Exemplo n.º 1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\tmgmt_local\LocalTaskInterface $task */
     foreach ($entities as $task) {
         $info[$task->id()] = $task;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
     foreach ($entities as $node) {
         $langcode = $node->language()->getId();
         $info[$node->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface[] $entities */
     $selection = [];
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $langcode = $entity->language()->getId();
         $selection[$entity->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $selection);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\magic_cards\CardBaseInterface $card */
     foreach ($entities as $card) {
         $langcode = $card->language()->getId();
         $info[$card->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $info = [];
     /** @var \Drupal\support_ticket\SupportTicketInterface $support_ticket */
     foreach ($entities as $support_ticket) {
         $langcode = $support_ticket->language()->getId();
         $info[$support_ticket->id()][$langcode] = $langcode;
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $info);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $block_instance = $this->getBlockInstance($form_state);
     // Submit the block configuration form.
     $block_form_state = (new FormState())->setValues($form_state->getValue('settings'));
     $block_instance->submitConfigurationForm($form, $block_form_state);
     // Update the original form values.
     $form_state->setValue('settings', $block_form_state->getValues());
     // If a temporary configuration for this variant exists, use it.
     $temp_store_key = $this->panelsDisplay->id();
     if ($variant_config = $this->tempStore->get($temp_store_key)) {
     // Set the block region appropriately.
     $block_config = $block_instance->getConfiguration();
     $block_config['region'] = $form_state->getValue(array('settings', 'region'));
     // Determine if we need to update or add this block.
     if ($uuid = $form_state->getValue('uuid')) {
         $this->panelsDisplay->updateBlock($uuid, $block_config);
     } else {
         $uuid = $this->panelsDisplay->addBlock($block_config);
     // Set the tempstore value.
     $this->tempStore->set($this->panelsDisplay->id(), $this->panelsDisplay->getConfiguration());
     // Assemble data required for our App.
     $build = $this->buildBlockInstance($block_instance);
     $form['build'] = $build;
     // Add our data attribute for the Backbone app.
     $build['#attributes']['data-block-id'] = $uuid;
     $block_model = ['uuid' => $uuid, 'label' => $block_instance->label(), 'id' => $block_instance->getPluginId(), 'region' => $block_config['region'], 'html' => $this->renderer->render($build)];
     // Add Block metadata and HTML as a drupalSetting.
     $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['panels_ipe']['updated_block'] = $block_model;
     return $form;
  * Tests a successful set() call.
  * @covers ::set
 public function testSet()
     $this->keyValue->expects($this->once())->method('setWithExpire')->with('test', $this->ownObject, 604800);
     $this->tempStore->set('test', 'test_data');
Exemplo n.º 8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Return early if there are any errors.
     if ($form_state->hasAnyErrors()) {
         return $form;
     $panels_display = $this->panelsDisplay;
     // Submit the layout form.
     $layout_form_state = (new FormState())->setValues($form_state->getValue('settings', []));
     $this->layout->submitConfigurationForm($form, $layout_form_state);
     $layout_config = $this->layout->getConfiguration();
     // Shift our blocks to the first available region. The IPE can control
     // re-assigning blocks in a smarter way.
     $region_definitions = $this->layout->getRegionDefinitions();
     $first_region = reset(array_keys($region_definitions));
     // For each block, set the region to match the new layout.
     foreach ($panels_display->getRegionAssignments() as $region => $region_assignment) {
         /** @var \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface $block */
         foreach ($region_assignment as $block_id => $block) {
             $block_config = $block->getConfiguration();
             // If the new layout does not have a region with the same name, use the
             // first available region.
             if (!isset($region_definitions[$block_config['region']])) {
                 $block_config['region'] = $first_region;
                 $panels_display->updateBlock($block_id, $block_config);
     // Have our panels display use the new layout.
     $this->panelsDisplay->setLayout($this->layout, $layout_config);
     // Update tempstore.
     $this->tempStore->set($panels_display->id(), $panels_display->getConfiguration());
     $region_data = [];
     $region_content = [];
     // Compile region content and metadata.
     $regions = $panels_display->getRegionAssignments();
     foreach ($regions as $id => $label) {
         // Wrap the region with a class/data attribute that our app can use.
         $region_name = Html::getClass("block-region-{$id}");
         $region_content[$id] = ['#prefix' => '<div class="' . $region_name . '" data-region-name="' . $id . '">', '#suffix' => '</div>'];
         // Format region metadata.
         $region_data[] = ['name' => $id, 'label' => $label];
     $build = $panels_display->getLayout()->build($region_content);
     $form['build'] = $build;
     $data = ['id' => $this->layout->getPluginId(), 'label' => $layout_config['label'], 'current' => TRUE, 'html' => $this->renderer->render($build), 'regions' => $region_data];
     // Add Block metadata and HTML as a drupalSetting.
     $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['panels_ipe']['updated_layout'] = $data;
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Saves the current Panels display in the tempstore or real storage..
  * @param \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $panels_display
  *   The Panels display to be saved.
  * @param bool $temp
  *   Whether or not to save to temp store.
  * @return \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant
  *   The Panels display that was saved.
