Exemplo n.º 1
  * Read feedback message and answers and work with add answer model
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $hash
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function actionRead($id, $hash)
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($id) || Str::length($hash) < 16 || Str::length($hash) > 64) {
         throw new ForbiddenException(__('The feedback request is not founded'));
     // get feedback post record from database
     $recordPost = FeedbackPost::where('id', '=', $id)->where('hash', '=', $hash)->first();
     if ($recordPost === null) {
         throw new ForbiddenException(__('The feedback request is not founded'));
     $userId = App::$User->isAuth() ? App::$User->identity()->getId() : 0;
     $model = null;
     // check if feedback post is not closed for answers
     if ((int) $recordPost->closed === 0) {
         // init new answer add model
         $model = new FormAnswerAdd($recordPost, $userId);
         // if answer is sender lets try to make it model
         if ($model->send() && $model->validate()) {
             App::$Session->getFlashBag()->add('success', __('Your answer was added'));
     // render output view
     return $this->view->render('read', ['model' => $model, 'post' => $recordPost, 'answers' => $recordPost->getAnswers()->get()]);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * EntityContentSearch constructor. Pass search terms (query string) to model and used items to skip it by id.
  * @param $terms
  * @param int|array $skipIds
 public function __construct($terms, $skipIds = 0)
     $this->_terms = App::$Security->strip_tags(trim($terms, ' '));
     if (Obj::isLikeInt($skipIds)) {
         $this->_skip = [$skipIds];
     } elseif (Obj::isArray($skipIds)) {
         $this->_skip = $skipIds;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Try to convert string to date time format
  * @param string|int $rawDate
  * @param string $format
  * @return string|bool
 public static function convertToDatetime($rawDate, $format = 'd.m.Y')
     if (Obj::isLikeInt($rawDate)) {
         // convert timestamp to date format
         $rawDate = date($format, $rawDate);
     try {
         $object = new \DateTime($rawDate);
         return $object->format($format);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Set default configurations if not defined
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @see \Ffcms\Core\Arch\Widget::init()
 public function init()
     $cfg = $this->getConfigs();
     // check cache is defined
     if ($this->cache === null || !Obj::isLikeInt($this->cache)) {
         $this->cache = (int) $cfg['cache'];
     // check tag count is defined
     if ($this->count === null || !Obj::isLikeInt($this->count)) {
         $this->count = (int) $cfg['count'];
     $this->_lang = App::$Request->getLanguage();
     $this->_cacheName = 'widget.contenttag.' . $this->createStringClassSnapshotHash();
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get current application configs as array
  * @return array
 public function getConfigs()
     if ($this->configs !== null) {
         return $this->configs;
     $configs = (array) $this->application->configs;
     foreach ($configs as $cfg => $value) {
         if (Obj::isLikeInt($value)) {
             $configs[$cfg] = (int) $value;
             // convert string 1 "1" to int 1 1
     $this->configs = $configs;
     return $this->configs;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Get user nickname by user id with predefined value on empty or not exist profile
  * @param $userId
  * @param string $onEmpty
  * @return string
 public static function parseUserNick($userId = null, $onEmpty = 'guest')
     // try to get user id as integer
     if (Obj::isLikeInt($userId)) {
         $userId = (int) $userId;
     } else {
         // user id is empty, lets return default value
         return \App::$Security->strip_tags($onEmpty);
     // try to find user active record as object
     $identity = App::$User->identity($userId);
     if ($identity === null || $identity === false) {
         return \App::$Security->strip_tags($onEmpty);
     // return user nickname from profile
     return $identity->getProfile()->getNickname();
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Prepare widget. Set default configs if not defined on initialization
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @see \Ffcms\Core\Arch\Widget::init()
 public function init()
     $cfg = $this->getConfigs();
     // check if categories is empty
     if ($this->categories === null) {
         $this->categories = $cfg['categories'];
     // check cache is defined
     if ($this->cache === null || !Obj::isLikeInt($this->cache)) {
         $this->cache = (int) $cfg['cache'];
     // check item count is defined
     if ($this->count === null || !Obj::isLikeInt($this->count)) {
         $this->count = (int) $cfg['count'];
     $this->_cacheName = 'widget.newcontent.' . $this->createStringClassSnapshotHash();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Get user profile via user_id like object (!!! profile.id !== user.id !!!)
