Exemplo n.º 1
 public function make()
     $way = router::getInstance()->shiftUriArray();
     $lang = null;
     if (property::getInstance()->get('use_multi_language')) {
         $lang = '_' . router::getInstance()->getPathLanguage();
     if ($way[0] === "sitemap.xml") {
         header("Content-type: text/xml");
         $render = cache::getInstance()->get('sitemap' . $lang);
         if (is_null($render)) {
             $render = template::getInstance()->twigRender('components/sitemap/map.tpl', array('local' => $this->map));
             cache::getInstance()->store('sitemap' . $lang, $render);
     } elseif ($way[0] == "sitemap.html") {
         $tpl = cache::getInstance()->get('htmlmap' . $lang);
         if (is_null($tpl)) {
             $tpl = template::getInstance()->twigRender('components/sitemap/html.tpl', array('local' => $this->map));
             cache::getInstance()->store('htmlmap' . $lang, $tpl);
         template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_CONTENT, 'body', $tpl);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function make()
     $way = router::getInstance()->shiftUriArray();
     $path = system::getInstance()->altimplode('/', $way);
     $content = $this->display($path);
     if ($content != null) {
         template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_CONTENT, 'body', $content);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Comments count by URI
  * @param string|null $way
  * @return mixed
 public function getCount($way = null)
     if (is_null($way)) {
         $way = router::getInstance()->getUriString();
     $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_mod_comments WHERE pathway = ? AND moderate = 0");
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $way, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $resultSet = $stmt->fetch();
     return $resultSet[0];
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function make()
     $params = array();
     meta::getInstance()->add('title', language::getInstance()->get('search_seo_title'));
     $way = router::getInstance()->shiftUriArray();
     $query = system::getInstance()->nohtml($way[0]);
     $params['query'] = null;
     if (system::getInstance()->length($query) > 2 && !system::getInstance()->prefixEquals($query, "?")) {
         $params['search'] = array_merge($this->searchOnNews($query), $this->searchOnPage($query));
         $params['query'] = $query;
     $render = template::getInstance()->twigRender('components/search/search.tpl', array('local' => $params));
     template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_CONTENT, 'body', $render);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function make()
     $params = array();
     $way = router::getInstance()->shiftUriArray();
     $item_per_page = extension::getInstance()->getConfig('count_stream_page', 'stream', extension::TYPE_COMPONENT, 'int');
     if ($item_per_page < 1) {
         $item_per_page = 10;
     $page_index = (int) $way[0];
     $db_index = $page_index * $item_per_page;
     $seo_title = language::getInstance()->get('stream_title');
     if ($page_index > 0) {
         $seo_title .= " - " . $page_index;
     meta::getInstance()->add('title', $seo_title);
     $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_stream ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT ?,?");
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $db_index, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(2, $item_per_page, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $resultAll = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $stmt = null;
     $ids = system::getInstance()->extractFromMultyArray('caster_id', $resultAll);
     $load_id = array();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if (system::getInstance()->isInt($id)) {
             $load_id[] = $id;
     $urlfix_object = extension::getInstance()->call(extension::TYPE_HOOK, 'urlfixer');
     $bbobject = extension::getInstance()->call(extension::TYPE_HOOK, 'bbtohtml');
     foreach ($resultAll as $row) {
         $url_target = $row['target_object'];
         $text_target = system::getInstance()->nohtml($row['text_preview']);
         if (is_object($urlfix_object)) {
             $url_target = $urlfix_object->fix($url_target);
         if (is_object($bbobject)) {
             $text_target = $bbobject->nobbcode($text_target);
         $params['stream'][] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'type' => $row['type'], 'type_language' => language::getInstance()->get('stream_gtype_' . $row['type']), 'user_id' => $row['caster_id'], 'user_name' => system::getInstance()->isInt($row['caster_id']) ? user::getInstance()->get('nick', $row['caster_id']) : '', 'url' => $url_target, 'text' => $text_target, 'date' => system::getInstance()->todate($row['date'], 'h'));
     $params['pagination'] = template::getInstance()->showFastPagination($page_index, $item_per_page, $this->streamCount(), 'stream');
     $tpl = template::getInstance()->twigRender('components/stream/list.tpl', $params);
