Exemplo n.º 1
 	Delete Ledger & Journal Entries
 function delete()
     $arg = array(intval($this->_data['id']));
     SQL::query('DELETE FROM account_ledger where account_journal_id = ?', $arg);
     SQL::query('DELETE FROM account_journal where id = ?', $arg);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 static function update()
     foreach (self::$obj_list as $tab => $tab_spec) {
         // Add ft (Full Text) column
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM full_text WHERE link_to = ?';
         $arg = array($tab);
         SQL::query($sql, $arg);
         // Update Desired Columns & Records to that Field
         $buf = array();
         foreach ($tab_spec['cols'] as $col) {
             $buf[] = " coalesce({$col}::text,'') ";
         $sql = "INSERT INTO full_text ";
         $sql .= " SELECT '{$tab}',id, ";
         switch ($tab) {
             case 'contact':
                 $sql .= " kind || ': ' || CASE WHEN kind = 'Person' THEN contact ELSE company END, ";
                 $sql .= " '" . $tab_spec['name'] . " #' || id,";
         $sql .= ' (' . implode(" || ' ' || ", $buf) . '), ';
         $sql .= 'to_tsvector(' . implode(" || ' ' || ", $buf) . ')';
         $sql .= " FROM {$tab}";
         // echo "$sql\n";
Exemplo n.º 3
 static function listTaxLines()
     $sql = "SELECT account_tax_line.id, account_tax_form.name || ': ' || account_tax_line.line || ' - ' || account_tax_line.name AS name ";
     $sql .= ' FROM account_tax_line';
     $sql .= ' JOIN account_tax_form ON account_tax_line.account_tax_form_id = account_tax_form.id';
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY account_tax_form.name,account_tax_line.sort';
     $res = SQL::fetch_all($sql);
     return $res;
     // Specific Form?
     $list = array();
     $rs = $this->query("select id,name from account_tax_line where form = '" . pg_escape_string($form) ."' order by sort");
     foreach ($rs as $x) {
     	$list[$x[0]['id']] = $x[0]['name'];
     return $list;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Zend Locale
// $locale  = new Zend_Locale('en');
// Zend_Locale::setDefault('en_US');
// Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Locale', new Zend_Locale('en_US'));
// Date Options
// Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => false,'format_type'=>'iso'));
// Zend Database
//$x = $_ENV['database'];
//$x = Zend_Db::factory($_ENV['database']['adapter'],$x);
//// set client_encoding='utf-8';
SQL::init("pgsql:host={$_ENV['database']['hostname']};dbname={$_ENV['database']['database']}", $_ENV['database']['username'], $_ENV['database']['password']);
// App::$db = new radix_db_sql();
    Internal Hax0r Functions
function html($x)
    return htmlspecialchars($x, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
// @deprecated
function img($img, $alt = null)
    $src = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https:' : 'http:';
    $src .= '//gcdn.org/' . ltrim($img, '/');
    if (empty($alt)) {
        $alt = strtok(basename($img), '.');
Exemplo n.º 5

	InvoiceController indexAction
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
if (empty($_GET['size'])) {
    $_GET['size'] = 50;
// Get Counts
$this->page_max = SQL::fetch_one('SELECT count(id) FROM invoice');
$this->page_cur = min(max(1, $_GET['page']), $this->page_max);
$_GET['size'] = min(max(20, $_GET['size']), 100);
$sql = 'SELECT invoice.*, contact.name as contact_name ';
$sql .= ' FROM invoice ';
$sql .= ' JOIN contact ON invoice.contact_id=contact.id ';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY invoice.date DESC, invoice.id DESC ';
$sql .= ' OFFSET ' . ($this->page_cur - 1) * $_GET['size'];
$sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $_GET['size'];
$this->list = SQL::fetch_all($sql);
$a_id = $this->list[0]['id'];
$z_id = $this->list[count($this->list) - 1]['id'];
$title = array();
$title[] = sprintf('Invoices %d through %d', $a_id, $z_id);
$title[] = sprintf('Page %d of %d', $this->page_cur, ceil($this->page_max / $_GET['size']));
