Exemplo n.º 1
  * 提交独立域名进来,需要进行数据校检,详细的规则见各个参数
  * 现在的流程是,把用户提交的信息入到m_comdomain中,当审核通过的时候,把字段 domain 和 recordno录入到 gc_comdomain中去
  * @param  integer $supid    供应商id,直接intval,不再判断,就算是为负值也没什么
  * @param  Domain $domain   域名,格式必须为: www\.(([\w]{1,63})||([\u4e00-\u9fa5]{1,20}))\.[\w]{2,8}
  * @param  string $recordno 备案号
  * @return
 public function addDomain($supid, $domain, $recordno)
     if (!isset($supid) || $supid == 0 || empty($domain) || empty($recordno)) {
         return $this->outputData('', '302', '参数错误');
     $supid = intval($supid);
     $domainRule = "/^www\\.([\\w-]{1,63})\\.([\\w]{2,8})\$/u";
     if (!preg_match($domainRule, $domain)) {
         return $this->outputData('', '401', '独立域名不符合规则');
     $conditions = 'supid=:supid: and state=0';
     $result = MDomain::findFirst(array('columns' => 'id', 'conditions' => $conditions, 'bind' => array('supid' => $supid)));
     if ($result) {
         return $this->outputData('', '402', '您已经有一条未审核的记录,如果要再次提交,请选择取消绑定并重新提交');
     $mdomain = new MDomain();
     $mdomain->supid = $supid;
     $mdomain->domain = $domain;
     $mdomain->recordno = $recordno;
     if ($mdomain->save()) {
         return $this->outputData('域名添加成功');
     } else {
         return $this->outputData('', '600', '域名添加失败,请重试');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * 审核操作!
  * 如果通过了,标记m表中的状态为1, 并把数据更新到gc表中
  * 如果拒审了,只更新m表
  * @param  integer $id [<description>]
  * @return
 public function check($id, $state, $name, $checkdesc = '', $msg = false)
     if ($id < 1 || !in_array($state, array(1, -1))) {
         return $this->outputData('', '401', '数据校检失败');
     $data = MDomain::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'id=:id:', 'bind' => array('id' => $id)));
     if (!$data) {
         return $this->outputData('', '402', '信息不存在');
     if (!isset($data->state) || $data->state != 0) {
         return $this->outputData('', '403', '已被审核');
     if ($state == 1) {
         $data->state = $state;
         $data->checkdesc = '审核成功';
         $data->name = $name;
         $data->checktime = time();
         if ($data->save()) {
             $findData = Domain::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'supid=:supid: and state=1', 'bind' => array('supid' => $data->supid)));
             if ($findData) {
                 $findData->domain = $data->domain;
                 $findData->recordno = $data->recordno;
                 $res = $findData->save();
             } else {
                 $domainService = new Domain();
                 $domainService->supid = $data->supid;
                 $domainService->domain = $data->domain;
                 $domainService->recordno = $data->recordno;
                 $domainService->state = $data->state;
                 $res = $domainService->save();
             if ($res) {
                 //审核通过 发送站内信
                 $msgData['supid'] = $data->supid;
                 $msgData['subject'] = '独立域名通过审核';
                 $msgData['message'] = $msg;
                 $request = array('service' => 'Gcsupplier\\Services\\Msg', 'method' => 'addMsg', 'args' => array($msgData));
                 return $this->outputData('操作成功');
             return $this->outputData('操作失败');
     } else {
         $data->state = $state;
         $data->checkdesc = $checkdesc;
         $data->name = $name;
         $data->checktime = time();
         $res = $data->save();
         if ($res) {
             //拒审 发送站内信
             $msgData['supid'] = $data->supid;
             $msgData['subject'] = '独立域名被拒审';
             $msgData['message'] = $msg;
             $request = array('service' => 'Gcsupplier\\Services\\Msg', 'method' => 'addMsg', 'args' => array($msgData));
             return $this->outputData('操作成功');
         return $this->outputData('操作失败');