Exemplo n.º 1
   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

    $this->installSchema('search_api', array('search_api_item', 'search_api_task'));
    $this->installSchema('system', array('router'));
    $this->installSchema('user', array('users_data'));




    // Create a test server.
    $this->server = Server::create(array(
      'name' => $this->randomString(),
      'id' => $this->randomMachineName(),
      'status' => 1,
      'backend' => 'search_api_test_backend',

    $this->index = Index::load('database_search_index');
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Performs setup tasks before each individual test method is run.
   * Installs commonly used schemas and sets up a search server and an index,
   * with the specified processor enabled.
   * @param string|null $processor
   *   (optional) The plugin ID of the processor that should be set up for
   *   testing.
  public function setUp($processor = NULL) {

    $this->installSchema('node', array('node_access'));
    $this->installSchema('search_api', array('search_api_item', 'search_api_task'));

    $server_name = $this->randomMachineName();
    $this->server = Server::create(array(
      'id' => strtolower($server_name),
      'name' => $server_name,
      'status' => TRUE,
      'backend' => 'search_api_db',
      'backend_config' => array(
        'min_chars' => 3,
        'database' => 'default:default',

    $index_name = $this->randomMachineName();
    $this->index = Index::create(array(
      'id' => strtolower($index_name),
      'name' => $index_name,
      'status' => TRUE,
      'datasources' => array('entity:comment', 'entity:node'),
      'server' => $server_name,
      'tracker' => 'default',
    $this->index->setOption('fields', array(
      'entity:comment/subject' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
      'entity:node/title' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
    if ($processor) {
      $this->index->setOption('processors', array(
        $processor => array(
          'processor_id' => $processor,
          'weights' => array(),
          'settings' => array(),