     template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_CONTENT, 'body', $tpl);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Get comment list
  * @param null $way
  * @param int $end
  * @param bool $show_all
  * @return array
 public function getCommentsParams($way = null, $end = 0, $show_all = false)
     $userid = user::getInstance()->get('id');
     $stmt = null;
     if (is_null($way)) {
         $way = router::getInstance()->getUriString();
     if ($show_all) {
         $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_mod_comments WHERE pathway = ? AND moderate = '0' ORDER BY id DESC");
         $stmt->bindParam(1, $way, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     } else {
         $comment_count = extension::getInstance()->getConfig('comments_count', 'comments', 'modules', 'int');
         if ($end < 1) {
             $end = 1;
         $end *= $comment_count;
         $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_mod_comments WHERE pathway = ? AND moderate = '0' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,?");
         $stmt->bindParam(1, $way, PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $stmt->bindParam(2, $end, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     user::getInstance()->listload(system::getInstance()->extractFromMultyArray('author', $result));
     $params = array();
     foreach ($result as $item) {
         $poster_id = $item['author'];
         $can_edit = false;
         $can_delete = false;
         $editconfig = extension::getInstance()->getConfig('edit_time', 'comments', 'modules', 'int');
         if ($userid > 0) {
             if ($poster_id == $userid && time() - $item['time'] <= $editconfig || permission::getInstance()->have('comment/edit')) {
                 $can_edit = true;
             if (permission::getInstance()->have('comment/delete')) {
                 $can_delete = true;
         $params[] = array('author_id' => $poster_id, 'author_nick' => user::getInstance()->get('nick', $poster_id), 'author_avatar' => user::getInstance()->buildAvatar('small', $poster_id), 'comment_text' => extension::getInstance()->call(extension::TYPE_HOOK, 'bbtohtml')->bbcode2html($item['comment']), 'comment_date' => system::getInstance()->toDate($item['time'], 'h'), 'unixtime' => $item['time'], 'comment_id' => $item['id'], 'can_edit' => $can_edit, 'can_delete' => $can_delete, 'guest_name' => system::getInstance()->nohtml($item['guest_name']));
     $stmt = null;
     return $params;
Exemplo n.º 7

|========= @copyright Pyatinskii Mihail, 2013-2014 ========|
|================= @website: www.ffcms.ru =================|
|========= @license: GNU GPL V3, file: license.txt ========|
// system are not installed or file is missed
if (!file_exists(root . "/config.php")) {
    exit("System are not installed or file config.php is missed. Run <a href='/install/'>Installer</a>.");
} else {
    require_once root . '/config.php';
// processing of URI for multi-language and friendly url's
// prepare tz_data worker
// default timezone from configs
// init database PDO connect
// init extension controller
echo \engine\admin::getInstance()->make();
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function viewFeedMain()
     $params = array();
     $way = router::getInstance()->shiftUriArray();
     meta::getInstance()->add('title', language::getInstance()->get('feed_global_title'));
     $item_per_page = extension::getInstance()->getConfig('item_per_page', 'feed', extension::TYPE_COMPONENT, 'int');
     if ($item_per_page < 1) {
         $item_per_page = 1;
     $index = (int) $way[1];
     $db_index = $index * $item_per_page;
     $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT a.item_title,a.item_id,a.target_list,a.item_date,b.title FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_feed_item a,\n                " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_feed_list b WHERE b.id = a.target_list ORDER BY a.item_date DESC LIMIT ?,?");
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $db_index, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(2, $item_per_page, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $stmt = null;
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $cat_title = unserialize($row['title']);
         $params['rssfeed'][] = array('title' => system::getInstance()->nohtml($row['item_title']), 'id' => $row['item_id'], 'cat_title' => $cat_title[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()], 'cat_id' => $row['target_list'], 'date' => system::getInstance()->toDate($row['item_date'], 'h'));
     // get total count for pagination
     $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_feed_item");
     $res = $stmt->fetch();
     $stmt = null;
     $total_count = $res[0];
     $params['pagination'] = template::getInstance()->showFastPagination($index, $item_per_page, $total_count, 'feed/list');
     return template::getInstance()->twigRender('components/feed/stream.tpl', $params);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function viewCategory()
