Exemplo n.º 1
 public function findHousesByPostalCode($postalCode)
     $sql = '
         SELECT *
         FROM houses
         WHERE postal_code = ?q';
     return $this->db->execute($sql, [$postalCode])->fetchResult();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function initPostgis(ConnectionInterface $db)
     // initialize PostGIS in the DB if we can
     // TODO find a way to check if postgis is installed correctly
     try {
         $db->execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis');
     } catch (QueryException $ignored) {
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function testTransactionCommitBeforeAnyQueries()
     //There is a validation that we can start transaction
     //before any queries and connection object will establish
     //connection automatically (lazy connection)
     $this->connection->execute('SELECT 1');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function findPlace($place)
     $sql = '
         SELECT p.id, pt.system_name type_system_name
         FROM places p
         INNER JOIN place_types pt
             ON pt.id = p.type_id
         WHERE lower(full_title) = lower(?q)';
     return $this->db->execute($sql, [$place])->fetchOneOrFalse();
Exemplo n.º 5
 private function removeRows(array $rows)
     $ids = [];
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if (empty($row[$this->keyFieldXml])) {
             throw new \LogicException('Не найдено поле: ' . $this->keyFieldXml);
         $ids[] = $row[$this->keyFieldXml];
     $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ?f WHERE ?f IN (?l)', [$this->table, $this->keyFieldDatabase, $ids]);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private function getQuery($rowExample)
     if (!$this->sqlHeader) {
         $fields = [];
         foreach ($rowExample as $attribute => $devNull) {
             $fields[] = $this->fields[$attribute]['name'];
         $headerPart = $this->db->replacePlaceholders('INSERT INTO ?f(?i) VALUES ', [$this->table, $fields]);
         $this->sqlHeader = $headerPart . ' ?v';
     return $this->sqlHeader;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function getAddressLevelId($code)
     $result = $this->db->execute('SELECT id FROM address_object_levels WHERE code = ?q', [$code])->fetchResult();
     if ($result === null) {
         throw new BadRequestException('Некорректное значение уровня адреса: ' . $code);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function findPlaces(array $placeWords, array $type, $parentId)
     $pattern = implode(' ', $placeWords);
     $sql = "\n            SELECT full_title title, (CASE WHEN have_children THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)  is_complete, pt.system_name type_system_name\n            FROM places p\n            INNER JOIN place_types pt\n                ON p.type_id = pt.id\n            WHERE ?p\n            ORDER BY p.title\n            LIMIT ?e";
     $whereParts = [$this->db->replacePlaceholders("p.title ilike '?e%'", [$pattern])];
     if ($type) {
         $whereParts[] = $this->db->replacePlaceholders('type_id = ?q', [$type['id']]);
     if ($parentId) {
         $whereParts[] = $this->db->replacePlaceholders('p.parent_id = ?q', [$parentId]);
     $values = ['(' . implode($whereParts, ') AND (') . ')', $this->limit];
     $items = $this->db->execute($sql, $values)->fetchAll();
     if ($items) {
         foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
             $items[$key]['is_complete'] = $item['is_complete'] ? true : false;
             $items[$key]['tags'] = ['place', $item['type_system_name']];
     return $items;
Exemplo n.º 9
 private function getBiggestSuitableStack()
     // Берем наименьший адрес и через родительские связки строим стек.
     return $this->db->execute("WITH RECURSIVE\n                address_stack(parent_id, title, full_title, level, address_level) AS (\n                        SELECT parent_id, prefix || ' ' || title, full_title, level, address_level\n                        FROM address_objects ao\n                        WHERE address_id IN (\n                            SELECT address_id\n                            FROM address_objects\n                            WHERE postal_code = ?q\n                            ORDER BY level\n                            LIMIT 1\n                        )\n                    UNION ALL\n                        SELECT r.parent_id, r.prefix || ' ' || r.title, r.full_title, r.level, r.address_level\n                        FROM address_objects r\n                        INNER JOIN address_stack ads\n                            ON ads.parent_id = r.address_id\n\n                )\n                SELECT parent_id, a.title, full_title, level, al.code address_level\n                FROM address_stack a\n                INNER JOIN address_object_levels al\n                    ON al.id = address_level\n                ORDER BY level\n            ", [$this->postalCode])->fetchAll();
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function getLastVersionId(ConnectionInterface $db)
     return (int) $db->execute('SELECT MAX(version_id) FROM update_log')->fetchResult();
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static function updateNextAddressLevelFlag(ConnectionInterface $db)
     $db->execute("UPDATE address_objects ao\n            SET next_address_level = tmp.address_level\n            FROM (\n                SELECT DISTINCT ON (parent_id) parent_id, address_level\n                FROM address_objects\n                WHERE parent_id IS NOT NULL\n                ORDER BY parent_id, address_level\n            ) tmp\n            WHERE tmp.parent_id = address_id\n            ");
Exemplo n.º 12
 private function getFieldsSQL(ConnectionInterface $db, TypeConverter $typeConverter, ModelElement $config)
     $sql = array();
     foreach ($config->properties as $propName => $propConfig) {
         if (!$propConfig->isLocalInDb) {
         $type = $typeConverter->getDbType($propConfig->type);
         $nullSql = $propConfig->isNullable ? '' : 'NOT NULL';
         $sql[] = $db->replacePlaceholders("?f ?p {$nullSql}", array($propName, $type));
     return implode(",\n", $sql);