Exemplo n.º 1
  * Build fake page with error based on fake controller initiation
 protected function buildFakePage()
     // initialize fake controller to display page with exception
     $fakeController = new Controller();
     // check if used no layout template
     if (defined('env_no_layout') && env_no_layout === true) {
         $fakeController->layout = null;
     // add global title tag value
     $fakeController->setGlobalVar('title', App::$Translate->get('Default', $this->title));
     // build error text
     $rawResponse = 'error';
     try {
         $rawResponse = App::$View->render('native/errors/' . $this->tpl, ['msg' => $this->text]);
         if (Str::likeEmpty($rawResponse)) {
             $rawResponse = $this->text;
     } catch (SyntaxException $e) {
         $rawResponse = $this->text;
     // set controller body response
     // set status code for header
     App::$Response->setStatusCode((int) $this->status);
     // return compiled html output
     return $fakeController->buildOutput();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Check comment add conditions. On bad conditions will be throw'd exception.
  * @throws JsonException
  * @return boolean
 public function check()
     // check if user is auth'd or guest name is defined
     if (!App::$User->isAuth() && ((int) $this->_configs['guestAdd'] !== 1 || Str::length($this->guestName) < 2)) {
         throw new JsonException(__('Guest name is not defined'));
     // check if pathway is empty
     if (Str::likeEmpty($this->pathway)) {
         throw new JsonException(__('Wrong target pathway'));
     // check if message length is correct
     if (Str::length($this->message) < (int) $this->_configs['minLength'] || Str::length($this->message) > (int) $this->_configs['maxLength']) {
         throw new JsonException(__('Message length is incorrect. Current: %cur%, min - %min%, max - %max%', ['cur' => Str::length($this->message), 'min' => $this->_configs['minLength'], 'max' => $this->_configs['maxLength']]));
     // guest moderation
     if (!App::$User->isAuth() && (bool) $this->_configs['guestModerate']) {
         $captcha = App::$Request->request->get('captcha');
         if (!App::$Captcha->validate($captcha)) {
             throw new JsonException(__('Captcha is incorrect! Click on image to refresh and try again'));
     // check delay between 2 comments from 1 user or 1 ip
     $query = CommentPost::where('user_id', '=', $this->_userId)->orWhere('ip', '=', $this->ip)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->first();
     // check if latest post time for this user is founded
     if ($query !== null) {
         $postTime = Date::convertToTimestamp($query->created_at);
         $delay = $postTime + $this->_configs['delay'] - time();
         if ($delay > 0) {
             throw new JsonException(__('Spam protection: please, wait %sec% seconds', ['sec' => $delay]));
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Read feedback message and answers and work with add answer model
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $hash
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function actionRead($id, $hash)
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($id) || Str::length($hash) < 16 || Str::length($hash) > 64) {
         throw new ForbiddenException(__('The feedback request is not founded'));
     // get feedback post record from database
     $recordPost = FeedbackPost::where('id', '=', $id)->where('hash', '=', $hash)->first();
     if ($recordPost === null) {
         throw new ForbiddenException(__('The feedback request is not founded'));
     $userId = App::$User->isAuth() ? App::$User->identity()->getId() : 0;
     $model = null;
     // check if feedback post is not closed for answers
     if ((int) $recordPost->closed === 0) {
         // init new answer add model
         $model = new FormAnswerAdd($recordPost, $userId);
         // if answer is sender lets try to make it model
         if ($model->send() && $model->validate()) {
             App::$Session->getFlashBag()->add('success', __('Your answer was added'));
     // render output view
     return $this->view->render('read', ['model' => $model, 'post' => $recordPost, 'answers' => $recordPost->getAnswers()->get()]);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Find all bootatble instances and set it to object map
 public function compileBootableClasses()
     // list app root's
     foreach ($this->appRoots as $app) {
         $app .= '/Apps/Controller/' . env_name;
         $files = File::listFiles($app, ['.php'], true);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             // define full class name with namespace
             $class = 'Apps\\Controller\\' . env_name . '\\' . Str::cleanExtension($file);
             // check if class exists (must be loaded over autoloader), boot method exist and this is controller instanceof