     $way = router::getInstance()->shiftUriArray();
     $item_type = 'all';
     if (in_array($way[0], array('all', 'top'))) {
         $item_type = array_shift($way);
     $pop_array = $way;
     $last_item = array_pop($pop_array);
     $page_index = 0;
     $page_video_count = extension::getInstance()->getConfig('count_video_page', 'video', 'components', 'int');
     $total_video_count = 0;
     $cat_link = null;
     if (system::getInstance()->isInt($last_item)) {
         $page_index = $last_item;
         $cat_link = system::getInstance()->altimplode("/", $pop_array);
     } else {
         $cat_link = system::getInstance()->altimplode("/", $way);
     $select_coursor_start = $page_index * $page_video_count;
     $category_select_array = array();
     $category_list = null;
     $fstmt = null;
     $page_title = null;
     $page_desc = null;
     if (extension::getInstance()->getConfig('multi_category', 'video', 'components', 'boolean')) {
         $fstmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_video_category WHERE path like ?");
         $path_swarm = "{$cat_link}%";
         $fstmt->bindParam(1, $path_swarm, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     } else {
         $fstmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_video_category WHERE path = ?");
         $fstmt->bindParam(1, $cat_link, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     while ($fresult = $fstmt->fetch()) {
         $category_select_array[] = $fresult['category_id'];
         if ($cat_link == $fresult['path']) {
             $serial_name = system::getInstance()->nohtml(unserialize($fresult['name']));
             $serial_desc = unserialize($fresult['desc']);
             $page_title = language::getInstance()->get('video_view_category') . ': ';
             if ($item_type == 'top') {
                 $page_title .= language::getInstance()->get('vide_view_top');
             } else {
                 $page_title .= $serial_name[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()];
             $seo_title = $page_title;
             $seo_desc = $page_desc = $serial_desc[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()];
             if ($page_index > 0) {
                 $seo_title .= " - " . language::getInstance()->get('video_page_title') . ' ' . ($page_index + 1);
                 $seo_desc .= " - " . language::getInstance()->get('video_page_title') . ' ' . ($page_index + 1);
             meta::getInstance()->add('title', $seo_title);
             meta::getInstance()->add('description', $seo_desc);
     $category_list = system::getInstance()->altimplode(',', $category_select_array);
     $theme_array = array();
     $fstmt = null;
     if (system::getInstance()->isIntList($category_list)) {
         $max_preview_length = 150;
         $time = time();
         $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_video_entery WHERE category in ({$category_list}) AND date <= ? AND display = 1");
         $stmt->bindParam(1, $time, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         if ($countRows = $stmt->fetch()) {
             $total_video_count = $countRows[0];
         $stmt = null;
         $order_column = 'a.date';
         if ($item_type == 'top') {
             $order_column = 'a.views';
         $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_video_entery a,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_com_video_category b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE a.category in ({$category_list}) AND a.date <= ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND a.category = b.category_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND a.display = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ORDER BY a.important DESC, {$order_column} DESC LIMIT ?,?");
         $stmt->bindParam(1, $time, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $stmt->bindParam(2, $select_coursor_start, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $stmt->bindParam(3, $page_video_count, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         if (sizeof($category_select_array) > 0) {
             while ($result = $stmt->fetch()) {
                 $lang_text = system::getInstance()->altstripslashes(unserialize($result['text']));
                 $lang_title = system::getInstance()->altstripslashes(unserialize($result['title']));
                 $lang_keywords = system::getInstance()->altstripslashes(unserialize($result['keywords']));
                 $video_short_text = $lang_text[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()];
                 if (system::getInstance()->length($lang_title[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()]) < 1) {
                     // do not add the empty title video
                 if (system::getInstance()->contains('<hr />', $video_short_text)) {
                     $video_short_text = strstr($video_short_text, '<hr />', true);
                 } elseif (system::getInstance()->length($video_short_text) > $max_preview_length) {
