Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param User $actor
  * @param Tag $tag
  * @return bool|null
 public function addToDiscussion(User $actor, Tag $tag)
     $disallowedTags = Tag::getIdsWhereCannot($actor, 'discussion.startWithoutApproval');
     if (in_array($tag->id, $disallowedTags)) {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param CreateTag $command
  * @return Tag
 public function handle(CreateTag $command)
     $actor = $command->actor;
     $data = $command->data;
     $this->forum->assertCan($actor, 'createTag');
     $tag = Tag::build(array_get($data, 'attributes.name'), array_get($data, 'attributes.slug'), array_get($data, 'attributes.description'), array_get($data, 'attributes.color'), array_get($data, 'attributes.isHidden'));
     return $tag;
 public function scopeDiscussionVisibility(ScopeModelVisibility $event)
     // Hide discussions which have tags that the user is not allowed to see.
     if ($event->model instanceof Discussion) {
         $event->query->whereNotExists(function ($query) use($event) {
             return $query->select(app('flarum.db')->raw(1))->from('discussions_tags')->whereIn('tag_id', Tag::getNotVisibleTo($event->actor))->whereRaw('discussion_id = ' . app('flarum.db')->getQueryGrammar()->wrap('discussions.id'));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param PrepareApiData $event
 public function loadTagsRelationship(PrepareApiData $event)
     // Expose the complete tag list to clients by adding it as a
     // relationship to the /api/forum endpoint. Since the Forum model
     // doesn't actually have a tags relationship, we will manually load and
     // assign the tags data to it using an event listener.
     if ($event->isController(ShowForumController::class)) {
         $event->data['tags'] = Tag::whereVisibleTo($event->actor)->with('lastDiscussion')->get();
 public function scopeHiddenDiscussionVisibility(ScopeHiddenDiscussionVisibility $event)
     // By default, discussions are not visible to the public if they are
     // hidden or contain zero comments - unless the actor has a certain
     // permission. Since we grant permissions per-tag, we will make
     // discussions visible in the tags for which the user has that
     // permission.
     $event->query->orWhereExists(function ($query) use($event) {
         return $query->select(new Expression(1))->from('discussions_tags')->whereIn('tag_id', Tag::getIdsWhereCan($event->actor, $event->permission))->where('discussions.id', new Expression('discussion_id'));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function hideTags(DiscussionSearchWillBePerformed $event)
     $query = $event->search->getQuery();
     foreach ($event->search->getActiveGambits() as $gambit) {
         if ($gambit instanceof TagGambit) {
     $query->whereNotExists(function ($query) {
         return $query->select(app('flarum.db')->raw(1))->from('discussions_tags')->whereIn('tag_id', Tag::where('is_hidden', 1)->lists('id'))->where('discussions.id', new Expression('discussion_id'));
  * @param ConfigureDiscussionSearch $event
 public function hideTagsFromDiscussionList(ConfigureDiscussionSearch $event)
     $query = $event->search->getQuery();
     foreach ($event->search->getActiveGambits() as $gambit) {
         if ($gambit instanceof TagGambit) {
     $query->whereNotExists(function ($query) {
         return $query->select(new Expression(1))->from('discussions_tags')->whereIn('tag_id', Tag::where('is_hidden', 1)->lists('id'))->where('discussions.id', new Expression('discussion_id'));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function loadTagsRelationship(WillSerializeData $event)
     // Expose the complete tag list to clients by adding it as a
     // relationship to the /api/forum endpoint. Since the Forum model
     // doesn't actually have a tags relationship, we will manually load and
     // assign the tags data to it using an event listener.
