Exemplo n.º 1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function log($level, $message, array $context = array())
     $watchdog_level = $map[$level];
     // Map the logger channel to the watchdog type.
     $type = isset($context['channel']) ? $context['channel'] : 'default';
     $this->drupal7->watchdog($type, $message, $context, $watchdog_level);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getTimeZone()
     return $this->drupal7->drupal_get_user_timezone();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function deleteMessagesByType($type)
     $this->drupal7->drupal_get_messages($type, TRUE);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Implements Drupal\Core\Flood\FloodInterface::isAllowed().
  * Checks whether a user is allowed to proceed with the specified event.
  * Events can have thresholds saying that each user can only do that event
  * a certain number of times in a time window. This function verifies that the
  * current user has not exceeded this threshold.
  * @param $name
  *   The unique name of the event.
  * @param $threshold
  *   The maximum number of times each user can do this event per time window.
  * @param $window
  *   Number of seconds in the time window for this event (default is 3600
  *   seconds, or 1 hour).
  * @param $identifier
  *   Unique identifier of the current user. Defaults to their IP address.
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if the user is allowed to proceed. FALSE if they have exceeded the
  *   threshold and should not be allowed to proceed.
 public function isAllowed($name, $threshold, $window = 3600, $identifier = NULL)
     return $this->drupal7->flood_is_allowed($name, $threshold, $window, $identifier);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @covers ::deleteMessagesByType()
 public function test_deleteMessagesByType()
     $this->drupal7->shouldReceive('drupal_get_messages')->once()->with('warning', TRUE);
     $this->assertSame($this->messenger_service, $this->messenger_service->deleteMessagesByType('warning'));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @covers ::__call()
 public function test_call()
     $random_string = 'is_a_lovely_cat!';
     $this->assertEquals('izumi_is_a_lovely_cat!', $this->drupal7_service->drupal7_legacy_test_function($random_string), 'Calling function via legacy service works.');
Exemplo n.º 7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getName($module)
     $module_data = $this->drupal7->system_rebuild_module_data();
     return $module_data[$module]->info['name'];
Exemplo n.º 8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function uninstall(array $module_list, $uninstall_dependents = TRUE)
     $this->drupal7->module_disable($module_list, $uninstall_dependents);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function formatPlural($count, $singular, $plural, array $args = array(), array $options = array())
     return $this->drupal7->format_plural($count, $singular, $plural, $args, $options);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Generates an internal or external URL.
  * When creating links in modules, consider whether l() could be a better
  * alternative than url().
  * @param $path
  *   (optional) The internal path or external URL being linked to, such as
  *   "node/34" or "http://example.com/foo". The default value is equivalent to
  *   passing in '<front>'. A few notes:
  *   - If you provide a full URL, it will be considered an external URL.
  *   - If you provide only the path (e.g. "node/34"), it will be
  *     considered an internal link. In this case, it should be a system URL,
  *     and it will be replaced with the alias, if one exists. Additional query
  *     arguments for internal paths must be supplied in $options['query'], not
  *     included in $path.
  *   - If you provide an internal path and $options['alias'] is set to TRUE, the
  *     path is assumed already to be the correct path alias, and the alias is
  *     not looked up.
  *   - The special string '<front>' generates a link to the site's base URL.
  *   - If your external URL contains a query (e.g. http://example.com/foo?a=b),
  *     then you can either URL encode the query keys and values yourself and
  *     include them in $path, or use $options['query'] to let this function
  *     URL encode them.
  * @param $options
  *   (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
  *   elements:
  *   - 'query': An array of query key/value-pairs (without any URL-encoding) to
  *     append to the URL.
  *   - 'fragment': A fragment identifier (named anchor) to append to the URL.
  *     Do not include the leading '#' character.
  *   - 'absolute': Defaults to FALSE. Whether to force the output to be an
  *     absolute link (beginning with http:). Useful for links that will be
  *     displayed outside the site, such as in an RSS feed.