                     $video_short_text = system::getInstance()->sentenceSub(system::getInstance()->nohtml($video_short_text), $max_preview_length) . "...";
                 if ($result['path'] == null) {
                     $video_full_link = $result['link'];
                 } else {
                     $video_full_link = $result['path'] . "/" . $result['link'];
                 $tagPrepareArray = system::getInstance()->altexplode(',', $lang_keywords[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()]);
                 $tag_array = array();
                 foreach ($tagPrepareArray as $tagItem) {
                     $tag_array[] = trim($tagItem);
                 $comment_count = 0;
                 if (is_object(extension::getInstance()->call(extension::TYPE_HOOK, 'comment'))) {
                     $comment_count = extension::getInstance()->call(extension::TYPE_HOOK, 'comment')->getCount('/' . language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage() . '/video/' . $video_full_link);
                 $cat_serial_text = system::getInstance()->altstripslashes(unserialize($result['name']));
                 $video_view_id = $result['id'];
                 $image_poster_root = root . '/upload/video/poster_' . $video_view_id . '.jpg';
                 $image_poster_url = false;
                 if (file_exists($image_poster_root)) {
                     $image_poster_url = property::getInstance()->get('script_url') . '/upload/video/poster_' . $video_view_id . '.jpg';
                 $theme_array[] = array('tags' => $tag_array, 'title' => $lang_title[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()], 'text' => $video_short_text, 'date' => system::getInstance()->toDate($result['date'], 'h'), 'unixtime' => $result['date'], 'category_url' => $result['path'], 'category_name' => $cat_serial_text[language::getInstance()->getUseLanguage()], 'author_id' => $result['author'], 'author_nick' => user::getInstance()->get('nick', $result['author']), 'full_video_uri' => $video_full_link, 'comment_count' => $comment_count, 'view_count' => $result['views'], 'poster' => $image_poster_url, 'important' => $result['important']);
         $stmt = null;
     if ($item_type == 'top') {
         $page_link = $cat_link == null ? "video/top" : "video/top/" . $cat_link;
     } else {
         $page_link = $cat_link == null ? "video" : "video/" . $cat_link;
     $pagination = template::getInstance()->showFastPagination($page_index, $page_video_count, $total_video_count, $page_link);
     $full_params = array('local' => $theme_array, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'page_title' => $page_title, 'page_desc' => $page_desc, 'page_link' => $cat_link, 'video_sort_type' => $item_type);
     return template::getInstance()->twigRender('/components/video/short_view.tpl', $full_params);
Exemplo n.º 10
// prepare language
// init database PDO connect
// init extension controller
// prepare user data
// prepare URI worker
// set default template variables according changes in dymanic variables
// prepare modules
// prepare hooks
// statistic collector
// check ip/user is fully blocked?
echo \engine\template::getInstance()->make();
// load debug indifferent of templates. Sounds not good but cant be removed from theme.
if (\engine\permission::getInstance()->have('global/owner') && \engine\property::getInstance()->get('debug')) {
    $debug_endtime = microtime(true);
    $load_time = number_format($debug_endtime - $debug_starttime, 3);
    echo "<hr />Debug loading: " . $load_time . " sec <br />Sql query count: " . \engine\database::getInstance()->getQueryCount() . "<br />Memory(peak): " . number_format(memory_get_peak_usage() / (1024 * 1024), 3) . "mb";
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function viewAprove()
     $way = router::getInstance()->shiftUriArray();
     $hash = $way[1];
     if (system::getInstance()->length($hash) < 32) {
         return null;
     $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("SELECT id FROM " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_user WHERE aprove = ?");
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $hash, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
     if ($stmt->rowCount() == 1) {
         $res = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         $stream = extension::getInstance()->call(extension::TYPE_COMPONENT, 'stream');
         if (is_object($stream)) {
             $stream->add('user.register', $res['id'], property::getInstance()->get('url') . '/user/id' . $res['id']);
     } else {
         $stmt = null;
         return null;
     $stmt = null;
     $stmt = database::getInstance()->con()->prepare("UPDATE " . property::getInstance()->get('db_prefix') . "_user SET aprove = 0 WHERE aprove = ?");
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $hash, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     if ($stmt->rowCount() == 1) {
         return template::getInstance()->twigRender('components/user/auth/aprove.tpl', array());
     $stmt = null;
     return null;