  * @param int|null $user_id
  * @return self|null
 public static function identity($user_id = null)
     if ($user_id === null) {
         $user_id = MainApp::$Session->get('ff_user_id');
     if ($user_id === null || !Obj::isLikeInt($user_id) || $user_id < 1) {
         return null;
     // check in cache
     if (MainApp::$Memory->get('profile.object.cache.' . $user_id) !== null) {
         return MainApp::$Memory->get('profile.object.cache.' . $user_id);
     // find row
     $profile = self::where('user_id', '=', $user_id);
     // empty? lets return null
     if (false === $profile || null === $profile || $profile->count() !== 1) {
         return null;
     $object = $profile->first();
     MainApp::$Memory->set('profile.object.cache.' . $user_id, $object);
     return $object;
Exemplo n.º 9
                    if (type == 'now') {
                        $(".message-scroll-body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, "slow");
                    } else if(type == 'before') {
                    } else if (type == 'after') {
                        $(".message-scroll-body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, "slow");
// check if defined ?newdialog=userid
$dialogId = \App::$Request->query->get('newdialog', false);
if (false !== $dialogId && Obj::isLikeInt($dialogId) && $dialogId > 0) {
            new_dialog = <?php 
    echo $dialogId;
            active_dialog_id = new_dialog;
            // load dialogs when page ready
            // set scheduled loader
            window.setInterval($.fn.loadDialogUsers, 15 * 1000);
            // callback for user onclick -> show dialogs
            $(document).on('click', '.media-person', function() {
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Validate path filter
  * @return bool
 public function validatePath()
     // try to find this item
     $find = Content::where('path', '=', $this->path);
     // exclude self id
     if ($this->_content->id !== null && Obj::isLikeInt($this->_content->id)) {
         $find->where('id', '!=', $this->_content->id);
     // limit only current category id
     $find->where('category_id', '=', $this->categoryId);
     return $find->count() < 1;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Delete category action
  * @param int $id
  * @return string
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
 public function actionCategorydelete($id)
     // check id
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($id) || $id < 2) {
         throw new ForbiddenException();
     // get object relation
     $record = ContentCategory::find($id);
     if ($record === null || $record === false) {
         throw new ForbiddenException();
     // init model with object relation
     $model = new FormCategoryDelete($record);
     // check if delete is submited
     if ($model->send() && $model->validate()) {
         App::$Session->getFlashBag()->add('success', __('Category is successful removed'));
     // draw view
     return $this->view->render('category_delete', ['model' => $model]);
Exemplo n.º 12
	<!-- Main menu -->
echo Navbar::display(['nav' => ['class' => 'navbar-default'], 'property' => ['id' => 'headmenu', 'class' => 'navbar-nav'], 'brand' => ['link' => '/', 'text' => __('Home')], 'collapseId' => 'collapse-mainmenu', 'activeOrder' => 'action', 'items' => [['link' => ['content/list', 'news'], 'text' => __('News'), 'position' => 'left'], ['link' => ['content/read', 'page', 'about-page'], 'text' => __('About'), 'position' => 'left'], ['link' => ['feedback/create'], 'text' => __('Feedback'), 'position' => 'left'], ['link' => ['profile/index/all'], 'text' => __('Users'), 'position' => 'right']]]);

    <div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-9 content-container">
if ($this->breadcrumbs !== null && Obj::isArray($this->breadcrumbs)) {
            <ol class="breadcrumb">
    foreach ($this->breadcrumbs as $bUrl => $bText) {
        if (Obj::isLikeInt($bUrl)) {
            // only text
                    <li class="active"><?php 
            echo \App::$Security->strip_tags($bText);
        } else {
                        <a href="<?php 
            echo \App::$Security->strip_tags($bUrl);
            echo \App::$Security->strip_tags($bText);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Filter ['object', 'int']
  * @param $object
  * @return bool
 public static function int($object)
     return Obj::isLikeInt($object);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * List answers by comment id as json object
  * @param int $commentId
  * @return string
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws NotFoundException
 public function actionShowanswers($commentId)
     // check input data
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($commentId) || (int) $commentId < 1) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Input data is incorrect');
     // get configs
     $configs = AppRecord::getConfigs('widget', 'Comments');
     // get data from db by comment id
     $records = CommentAnswer::where('comment_id', '=', $commentId)->where('moderate', '=', 0);
     if ((int) $configs['onlyLocale'] === 1) {
         $records = $records->where('lang', '=', $this->request->getLanguage());
     // check objects count
     if ($records->count() < 1) {
         throw new NotFoundException(__('No answers for comment is founded'));
     // prepare output
     $response = [];
     foreach ($records->get() as $row) {
         $commentAnswer = new EntityCommentData($row);
         $response[] = $commentAnswer->make();
     return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'data' => $response]);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Recovery form and recovery submit action
  * @param int|null $id
  * @param string|null $token
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws NotFoundException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function actionRecovery($id = null, $token = null)
     if (App::$User->isAuth()) {
         // always auth? prevent any actions
         throw new ForbiddenException();
     // is recovery submit?