             if (class_exists($class) && method_exists($class, 'boot') && is_a($class, 'Ffcms\\Core\\Arch\\Controller', true)) {
                 $this->objects[] = $class;
     // list widget root's
     foreach ($this->widgetRoots as $widget) {
         $widget .= '/Widgets/' . env_name;
         // widgets are packed in directory, classname should be the same with root directory name
         $dirs = Directory::scan($widget, GLOB_ONLYDIR, true);
         if (!Obj::isArray($dirs)) {
         foreach ($dirs as $instance) {
             $class = 'Widgets\\' . env_name . '\\' . $instance . '\\' . $instance;
             if (class_exists($class) && method_exists($class, 'boot') && is_a($class, 'Ffcms\\Core\\Arch\\Widget', true)) {
                 $this->objects[] = $class;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Main search method
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws NotFoundException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function actionIndex()
     // get search query value from GET headers
     $query = (string) $this->request->query->get('query', null);
     // strip html tags
     $query = App::$Security->strip_tags(trim($query));
     // get configs
     $configs = $this->getConfigs();
     // check search query length
     if (Str::likeEmpty($query) || Str::length($query) < (int) $configs['minLength']) {
         throw new NotFoundException(__('Search query is too short!'));
     // prevent sh@t query's with big length
     if (Str::length($query) > static::QUERY_MAX_LENGTH) {
         throw new NotFoundException(__('Search query is too long!'));
     // initialize search controller model
     $model = new EntitySearchMain($query, $configs);
     // try to search by default apps
     // register search event to allow extend it model results
     App::$Event->run(static::EVENT_SEARCH_RUNNED, ['model' => $model]);
     // render output view with search result
     return $this->view->render('index', ['model' => $model, 'query' => $query]);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Prepare output comment post information array
  * @return array|null
 public function make()
     if ($this->_record === null) {
         return null;
     // build user data
     $userName = __('Unknown');
     $userAvatar = App::$Alias->scriptUrl . '/upload/user/avatar/small/default.jpg';
     $userObject = $this->_record->getUser();
     if ($userObject !== null) {
         $userName = $userObject->getProfile()->getNickname();
         $userAvatar = $userObject->getProfile()->getAvatarUrl('small');
     } else {
         if (!Str::likeEmpty($this->_record->guest_name)) {
             $userName = App::$Security->strip_tags($this->_record->guest_name);
     // return output json data
     $res = ['type' => $this->_type, 'id' => $this->_record->id, 'text' => $this->_record->message, 'date' => Date::convertToDatetime($this->_record->created_at, Date::FORMAT_TO_HOUR), 'pathway' => $this->_record->pathway, 'moderate' => (int) $this->_record->moderate, 'user' => ['id' => $this->_record->user_id, 'name' => $userName, 'avatar' => $userAvatar]];
     if ($this->_type === 'post' && method_exists($this->_record, 'getAnswerCount') && $this->_calcAnswers) {
         $res['answers'] = $this->_record->getAnswerCount();
     } elseif ($this->_type === 'answer') {
         $res['comment_id'] = $this->_record->comment_id;
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Make app installation
  * @return bool
 public function make()
     $cName = ucfirst(Str::lowerCase($this->sysname));
     $cPath = 'Apps\\Controller\\Admin\\' . $cName;
     // if object class is not loaded - prevent install
     if (!class_exists($cPath) || !defined($cPath . '::VERSION')) {
         return false;
     // get ext version
     $cVersion = constant($cPath . '::VERSION');
     if ($cVersion === null || Str::likeEmpty($cVersion)) {
         $cVersion = '1.0.0';
     // save row to db
     $record = new AppRecord();
     $record->type = $this->_type;
     $record->sys_name = $cName;
     $record->name = '';
     $record->disabled = 1;
     $record->version = $cVersion;
     // callback to install method in extension
     if (method_exists($cPath, 'install')) {
         call_user_func($cPath . '::install');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Generate unique invite string
  * @return string
 private function makeInvite()
     $token = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
     $find = Invite::where('token', '=', $token)->count();
     return $find === 0 ? $token : $this->makeInvite();
     // prevent duplication
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Build search results
  * @return array[AbstractSearchResult]
 public function getResult()
     // relevant search by string query
     $records = Content::where('display', '=', 1)->search($this->query)->take($this->limit)->get();
     // check if result is not empty
     if ($records->count() < 1) {
         return [];
     // build result items