      /** @var \Drupal\search_api\Processor\ProcessorPluginManager $plugin_manager */
      $plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.search_api.processor');
      $this->processor = $plugin_manager->createInstance($processor, array('index' => $this->index));
      ->set('tracking_page_size', 100)
  * Tests a backend with a dependency that gets removed.
  * If the dependency does not get removed, proper cascading to the index is
  * also verified.
  * @param bool $remove_dependency
  *   Whether to remove the dependency from the backend when the object
  *   depended on is deleted.
  * @dataProvider dependencyTestDataProvider
 public function testBackendDependency($remove_dependency)
     $dependency_key = $this->dependency->getConfigDependencyKey();
     $dependency_name = $this->dependency->getConfigDependencyName();
     // Create a server using the test backend, and set the dependency in the
     // configuration.
     /** @var \Drupal\search_api\ServerInterface $server */
     $server = Server::create(array('id' => 'test_server', 'name' => 'Test server', 'backend' => 'search_api_test_backend', 'backend_config' => array('dependencies' => array($dependency_key => array($dependency_name)))));
     $server_dependency_key = $server->getConfigDependencyKey();
     $server_dependency_name = $server->getConfigDependencyName();
     // Set the server on the index and save that, too. However, we don't want
     // the index enabled, since that would lead to all kinds of overhead which
     // is completely irrelevant for this test.
     // Check that the dependencies were calculated correctly.
     $server_dependencies = $server->getDependencies();
     $this->assertContains($dependency_name, $server_dependencies[$dependency_key], 'Backend dependency correctly inserted');
     $index_dependencies = $this->index->getDependencies();
     $this->assertContains($server_dependency_name, $index_dependencies[$server_dependency_key], 'Server dependency correctly inserted');
     // Set our magic state key to let the test plugin know whether the
     // dependency should be removed or not. See
     // \Drupal\search_api_test_backend\Plugin\search_api\backend\TestBackend::onDependencyRemoval().
     $key = 'search_api_test_backend.dependencies.remove';
     \Drupal::state()->set($key, $remove_dependency);
     // Delete the backend's dependency.
     // Reload the index and check it's still there.
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Drupal\\search_api\\IndexInterface', $this->index, 'Index not removed');
     // Reload the server.
     $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('search_api_server');
     $server = $storage->load($server->id());
     if ($remove_dependency) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('Drupal\\search_api\\ServerInterface', $server, 'Server was not removed');
         $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('dependencies', $server->get('backend_config'), 'Backend config was adapted');
         // @todo Logically, this should not be changed: if the server does not get
         //   removed, there is no need to adapt the index's configuration.
         //   However, the way this config dependency cascading is actually
         //   implemented in
         //   \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigManager::getConfigEntitiesToChangeOnDependencyRemoval()
         //   does not seem to follow that logic, but just computes the complete
         //   tree of dependencies once and operates generally on the assumption
         //   that all of them will be deleted. See #2642374.
         //      $this->assertEquals($server->id(), $this->index->getServerId(), "Index's server was not changed");
     } else {
         $this->assertNull($server, 'Server was removed');
         $this->assertEquals(NULL, $this->index->getServerId(), 'Index server was changed');
  * Tests task system integration for the server's addIndex() method.
 public function testAddIndex()
     // Since we want to add the index, we should first remove it (even though it
     // shouldn't matter – just for logic consistency).
     // Set exception for addIndex() and reset the list of successful backend
     // method calls.
     $this->state->set('search_api_test_backend.exception.addIndex', TRUE);
     // Try to add the index.
     $this->assertEqual($this->getCalledServerMethods(), array(), 'addIndex correctly threw an exception.');
     $tasks = $this->getServerTasks();
     if (count($tasks) == 1) {
         $task_created = $tasks[0]->type === 'addIndex';
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($task_created), 'The addIndex task was successfully added.');
     if ($tasks) {
         $this->assertEqual($tasks[0]->index_id, $this->index->id(), 'The right index ID was used for the addIndex task.');
     // Check whether other task-system-integrated methods now fail, too.
     $this->assertEqual($this->getCalledServerMethods(), array(), 'updateIndex was not executed.');
     $tasks = $this->getServerTasks();
     if (count($tasks) == 2) {
         $this->pass("Second task ('updateIndex') was added.");
         $this->assertEqual($tasks[0]->type, 'addIndex', 'First task stayed the same.');
         $this->assertEqual($tasks[1]->type, 'updateIndex', 'New task was queued as last.');
     } else {
         $this->fail("Second task (updateIndex) was not added.");
     // Let addIndex() succeed again, then trigger the task execution with a cron
     // run.
     $this->state->set('search_api_test_backend.exception.addIndex', FALSE);
     $this->assertEqual($this->getServerTasks(), array(), 'Server tasks were correctly executed.');
     $this->assertEqual($this->getCalledServerMethods(), array('addIndex', 'updateIndex'), 'Right methods were called during task execution.');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Performs setup tasks before each individual test method is run.
  * Installs commonly used schemas and sets up a search server and an index,
  * with the specified processor enabled.
  * @param string|null $processor
  *   (optional) The plugin ID of the processor that should be set up for
  *   testing.
 public function setUp($processor = NULL)
     $this->installSchema('node', array('node_access'));
     $this->installSchema('search_api', array('search_api_item', 'search_api_task'));
     Action::create(['id' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foobaz', 'plugin' => 'comment_publish_action'])->save();
     \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('search_api.settings')->set('tracking_page_size', 100)->save();
     // Do not use a batch for tracking the initial items after creating an
     // index when running the tests via the GUI. Otherwise, it seems Drupal's
     // Batch API gets confused and the test fails.
     \Drupal::state()->set('search_api_use_tracking_batch', FALSE);
     $this->server = Server::create(array('id' => 'server', 'name' => 'Server & Name', 'status' => TRUE, 'backend' => 'search_api_db', 'backend_config' => array('min_chars' => 3, 'database' => 'default:default')));
     $this->index = Index::create(array('id' => 'index', 'name' => 'Index name', 'status' => TRUE, 'datasource_settings' => array('entity:comment' => array('plugin_id' => 'entity:comment', 'settings' => array()), 'entity:node' => array('plugin_id' => 'entity:node', 'settings' => array())), 'server' => 'server', 'tracker_settings' => array('default' => array('plugin_id' => 'default', 'settings' => array()))));
     $field_subject = new Field($this->index, 'subject');
     $field_title = new Field($this->index, 'title');
     if ($processor) {
         /** @var \Drupal\search_api\Processor\ProcessorPluginManager $plugin_manager */
         $plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.search_api.processor');
         $this->processor = $plugin_manager->createInstance($processor, array('index' => $this->index));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function setUp()
     $this->installSchema('search_api', array('search_api_item', 'search_api_task'));
     $this->installSchema('system', array('router'));
     $this->installSchema('user', array('users_data'));
     // Do not use a batch for tracking the initial items after creating an
     // index when running the tests via the GUI. Otherwise, it seems Drupal's
     // Batch API gets confused and the test fails.
     \Drupal::state()->set('search_api_use_tracking_batch', FALSE);
     // Create test entities.
     $this->entities[1] = EntityTest::create(array('name' => 'foo bar baz föö smile' . json_decode('"\\u1F601"'), 'body' => 'test test case Case casE', 'type' => 'item', 'keywords' => array('Orange', 'orange', 'örange', 'Orange'), 'category' => 'item_category'));
     $this->entities[2] = EntityTest::create(array('name' => 'foo bar baz föö smile', 'body' => 'test test case Case casE', 'type' => 'item', 'keywords' => array('strawberry', 'llama'), 'category' => 'item_category'));
     // Create a test server.
     $this->server = Server::create(array('name' => 'Server test ~', 'id' => 'test', 'status' => 1, 'backend' => 'search_api_test_backend'));
     $this->index = Index::load('database_search_index');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function setServer(ServerInterface $server = NULL)
     return $this->entity->setServer($server);