Exemplo n.º 1
 function cartLogin()
     if (isset($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'MemberEmail'])) {
         $temp_username = substr($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'MemberEmail'], 0, strpos($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'MemberEmail'], '@'));
         $temp_username = !empty($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'MemberUserName']) ? $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'MemberUserName'] : $temp_username;
         $json_data['MemberUsername'] = $temp_username;
     $price = 0;
     $productsCount = 0;
     $data = \Helper\ShoppingCart::getCart();
     if (isset($data['shoppingCart'])) {
         $shoppingCart = $data['shoppingCart'];
         if (isset($shoppingCart['productCarts'])) {
             foreach ($shoppingCart['productCarts'] as $key => $v) {
                 $productsCount += $v['buyNum'];
         if (isset($shoppingCart['cartPriceTotal'])) {
             $price = round($shoppingCart['cartPriceTotal'], 2);
         if ($price > 0) {
             if (CurrencyCode == 'JPY') {
                 $price = str_replace(',', ',', number_format($price));
             } else {
                 $price = \helper\String::numberFormat($price);
     $json_data['cart_price'] = Currency . $price;
     $json_data['cart_number'] = $productsCount;
     if (isset($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . "MemberId"])) {
         $json_data['status'] = true;
         $json_data['mail'] = $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . "MemberEmail"];
     } else {
         $json_data['status'] = false;
     echo json_encode($json_data);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function _downloadData()
     if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
         $status = 1;
         if (file_exists($this->cacheDir . '/cache2.0.ini')) {
             $cacheIni = parse_ini_file($this->cacheDir . '/cache2.0.ini');
         $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 5)));
         !($ver = @file_get_contents($this->VerUrl, 0, $ctx));
         if (strlen($ver) != 11) {
             if ($cacheIni['localversion']) {
                 $ver = $cacheIni['localversion'];
             } else {
                 $ver = 'none';
         if ($ini = @file_get_contents($this->IniUrl, 0, $ctx)) {
             $md5hash = @file_get_contents($this->md5Url, 0, $ctx);
             if (md5($ini) == $md5hash) {
                 $ini = parse_ini_string($ini, true);
                 $ini['robots'] = $ini['os_reg'] = $ini['browser_os'] = $ini['os_reg'] = $ini['os'] = array();
                 foreach ($ini['browser'] as $k => $v) {
                     $ini['browser'][$k] = array($v[0]);
                 $ini = \Helper\String::arrayToIni($ini);
                 @file_put_contents($this->cacheDir . '/uasdata2.0.ini', $ini);
                 $status = 0;
         $cacheIni = "; cache info for class UASparser - http://user-agent-string.info/download/UASparser\n";
         $cacheIni .= "[main]\n";
         $cacheIni .= "localversion = \"{$ver}\"\n";
         $cacheIni .= 'lastupdate = "' . time() . "\"\n";
         $cacheIni .= "lastupdatestatus = \"{$status}\"\n";
         @file_put_contents($this->cacheDir . '/cache2.0.ini', $cacheIni);
     } else {
         die('ERROR: function file_get_contents not allowed URL open. Update the datafile (uasdata2.0.ini in Cache Dir) manually.');
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function __construct()
     $arr_en = array("1" => "Opps…", "2" => "Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found or no longer exists.", "3" => "Tips:", "4" => "• Check the spelling of the URL and enter it again.", "5" => "• Go to ", "6" => "Milanoo.com Home Page.", "7" => "Sitemap", "8" => "", "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com");