$_ENV['title'] = $title;
Exemplo n.º 6

	WorkorderController init
	Sets the ACL for this Controller
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
//$acl = Zend_Registry::get('acl');
//if ($acl->has('workorder') == false) {
//	$acl->add( new Zend_Acl_Resource('workorder') );
// parent::init();
$sql = 'SELECT name AS id,name FROM base_enum WHERE link = ? ORDER BY sort';
$this->StatusList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql, array('invoice-status'));
$this->ItemStatusList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql, array('invoice-item-status'));
$this->UnitList = Base_Unit::getList();
Exemplo n.º 7
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
use Edoceo\Radix\Session;
use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
switch (strtolower($_POST['a'])) {
    case 'sign in':
        if (!acl::may('/auth/sign-in', 'POST')) {
            Session::flash('fail', 'Access Denied');
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM auth_user WHERE username = ? ';
        $sql .= ' AND (password = ? OR password = ? )';
        $arg = array(strtolower($_POST['username']), $_POST['password'], sha1($_POST['username'] . $_POST['username']));
        $res = SQL::fetch_row($sql, $arg);
        if (empty($res)) {
            // @todo Random Sleep
            Session::flash('fail', 'Invalid username or password');
        // Radix::dump($res);
        $_SESSION['uid'] = $res['id'];
Exemplo n.º 8
    // Base_Diff::note($this->Invoice, $this->_s->info);
$_ENV['invoice']['id'] = $this->Invoice['id'];
$this->Contact = new Contact($this->Invoice['contact_id']);
$this->ContactAddressList = SQL::fetch_mix('select id,address from contact_address where contact_id = ?', array($this->Invoice['contact_id']));
$this->InvoiceItemList = $this->Invoice->getInvoiceItems();
$this->InvoiceNoteList = $this->Invoice->getNotes();
$this->InvoiceFileList = $this->Invoice->getFiles();
$this->InvoiceHistoryList = $this->Invoice->getHistory();
$this->InvoiceTransactionList = $this->Invoice->getTransactions();
// Add Prev / Next Links
$this->jump_list = array();
if (!empty($this->Invoice['id'])) {
    // Previous Ones
    $s = sprintf('SELECT id FROM invoice where id < %d order by id desc limit 5', $this->Invoice['id']);
    $r = SQL::fetch_all($s);
    $r = array_reverse($r);
    foreach ($r as $x) {
        $this->jump_list[] = array('controller' => 'invoice', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $x['id']);
    // This One
    $this->jump_list[] = array('controller' => 'invoice', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $this->Invoice['id']);
    // Next Ones
    $s = sprintf('SELECT id FROM invoice where id > %d order by id asc limit 5', $this->Invoice['id']);
    $r = SQL::fetch_all($s);
    foreach ($r as $x) {
        $this->jump_list[] = array('controller' => 'invoice', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $x['id']);
// $this->_s->Invoice = $this->view->Invoice;
$_SESSION['invoice'] = $this->Invoice;
Exemplo n.º 9
    $where = " (date>='{$this->date_alpha}' and date<='{$this->date_omega}') ";
    $order = " date,kind, account_journal_id, amount asc ";
    $this->dr_total = SQL::fetch_one("select sum(amount) from general_ledger where amount < 0 and {$where}");
    $this->cr_total = SQL::fetch_one("select sum(amount) from general_ledger where amount > 0 and {$where}");
    $this->Account = new Account(array('name' => 'General Ledger'));
} else {
    // Show this specific Account
    $_SESSION['account-id'] = $this->Account['id'];
    $this->openBalance = $this->Account->balanceBefore($this->date_alpha);
    $where = " (account_id = ? OR parent_id = ?) AND (date >= ? AND date <= ?) ";
    $param = array($this->Account['id'], $this->Account['id'], $this->date_alpha, $this->date_omega);
    $order = " date,kind desc,amount asc ";
    //$this->AccountLedger = $data;
    $this->dr_total = abs($this->Account->debitTotal($this->date_alpha, $this->date_omega));
    $this->cr_total = abs($this->Account->creditTotal($this->date_alpha, $this->date_omega));
