Exemplo n.º 1

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use FluentHtml\FluentHtml;
use FluentHtml\FluentHtmlClassical;
# FluentHtml and AppendHtmlClassical —
# same api but one is composed using classical inhertiance and
# a FluentHtml API
echo FluentHtml::make('header')->h1('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->h2('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->h3('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->h4('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->open('div')->a('http://thecoolestsiteontheinternet.com')->close('div')->hr();
echo FluentHtmlClassical::make('header')->h1('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->h2('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->h3('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->h4('The brown quick fox bought some headphones & vinyl.')->open('div')->a('http://thecoolestsiteontheinternet.com')->close('div');
Exemplo n.º 2

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use FluentHtml\FluentHtml;
header('Content-type: text/plain;');
$html = new FluentHtml('div', 'class="one"');
// disbaling the buffer breaks initial containers… hmmm
$html->h1('funk paradize')->useBuffer(false);