public function load(Reader $reader) { $caches = $reader->read(); foreach ($caches as $cacheName => $cacheValue) { // Check name if (!Validate::isVariableName($cacheName)) { throw new \Exception('Name of cache must be a valid variable name'); } // Check options $params = array(); foreach ($cacheValue as $name => $value) { // no use comment (for xml file) if ($name == 'comment') { continue; } // cast if (is_string($value)) { $value = Tools::castValue($value); } // add value into cache parameters $params[$name] = $value; } // check adaptater if (!isset($params['adaptater'])) { throw new \Exception('Miss adaptater parameter for cache : "' . $cacheName . '"'); } // Add param name $params['name'] = $cacheName; // Add cache CacheManager::addCache($cacheName, CacheManager::factory($params['adaptater'], $params, 'framework\\cache\\adaptaters', 'framework\\cache\\IAdaptater'), true); } }
public static function setCache($cacheName) { $cache = Cache::getCache($cacheName); if (!$cache) { throw new \Exception('Invalid cache'); } self::$_cache = $cache; }
public function setCache($cacheName) { $cache = Cache::getCache($cacheName); if (!$cache) { throw new \Exception('Cache : "' . $cacheName . '" is not a valid cache'); } $this->_cache = $cache; return $this; }
public function __construct() { //check lang is in url and auto set if ($this->router->getCurrentRoute() == 'index' && stripos(Http::getCurrentUrl(), $this->language->getLanguage()) === false) { Http::redirect($this->router->getUrl('index')); } $this->tpl->setVar('langAvaible', $this->language->getLanguage() == 'fr_FR' ? 'en_EN' : 'fr_FR'); //cache $this->_cache = Cache::getCache('bdd'); $this->tpl->setVar('isConnected', Members::isConnected()); }
public function __construct($params = array()) { parent::init($params); Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('cache' . $this->_name, 'Cache ' . $this->_name, true, true); if (!isset($params['path']) || !is_string($params['path'])) { throw new \Exception('Miss path parameter, or is invalid'); } if (!is_dir($params['path'])) { if (!mkdir($params['path'], 0775, true)) { throw new \Exception('Error on creating "' . $params['path'] . '" directory'); } } if (!is_writable($params['path'])) { throw new \Exception('Directory "' . $params['path'] . '" is not writable'); } $this->_path = realpath($params['path']) . DS; }
/** * Checks whether an update is available. */ public function resolve(Request $request, Response $response) { $path = $request->uri('path'); $hash = $request->param('v'); $info = Cache::getInfo($path, $hash); if (!$info) { return; } // Send a bunch of headers // 1. Conditional request // If-Modified-Since: Match against $info->getMTime(); // If-None-Match: Match against the md5_file(); // 2. Normal request // Content-Type + charset // Content-Length // Cache-Control // Date // Pragma (remove) // header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', true); }
public function __construct($params = array()) { if (!extension_loaded('apcu') && !extension_loaded('apc')) { throw new \Exception('Apcu extension not loaded try change your PHP configuration'); } parent::init($params); Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('cache' . $this->_name, 'Cache ' . $this->_name, true, true); //create dynamic key and add to prefix (it's for multi applications) if (!file_exists(PATH_CACHE . $this->_name)) { $key = rand(); $file = new \SplFileObject(PATH_CACHE . 'ApcuKey' . $this->_name, 'w+'); if ($file->flock(LOCK_EX)) { $file->fwrite($key); $file->flock(LOCK_UN); } $this->_prefix .= $key; } else { $this->_prefix .= file_get_contents(PATH_CACHE . $this->_name); } }
public function stop() { if ($this->_isInit && $this->_isRun) { // run caches gc $caches = Cache::getCaches(); foreach ($caches as $cache) { $cache->runGc(); } //profiling if (self::getProfiler()) { // Caches foreach ($caches as $cache) { Logger::getInstance()->debug('Adaptater : "' . get_class($cache) . '"', 'cache' . $cache->getName()); } // Databases $databases = Database::getDatabases(); foreach ($databases as $database) { Logger::getInstance()->debug('Type : ' . $database->getType(), 'database' . $database->getName()); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Adaptater : ' . get_class($database->getAdaptater()), 'database' . $database->getName()); $stats = $database->getStats(); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Queries : ' . (string) $database->getQueryCount() . ' (Aproximately memory used : ' . $stats['ram'] . ' KB in aproximately ' . $stats['time'] . ' ms)', 'database' . $database->getName()); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Servers : ' . $database->countServers() . ' (Masters : ' . $database->countServers(Server::TYPE_MASTER) . ' Slaves : ' . $database->countServers(Server::TYPE_SLAVE) . ')', 'database' . $database->getName()); } // Templates $templates = Template::getTemplates(); foreach ($templates as $template) { Logger::getInstance()->debug('Adaptater : ' . get_class($template), 'template' . $template->getName()); } // Language Logger::getInstance()->debug('Language default is : "' . Language::getInstance()->getDefaultLanguage() . '"', 'language'); Logger::getInstance()->debug(Language::getInstance()->countVars() . ' vars