     $result = [];
     foreach ($records as $item) {
         /** @var \Apps\ActiveRecord\Content $item */
         $title = $item->getLocaled('title');
         $text = App::$Security->strip_tags($item->getLocaled('text'));
         $snippet = Text::snippet($text);
         // prevent empty items
         if (Str::likeEmpty($title)) {
         // initialize abstract response pattern
         $res = new AbstractSearchResult();
         $res->setRelevance((int) $item->relevance);
         $res->setUri('/content/read/' . $item->getPath());
         // accumulate response var
         $result[] = $res;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Build variables and display output html
 public function buildOutput()
     // if layout is not required and this is just standalone app
     if ($this->layout === null) {
         $content = $this->output;
     } else {
         $layoutPath = App::$Alias->currentViewPath . '/layout/' . $this->layout . '.php';
         if (!File::exist($layoutPath)) {
             throw new NativeException('Layout not founded: ' . $layoutPath);
         $body = $this->output;
         // pass global data to config viewer
         if (App::$Debug !== null) {
             App::$Debug->bar->getCollector('config')->setData(['Global Vars' => Variables::instance()->getGlobalsArray()]);
         // cleanup buffer from random shits after exception throw'd
         // start buffering to render layout
         include $layoutPath;
         $content = ob_get_clean();
         // read buffer content & stop buffering
         // set custom css library's not included on static call
         $cssIncludeCode = App::$View->showCodeLink('css');
         if (!Str::likeEmpty($cssIncludeCode)) {
             $content = Str::replace('</head>', $cssIncludeCode . '</head>', $content);
         // add debug bar
         if (App::$Debug !== null) {
             $content = Str::replace(['</body>', '</head>'], [App::$Debug->renderOut() . '</body>', App::$Debug->renderHead() . '</head>'], $content);
     return $content;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Normalize local disk-based ABSOLUTE path.
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
 public static function diskFullPath($path)
     $path = self::diskPath($path);
     if (!Str::startsWith(root, $path)) {
         $path = root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ltrim($path, '\\/');
     return $path;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Get user nickname. If is empty - return 'id+userId'
  * @return string
 public function getNickname()
     $userNick = $this->nick;
     if ($userNick === null || Str::likeEmpty($userNick)) {
         $userNick = 'id' . $this->id;
     return $userNick;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Fast redirect in web environment
  * @param string $to
  * @param bool $full
 public function redirect($to, $full = false)
     $to = trim($to, '/');
     if (false === $full && !Str::startsWith(App::$Alias->baseUrl, $to)) {
         $to = App::$Alias->baseUrl . '/' . $to;
     $redirect = new FoundationRedirect($to);
     exit('Redirecting to ' . $to . ' ...');
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Save new user group data in database after submit
 public function save()
     $this->_role->name = $this->name;
     if (Str::likeEmpty($this->permissions) || !Str::contains(';', $this->permissions)) {
         $this->_role->permissions = '';
     } else {
         $this->_role->permissions = implode(';', $this->permissions);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Special function for locale stored attributes under serialization.
  * @param string $attribute
  * @return array|null|string
 public function getLocaled($attribute)
     // if always decoded
     if (Obj::isArray($this->{$attribute})) {
         return $this->{$attribute}[App::$Request->getLanguage()];
     if (!Obj::isString($attribute) || Str::likeEmpty($this->{$attribute})) {
         return null;
     return Serialize::getDecodeLocale($this->{$attribute});
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Get internalization based on called controller
  * @param string $text
  * @param array $params
  * @return string
 public function translate($text, array $params = [])
     $index = null;
     $namespace = 'Apps\\Controller\\' . env_name . '\\';
     foreach (@debug_backtrace() as $caller) {
         if (isset($caller['class']) && Str::startsWith($namespace, $caller['class'])) {
             $index = Str::sub((string) $caller['class'], Str::length($namespace));
     return $this->get($index, $text, $params);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Validate input data from captcha
  * @param string|null $data
  * @return bool
  * @throws SyntaxException
 public static function validate($data = null)
     $captchaValue = App::$Session->get('captcha');
     // unset session value to prevent duplication. Security fix.
