     * Make sure we time out after the appropriate number of iterations with an
     * incomplete buffer that appears disconnected.
    public function testTimeoutOnStuckBuffer()
        // An incomplete buffer
        $xml = <<<XML
<iq from='firehoser.superfeedr.com' to='hearsayer@superfeedr.com/superfeedr' type='result' id='10'>
  <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'>
    <subscription node='http://feeds.feedburner.com/crunchgear' jid='*****@*****.**' subscription='subscribed'>
      <status xmlns='http://superfeedr.com/xmpp-pubsub-ext'>
        <http code='304'>Content not modified</http>
        $xmpp = new SuperfeedrXmpp('superfeedr.com', 5222, 'user', 'pass');
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod('Hearsay\\SuperfeedrBundle\\Xmpp\\SuperfeedrXmpp', 'bufferComplete');
        // Run the buffer through a few times without the timeout check
        $this->assertFalse($method->invoke($xmpp, $xml), 'Expected buffer to be incomplete');
        // No incomplete iterations
        $this->assertFalse($method->invoke($xmpp, $xml), 'Expected buffer to be incomplete');
        // First incomplete iteration
        $this->assertFalse($method->invoke($xmpp, $xml), 'Expected buffer to be incomplete');
        // Second incomplete iteration
        $this->assertFalse($method->invoke($xmpp, $xml), 'Expected buffer to be incomplete');
        // Third incomplete iteration, so running count > max allowed; next should trip the timeout check
        $method->invoke($xmpp, $xml);