Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function compileMessage(proto\DescriptorProto $msg, $ns)
     $s = array();
     $s[] = "namespace " . $this->normalizeNS($ns) . " {";
     $s[] = "";
     $s[] = "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_namespace)";
     $s[] = "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_{$ns})";
     $s[] = "";
     $cmt = $this->compiler->getComment($ns . '.' . $msg->getName(), '   * ');
     if ($cmt) {
         $s[] = "  /**";
         $s[] = $cmt;
         $s[] = "   */";
     // Compute a new namespace with the message name as suffix
     $ns .= '.' . $msg->getName();
     $s[] = '  class ' . $msg->getName() . ' extends \\DrSlump\\Protobuf\\Message {';
     $s[] = '';
     foreach ($msg->getField() as $field) {
         $s[] = $this->generatePublicField($field, $ns, "    ");
     $s[] = '';
     $s[] = '    /** @var \\Closure[] */';
     $s[] = '    protected static $__extensions = array();';
     $s[] = '';
     $s[] = '    public static function descriptor()';
     $s[] = '    {';
     $s[] = '      $descriptor = new \\DrSlump\\Protobuf\\Descriptor(__CLASS__, \'' . $ns . '\');';
     $s[] = '';
     foreach ($msg->getField() as $field) {
         $s[] = $this->compileField($field, $ns, "      ");
         $s[] = '      $descriptor->addField($f);';
         $s[] = '';
     $s[] = '      foreach (self::$__extensions as $cb) {';
     $s[] = '        $descriptor->addField($cb(), true);';
     $s[] = '      }';
     $s[] = '';
     $s[] = '      // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_descriptor)';
     $s[] = '      // @@protoc_insertion_point(descriptor_' . $ns . ')';
     $s[] = '';
     $s[] = '      return $descriptor;';
     $s[] = '    }';
     $s[] = '';
     //$s[]= "    protected static \$__exts = array(";
     //foreach ($msg->getExtensionRange() as $range):
     //$s[]= '      array(' . $range->getStart() . ', ' . ($range->getEnd()-1) . '),';
     //$s[]= "    );";
     //$s[]= "";
     foreach ($msg->getField() as $field) {
         $s[] = $this->generateAccessors($field, $ns, "    ");
     $s[] = "";
     $s[] = "    // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_class)";
     $s[] = '    // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_' . $ns . ')';
     $s[] = "  }";
     $s[] = "}";
     $s[] = "";
     // Generate Enums
     if ($msg->hasEnumType()) {
         foreach ($msg->getEnumType() as $enum) {
             $src = $this->compileEnum($enum, $ns);
             $this->addComponent($ns, $enum->getName(), $src);
     // Generate nested messages
     if ($msg->hasNestedType()) {
         foreach ($msg->getNestedType() as $msg) {
             $src = $this->compileMessage($msg, $ns);
             $this->addComponent($ns, $msg->getName(), $src);
     // Collect extensions
     if ($msg->hasExtension()) {
         foreach ($msg->getExtensionList() as $field) {
             $this->extensions[$field->getExtendee()][] = array($ns, $field);
     return implode(PHP_EOL, $s) . PHP_EOL;