if (strlen($_GET['link'])) {
    // $l = ImperiumBase::getObjectType($o)
    $l = Base_Link::load($_GET['link']);
    $link_to = Base_Link::getObjectType($l, 'id');
    // Get Object Type ID
    $link_id = $l->id;
    if (!empty($link_to) && !empty($link_id)) {
        $where .= sprintf(' and link_to = %d and link_id = %d ', $link_to, $link_id);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM general_ledger WHERE {$where} ORDER BY {$order}";
$res = SQL::fetch_all($sql, $param);
$this->LedgerEntryList = $res;
// ImperiumView::mruAdd($this->link(),'Ledger ' . $this->Account->name);
$_SESSION['return-path'] = '/account/ledger';
Exemplo n.º 10
 	@param $k Key
 	@param $v Value
 function setMeta($k, $v)
     if (empty($this->_data['id'])) {
         // Save for the future
         $this->_meta[$k] = $v;
     $sql = 'SELECT id FROM contact_meta';
     $sql .= ' WHERE contact_id = ? AND key = ?';
     $arg = array($this->_data['id'], $k);
     $chk = SQL::fetch_one($sql, $arg);
     if ($chk) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE contact_meta SET val = ? WHERE contact_id = ? AND key = ?';
         $arg = array($v, $this->_data['id'], $k);
     } else {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO contact_meta (contact_id, key, val) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
         $arg = array($this->_data['id'], $k, $v);
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 11
    $info = $_ENV['data'][$name];
    if (count($info['list']) > 0) {
        // echo "<div style='display: table-cell;'>";
        echo '<div>';
        // style='display: table-cell;'>";
        echo sprintf('<h2>%d %s</h2>', count($info['list']), $name);
        echo Radix::block($info['view'], array('list' => $info['list'], 'opts' => array('head' => true)));
        echo '</div>';
        // Radix::dump($info);
// Show the Events
$sql = 'SELECT contact_event.*, contact.name AS contact_name FROM contact_event';
$sql .= ' JOIN contact ON contact_event.contact_id = contact.id';
// $sql.= ' WHERE flag = 0';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY contact_event.xts DESC';
$sql .= ' LIMIT 20';
$res = SQL::fetch_all($sql);
foreach ($res as $rec) {
    echo '<p>';
    echo '<a href="' . Radix::link('/contact/view?c=' . $rec['contact_id']) . '">' . html($rec['contact_name']) . '</a>';
    echo ' - ';
    echo html($rec['name']);
    echo ' - ';
    echo html($rec['note']);
    echo '</p>';
    echo '<p>Due: ' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', $rec['xts']) . '</p>';
    // Radix::dump($rec);
Exemplo n.º 12
 static function getList()
     $sql = 'select id,name from base_unit order by name';
     return SQL::fetch_mix($sql);
Exemplo n.º 13
$list = array(0 => '- None -');
$AccountTaxLineList = AccountTaxFormLine::listTaxLines();
foreach ($AccountTaxLineList as $x) {
    $list[$x['id']] = $x['name'];
// Radix::dump($AccountTaxLineList);
// $list += $AccountTaxLineList;
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Tax Line:</td><td colspan='3'>" . Form::select('account_tax_line_id', $this->Account->account_tax_line_id, $list) . "</td>";
// Asset Details
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Opening Balance:</td><td>" . $imperiumForm->input('Account.code',am($opts,array('class'=>'tb','size'=>8))) . "</td></tr>";
// Kind Bank Account Details
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Transit:</td><td colspan='2'>" . Form::text('bank_routing', $this->Account->bank_routing) . '</td></tr>';
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Account:</td><td colspan='2'>" . Form::text('bank_account', $this->Account->bank_account) . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo $imperiumForm->checkbox('Income Statement');
echo $imperiumForm->checkbox('Equity Statement');
echo $imperiumForm->checkbox('Balance Sheet');
echo $imperiumForm->checkbox('Cash Flow');
echo '<div class="cmd">';
echo Form::hidden('id', $this->Account['id']);
echo '<input name="a" type="submit" value="Save">';
