Exemplo n.º 1
    public function run()
        $project = $this->config->project;
        if ($project == 'default') {
            throw new ProjectNeeded($project);
        if (!file_exists($this->config->projects_root . '/projects/' . $project)) {
            throw new NoSuchProject($project);
        $begin = microtime(true);
        Analyzer::$gremlinStatic = $this->gremlin;
        // Take this before we clean it up
        $rows = $this->datastore->getRow('analyzed');
        $analyzed = array();
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $analyzed[$row['analyzer']] = $row['counts'];
        if ($this->config->program !== null) {
            $analyzer = $this->config->program;
            if (Analyzer::getClass($analyzer)) {
                $analyzers_class = array($analyzer);
            } else {
                $r = Analyzer::getSuggestionClass($analyzer);
                if (count($r) > 0) {
                    echo 'did you mean : ', implode(', ', str_replace('_', '/', $r)), "\n";
                throw new NoSuchAnalyzer($analyzer);
        } elseif (is_string($this->config->thema)) {
            $thema = $this->config->thema;
            if (!($analyzers_class = Analyzer::getThemeAnalyzers($thema))) {
                throw new NoSuchAnalyzer($thema);
            $this->datastore->addRow('hash', array($this->config->thema => count($analyzers_class)));
        } else {
            die("Usage :php exakat analyze -T <\"Thema\"> -p <project>\n\nphp exakat analyze -P <One/rule> -p <project>\n");
        $this->log->log("Analyzing project {$project}");
        $this->log->log("Runnable analyzers\t" . count($analyzers_class));
        if ($this->config->noDependencies) {
            $dependencies2 = $analyzers_class;
        } else {
            $dependencies = array();
            $dependencies2 = array();
            foreach ($analyzers_class as $a) {
                $d = Analyzer::getInstance($a);
                $this->configName = str_replace('/', '_', $a);
                $d = $d->dependsOn();
                if (!is_array($d)) {
                    throw new DependsOnMustReturnArray(get_class($this));
                if (empty($d)) {
                    $dependencies2[] = $a;
                } else {
                    $diff = array_diff($d, $dependencies2);
                    if (empty($diff)) {
                        $dependencies2[] = $a;
                    } else {
                        $dependencies[$a] = $diff;
            $c = count($dependencies) + 1;
            while (!empty($dependencies) && $c > count($dependencies)) {
                $c = count($dependencies);
                foreach ($dependencies as $a => &$d) {
                    $diff = array_diff($d, $dependencies2);
                    foreach ($diff as $k => $v) {
                        if (!isset($dependencies[$v])) {
                            $x = Analyzer::getInstance($v);
                            if ($x === null) {
                                display("No such dependency as '{$v}'. Ignoring\n");
                            $dep = $x->dependsOn();
                            if (count($dep) == 0) {
                                $dependencies2[] = $v;
                            } else {
                                $dependencies[$v] = $dep;
                                $c += count($dep) + 1;
                        } elseif (count($dependencies[$v]) == 0) {
                            $dependencies2[] = $v;
                    if (empty($diff)) {
                        $dependencies2[] = $a;
                    } else {
                        $d = $diff;
            if (!empty($dependencies)) {
                die("Dependencies depending on each other : can't finalize. Aborting\n" . print_r($dependencies, true));
        $total_results = 0;
        $Php = new Phpexec($this->config->version);
        $progressBar = new Progressbar(0, count($dependencies2) + 1, exec('tput cols'));
        foreach ($dependencies2 as $analyzer_class) {
            if (!$this->config->verbose && !$this->config->quiet) {
                echo $progressBar->advance();
            $begin = microtime(true);
            $analyzer = Analyzer::getInstance($analyzer_class);
            $this->configName = str_replace(array('/', '\\', 'Exakat\\Analyzer\\'), array('_', '_', ''), $analyzer_class);
            if ($this->config->noRefresh === true && isset($analyzed[$analyzer_class])) {
                display("{$analyzer_class} is already processed\n");
                continue 1;
            if (!$analyzer->checkPhpVersion($this->config->phpversion)) {
                $analyzerQuoted = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', get_class($analyzer));
                $analyzer = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $analyzer_class);
                $query = <<<GREMLIN
result = g.addV('Noresult').property('code',                        'Not Compatible With PhpVersion')
                           .property('fullcode',                    'Not Compatible With PhpVersion')
                           .property('virtual',                      true)
                           .property('notCompatibleWithPhpVersion', '{$this->config->phpversion}')
                           .property('token',                       'T_INCOMPATIBLE');

g.addV('Analysis').property('analyzer', '{$analyzerQuoted}').addE('ANALYZED').to(result);

                $this->datastore->addRow('analyzed', array($analyzer_class => -2));
                display("{$analyzer} is not compatible with PHP version {$this->config->phpversion}. Ignoring\n");
            } elseif (!$analyzer->checkPhpConfiguration($Php)) {
                $analyzerQuoted = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', get_class($analyzer));
                $analyzer = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $analyzer_class);
                $query = <<<GREMLIN
result = g.addV('Noresult').property('code',                              'Not Compatible With Configuration')
                           .property('fullcode',                          'Not Compatible With Configuration')
                           .property('virtual',                            true)
                           .property('notCompatibleWithPhpConfiguration', '{$this->config->phpversion}')
                           .property('token',                             'T_INCOMPATIBLE');

