Exemplo n.º 1
  * Tests the getEncryptionKeyValue() method.
  * @covers ::getEncryptionKeyValue
  * @dataProvider encryptionKeyValueDataProvider
 public function testGetEncryptionKeyValue($key, $valid_key)
     // Set up expectations for the encryption manager.
     // Set up a mock for the EncryptService class to mock some methods.
     $encrypt_service = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Drupal\\encrypt\\EncryptService')->setMethods(['getEncryptionMethod', 'loadEncryptionProfileKey'])->setConstructorArgs(array($this->encryptManager, $this->keyRepository))->getMock();
     // Set up expectations for encryption method.
     if ($valid_key) {
     } else {
         $this->encryptionMethod->expects($this->once())->method('checkDependencies')->will($this->returnValue(array("Dependency error")));
     // Set up expectation for handling of encryption profile by
     // the getEncryptionKeyValue() method.
     // Call getEncryptionKeyValue() through the public encrypt() method.
     $encrypted_text = $encrypt_service->encrypt("text_to_encrypt", $this->encryptionProfile);
     if ($valid_key) {
         $this->assertEquals("encrypted_text", $encrypted_text);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Tests the encrypt & decrypt method.
  * @covers ::__construct
  * @covers ::encrypt
  * @covers ::decrypt
  * @covers ::validate
  * @dataProvider encryptionDataProvider
 public function testEncryptDecrypt($key, $valid_key)
     // Set up expectations for Key.
     if ($valid_key) {
         // Set up expectations for encryption method.
         // Set up expectations for encryption profile.
     } else {
         // Set up expectations for encryption profile.
         $this->encryptionProfile->expects($this->any())->method('validate')->will($this->returnValue(array("Validation error")));
     $service = new EncryptService($this->encryptManager, $this->keyRepository);
     $encrypted_text = $service->encrypt("text_to_encrypt", $this->encryptionProfile);
     $decrypted_text = $service->decrypt("text_to_decrypt", $this->encryptionProfile);
     if ($valid_key) {
         $this->assertEquals("encrypted_text", $encrypted_text);
         $this->assertEquals("decrypted_text", $decrypted_text);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Determines whether the input is valid for encryption / decryption.
  * @param string $text
  *   The text to encrypt / decrypt.
  * @param \Drupal\encrypt\Entity\EncryptionProfile $encryption_profile
  *   The encryption profile to validate.
  * @return bool
  *   Whether the encryption profile validated correctly.
  * @throws \Drupal\encrypt\Exception\EncryptException
  *   Error with validation failures.
 protected function validate($text, EncryptionProfile $encryption_profile)
     $errors = $encryption_profile->validate($text);
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         // Throw an exception with the errors from the encryption method.
         throw new EncryptException(implode('; ', $errors));
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Update the EncryptionMethod plugin.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
  *   The current state of the form.
 protected function updateEncryptionMethod(FormStateInterface $form_state)
     /* @var $encryption_profile \Drupal\encrypt\Entity\EncryptionProfile */
     $encryption_profile = $this->entity;
     /* @var $plugin \Drupal\encrypt\EncryptionMethodInterface */
     $plugin = $encryption_profile->getEncryptionMethod();
     // If an original profile exists and the plugin ID matches the existing one.
     if ($this->originalProfile && $this->originalProfile->getEncryptionMethod()->getPluginId() == $plugin->getPluginId()) {
         // Use the configuration from the original profile's plugin.
         $configuration = $this->originalProfile->getEncryptionMethod()->getConfiguration();
     } else {
         // Use the plugin's default configuration.
         $configuration = $plugin->defaultConfiguration();
     $form_state->setValue('encryption_method_configuration', []);
     $form_state->getUserInput()['encryption_method_configuration'] = [];
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Loads an encryption profile key.
  * @param \Drupal\encrypt\Entity\EncryptionProfile $encryption_profile
  *   The encryption profile to use.
  * @return string
  *   The encryption key value.
 protected function loadEncryptionProfileKey(EncryptionProfile $encryption_profile)
     $key_id = $encryption_profile->getEncryptionKey();
     return $this->keyRepository->getKey($key_id)->getKeyValue();
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Tests the setEncryptionKey method.
  * @covers ::setEncryptionKey
 public function testSetEncryptionKey()
     $encryption_profile = new EncryptionProfile([], 'encryption_profile');
     // Set up expectations for key entity.
     $this->assertEquals("test_key", $encryption_profile->getEncryptionKeyId());
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Loads an encryption profile key.
  * @param \Drupal\encrypt\Entity\EncryptionProfile $enc_profile
 private function loadEncryptionProfileKey($enc_profile)
     // Load the key.
     $key_id = $enc_profile->getEncryptionKey();
     return $this->key->getKey($key_id)->getKeyValue();