     if (Obj::isLikeInt($id) && Str::length($token) >= 64) {
         $rObject = UserRecovery::where('id', '=', $id)->where('token', '=', $token)->where('archive', '=', false);
         // check if recovery row exist
         if ($rObject->count() !== 1) {
             throw new NotFoundException('This recovery data is not found');
         $rData = $rObject->first();
         // check if user with this "user_id" in recovery row exist
         $rUser = App::$User->identity($rData->user_id);
         if ($rUser === null) {
             throw new NotFoundException('User is not found');
         // all is ok, lets set new pwd
         $rUser->password = $rData->password;
         $rData->archive = true;
         // add notification
         App::$Session->getFlashBag()->add('success', __('Your account are successful recovered. We recommend you change password'));
         // lets open user session with recovered data
         $loginModel = new FormLogin();
         // session is opened, refresh page
     // lets work with recovery form data
     $model = new FormRecovery(true);
     if ($model->send()) {
         if ($model->validate()) {
             App::$Session->getFlashBag()->add('success', __('We send to you email with instruction to recovery your account'));
         } else {
             App::$Session->getFlashBag()->add('error', __('Form validation is failed'));
     // render visual form content
     return $this->view->render('recovery', ['model' => $model]);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Change user rating action
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws NativeException
  * @throws NotFoundException
  * @return string
 public function actionChangerating()
     if (!App::$User->isAuth()) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Auth required');
     // get operation type and target user id
     $target_id = (int) $this->request->get('target');
     $type = $this->request->get('type');
     // check type of query
     if ($type !== '+' && $type !== '-') {
         throw new NativeException('Wrong data');
     // check if passed user id is exist
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($target_id) || $target_id < 1 || !App::$User->isExist($target_id)) {
         throw new NotFoundException('Wrong user info');
     $cfg = \Apps\ActiveRecord\App::getConfigs('app', 'Profile');
     // check if rating is enabled for website
     if ((int) $cfg['rating'] !== 1) {
         throw new NativeException('Rating is disabled');
     // get target and sender objects
     $target = App::$User->identity($target_id);
     $sender = App::$User->identity();
     // disable self-based changes ;)
     if ($target->getId() === $sender->getId()) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Self change prevented');
     // check delay
     $diff = Date::convertToTimestamp(time() - $cfg['ratingDelay'], Date::FORMAT_SQL_TIMESTAMP);
     $query = ProfileRating::where('target_id', '=', $target->getId())->where('sender_id', '=', $sender->getId())->where('created_at', '>=', $diff)->orderBy('id', 'DESC');
     if ($query !== null && $query->count() > 0) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Delay required');
     // delay is ok, lets insert a row
     $record = new ProfileRating();
     $record->target_id = $target->getId();
     $record->sender_id = $sender->getId();
     $record->type = $type;
     // update target profile
     $profile = $target->getProfile();
     if ($type === '+') {
         $profile->rating += 1;
     } else {
         $profile->rating -= 1;
     return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'data' => 'ok']);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Check if new login is always exist
  * @param string $login
  * @param int|null $userId
  * @return bool
 public static function isUniqueLogin($login, $userId = null)
     $find = User::where('login', '=', $login);
     if ($userId !== null && Obj::isLikeInt($userId)) {
         $find->where('id', '!=', $userId);
     return $find->count() === 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Delete custom field action
  * @param int $id
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws ForbiddenException
 public function actionFielddelete($id)
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($id) || $id < 1) {
         throw new ForbiddenException();
     // check if record with $id is exist
     $record = ProfileField::find($id);
     if ($record === null || $record === false) {
         throw new ForbiddenException();
     $model = new FormFieldUpdate($record);
     // if delete is submited - lets remove this record
     if ($model->send()) {
     return $this->view->render('field_delete', ['model' => $model]);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Check if user with $id exist
  * @param int $id
  * @return bool
 public static function isExist($id)
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($id) || $id < 1) {
         return false;
     // convert id to real integer
     $id = (int) $id;
     $find = MainApp::$Memory->get('user.counter.cache.' . $id);
     if ($find === null) {
         $find = self::where('id', '=', $id)->count();
         MainApp::$Memory->set('user.counter.cache.' . $id, $find);
     return $find === 1;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Remove items from gallery (preview+full)
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $file
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws NativeException
  * @return string
 public function actionGallerydelete($id, $file = null)
     if ($file === null || Str::likeEmpty($file)) {
         $file = (string) $this->request->query->get('file', null);
     // check passed data
     if (Str::likeEmpty($file) || !Obj::isLikeInt($id)) {
         throw new NativeException('Wrong input data');
     // check passed file extension
     $fileExt = Str::lastIn($file, '.', true);
     $fileName = Str::firstIn($file, '.');
     if (!Arr::in($fileExt, $this->allowedExt)) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Wrong file extension');
     // generate path
     $thumb = '/upload/gallery/' . $id . '/thumb/' . $fileName . '.jpg';
     $full = '/upload/gallery/' . $id . '/orig/' . $file;
     // check if file exists and remove
     if (File::exist($thumb) || File::exist($full)) {
     } else {
         throw new NativeException('Image is not founded');
     return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'msg' => 'Image is removed']);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Unblock always blocked user
  * @param string $target_id
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws NotFoundException
 public function actionUnblock($target_id)
     // check if user is auth
     if (!App::$User->isAuth()) {
         throw new ForbiddenException();
     // check if target is defined
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($target_id) || $target_id < 1 || !App::$User->isExist($target_id)) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     $user = App::$User->identity();
     // check if target user in blacklist of current user
     if (!Blacklist::have($user->getId(), $target_id)) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     $model = new FormIgnoreDelete($user, $target_id);
     if ($model->send() && $model->validate()) {
     return $this->view->render('unblock', ['model' => $model]);