     $arr_fr = array("1" => "Désolé…", "2" => "La page que vous recherchez est invalide ou n’existe plus. ", "3" => "Suggestions:", "4" => "• Vérifier si le lien est correct et ressayer plus tard.", "5" => "• Accéder à la ", "6" => "page d’accueil Milanoo.com.", "7" => "Plan du site", "8" => "", "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com/fr");
     $arr_de = array("1" => "Ups!", "2" => "Die von Ihnen angeforderte Seite konnte leider nicht gefunden werden.", "3" => "Tipps:", "4" => "• Überprüfen Sie den Link oder versuchen Sie noch einmal.", "5" => "• Zu ", "6" => "Home von Milanoo.com.", "7" => "Sitemap", "8" => "", "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com/de");
     $arr_jp = array("1" => "ページが見つかりません……", "2" => "申し訳ございません。ご指定のページが見つかりませんでした。本当に必死に探したんですけどね……", "3" => "そこで以下のことをお試しください。", "4" => "・URLが正しいかどうかを再度ご確認ください。もし間違えてたらな、もうこのうっかりさん!", "5" => "・もしくは", "6" => "Milanoo.comホームページ", "7" => "サイトマップ", "8" => "にお戻りください。ミラノーはいいものいっぱいで楽しいサイトですよ。今回はページが見つかりませんでしたが、こういうことは人生には起こりうるものです。でも決してあきらめないでください。このページを見たあなたにはきっと幸せが訪れます。なにせ「404」ですよ。「4・幸せ」・「0・を」・「4・呼ぶ」ページなんですから!なので、これにめげず、もう一度ミラノーで楽しいお買い物を! そして、素晴らしき人生を!", "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com/jp");
     $arr_it = array("1" => "Opps…", "2" => "Siamo spiacienti, la pagina che state cercando non e' trovata o non esiste piu'.", "3" => "Consigli:", "4" => "• Controlla l'ortografia dell'indirizzo e inserirlo nuovamente.", "5" => "• Andate alla ", "6" => "Home Page di Milanoo.com.", "7" => "Mappa del sito", "8" => "", "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com/it");
     $arr_ru = array("1" => "Упс-с-с...", "2" => "Извините, страница, которую вы ищете, не найдена или больше не существует.", "3" => "Совет:", "4" => "•Проверьте правильность написания URL и введите его еще раз.", "5" => "•На ", "6" => "главную страницу Milanoo.com.", "7" => "Карта сайта", "8" => '', "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com/ru");
     $arr_es = array("1" => "Uyyy…", "2" => "No se encontró la página. Puede que ya no exista, haya cambiado de nombre o no esté disponible temporalmente.", "3" => "Pruebe lo siguiente:", "4" => "• Si escribió la dirección de la página en la barra de direcciones, compruebe que esté escrita correctamente.", "5" => "• Abra ", "6" => "la página principal de milanoo.com", "7" => "sisukaart", "8" => " y busque vínculos a la información que desea.", "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com/es");
     $arr_pt = array("1" => "Opps…", "2" => "Desculpe, a página que você está a procurar não pode ser encontrado ou não existe mais.", "3" => "Dicas:", "4" => "• Verifique a ortografia da URL e inseri-lo novamente.", "5" => "• Vai para ", "6" => "Milanoo.com Home Page.", "7" => "Site map", "8" => '', "langhomepage" => "http://www.milanoo.com/pt");
     //		$langcookie=$_COOKIE['lang_cookie'];
     //	$langcookie="en-uk";
     switch (SELLER_LANG) {
         case "en-uk":
             $arr = $arr_en;
         case "ja-jp":
             $arr = $arr_jp;
         case "fr-fr":
             $arr = $arr_fr;
         case "es-sp":
             $arr = $arr_es;
         case "de-ge":
             $arr = $arr_de;
         case "it-it":
             $arr = $arr_it;
         case "ru-ru":
             $arr = $arr_ru;
         case "pt-pt":
             $arr = $arr_pt;
             $arr = $arr_en;
     $mNav = new \Model\Navigator();
     $secondNav = $mNav->getNav(0, '-1:-1');
     $menuList = \Helper\String::strDosTrip($secondNav['resultList']);
     //echo \Helper\ResponseUtil::rewrite(array('url'=>'?module=thing&action=glist&class=391','seo'=>'Wedding'));
     $tpl = \Lib\common\Template::getSmarty();
     $tpl->assign('line1', $arr["1"]);
     $tpl->assign('line2', $arr["2"]);
     $tpl->assign('line3', $arr["3"]);
     $tpl->assign('line4', $arr["4"]);
     $tpl->assign('line5', $arr["5"]);
     $tpl->assign('line6', $arr["6"]);
     $tpl->assign('line7', $arr["7"]);
     $tpl->assign('line8', $arr["8"]);
     $tpl->assign('langhomepage', $arr["langhomepage"]);
     $tpl->assign('menulist', $menuList);