Exemplo n.º 1
 public function signupAction()
     $this->acl->checkPermission('is logged in');
     $user = $this->auth->getLoggedInUser();
     // Get conventions that are available for signup.
     $upcoming_cons = array();
     $previous_cons = array();
     $cons_raw = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT c FROM Entity\\Convention c WHERE (c.signup_enabled = 1 AND c.end_date >= :now) ORDER BY c.start_date ASC')->setParameter('now', gmdate('Y-m-d'))->getArrayResult();
     foreach ($cons_raw as $row) {
         $row['range'] = Convention::getDateRange($row['start_date'], $row['end_date']);
         $upcoming_cons[$row['id']] = $row;
     // Get conventions that the user has signed up for.
     $cons_signed_up = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT cs, c FROM Entity\\ConventionSignup cs JOIN cs.convention c WHERE (cs.user_id = :user_id) ORDER BY c.start_date DESC')->setParameter('user_id', $user->id)->getArrayResult();
     foreach ($cons_signed_up as $row) {
         $con_id = $row['convention_id'];
         if (isset($upcoming_cons[$con_id])) {
             $upcoming_cons[$con_id]['signup'] = $row;
         } else {
             $con = $row['convention'];
             $con['range'] = Convention::getDateRange($con['start_date'], $con['end_date']);
             $previous_cons[$con_id] = $con;
             $previous_cons[$con_id]['signup'] = $row;
     $this->view->upcoming_cons = $upcoming_cons;
     $this->view->previous_cons = $previous_cons;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function _runConventionPromotions(\Phalcon\DiInterface $di)
     $news_items = array();
     $em = $di->get('em');
     // Pull all recent or upcoming conventions.
     $conventions_raw = $em->createQuery('SELECT c, ca FROM Entity\\Convention c LEFT JOIN c.archives ca
         WHERE (c.start_date BETWEEN :threshold_start AND :threshold_end)
         AND (c.image_url IS NOT NULL AND c.image_url != \'\')
         ORDER BY c.start_date DESC, ca.created_at DESC')->setParameter('threshold_start', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 months')))->setParameter('threshold_end', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 year')))->getArrayResult();
     foreach ((array) $conventions_raw as $convention) {
         if (empty($convention['web_url'])) {
         $create_post = false;
         $start_date = $convention['start_date']->getTimestamp();
         $end_date = $convention['end_date']->add(new \DateInterval('P1D'))->getTimestamp();
         // Adjust for midnight.
         $post_item = array('id' => 'convention_' . $convention['id'], 'title' => $convention['name'], 'source' => 'convention', 'body' => '', 'image_url' => \PVL\Url::upload($convention['image_url']), 'web_url' => $convention['web_url'], 'layout' => 'vertical', 'tags' => array($convention['name'], 'Conventions'), 'sort_timestamp' => $start_date, 'display_timestamp' => $start_date);
         if ($start_date > time()) {
             // Pre-convention: Check for discount code promotion.
             if (!empty($convention['discount_code']) && $start_date >= time() + 86400 * 14) {
                 $create_post = true;
                 $convention_details = array(':convention' => $convention['name'], ':discount' => $convention['discount_code']);
                 $post_title_raw = 'Register for :convention with Discount Code ":discount"';
                 $post_item['title'] = strtr($post_title_raw, $convention_details);
                 $post_body_raw = 'Ponyville Live! is partnering with :convention to offer a special discount to our visitors. Visit the convention\'s registration page and enter discount code ":discount" to save on your registration!';
                 $post_item['body'] = strtr($post_body_raw, $convention_details);
                 // More distant conventions sort lower on the list than closer ones.
                 $time_diff = $start_date - time();
                 $post_item['sort_timestamp'] = time() - round($time_diff / 60);
         } elseif ($start_date <= time() + 86400 * 7 && $end_date >= time()) {
             // Mid-convention: Check for live coverage.
             $coverage_types = array(Convention::COVERAGE_STREAMING => 'Ponyville Live! is streaming :convention live on the web! Check our web site for stream details, and check the convention\'s web site for official schedule updates and more information on the convention.', Convention::COVERAGE_FULL => 'Ponyville Live! will be providing full recording coverage of :convention. Check out the convention\'s web site for more information on the convention, and come back to our homepage for footage updates after the convention.', Convention::COVERAGE_PARTIAL => 'Ponyville Live! will be providing limited coverage of :convention. Check out the convention\'s web site for more information on the convention, and come back to our homepage for footage updates after the convention.');
             if (isset($coverage_types[$convention['coverage_level']])) {
                 $create_post = true;
                 $convention_details = array(':convention' => $convention['name'], ':range' => Convention::getDateRange($convention['start_date'], $convention['end_date']));
                 $post_title_raw = ":convention\n:range";
                 $post_item['title'] = strtr($post_title_raw, $convention_details);
                 $post_item['body'] = strtr($coverage_types[$convention['coverage_level']], $convention_details);
                 $post_item['sort_timestamp'] = $end_date;
         if ($create_post) {
             $news_items[] = $post_item;
     return $news_items;