echo '<input name="a" type="submit" value="Delete">';
echo '</div>';
echo '</form>';
// Show Transaction Count
$res = SQL::fetch_one('SELECT count(id) FROM account_ledger WHERE account_id = ?', array($this->Account['id']));
echo '<p>' . $res . ' total transactions in this account</p>';
Exemplo n.º 14
     $_ENV['mode'] = 'view';
     if ($_FILES['file']['error'] == 0) {
         $this->Account = new Account($_POST['account_id']);
         $_ENV['title'] = array('Account', 'Reconcile', $this->Account['full_name'], 'Preview');
         // Read File
         $arg = array('kind' => $_POST['format'], 'file' => $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'account_id' => $_POST['upload_id']);
         $this->JournalEntryList = Account_Reconcile::parse($arg);
     } else {
         Session::flash('fail', 'Failed to Upload');
     // @todo If the Target Account is Asset then Other Side Only (and vice-versa)
     $sql = 'SELECT id,full_name ';
     $sql .= 'FROM account ';
     // $sql.= "WHERE kind like 'Expense%' ";
     $sql .= 'ORDER BY full_code ASC, code ASC';
     $this->AccountPairList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql);
     $_SESSION['reconcile_upload_id'] = $_POST['upload_id'];
     $_SESSION['reconcile_offset_id'] = $_POST['offset_id'];
     $_ENV['upload_account_id'] = $_SESSION['reconcile_upload_id'];
     $_ENV['offset_account_id'] = $_POST['offset_id'];
 case 'save':
     // Save the Uploaded Transactions
     $_ENV['upload_account_id'] = $_SESSION['reconcile_upload_id'];
     return 0;
     $c = ceil(count($_POST) / 4);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $c; $i++) {
         // Skip Entries Missing Date (or the last of the count)
         if (empty($_POST[sprintf('je%ddate', $i)])) {
Exemplo n.º 15
$_ENV['title'] = 'Dashboard: ' . date('Y-m-d');
$sql_w = 'SELECT workorder.*, b.name AS contact_name ';
$sql_w .= ' FROM workorder ';
$sql_w .= ' JOIN contact b ON workorder.contact_id=b.id ';
$sql_w .= ' JOIN base_enum ON workorder.kind = base_enum.name ';
$sql_w .= " WHERE workorder.status in ('Active','Pending') ";
$sql_w .= ' ORDER BY base_enum.sort, workorder.status, workorder.date desc, workorder.id DESC';
// Pending Work Order Items
$sql_woi = 'SELECT workorder.*, contact.name AS contact_name ';
$sql_woi .= ' FROM workorder ';
$sql_woi .= ' JOIN contact on workorder.contact_id = contact.id ';
$sql_woi .= ' JOIN workorder_item ON workorder.id = workorder_item.workorder_id ';
$sql_woi .= ' JOIN base_enum ON workorder.kind = base_enum.name ';
$sql_woi .= " WHERE workorder.status = 'Active' AND workorder_item.status = 'Pending' ";
$sql_woi .= ' ORDER BY base_enum.sort, workorder.status, workorder.date desc, workorder.id DESC';
$data = array('Pending Work Order Items' => array('css' => 'index_pack', 'list' => SQL::fetch_all($sql_woi), 'view' => 'workorder-list'), 'Active Work Orders' => array('css' => 'index_list', 'list' => SQL::fetch_all($sql_w), 'view' => 'workorder-list'), 'Active Invoices' => array('css' => 'index_list', 'list' => SQL::fetch_all("select invoice.*,b.name as contact_name from invoice join contact b on invoice.contact_id=b.id where ((invoice.paid_amount is null or invoice.paid_amount < invoice.bill_amount) and invoice.status in ('Active','Sent','Hawk')) order by invoice.date desc, invoice.id desc"), 'view' => 'invoice-list'));
$this->paginate = array(
'WorkOrder' => array(
	'conditions' => 'WorkOrder.status_id in (100,200)',
	'order' => array('WorkOrder.id'=>'desc','WorkOrder.date'=>'desc'),
'Invoice' => array(
	'conditions' => '((Invoice.paid_amount is null or Invoice.paid_amount<Invoice.bill_amount) and Invoice.status_id in (100,200))',
	'order' => array('Invoice.date'=>'desc'),
Exemplo n.º 16
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
if (empty($_GET['c'])) {
    return 0;
$c = new Contact(intval($_GET['c']));
if (empty($c['id'])) {
    Session::flash('fail', 'Contact not found');
    // Radix::redirect('/contact');
$_ENV['contact'] = $c;
$this->Contact = $c;
// Why Pointing this way?