     // check if session has value
     if ($captchaValue === null || Str::length($captchaValue) < 1) {
         return false;
     return $data === $captchaValue;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Prepare conditions to build content list
  * @throws NotFoundException
 public function before()
     // check length of passed terms
     if (!Obj::isString($this->_terms) || Str::length($this->_terms) < self::MIN_QUERY_LENGTH) {
         throw new NotFoundException(__('Search terms is too short'));
     // lets make active record building
     $this->_records = ContentEntity::whereNotIn('id', $this->_skip)->search($this->_terms)->take(self::MAX_ITEMS)->get();
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Highlight words in text by current query request.
  * @param string $text
  * @param string $tag
  * @param array $properties
  * @return string
 public function highlightText($text, $tag, array $properties = [])
     $queries = explode(' ', $this->query);
     $dom = new Dom();
     foreach ($queries as $query) {
         $highlight = $dom->{$tag}(function () use($query) {
             return $query;
         }, $properties);
         $text = Str::ireplace($query, $highlight, $text);
     return $text;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Save configurations build by installer interface
 public function make()
     // prepare configurations to save
     /** @var array $cfg */
     $cfg = App::$Properties->getAll('default');
     $cfg['baseDomain'] = $this->baseDomain;
     $cfg['database'] = $this->db;
     $cfg['adminEmail'] = $this->email;
     $cfg['singleLanguage'] = $this->singleLanguage;
     $cfg['multiLanguage'] = (bool) $this->multiLanguage;
     $cfg['passwordSalt'] = '$2a$07$' . Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(21, 30)) . '$';
     $cfg['debug']['cookie']['key'] = 'fdebug_' . Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(4, 16));
     $cfg['debug']['cookie']['value'] = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
     // import database tables
     $connectName = 'install';
     include root . '/Private/Database/install.php';
     // insert admin user
     $user = new User();
     $user->login = $this->user['login'];
     $user->email = $this->user['email'];
     $user->role_id = 4;
     $user->password = App::$Security->password_hash($this->user['password'], $cfg['passwordSalt']);
     $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->user_id = $user->id;
     // set installation version
     $system = new System();
     $system->var = 'version';
     $system->data = Version::VERSION;
     // write config data
     App::$Properties->writeConfig('default', $cfg);
     // make routing configs based on preset property
     $routing = [];
     switch ($this->mainpage) {
         case 'news':
             $routing = ['Alias' => ['Front' => ['/' => '/content/list/news', '/about' => '/content/read/page/about-page']]];
         case 'about':
             $routing = ['Alias' => ['Front' => ['/' => '/content/read/page/about-page']]];
     // write routing configurations
     App::$Properties->writeConfig('routing', $routing);
     // write installer lock
     File::write('/Private/Install/install.lock', 'Installation is locked!');
Exemplo n.º 21
  * List user profiles on website by defined filter
  * @param string $filter_name
  * @param null|string|int $filter_value
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws NotFoundException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function actionIndex($filter_name, $filter_value = null)
     $records = null;
     // set current page and offset
     $page = (int) $this->request->query->get('page', 0);
     $cfgs = $this->application->configs;
     $userPerPage = (int) $cfgs['usersOnPage'];
     if ($userPerPage < 1) {
         $userPerPage = 1;
     $offset = $page * $userPerPage;
     switch ($filter_name) {
         case 'rating':
             // rating list, order by rating DESC
             // check if rating is enabled
             if ((int) $cfgs['rating'] !== 1) {
                 throw new NotFoundException();
             $records = (new ProfileRecords())->orderBy('rating', 'DESC');
         case 'hobby':
             // search by hobby
             if (Str::likeEmpty($filter_value)) {
                 throw new NotFoundException();
             $records = (new ProfileRecords())->where('hobby', 'like', '%' . $filter_value . '%');
         case 'city':
             if (Str::likeEmpty($filter_value)) {
                 throw new NotFoundException();
             $records = (new ProfileRecords())->where('city', '=', $filter_value);
         case 'born':
             if ($filter_value === null || !Obj::isLikeInt($filter_value)) {
                 throw new NotFoundException();