  *   - 'alias': Defaults to FALSE. Whether the given path is a URL alias
  *     already.
  *   - 'external': Whether the given path is an external URL.
  *   - 'language': An optional language object. If the path being linked to is
  *     internal to the site, $options['language'] is used to look up the alias
  *     for the URL. If $options['language'] is omitted, the global $language_url
  *     will be used.
  *   - 'https': Whether this URL should point to a secure location. If not
  *     defined, the current scheme is used, so the user stays on HTTP or HTTPS
  *     respectively. TRUE enforces HTTPS and FALSE enforces HTTP, but HTTPS can
  *     only be enforced when the variable 'https' is set to TRUE.
  *   - 'base_url': Only used internally, to modify the base URL when a language
  *     dependent URL requires so.
  *   - 'prefix': Only used internally, to modify the path when a language
  *     dependent URL requires so.
  *   - 'script': The script filename in Drupal's root directory to use when
  *     clean URLs are disabled, such as 'index.php'. Defaults to an empty
  *     string, as most modern web servers automatically find 'index.php'. If
  *     clean URLs are disabled, the value of $path is appended as query
  *     parameter 'q' to $options['script'] in the returned URL. When deploying
  *     Drupal on a web server that cannot be configured to automatically find
  *     index.php, then hook_url_outbound_alter() can be implemented to force
  *     this value to 'index.php'.
  *   - 'entity_type': The entity type of the object that called url(). Only
  *     set if url() is invoked by entity_uri().
  *   - 'entity': The entity object (such as a node) for which the URL is being
  *     generated. Only set if url() is invoked by entity_uri().
  * @return string
  *   A string containing a URL to the given path.
 public function url($path = NULL, array $options = array())
     return $this->drupal7->url($path, $options);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Formats an internal or external URL link as an HTML anchor tag.
  * This function correctly handles aliased paths and adds an 'active' class
  * attribute to links that point to the current page (for theming), so all
  * internal links output by modules should be generated by this function if
  * possible.
  * However, for links enclosed in translatable text you should use t() and
  * embed the HTML anchor tag directly in the translated string. For example:
  * @code
  * t('Visit the <a href="@url">settings</a> page', array('@url' => url('admin')));
  * @endcode
  * This keeps the context of the link title ('settings' in the example) for
  * translators.
  * @param string $text
  *   The translated link text for the anchor tag.
  * @param string $path
  *   The internal path or external URL being linked to, such as "node/34" or
  *   "http://example.com/foo". After the url() function is called to construct
  *   the URL from $path and $options, the resulting URL is passed through
  *   check_plain() before it is inserted into the HTML anchor tag, to ensure
  *   well-formed HTML. See url() for more information and notes.
  * @param array $options
  *   An associative array of additional options. Defaults to an empty array. It
  *   may contain the following elements.
  *   - 'attributes': An associative array of HTML attributes to apply to the
  *     anchor tag. If element 'class' is included, it must be an array; 'title'
  *     must be a string; other elements are more flexible, as they just need
  *     to work in a call to drupal_attributes($options['attributes']).
  *   - 'html' (default FALSE): Whether $text is HTML or just plain-text. For
  *     example, to make an image tag into a link, this must be set to TRUE, or
  *     you will see the escaped HTML image tag. $text is not sanitized if
  *     'html' is TRUE. The calling function must ensure that $text is already
  *     safe.
  *   - 'language': An optional language object. If the path being linked to is
  *     internal to the site, $options['language'] is used to determine whether
  *     the link is "active", or pointing to the current page (the language as
  *     well as the path must match). This element is also used by url().
  *   - Additional $options elements used by the url() function.
  * @return string
  *   An HTML string containing a link to the given path.
  * @see url()
 public function l($text, $path, array $options = array())
     return $this->drupal7->l($text, $path, $options);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function set($name, $value)
     $this->drupal7->variable_set($name, $value);