  * @throws \Drupal\user\TempStoreException
  *   If there are any issues manipulating the entry in the temp store.
 protected function savePanelsDisplay(PanelsDisplayVariant $panels_display, $temp = TRUE)
     $temp_store_key = $panels_display->id();
     // Save configuration to temp store.
     if ($temp) {
         $this->tempStore->set($temp_store_key, $panels_display->getConfiguration());
     } else {
         // Check to see if temp store has configuration saved.
         if ($variant_config = $this->tempStore->get($temp_store_key)) {
             // Delete the existing temp store value.
         // Save to the real storage.
     return $panels_display;
  * Takes the current Page Variant and saves it, optionally deleting anything
  * that may be in temp store.
  * @param \Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface $page_variant
  *   The current Page Variant.
  * @param bool $temp
  *   Whether or not to save to temp store.
  * @return \Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface
 protected function savePageVariant(PageVariantInterface $page_variant, $temp = TRUE)
     $temp_store_key = 'variant.' . $page_variant->id();
     // Save configuration to temp store.
     if ($temp) {
         /** @var \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $variant_plugin */
         $variant_plugin = $page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
         $this->tempStore->set($temp_store_key, $variant_plugin->getConfiguration());
     } else {
         // Check to see if temp store has configuration saved.
         if ($variant_config = $this->tempStore->get($temp_store_key)) {
             // Delete the existing temp store value.
         // Save the real entity.
     return $page_variant;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $block_instance = $this->getBlockInstance($form_state);
     // Submit the block form.
     $block_instance->submitConfigurationForm($form, $form_state);
     // Save the block instance to our temporary configuration.
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface $page_variant */
     $page_variant = PageVariant::load($form_state->getValue('variant_id'));
     /** @var \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $variant_plugin */
     $variant_plugin = $page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
     // If a temporary configuration for this variant exists, use it.
     $temp_store_key = 'variant.' . $page_variant->id();
     if ($variant_config = $this->tempStore->get($temp_store_key)) {
     // Set the block region appropriately.
     $block_config = $block_instance->getConfiguration();
     $block_config['region'] = $form_state->getValue('region');
     // Determine if we need to update or add this block.
     if ($uuid = $form_state->getValue('uuid')) {
         $variant_plugin->updateBlock($uuid, $block_config);
     } else {
         $uuid = $variant_plugin->addBlock($block_config);
     // Set the tempstore value.
     $variant_config = $variant_plugin->getConfiguration();
     $this->tempStore->set('variant.' . $page_variant->id(), $variant_config);
     // Assemble data required for our App.
     $build = $this->buildBlockInstance($block_instance);
     // Add our data attribute for the Backbone app.
     $build['#attributes']['data-block-id'] = $uuid;
     $settings = ['uuid' => $uuid, 'label' => $block_instance->label(), 'id' => $block_instance->getPluginId(), 'region' => $form_state->getValue('region'), 'html' => $this->renderer->render($build)];
     // Add Block metadata and HTML as a drupalSetting.
     // @todo How do we handle #attachments in the $build this way?
     $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['panels_ipe']['updated_block'] = $settings;
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeMultiple(array $entities)
     $this->tempStore->set($this->currentUser->id(), $entities);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Saves the given Panels Display to TempStore.
  * @param \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $panels_display
  * @throws \Drupal\user\TempStoreException
 protected function savePanelsDisplayToTempStore(PanelsDisplayVariant $panels_display)
     $this->tempStore->set($panels_display->id(), $panels_display->getConfiguration());
Exemplo n.º 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Return early if there are any errors.
     if ($form_state->hasAnyErrors()) {
         return $form;
     $block_instance = $this->getBlockInstance($form_state);
     // Submit the block configuration form.
     $this->submitBlock($block_instance, $form, $form_state);
     // If a temporary configuration for this variant exists, use it.
     $temp_store_key = $this->panelsDisplay->id();
     if ($variant_config = $this->tempStore->get($temp_store_key)) {
     // Set the block region appropriately.
     $block_config = $block_instance->getConfiguration();
     $block_config['region'] = $form_state->getValue(array('settings', 'region'));
     // Determine if we need to update or add this block.
     if ($uuid = $form_state->getValue('uuid')) {
         $this->panelsDisplay->updateBlock($uuid, $block_config);
     } else {
         $uuid = $this->panelsDisplay->addBlock($block_config);
     // Set the tempstore value.
     $this->tempStore->set($this->panelsDisplay->id(), $this->panelsDisplay->getConfiguration());
     // Assemble data required for our App.
     $build = $this->buildBlockInstance($block_instance);
     // Bubble block attributes up if possible. This allows modules like
     // Quickedit to function.
     // See \Drupal\block\BlockViewBuilder::preRender() for reference.
     if ($build['content'] !== NULL && !Element::isEmpty($build['content'])) {
         foreach (['#attributes', '#contextual_links'] as $property) {
             if (isset($build['content'][$property])) {
                 $build[$property] += $build['content'][$property];
     // Add our data attribute for the Backbone app.
     $build['#attributes']['data-block-id'] = $uuid;
     $block_model = ['uuid' => $uuid, 'label' => $block_instance->label(), 'id' => $block_instance->getPluginId(), 'region' => $block_config['region'], 'html' => $this->renderer->render($build)];
     $form['build'] = $build;
     // Add Block metadata and HTML as a drupalSetting.
     $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['panels_ipe']['updated_block'] = $block_model;
     return $form;