$this->Account = $c->getAccount();
$this->ContactList = array();
if (empty($c->parent_id)) {
    // $this->ContactList = SQL::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM contact WHERE id != ? AND (parent_id = ? OR company = ?)",array($c->id,$c->id,$c->company));
    $this->ContactList = SQL::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM contact WHERE id != ? AND parent_id = ?', array($c->id, $c->id));
$this->ContactAddressList = $c->getAddressList();
$this->ContactChannelList = $c->getChannelList();
$this->ContactNoteList = $c->getNotes();
$this->ContactFileList = $c->getFiles();
// @note what does order by star, status do? Join base_enum?
$this->WorkOrderList = SQL::fetch_all('SELECT workorder.*, contact.name AS contact_name FROM workorder JOIN contact ON workorder.contact_id = contact.id WHERE workorder.contact_id = ? ORDER BY workorder.date DESC, workorder.id DESC', array($c['id']));
$this->InvoiceList = SQL::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE contact_id = ? ORDER BY date DESC, id DESC', array($c['id']));
$_ENV['title'] = array($this->Contact['kind'], sprintf('#%d:%s', $this->Contact['id'], $this->Contact['name']));
Exemplo n.º 17
 	Update Balance
 	Updates the Invoice Balance after it's been saved
 private function _updateBalance()
     $id = intval($this->_data['id']);
     $sql = 'UPDATE invoice SET';
     $sql .= ' sub_total = ( SELECT SUM ( quantity * rate * (1 + tax_rate)) FROM invoice_item WHERE invoice_id = ?)';
     $sql .= ', tax_total = ( SELECT SUM ( quantity * rate * tax_rate) FROM invoice_item WHERE invoice_id = ?)';
     $sql .= ', bill_amount = ( SELECT SUM ( quantity * rate * (1 + tax_rate)) FROM invoice_item WHERE invoice_id = ?) ';
     // $sql.= ', paid_amount =
     $sql .= ' WHERE id = ? ';
     SQL::query($sql, array($id, $id, $id, $id));
     // die(SQL::lastError());
     // $r = array();
     // $r['sub_total'] = floatval($d->fetchOne("select sum( quantity * rate ) as sub_total from invoice_item where invoice_id={$id}"));
     // $r['tax_total'] = floatval($d->fetchOne("select sum( quantity * rate * tax_rate) as tax_total from invoice_item where invoice_id={$id}"));
     // $sql.= ' sub_total = ?, ';
     // $arg[] = floatval(SQL::fetch_one("select sum( quantity * rate * tax_rate) as tax_total from invoice_item where invoice_id={$id}"));
     // // $r['bill_amount'] = $r['sub_total'] + $r['tax_total'];
     // $sql.= ' bill_amount = ?, ';
     // $arg[] = $r['sub_total'] + $r['tax_total'];
     // // $r['paid_amount'] = $this->getTransactionSum();
     // $sql.= ' paid_amount = ? ';
     // $arg[] = $this->getTransactionSum();
     // @todo Force Marking as Paid Amount Full?
     // if ($this->status == 'Paid') {
     //	 $r['paid_amount'] = $r['bill_amount'];
     // }
     // $w = array('id = ?'=>$this->id);
     // $t = new Zend_Db_Table(array('name'=>'invoice'));
     // $t->update($r,$w);
     // @todo Save to Object Data?