index = g.addV('Analysis').property('analyzer', '{$analyzerQuoted}').addE('ANALYZED').to(result);
                $this->datastore->addRow('analyzed', array($analyzer_class => -1));
                display("{$analyzer} is not compatible with PHP configuration of this version. Ignoring\n");
            } else {
                display("{$analyzer_class} running\n");
                $count = $analyzer->getRowCount();
                $processed = $analyzer->getProcessedCount();
                $queries = $analyzer->getQueryCount();
                $rawQueries = $analyzer->getRawQueryCount();
                $total_results += $count;
                display("{$analyzer_class} run ({$count} / {$processed})\n");
                $end = microtime(true);
                $this->log->log("{$analyzer_class}\t" . ($end - $begin) . "\t{$count}\t{$processed}\t{$queries}\t{$rawQueries}");
                // storing the number of row found in Hash table (datastore)
                $this->datastore->addRow('analyzed', array($analyzer_class => $count));
        if (!$this->config->verbose && !$this->config->quiet) {
            echo $progressBar->advance();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public function run()
        if (!file_exists($this->config->projects_root . '/projects/' . $this->config->project)) {
            throw new NoSuchProject($this->config->project);
        $res = $this->gremlin->query('g.V().hasLabel("Project").values("fullcode")');
        if ($res->results[0] !== $this->config->project) {
            throw new NotProjectInGraph($this->config->project, $res->results[0]);
        // move this to .dump.sqlite then rename at the end, or any imtermediate time
        // Mention that some are not yet arrived in the snitch
        $this->sqliteFile = $this->config->projects_root . '/projects/' . $this->config->project . '/.dump.sqlite';
        $this->sqliteFileFinal = $this->config->projects_root . '/projects/' . $this->config->project . '/dump.sqlite';
        if (file_exists($this->sqliteFile)) {
            display('Removing old .dump.sqlite');
        Analyzer::$gremlinStatic = $this->gremlin;
        if ($this->config->update === true) {
            copy($this->sqliteFileFinal, $this->sqliteFile);
            $sqlite = new \Sqlite3($this->sqliteFile);
        } else {
            $sqlite = new \Sqlite3($this->sqliteFile);
            $sqlite->query('CREATE TABLE themas (  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                                                   thema STRING
            $sqlite->query('CREATE TABLE results (  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                                                    fullcode STRING,
                                                    file STRING,
                                                    line INTEGER,
                                                    namespace STRING,
                                                    class STRING,
                                                    function STRING,
                                                    analyzer STRING,
                                                    severity STRING
            $sqlite->query('CREATE TABLE resultsCounts (   id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                                                           analyzer STRING,
                                                           count INTEGER DEFAULT -6)');
            display('Inited tables');
        $sqlQuery = <<<SQL
DELETE FROM results WHERE analyzer = :analyzer
        $this->cleanResults = $sqlite->prepare($sqlQuery);
        $sqlQuery = <<<SQL
REPLACE INTO results ("id", "fullcode", "file", "line", "namespace", "class", "function", "analyzer", "severity") 
             VALUES ( NULL, :fullcode, :file,  :line,  :namespace,  :class,  :function,  :analyzer,  :severity )
        $this->stmtResults = $sqlite->prepare($sqlQuery);
        $sqlQuery = <<<SQL
REPLACE INTO resultsCounts ("id", "analyzer", "count") VALUES (NULL, :class, :count )
        $this->stmtResultsCounts = $sqlite->prepare($sqlQuery);
        $themes = array();
        if ($this->config->thema !== null) {
            $thema = $this->config->thema;
            $themes = Analyzer::getThemeAnalyzers($thema);
            if (empty($themes)) {
                $r = Analyzer::getSuggestionThema($thema);
                if (count($r) > 0) {
                    echo 'did you mean : ', implode(', ', str_replace('_', '/', $r)), "\n";
                throw new NoSuchThema($thema);
            display('Processing thema : ' . $thema);
        } elseif ($this->config->program !== null) {
            $analyzer = $this->config->program;
            if (!Analyzer::getClass($analyzer)) {
                $r = Analyzer::getSuggestionClass($analyzer);
                if (count($r) > 0) {
                    echo 'did you mean : ', implode(', ', str_replace('_', '/', $r)), "\n";
                throw new NoSuchAnalyzer($analyzer);
            $themes = array($analyzer);
            display('Processing one analyzer : ' . $analyzer);
        } else {
            display('No analysis dump requested (-T <thema> | -P <Analyzer>)');
        $res = $sqlite->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM themas WHERE thema="'.$thema.'"');
        $count = $res->fetchArray(\SQLITE3_NUM);
        if ($count === 1) {
            display("$thema was already run\n");
        } else {
            display("$thema was not already run\n");
        $sqlitePath = $this->config->projects_root . '/projects/' . $this->config->project . '/datastore.sqlite';
        $counts = array();
        $datastore = new \Sqlite3($sqlitePath, \SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY);
        $res = $datastore->query('SELECT * FROM analyzed');
        while ($row = $res->fetchArray(\SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
            $counts[$row['analyzer']] = $row['counts'];
        $this->log->log('count analyzed : ' . count($counts) . "\n");
        $this->log->log('counts ' . implode(', ', $counts) . "\n");
        foreach ($themes as $id => $thema) {
            if (isset($counts[$thema])) {
                display($thema . ' : ' . ($counts[$thema] >= 0 ? 'Yes' : 'N/A') . "\n");
                $this->processResults($thema, $counts[$thema]);
            } else {
                display($thema . " : No\n");
        $this->log->log('Still ' . count($themes) . " to be processed\n");
        display('Still ' . count($themes) . " to be processed\n");
        if (count($themes) === 0) {
            if ($this->config->thema !== null) {
                $sqlite->query('INSERT INTO themas ("id", "thema") VALUES ( NULL, "' . $this->config->thema . '")');