c2]);
     $expected = [['id' => null, 'name' => 'Foo', 'description' => 'Foo desc'], ['id' => null, 'name' => 'Bar', 'description' => 'Bar desc']];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->manager->listFrameworks(true));
 public function testValidationFailure()
     $parent = $this->mock('HeVinci\\CompetencyBundle\\Entity\\Competency');
     $competency = new Competency();
     $constraint = new UniqueCompetency();
     $constraint->parentCompetency = $parent;
     $this->repo->expects($this->once())->method('findOneBy')->with(['name' => 'CHILD', 'root' => 1])->willReturn('MATCH');
     $this->context->expects($this->once())->method('addViolationAt')->with('name', $constraint->message);
     $this->validator->validate($competency, $constraint);
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected function persistCompetency($name, Competency $parent = null, Scale $scale = null)
     $competency = new Competency();
     if ($parent) {
     if ($scale) {
     return $competency;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Creates an association between an objective and a competency,
  * with an expected level. Returns a full array representation of
  * the newly associated competency if the link doesn't already exist.
  * Otherwise, returns false.
  * @param Objective  $objective
  * @param Competency $competency
  * @param Level      $level
  * @return mixed array|bool
  * @throws \LogicException if the level doesn't belong to the root competency scale
 public function linkCompetency(Objective $objective, Competency $competency, Level $level)
     $link = $this->objectiveCompetencyRepo->findOneBy(['competency' => $competency, 'objective' => $objective]);
     if ($link) {
         return false;
     $framework = $this->competencyRepo->findOneBy(['root' => $competency->getRoot()]);
     if ($level->getScale() !== $framework->getScale()) {
         throw new \LogicException('Objective level must belong to the root competency scale');
     $link = new ObjectiveCompetency();
     $competency = $this->competencyManager->loadCompetency($competency);
     $competency['id'] = $link->getId();
     // link is treated as the competency itself on client-side
     $competency['framework'] = $framework->getName();
     $competency['level'] = $level->getName();
     return $competency;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * @param Competency    $parent     The parent competency
  * @param boolean       $isImport   Whether we're in a framework import context
 public function setParent(Competency $parent = null, $isImport = false)
     $this->parent = $parent;
     if ($parent && $isImport) {
         // allow child to be persisted by cascade
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Returns an array representation of activity evaluation data for
  * a given user and a given competency, including information about
  * the activity and the related abilities.
  * @param Competency $competency
  * @param User       $user
  * @return array
  * @throws \Exception
 public function findEvaluationsByCompetency(Competency $competency, User $user)
     if ($competency->getRight() - $competency->getLeft() > 1) {
         throw new \Exception('Expected leaf competency');
     $activityQb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a1')->select('ac1.id')->join('a1.activities', 'ac1')->join('a1.competencyAbilities', 'ca')->where('ca.competency = :competency');
     return $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()->select('e.id AS evaluationId', 'e.status', 'e.date', 'ac.id AS activityId', 'n.name AS activityName', 'a.id AS abilityId', 'a.name AS abilityName', 'l.name AS levelName')->from('Claroline\\CoreBundle\\Entity\\Activity\\Evaluation', 'e')->join('e.user', 'u')->join('e.activityParameters', 'ap')->join('ap.activity', 'ac')->join('ac.resourceNode', 'n')->join('HeVinci\\CompetencyBundle\\Entity\\Ability', 'a', 'WITH', 'ac IN (SELECT ac2 FROM HeVinci\\CompetencyBundle\\Entity\\Ability a2 JOIN a2.activities ac2 WHERE a2 = a)')->join('a.competencyAbilities', 'ca2')->join('ca2.level', 'l')->join('ca2.competency', 'c2')->where('c2 = :competency')->where($activityQb->expr()->in('ac', $activityQb->getQuery()->getDQL()))->andWhere('u = :user')->orderBy('e.date, e.id, a.id', 'ASC')->setParameters([':competency' => $competency, ':user' => $user])->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
  * @param Competency $competency
 public function setCompetency(Competency $competency)
     $this->competency = $competency;
     $this->competencyName = $competency->getName();
Exemplo n.º 14
 private function getSiblingNodes(Competency $startNode, Competency $parent, array $related)
     return array_filter($related, function ($node) use($startNode, $parent) {
         return $node !== $startNode && $node->getLevel() === $startNode->getLevel() && $node->getLeft() > $parent->getLeft() && $node->getRight() < $parent->getRight();
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Displays the competency creation form.
  * @EXT\Route("/{id}/sub", name="hevinci_new_competency")
  * @EXT\Template("HeVinciCompetencyBundle:Competency:competencyForm.html.twig")
  * @param Competency $parent
  * @return array
 public function newSubCompetencyAction(Competency $parent)
     return ['form' => $this->formHandler->getView('hevinci_form_competency', null, ['parent_competency' => $parent]), 'parentId' => $parent->getId()];
Exemplo n.º 16
 private function loadCompetency(Competency $competency)
     return ['id' => $competency->getId(), 'name' => $competency->getName(), 'type' => 'competency_', 'paths' => [['level' => '-', 'steps' => array_map(function ($step) {
         return $step->getName();
     }, $this->competencyRepo->getPath($competency))]]];
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Returns the builder needed to find the levels associated
  * to a competency (or its ancestor).
  * Note: this method is used in the ability form type.
  * @param Competency $competency
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder
 public function getFindByCompetencyBuilder(Competency $competency)
     return $this->createQueryBuilder('l')->join('l.scale', 's')->join('s.competencies', 'c')->where('c.root = :compRoot')->setParameter(':compRoot', $competency->getRoot());
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Creates a link between a competency and an existing ability.
  * @param Competency $parent
  * @param Ability $ability
  * @param Level $level
  * @return Ability
  * @throws \LogicException if a link already exists
 public function linkAbilityToCompetency(Competency $parent, Ability $ability, Level $level)
     $link = $this->competencyAbilityRepo->findOneBy(['competency' => $parent, 'ability' => $ability]);
     if ($link) {
         throw new \LogicException("Ability {$ability->getId()} is already linked to competency {$parent->getId()}");
     $link = new CompetencyAbility();
     return $ability;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * @param Competency $competency
 public function setCompetency(Competency $competency)
     $this->competency = $competency;