defined', 'language'); // Router Logger::getInstance()->debug('Current url : ' . Http::getCurrentUrl(), 'router'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Current route : ' . Router::getInstance()->getCurrentRoute(), 'router'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Current route rule : ' . Router::getInstance()->getCurrentRule(), 'router'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Ajax request : ' . (int) Http::isAjax(), 'router'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Ssl request : ' . (int) Http::isHttps(), 'router'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Request dispatched in aproximately : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('router')->stopTime()->getStatsTime() . ' ms', 'router'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('router')->stopRam()->getStatsRam() . ' KB', 'router'); // Logger debug informations and benchmark Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('logger', 'Logger Benchmark and Informations', true); Logger::getInstance()->debug(Logger::getInstance()->countObservers() . ' observers registered', 'logger'); Logger::getInstance()->debug(Logger::getInstance()->countGroups() . ' groups and ' . (Logger::getInstance()->countLogs() + 3) . ' logs', 'logger'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('In aproximately ' . Benchmark::getInstance('logger')->stopTime()->getStatsTime() . ' ms', 'logger'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('logger')->stopRam()->getStatsRam() . ' KB', 'logger'); // Autoloader Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('autoloader', 'Autoloader report', true); $logs = Autoloader::getLogs(); foreach ($logs as &$log) { Logger::getInstance()->debug($log, 'autoloader'); } Logger::getInstance()->debug(count(Autoloader::getAutoloaders()) . ' autoloader adaptaters, ' . count(Autoloader::getDirectories()) . ' directories and ' . count(Autoloader::getNamespaces()) . ' namespaces registered', 'autoloader'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Loading ' . count(Autoloader::getClasses()) . ' classes (' . Autoloader::countGlobalizedClasses() . ' globalized classes) in aproximately ' . round(Autoloader::getBenchmark('time') * 1000, 4) . ' ms', 'autoloader'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used : ' . round(Autoloader::getBenchmark('memory') / 1024, 4) . ' KB', 'autoloader'); Autoloader::purgeLogs(); Autoloader::purgeBenchmark(); // Global informations && Benchmark Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('global', 'Global Benchmark and Informations', true); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Page generated in aproximately : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('global')->stopTime()->getStatsTime() . ' ms', 'global'); Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('global')->stopRam()->getStatsRam() . ' KB - Memory allocated : ' . memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 . ' KB', 'global'); } //notify logger Logger::getInstance()->notify(); // Stop managers ExceptionManager::getInstance()->stop(); ErrorManager::getInstance()->stop(); // avoid multi call $this->_isInit = false; $this->_isRun = false; } }
public function resolve(Request $request, Response $response) { $path = $this->srcPath . $request->uri('path') . '.url'; // Check if target file is a proxy. if (!is_file($path)) { return; } $cacheTarget = parse_ini_file($path); $cacheTarget = @$cacheTarget['URL']; unset($path); if (!$cacheTarget) { Log::warning('Proxy file has not URL parameter.', array('requestUri' => $request->uri(), 'proxyFile' => $request->uri('path') . '.uri')); $response->status(502); // Bad Gateway return; } /*! Cache Header Notes * * # Cache-Control * [public | private] Cacheable when public, otherwise the client is responsible for caching. * [no-cache( \w+)?] When no fields are specified, the whole thing must revalidate everytime, * otherwise cache it except specified fields. * [no-store] Ignore caching and pipe into output. * [max-age=\d+] Seconds before this cache is meant to expire, this overrides Expires header. * [s-maxage=\d+] Overrides max-age and Expires header, behaves just like max-age. * (This is for CDN and we are using it.) * [must-revalidate] Tells those CDNs which are intended to serve stale contents to revalidate every time. * [proxy-revalidate] Like the "s-" version of max-age, a "must-revalidate" override only for CDN. * [no-transform] Some CDNs will optimize images and other formats, this "opt-out" of it. * * # Expires * RFC timestamp for an absolute cache expiration, overridden by Cache-Control header. * * # ETag * Hash of anything, weak ETags is not supported at this moment. * * # vary * Too much fun inside and we are too serious about caching, ignore this. * * # pragma * This guy is too old to recognize. * [no-cache] Only this is known nowadays and is already succeed by Cache-Control: no-cache. * */ // note; Use "cache-meta://" scheme for header and cache meta info, for performance. // 1. Check if cache exists. $cache = (array) Cache::get("cache-meta://{$cacheTarget}"); // Cache expiration, in seconds. // expires = ( s-maxage || max-age || Expires ); if (@$cache['expires'] && time() > $cache['expires']) { Cache::delete("cache-meta://{$cacheTarget}"); Cache::delete("cache://{$cacheTarget}"); $cache = null; } // - If not exists, make normal request to remote server. // - If exists, make conditional request to remote server. // - Revalidation, we can skip this request and serve the content if false. // revalidates = ( Cache-Control:proxy-revalidate || Cache-Control:must-revalidate ) if (!