             $records = (new ProfileRecords())->where('birthday', 'like', $filter_value . '-%');
         case 'all':
             $records = (new ProfileRecords())->orderBy('id', 'DESC');
     // build pagination
     $pagination = new SimplePagination(['url' => ['profile/index', $filter_name, $filter_value], 'page' => $page, 'step' => $userPerPage, 'total' => $records->count()]);
     return $this->view->render('index', ['records' => $records->skip($offset)->take($userPerPage)->get(), 'pagination' => $pagination, 'id' => $filter_name, 'add' => $filter_value, 'ratingOn' => (int) $cfgs['rating']]);
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Check is current instance of application is enabled and can be executed
  * @return bool
 public function isEnabled()
     $appName = App::$Request->getController();
     // if app class extend current class we can get origin name
     $nativeName = Str::lastIn(get_class($this), '\\', true);
     // check if this controller is enabled
     $this->application = AppRecord::getItem('app', [$appName, $nativeName]);
     // not exist? false
     if ($this->application === null) {
         return false;
     // check if disabled (0 = enabled, anything else = on)
     return (int) $this->application->disabled === 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Build console controllers.
  * php console.php Controller/Action index
 public static function run()
     global $argv;
     $output = null;
     if (!Obj::isArray($argv) || Str::likeEmpty($argv[1])) {
         $output = 'Console command is unknown! Type "console main/help" to get help guide';
     } else {
         $controller_action = $argv[1];
         $arrInput = explode('/', $controller_action);
         $controller = ucfirst(strtolower($arrInput[0]));
         $action = ucfirst(strtolower($arrInput[1]));
         if ($action == null) {
             $action = 'Index';
         // set action and id
         $action = 'action' . $action;
         $id = null;
         if (isset($argv[2])) {
             $id = $argv[2];
         try {
             $controller_path = '/Apps/Controller/' . env_name . '/' . $controller . '.php';
             if (file_exists(root . $controller_path) && is_readable(root . $controller_path)) {
                 include_once root . $controller_path;
                 $cname = 'Apps\\Controller\\' . env_name . '\\' . $controller;
                 if (class_exists($cname)) {
                     $load = new $cname();
                     if (method_exists($cname, $action)) {
                         if ($id !== null) {
                             $output = @$load->{$action}($id);
                         } else {
                             $output = @$load->{$action}();
                     } else {
                         throw new NativeException('Method ' . $action . '() not founded in ' . $cname . ' in file {root}' . $controller_path);
                 } else {
                     throw new NativeException('Namespace\\Class - ' . $cname . ' not founded in {root}' . $controller_path);
             } else {
                 throw new NativeException('Controller not founded: {root}' . $controller_path);
         } catch (NativeException $e) {
     return self::$Output->write($output);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Print json response for search query based on standard model
  * @return string
  * @throws JsonException
 public function actionIndex()
     // get search query as string from request
     $query = $this->request->query->get('query', null);
     if (Str::likeEmpty($query) || Str::length($query) < 2) {
         throw new JsonException('Short query');
     // initialize basic search model
     $model = new EntitySearchMain($query, ['itemPerApp' => 3]);
     // build response by relevance as array
     $response = $model->getRelevanceSortedResult();
     return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'count' => count($response), 'data' => $response]);
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Try to find sitemap indexes in storage directory
  * @throws SyntaxException
 public function before()
     if (!Directory::exist(static::INDEX_PATH)) {
         throw new SyntaxException(__('Directory %dir% for sitemaps is not exists', ['dir' => static::INDEX_PATH]));
     $scan = File::listFiles(static::INDEX_PATH, ['.xml'], true);
     if (Obj::isArray($scan)) {
         foreach ($scan as $file) {
             if ($this->_lang !== null && !Str::contains('.' . $this->_lang, $file)) {
             $this->files[] = static::INDEX_PATH . '/' . $file;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Find update files with sql queries
 public function findUpdateFiles()
     // find all file with update sql queries between $dbVersion<->scriptVersion (dbVer <= x <= scriptVer)