     if ($event->action instanceof Forum\ShowAction) {
         $forum = $event->data;
         $query = Tag::whereVisibleTo($event->request->actor);
         $forum->tags = $query->with('lastDiscussion')->get();
         $forum->tags_ids = $forum->tags->lists('id');
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected function importTags($from, $to)
     $colors = ['#F16655', '#F59B66', '#4E89DA', '#5AC169', '#96A2AF'];
     $this->info('Importing tags...');
     $channels = $from->table('channel')->orderBy('lft')->get();
     $progress = new ProgressBar($this->output, count($channels));
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($channels as $c) {
         $tag = new Tag();
         $tag->id = $c->channelId;
         $tag->name = $c->title;
         $tag->slug = $c->slug;
         $tag->description = $c->description;
         $tag->color = $colors[$i++ % count($colors)];
         $tag->discussions_count = $c->countConversations;
         $tag->position = $c->lft;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request)
     $order = array_get($request->getParsedBody(), 'order');
     Tag::query()->update(['position' => null, 'parent_id' => null]);
     foreach ($order as $i => $parent) {
         $parentId = array_get($parent, 'id');
         Tag::where('id', $parentId)->update(['position' => $i]);
         if (isset($parent['children']) && is_array($parent['children'])) {
             foreach ($parent['children'] as $j => $childId) {
                 Tag::where('id', $childId)->update(['position' => $j, 'parent_id' => $parentId]);
     return new EmptyResponse(204);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * @param DiscussionWillBeSaved $event
  * @throws PermissionDeniedException
  * @throws ValidationException
 public function whenDiscussionWillBeSaved(DiscussionWillBeSaved $event)
     $discussion = $event->discussion;
     $actor = $event->actor;
     // TODO: clean up, prevent discussion from being created without tags
     if (isset($event->data['relationships']['tags']['data'])) {
         $linkage = (array) $event->data['relationships']['tags']['data'];
         $newTagIds = [];
         foreach ($linkage as $link) {
             $newTagIds[] = (int) $link['id'];
         $newTags = Tag::whereIn('id', $newTagIds)->get();
         $primaryCount = 0;
         $secondaryCount = 0;
         foreach ($newTags as $tag) {
             if ($actor->cannot('startDiscussion', $tag)) {
                 throw new PermissionDeniedException();
             if ($tag->position !== null && $tag->parent_id === null) {
             } else {
         $this->validateTagCount('primary', $primaryCount);
         $this->validateTagCount('secondary', $secondaryCount);
         if ($discussion->exists) {
             $oldTags = $discussion->tags()->get();
             $oldTagIds = $oldTags->lists('id')->all();
             if ($oldTagIds == $newTagIds) {
             foreach ($newTags as $tag) {
                 if (!in_array($tag->id, $oldTagIds) && $actor->cannot('addToDiscussion', $tag)) {
                     throw new PermissionDeniedException();
             $discussion->raise(new DiscussionWasTagged($discussion, $actor, $oldTags->all()));
         $discussion->afterSave(function ($discussion) use($newTagIds) {
     } elseif (!$discussion->exists && !$actor->hasPermission('startDiscussion')) {
         throw new PermissionDeniedException();
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function handle(Request $request)
     if (!$request->actor->isAdmin()) {
         throw new PermissionDeniedException();
     $order = $request->get('order');
     Tag::query()->update(['position' => null, 'parent_id' => null]);
     foreach ($order as $i => $parent) {
         $parentId = array_get($parent, 'id');
         Tag::where('id', $parentId)->update(['position' => $i]);
         if (isset($parent['children']) && is_array($parent['children'])) {
             foreach ($parent['children'] as $j => $childId) {
                 Tag::where('id', $childId)->update(['position' => $j, 'parent_id' => $parentId]);
     return new EmptyResponse(204);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function whenDiscussionWillBeSaved(DiscussionWillBeSaved $event)
     if (isset($event->data['relationships']['tags']['data'])) {
         $discussion = $event->discussion;
         $actor = $event->actor;