$cache || @$cache['revalidates']) { $_request = array('uri' => $cacheTarget); if ($cache) { // Last-Modified if (@$cache['headers']['Last-Modified']) { $_request['headers']['If-Modified-Since'] = $cache['Last-Modified']; } // Entity-Tag if (@$cache['headers']['ETag'] && strpos($cache['headers']['ETag'], 'W\\') !== 0) { $_request['headers']['If-None-Match'] = $cache['ETag']; } } else { $cache = array(); } // Make the request $_response = new Response(array('autoOutput' => false)); (new Request($_request))->send(null, $_response); unset($_request); // parse headers into cache settings. if (in_array($_response->status(), array(200, 304))) { $res = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', util::unwrapAssoc($_response->header('Cache-Control'))); $res = array_reduce($res, function ($res, $value) { // todo; Take care of no-cache with field name. if (strpos($value, '=') > 0) { $value = explode('=', $value); $res[$value[0]] = $value[1]; } else { $res[$value] = true; } return $res; }, array()); // private, no-store, no-cache if (@$res['private'] || @$res['no-store'] || @$res['no-cache']) { // note; in case the upstream server change this to uncacheable Cache::delete("cache-meta://{$cacheTarget}"); Cache::delete("cache://{$cacheTarget}"); $_response->clearBody(); } if ($_response->status() == 200 && $_response->body()) { $cache['contents'] = $_response->body(); } // expires = ( s-maxage || max-age || Expires ); if (@$res['s-maxage']) { $cache['expires'] = time() + $res['s-maxage']; } elseif (@$res['max-age']) { $cache['expires'] = time() + $res['max-age']; } else { $res = util::unwrapAssoc($_response->header('Expires')); if ($res) { $cache['expires'] = strtotime($res); } } // revalidates = ( Cache-Control:proxy-revalidate || Cache-Control:must-revalidate ) if (@$res['proxy-revalidate'] || @$res['must-revalidate']) { $cache['revalidates'] = true; } unset($res); } $cache['headers'] = array_map('core\\Utility::unwrapAssoc', $_response->header()); // PHP does not support chunked, skip this one. unset($cache['headers']['Transfer-Encoding']); // note; If cache is to be ignored, the $cacheTarget variable will be already unset(). if (isset($cacheTarget)) { if (@$cache['contents']) { Cache::set("cache://{$cacheTarget}", $cache['contents']); } Cache::set("cache-meta://{$cacheTarget}", array_filter_keys($cache, isNot('contents'))); } unset($_response); } // note; Send cache headers regardless of the request condition. if (@$cache['headers']) { $response->clearHeaders(); foreach ($cache['headers'] as $name => $value) { $response->header($name, $value, true); } unset($name, $value); } // note; Handles conditional request $ch = array_map('core\\Utility::unwrapAssoc', (array) @$cache['headers']); $mtime = @$ch['Last-Modified'] ? strtotime($ch['Last-Modified']) : false; // Request headr: If-Modified-Since if (@$ch['Last-Modified'] && $mtime) { if (strtotime($request->header('If-Modified-Since')) >= $mtime) { return $response->status(304); } } // Request header: If-Range if ($request->header('If-Range')) { // Entity tag if (strpos(substr($request->header('If-Range'), 0, 2), '"') !== false && @$ch['ETag']) { if ($this->compareETags(@$ch['ETag'], $request->header('If-Range'))) { return $this->response()->status(304); } } elseif (strtotime($request->header('If-Range')) === $mtime) { return $this->response()->status(304); } } unset($mtime); // Request header: If-None-Match if (!$request->header('If-Modified-Since') && $request->header('If-None-Match')) { // Exists but not GET or HEAD switch ($request->method()) { case 'get': case 'head': break; default: return $this->response()->status(412); } /*! Note by Vicary @ 24 Jan, 2013 * If-None-Match means 304 when target resources exists. */ if ($request->header('If-None-Match') === '*' && @$ch['ETag']) { return $this->response()->status(304); } if ($this->compareETags(@$ch['ETag'], preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $request->header('If-None-Match')))) { return $this->response()->status(304); } } // Request header: If-Match if (!$request->header('If-Modified-Since') && $request->header('If-Match')) { // Exists but not GET or HEAD switch ($request->method()) { case 'get': case 'head': break; default: return $this->response()->status(412); } if ($request->header('If-Match') === '*' && !@$ch['ETag']) { return $this->response()->status(412); } preg_match_all('/(?:^\\*$|(:?"([^\\*"]+)")(?:\\s*,\\s*(:?"([^\\*"]+)")))$/', $request->header('If-Match'), $eTags); // 412 Precondition Failed when nothing matches. if (@$eTags[1] && !in_array($eTag, (array) $eTags[1])) { return $this->response()->status(412); } } if ($cacheTarget && empty($cache['contents'])) { $cache['contents'] = Cache::get("cache://{$cacheTarget}"); } // Output the cahce content $response->send($cache['contents'], 200); }