     $all = File::listFiles('/Private/Database/Updates/', ['.php'], true);
     foreach ($all as $file) {
         $file = Str::cleanExtension(basename($file));
         // $file="3.0.0-3.0.1" become to $start = 3.0.0,$end=3.0.1
         list($start, $end) = explode('-', $file);
         // true: start <= db & script >= $end
         if (version_compare($this->dbVersion, $start) !== 1 && version_compare($this->scriptVersion, $end) !== -1) {
             $this->updateQueries[] = $file;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Try user auth after form validate
  * @return bool
 public function tryAuth()
     $password = App::$Security->password_hash($this->password);
     $search = App::$User->where('password', '=', $password)->where(function ($query) {
         $query->where('login', '=', $this->login)->orWhere('email', '=', $this->login);
     if ($search->count() === 1) {
         $object = $search->first();
         // check if accounts is approved
         if ($object->approve_token !== '0' && Str::length($object->approve_token) > 0) {
             return false;
         return $this->openSession($object);
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Build apps/widgets table in local property
 private function buildExtensions()
     $controller = Str::lastIn(get_class($this), '\\', true);
     foreach ($this->table as $item) {
         if ($item->type === 'app') {
             $this->applications[] = $item;
             if ($this->type === 'app' && $item->sys_name === $controller) {
                 $this->application = $item;
         } elseif ($item->type === 'widget') {
             $this->widgets[] = $item;
             if ($this->type === 'widget' && $item->sys_name === $controller) {
                 $this->widget = $item;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * List comments as json object with defined offset index
  * @param int $index
  * @return string
  * @throws NotFoundException
 public function actionList($index)
     // set header
     // get configs
     $configs = AppRecord::getConfigs('widget', 'Comments');
     // items per page
     $perPage = (int) $configs['perPage'];
     // offset can be only integer
     $index = (int) $index;
     $offset = $perPage * $index;
     // get comment target path and check
     $path = (string) $this->request->query->get('path');
     if (Str::likeEmpty($path)) {
         throw new NotFoundException('Wrong path');
     // select comments from db and check it
     $query = CommentPost::where('pathway', '=', $path)->where('moderate', '=', 0);
     // check if comments is depend of language locale
     if ((int) $configs['onlyLocale'] === 1) {
         $query = $query->where('lang', '=', $this->request->getLanguage());
     // get comments with offset and limit
     $records = $query->skip($offset)->take($perPage)->get();
     // check if records is not empty
     if ($records->count() < 1) {
         throw new NotFoundException(__('There is no comments found yet. You can be the first!'));
     // build output json data as array
     $data = [];
     foreach ($records as $comment) {
         // prepare specified data to output response, based on entity model
         $commentResponse = new EntityCommentData($comment);
         // build output json data
         $data[] = $commentResponse->make();
         $commentResponse = null;
     // calculate comments left count
     $count = CommentPost::where('pathway', '=', $path)->where('moderate', '=', 0)->count();
     $count -= $offset + $perPage;
     if ($count < 0) {
         $count = 0;
     return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'data' => $data, 'leftCount' => $count]);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Browse files from ckeditor
  * @param string $type
  * @throws NativeException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function actionBrowse($type)
     $files = null;
     $relative = null;
     // check if request type is defined
     if ($this->allowedExt[$type] === null || !Obj::isArray($this->allowedExt[$type])) {
         throw new NativeException('Hack attempt');
     // list files in directory
     $files = File::listFiles('/upload/' . $type, $this->allowedExt[$type]);
     // absolute path to relative URI
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $newName = Str::sub($file, Str::length(root) + 1);
         $relative[] = trim(Str::replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $newName), '/');
     // generate response
     return App::$View->render('editor/browse', ['callbackName' => App::$Security->strip_tags(App::$Request->query->get('CKEditor')), 'callbackId' => (int) App::$Request->query->get('CKEditorFuncNum'), 'files' => $relative, 'type' => $type], __DIR__);