         $linkage = (array) $event->data['relationships']['tags']['data'];
         $newTagIds = [];
         foreach ($linkage as $link) {
             $newTagIds[] = (int) $link['id'];
         $newTags = Tag::whereIn('id', $newTagIds)->get();
         $primaryCount = 0;
         $secondaryCount = 0;
         foreach ($newTags as $tag) {
             if (!$tag->can($actor, 'startDiscussion')) {
                 throw new PermissionDeniedException();
             if ($tag->position !== null && $tag->parent_id === null) {
             } else {
         $oldTags = [];
         if ($discussion->exists) {
             $oldTags = $discussion->tags()->get();
             $oldTagIds = $oldTags->lists('id');
             if ($oldTagIds == $newTagIds) {
             $discussion->raise(new DiscussionWasTagged($discussion, $actor, $oldTags->all()));
         Discussion::saved(function ($discussion) use($newTagIds) {
  * Run the migrations.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     $this->schema->create('tags', function (Blueprint $table) {
         $table->string('name', 100);
         $table->string('slug', 100);
         $table->string('color', 50)->nullable();
         $table->string('background_path', 100)->nullable();
         $table->string('background_mode', 100)->nullable();
         $table->string('default_sort', 50)->nullable();
     Tag::insert(['name' => 'General', 'slug' => 'general', 'color' => '#888', 'position' => '0']);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * @param GetPermission $event
  * @return bool
 public function grantGlobalDiscussionPermissions(GetPermission $event)
     if (in_array($event->ability, ['viewDiscussions', 'startDiscussion']) && is_null($event->model)) {
         return !empty(Tag::getIdsWhereCan($event->actor, $event->ability));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function scopeTagVisibility(ScopeModelVisibility $event)
     if ($event->model instanceof Tag) {
         $event->query->whereNotIn('id', Tag::getIdsWhereCannot($event->actor, 'view'));
Exemplo n.º 17
  * @param DiscussionWasTagged $event
 public function whenDiscussionWasTagged(DiscussionWasTagged $event)
     $oldTags = Tag::whereIn('id', array_pluck($event->oldTags, 'id'));
     $this->updateTags($event->discussion, -1, $oldTags);
     $this->updateTags($event->discussion, 1);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @param User $actor
  * @param Builder $query
 public function find(User $actor, Builder $query)
     $query->select('flags.*')->leftJoin('posts', 'posts.id', '=', 'flags.post_id')->leftJoin('discussions', 'discussions.id', '=', 'posts.discussion_id')->whereNotExists(function ($query) use($actor) {
         return $query->select(new Expression(1))->from('discussions_tags')->whereIn('tag_id', Tag::getIdsWhereCannot($actor, 'discussion.viewFlags'))->where('discussions.id', new Expression('discussion_id'));
Exemplo n.º 19
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function data(ServerRequestInterface $request, Document $document)
     $actor = $request->getAttribute('actor');
     return $this->tags->whereVisibleTo($actor)->withStateFor($actor)->get();
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @param User $actor
  * @param Builder $query
 public function find(User $actor, Builder $query)
     $query->whereNotIn('id', Tag::getIdsWhereCannot($actor, 'viewDiscussions'));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function boot()
 public function scopeEmptyDiscussionVisibility(ScopeEmptyDiscussionVisibility $event)
     $event->query->orWhereExists(function ($query) use($event) {
         return $query->select(new Expression(1))->from('discussions_tags')->whereIn('tag_id', Tag::getIdsWhereCan($event->actor, 'discussion.editPosts'))->where('discussions.id', new Expression('discussion_id'));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function scopeTagVisibility(ScopeModelVisibility $event)
     if ($event->model instanceof Tag) {
         $event->query->whereNotIn('id', Tag::getNotVisibleTo($event->actor));
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Get the ID of a tag with the given slug.
  * @param string $slug
  * @param User|null $user
  * @return integer
 public function getIdForSlug($slug, User $user = null)
     $query = Tag::where('slug', 'like', $slug);
     return $this->scopeVisibleTo($query, $user)->pluck('id');