     // $this->bill_amount = $r['bill_amount'];
     // $this->paid_amount = $r['paid_amount'];
     // $this->sub_total = $r['sub_total'];
     // $this->tax_total = $r['tax_total'];
Exemplo n.º 18
$arg[] = $q;
$sql .= ' OR contact_channel.data #op# ?';
$arg[] = $q;
$sql .= ' OR contact_meta.val #op# ?';
$arg[] = $q;
$sql .= ' ORDER BY contact.name';
if (preg_match('/[_%]/', $q)) {
    $sql = str_replace('#op#', 'LIKE', $sql);
} elseif (preg_match('/[\\.\\*\\+\\?]/', $q)) {
    $sql = str_replace('#op#', '~*', $sql);
} else {
    $sql = str_replace('#op#', '=', $sql);
// Radix::dump($sql);
// Radix::dump($arg);
$res = SQL::fetch_all($sql, $arg);
// Radix::dump(SQL::lastError());
// Radix::dump($res);
foreach ($res as $rec) {
    echo '<dt><a href="' . Radix::link('/contact/view?c=' . $rec['id']) . '">Contact: ' . $rec['name'] . '</a></dt>';
echo '</dl>';
if ($idx == 0) {
    return 0;
$_ENV['title'] = array('Search', $q, $idx == 1 ? '1 result' : $idx . ' results');
	Draw the Rebuild Button
Exemplo n.º 19
 	Work Order Update Balance
 	@todo handle totals differently for Subscription vs One-Time Work Orders
 private function _updateBalance()
     $id = $this->_data['id'];
     $sql = 'update workorder set ';
     $sql .= 'bill_amount = (';
     $sql .= "select sum(a_quantity * a_rate) from workorder_item ";
     $sql .= " where workorder_id={$id} and status = 'Billed' ) ";
     $sql .= ',';
     $sql .= 'open_amount = (';
     $sql .= 'select sum(a_quantity * a_rate) from workorder_item ';
     $sql .= " where workorder_id = {$id} and status in ('Active','Complete') ";
     $sql .= ") where id={$id}";
     $this->bill_amount = SQL::fetch_one("SELECT bill_amount FROM workorder WHERE id = {$id}");
     $this->open_amount = SQL::fetch_one("SELECT open_amount FROM workorder WHERE id = {$id}");
Exemplo n.º 20
 	@param $o is the Object, ObjectName or ObjectInteger
 static function getObjectType($o, $r = null)
     $arg = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM base_object ';
     // Convert Object to String to use String Comp below
     if (is_object($o)) {
         $o = strtolower(get_class($o));
     if (intval($o) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' WHERE id = ?';
         $arg[] = intval($o);
         if (empty($r)) {
             $r = 'name';
     } elseif (is_string($o)) {
         $o = strtolower($o);
         $sql .= ' WHERE stub = ? OR path = ? OR link = ? ';
         $arg[] = $o;
         $arg[] = $o;
         $arg[] = $o;
         if (empty($r)) {
             $r = 'id';
     // Find and Return Value
     $ot = SQL::fetch_row($sql);
     if ($ot) {
         switch ($r) {
             case 'id':
                 return $ot->id;
             case 'link':
                 return $ot->link;
             case 'name':
                 return $ot->name;
             case 'path':
                 return $ot->path;
             case 'stub':
                 return $ot->stub;
                 return $ot;
     //throw new Exception('Cannot Handle Object Type ' . get_class($o) . '/' . $r . '[' . $sql->assemble() . ']');
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 21
// if ($p->count() == 0) {
//   $title[] = 'Contacts';
// } else {
//   $a_id = $p->getItem(1)->name;
//   $z_id = $p->getItem($p->getCurrentItemCount())->name;
//   $title[] = sprintf('%s through %s',$a_id,$z_id);
// }
// $title[] = sprintf('Page %d of %d',$page->getCurrentPageNumber(),$page->count());
$_ENV['title'] = $title;
// $this->view->Page = $p;
$rq = $this->getRequest();
// Automatic Query?
if ($a = $rq->getQuery('a')) {

	//$ss->where('kind_id in (100,300)');

// View!
