Exemplo n.º 1
  * Generate Structured NowPlaying Data
  * @param Station $station
  * @return array Structured NowPlaying Data
 public static function processStation(Station $station)
     $em = self::getEntityManager();
     $np_old = (array) $station->nowplaying_data;
     $np = array();
     $np['status'] = 'offline';
     $np['station'] = Station::api($station);
     // Remove API-supplied 'streams' item in the wrong place.
     $listener_totals = array('current' => 0, 'unique' => 0, 'total' => 0);
     $np['streams'] = array();
     foreach ($station->streams as $stream) {
         if (!$stream->is_active) {
         if ($station->category == 'video') {
             $np_stream = self::processVideoStream($stream, $station);
             foreach ($listener_totals as $type => $total) {
                 $listener_totals[$type] += $np_stream['meta']['listeners'];
         } else {
             $np_stream = self::processAudioStream($stream, $station);
             foreach ($np_stream['listeners'] as $type => $count) {
                 $listener_totals[$type] += $count;
         $np['streams'][] = $np_stream;
         // Merge default info into main array for legacy purposes.
         if ($np_stream['is_default'] == true) {
             $np['status'] = $np_stream['status'];
             $np['station']['stream_url'] = $np_stream['url'];
             $np['station']['default_stream_id'] = $np_stream['id'];
             if ($station->category != 'video') {
                 $np['current_song'] = $np_stream['current_song'];
                 $np['song_history'] = $np_stream['song_history'];
     $np['listeners'] = $listener_totals;
     // Get currently active event (cached query)
     $event_current = Schedule::getCurrentEvent($station->id);
     $event_upcoming = Schedule::getUpcomingEvent($station->id);
     $np['event'] = Schedule::api($event_current);
     $np['event_upcoming'] = Schedule::api($event_upcoming);
     if ($station->category != 'video') {
         $station->nowplaying_data = array('current_song' => $np['current_song'], 'song_history' => $np['song_history']);
     return $np;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function api($row_obj, $include_episodes = TRUE)
     if ($row_obj instanceof self) {
         $row = $row_obj->toArray();
         $row['stations'] = array();
         if ($row_obj->stations) {
             foreach ($row_obj->stations as $station) {
                 $row['stations'][] = Station::api($station);
         $row['episodes'] = array();
         if ($include_episodes && $row_obj->episodes) {
             foreach ($row_obj->episodes as $episode) {
                 $row['episodes'][] = $episode;
     } else {
         $row = $row_obj;
         if (isset($row['stations'])) {
             $stations_raw = array();
             foreach ($row['stations'] as $station) {
                 $stations_raw[] = Station::api($station);
             $row['stations'] = $stations_raw;
         } else {
             $row['stations'] = array();
         if (!isset($row['episodes'])) {
             $row['episodes'] = array();
     $api_row = array('id' => (int) $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'country' => $row['country'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'image_url' => \PVL\Url::upload(self::getArtistImage($row['image_url'])), 'banner_url' => \PVL\Url::upload($row['banner_url']), 'stations' => (array) $row['stations'], 'is_adult' => (bool) $row['is_adult']);
     if ($include_episodes) {
         $api_row['episodes'] = array();
         $i = 1;
         foreach ((array) $row['episodes'] as $ep) {
             if (is_int($include_episodes) && $i > $include_episodes) {
             $api_row['episodes'][] = PodcastEpisode::api($ep);
     $social_types = array_keys(self::getSocialTypes());
     foreach ($social_types as $type_key) {
         $api_row[$type_key] = $row[$type_key];
     return $api_row;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function api($row_raw)
     if (empty($row_raw)) {
         return array();
     if ($row_raw instanceof self) {
         $row_raw = $row_raw->toArray();
     $row = array('id' => (int) $row_raw['id'], 'station_id' => (int) $row_raw['station_id'], 'guid' => $row_raw['guid'], 'start_time' => (int) $row_raw['start_time'], 'end_time' => (int) $row_raw['end_time'], 'is_all_day' => (bool) $row_raw['is_all_day'], 'title' => $row_raw['title'], 'location' => $row_raw['location'], 'body' => $row_raw['body'], 'banner_url' => $row_raw['banner_url'], 'web_url' => $row_raw['web_url'], 'range' => $row_raw['range'] ?: self::getRangeText($row_raw['start_time'], $row_raw['end_time'], $row_raw['is_all_day']), 'image_url' => \PVL\Url::upload(self::getRowImageUrl($row_raw)));
     if (isset($row_raw['minutes_until'])) {
         $row['minutes_until'] = (int) $row_raw['minutes_until'];
     // Add station shortcode.
     if (isset($row_raw['station'])) {
         $row['station'] = Station::api($row_raw['station']);
         $shortcode = Station::getStationShortName($row_raw['station']['name']);
         $row['station_shortcode'] = $shortcode;
     return $row;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Send notifications for new station events.
  * @param \Phalcon\DiInterface $di
  * @param bool $force
  * @throws \DF\Exception
 public static function _runStationEvents(\Phalcon\DiInterface $di, $force = false)
     $notify_minutes = 15;
     $em = $di->get('em');
     $start_threshold = time();
     $end_threshold = time() + 60 * $notify_minutes;
     $schedule_items = $em->createQuery('SELECT s, st FROM Entity\\Schedule s JOIN s.station st WHERE s.start_time >= :start AND s.start_time <= :end AND s.is_notified = 0')->setParameter('start', $start_threshold)->setParameter('end', $end_threshold)->setMaxResults(1)->execute();
     if ($schedule_items) {
         $schedule_item = $schedule_items[0];
         $station = $schedule_item->station;
         if ($station->twitter_url) {
             $twitter_handle = '@' . array_pop(explode('/', $station->twitter_url));
         } else {
             $twitter_handle = $station->name;
         $tweet = 'Tune in to ' . $schedule_item->title . ' in ' . $notify_minutes . ' minutes on ' . $twitter_handle . '!';
         $tweet_url = $station->getShortUrl();
         PvlNode::push('schedule.event_upcoming', array('event' => Schedule::api($schedule_item), 'station' => Station::api($station)));
         $image_url = NULL;
         if ($schedule_item->banner_url) {
             $image_url = $schedule_item->banner_url;
         } else {
             if ($station->banner_url) {
                 $image_url = \PVL\Service\AmazonS3::path($station->banner_url);
         self::notify($tweet, $tweet_url, $image_url, $force);
         $schedule_item->is_notified = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function listAction()
     $category = $this->getParam('category', 'all');
     if ($category == 'all') {
         $stations_raw = Station::fetchArray();
     } else {
         $cats = Station::getStationsInCategories();
         if (!isset($cats[$category])) {
             return $this->returnError('Category not found.');
         $stations_raw = $cats[$category]['stations'];
     $stations = array();
     foreach ($stations_raw as $row) {
         $stations[] = Station::api($row);
     return $this->returnSuccess($stations);