	$this->view->ContactList = $db->fetchAll($sql);
	$this->view->title = array(
  'Page ' . $this->view->Paginator->page . ' of ' . $this->view->Paginator->pmax,
$this->ContactList = SQL::fetch_all($sql, $arg);
Session::flash('fail', SQL::lastError());
Exemplo n.º 22
 static function parse($opt)
     $ret = array();
     // Read the Line in the Format
     switch ($opt['kind']) {
         case 'csvwfb':
             // Wells Fargo CSV Format
             $ret = self::_parseWellsFargo($opt['file']);
         case 'paypal':
             // 0  = Date
             // 4  = Note
             // 6  = Gross
             // 7  = Fee
             // 8  = Net
             // 11 = Transaction ID
             // Zend_Debug::dump($_FILES['file']);
             $fh = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'r');
             while ($csv = fgetcsv($fh, 4096)) {
                 // Ledger Entry for Paypal Deposit (Gross)
                 if (count($csv) < 11) {
                 // Skip first Row if Header
                 if ($csv[0] == 'Date') {
                 // Only Process Completed Transactions
                 if ($csv[5] == 'Pending') {
                 // Only Transactions with Fees Count
                 if (empty($csv[7]) && empty($csv[8])) {
                 $le = new stdClass();
                 $le->date = $csv[0];
                 $le->note = $csv[4] . ' #' . $csv[11];
                 $le->account_id = null;
                 switch (trim($csv[4])) {
                     case 'Payment Received':
                     case 'eBay Payment Received':
                     case 'Shopping Cart Payment Received':
                         // Ledger Entry for Paypal Fee
                         $le->account_id = 111;
                         $le->note = 'Fee for Transaction #' . $csv[11] . '';
                         $le->amount = $le->dr = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.\\-]/', null, $csv[7]));
                         $this->view->JournalEntryList[] = $le;
                         // Ledger Entry for Paypal Deposit
                         $le = new stdClass();
                         $le->date = $csv[0];
                         $le->account_id = 8;
                         $le->note = $csv[4] . ' #' . $csv[11];
                         $le->amount = $le->cr = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.\\-]/', null, $csv[6]));
                         // Money Leaves PayPal to Expense
                     // Money Leaves PayPal to Expense
                     case 'Payment Sent':
                     case 'Express Checkout Payment Sent':
                     case 'Shopping Cart Payment Sent':
                     case 'Web Accept Payment Sent':
                     case 'eBay Payment Sent':
                         // Debit to Checking
                         $le->amount = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.\\-]/', null, $csv[6]));
                         //if (floatval($le->amount) < 0) {
                         $le->dr = abs($le->amount);
                         $le->account_id = 26;
                     case 'Add Funds from a Bank Account':
                         // Happens before Update to ...
                     // Happens before Update to ...
                     case 'Order':
                         // Requested Money From Us, Paid on *Sent
                     // Requested Money From Us, Paid on *Sent
                     case 'Pending Balance Payment':
                         continue 2;
                         // Ignore
                     case 'Refund':
                         // Debit to Checking
                         $le->amount = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.\\-]/', null, $csv[6]));
                         $le->cr = abs($le->amount);
                         $le->account_id = 26;
                     case 'Update to Add Funds from a Bank Account':
                         // Money Into Paypal from Bank
                         // Debit to Checking
                         $le->amount = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.\\-]/', null, $csv[6]));
                         $le->cr = abs($le->amount);
                         $le->account_id = 1;
                     case 'Withdraw Funds to a Bank Account':
                         // Debit to Checking
                         $le->amount = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.\\-]/', null, $csv[6]));
                         //if (floatval($le->amount) < 0) {
                         $le->dr = abs($le->amount);
                         $le->account_id = 1;
                 $this->view->JournalEntryList[] = $le;
         case 'qfx':
             // Quicken 2004 Web Connect
             //echo "<pre>".htmlspecialchars($buf)."</pre>";
             if (!preg_match('/^OFXHEADER:100/', $bf->data)) {
                 trigger_error('Not a valid QFX file', E_USER_ERROR);
             if (preg_match_all("/^<STMTTRN>\n<TRNTYPE>(CHECK|CREDIT|DEBIT|DEP|DIRECTDEBIT|FEE|POS)\n<DTPOSTED>(\\d{8})\n<TRNAMT>([\\d\\-\\.]+)\n<FITID>(\\d+)\n<NAME>(.+)<\\/STMTTRN>\n/m", $bf->data, $m)) {
                 $c_entries = count($m[0]);
                 $trn_types = $m[1];
                 $trn_dates = $m[2];
                 $trn_amnts = $m[3];
                 $trn_fitid = $m[4];
                 $trn_names = $m[5];
                 // echo "<pre>".print_r($trn_names,true)."</pre>";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $c_entries; $i++) {
                     $je = new stdClass();
                     $je->id = null;
                     $je->ok = false;
                     $je->index = $i;
                     $je->date = substr($trn_dates[$i], 4, 2) . '/' . substr($trn_dates[$i], 6, 2) . '/' . substr($trn_dates[$i], 0, 4);
                     $je->amount = $trn_amnts[$i];
                     $je->note = $trn_names[$i];
                     $je->offset_account_id = null;
                     $this->view->JournalEntryList[] = $je;
         case 'square':
             $ret = self::_parseSquare($opt['file']);
     // Now Spin Each List Item and Discover Existing Journal Entry?
     $c = count($ret);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
         // Old
         // $s = $d->select();
         // $s->from('general_ledger',array('account_journal_id','date','amount'));
         // $s->where(" (date <= ?::timestamp + '5 days'::interval) AND (date >= ? ::timestamp - '5 days'::interval) ",$ret[$i]->date);
         // $s->where(' account_id = ?',$opt['account_id']);
         // $s->where(' abs(amount) = ?',abs($ret[$i]->abs));
         // $ret[$i]->id = $d->fetchOne($s);
         // New
         $sql = 'SELECT account_journal_id, date, amount FROM general_ledger';
         $sql .= " WHERE (date <= ?::timestamp + '5 days'::interval) AND (date >= ? ::timestamp - '5 days'::interval)";
         $sql .= ' AND account_id = ?';
         $sql .= ' AND abs(amount) = ?';
         $ret[$i]->id = SQL::fetch_one($sql, array($ret[$i]->date, $ret[$i]->date, $opt['account_id'], abs($ret[$i]->abs)));
         // $sql = 'select a.id,a.date,b.amount';
         // $sql.= ' from account_journal a join account_ledger b on a.id=b.account_journal_id ';
         // $sql.= ' where ';
         // $sql.= " (date<='{$je->date}'::timestamp+'5 days'::interval and date>='{$je->date}'::timestamp-'5 days'::interval) ";
         // $sql.= " and abs(b.amount)='{$je->abs}' ";
         // $sql.= ' b.account_id=' . $acct_id and abs(b.amount)='".abs($entry->amount)."' ";
         // echo "$sql\n";
         // echo $s->assemble();
     uasort($ret, array(self, '_sortCallback'));
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 23

namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
$sql = 'SELECT name AS id,name FROM base_enum WHERE link = ? ORDER BY sort';
$this->KindList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql, array('contact-kind'));
$this->StatusList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql, array('contact-status'));
// function createAction()
// {
// 	$_ENV['title'] = array('Contact','Create');
// 	$P = new Contact(intval($_GET['parent']));
// 	if ($P->id) {
// 		$this->view->Contact['parent_id'] = $P['id'];
// 		$this->view->Contact['company'] = $P['company'];
// 		$this->view->Contact['phone'] = $P['phone'];
// 		$this->view->Contact['url'] = $P['url'];
// 	}
// 	$this->render('view');
// }
Exemplo n.º 24

	WorkorderController init
	Sets the ACL for this Controller
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
//$acl = Zend_Registry::get('acl');
//if ($acl->has('workorder') == false) {
//	$acl->add( new Zend_Acl_Resource('workorder') );
// parent::init();
$sql = 'SELECT name AS id,name FROM base_enum WHERE link = ? ORDER BY sort';
$this->KindList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql, array('workorder-kind'));
$this->StatusList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql, array('workorder-status'));
$this->ItemStatusList = SQL::fetch_mix($sql, array('workorder-item-status'));