  * @return \Pharborist\Objects\ClassNode
 public function render()
     if (empty($this->controller)) {
         $render = ['#theme' => 'dmu_form', '#module' => $this->target->id(), '#form_id' => $this->formID, '#class' => $this->toTitleCase($this->formID), '#config' => $this->isConfig];
         $source = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderPlain($render);
         $this->controller = Parser::parseSource($source)->find(Filter::isClass($render['#class']))->get(0);
     return $this->controller;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getName(TargetInterface $target, RouteWrapper $route)
     $name = $target->id() . '.' . $this->unPrefix($route['page arguments'][0], $target->id());
     $arguments = array_filter(array_slice($route['page arguments'], 1), 'is_string');
     if ($arguments) {
         $name .= '_' . implode('_', $arguments);
     return $name;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Returns the collection of routes in the source.
  * @return RouterInterface
  *   The requested link collection.
 public function getSourceRoutes()
     if (empty($this->sourceRoutes)) {
         $this->sourceRoutes = new Drupal7Router();
         $items = call_user_func($this->target->id() . '_menu');
         foreach ($items as $path => $item) {
             $this->sourceRoutes->addRoute(new Drupal7Route($path, $item));
         // Now that all routes have been loaded, tell them to resolve their
         // hierarchical relationships.
     return $this->sourceRoutes;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     $indexer = $target->getIndexer('function');
     // @FIXME This is not working (returns empty result set)...don't know why.
     $alter_hooks = $indexer->getQuery()->condition(db_or()->condition('id', $target->id() . '_form_alter')->condition('id', db_like($target->id() . '_form_%_alter'), 'LIKE'))->execute();
     foreach ($alter_hooks as $alter_hook) {
         /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $function */
         $function = $indexer->get($alter_hook->id);
         $parameters = $function->getParameters();
         if (sizeof($parameters) > 1) {
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Utility method to PSR4-ify a class. It'll move the class into its own file
  * in the given module's namespace. The class is modified in-place, so you
  * should clone it before calling this function if you want to make a PSR-4
  * *copy* of it.
  * @param \Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\TargetInterface $target
  *  The module which will own the class.
  * @param \Pharborist\ClassNode $class
  *  The class to modify.
  * @return \Pharborist\ClassNode
  *  The modified class, returned for convenience.
 public static function toPSR4(TargetInterface $target, ClassNode $class)
     $ns = 'Drupal\\' . $target->id();
     return $class;
     * Helper for subclasses' rewrite() methods. This checks if the call can
     * be rewritten at all and leaves a FIXME if it can't. If the variable's
     * key is not a string starting with MODULE_, the call will not be
     * considered rewritable.
     * @return boolean
    protected function tryRewrite(FunctionCallNode $call, TargetInterface $target)
        $statement = $call->getStatement();
        $arguments = $call->getArguments();
        if ($arguments[0] instanceof StringNode) {
            $key = $arguments[0]->toValue();
            if (strPos($key, $target->id() . '_') === 0) {
                return TRUE;
            } else {
                $comment = <<<END
This looks like another module's variable. You'll need to rewrite this call
to ensure that it uses the correct configuration object.
                return FALSE;
        } else {
            $comment = <<<END
The correct configuration object could not be determined. You'll need to
rewrite this call manually.
            return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 7
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
        $unit_tests = [];
        $test_files = $target->getIndexer('class')->getQuery(['file'])->condition('parent', 'DrupalUnitTestCase')->execute()->fetchCol();
        foreach ($test_files as $test_file) {
            /** @var \Pharborist\Objects\Classnode[] $tests */
            $tests = $target->open($test_file)->find(Filter::isInstanceOf('\\Pharborist\\Objects\\SingleInheritanceNode'))->toArray();
            foreach ($tests as $test) {
                if ((string) $test->getExtends() === 'DrupalUnitTestCase') {
                    $unit_tests[] = $test;
        /** @var \Pharborist\Objects\ClassNode $unit_test */
        foreach ($unit_tests as $unit_test) {
            $comment_text = <<<END
Unit tests are now written for the PHPUnit framework. You will need to refactor
this test in order for it to work properly.
            $comment = DocCommentNode::create($comment_text);
            $ns = 'Drupal\\Tests\\' . $target->id() . '\\Unit';
            $doc = RootNode::create($ns)->getNamespace($ns)->append($unit_test->remove());
            $this->write($target, 'tests/src/Unit/' . $unit_test->getName() . '.php', "<?php\n\n{$doc}");
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function analyze(TargetInterface $target)
     $violations = [];
     $indexer = $target->getIndexer('function');
     if ($indexer->has('hook_form_alter')) {
         $violations[] = $indexer->get('hook_form_alter');
     $id = $target->id() . '_form_%_alter';
     // Until kernel tests are run in PHPUnit, we need to check for
     // the existence of db_like().
     if (function_exists('db_like')) {
         $id = db_like($id);
     $alter_hooks = $target->getIndexer('function')->getQuery()->condition('id', $id, 'LIKE')->execute();
     foreach ($alter_hooks as $alter_hook) {
         $violations[] = $target->open($alter_hook->file)->find(Filter::isFunction($alter_hook->id));
     $issues = [];
     if ($violations) {
         $issue = $this->buildIssue($target);
         array_walk($violations, function (FunctionDeclarationNode $function) use($issue) {
             $issue->addViolation($function, $this);
         $issues[] = $issue;
     return $issues;
  * Creates a FormConverter for a specific form.
  * @param TargetInterface $target
  *  The module which defines the form.
  * @param string $form_id
  *  The original form ID.
  * @return FormConverter
  * @throws \BadMethodCallException if the target module doesn't define
  * the given form.
 public function get(TargetInterface $target, $form_id)
     $indexer = $target->getIndexer('function');
     if ($indexer->has($form_id)) {
         return new FormConverter($target, $form_id, $this->rewriter);
     } else {
         $message = $this->t('@target does not define form @form_id.', ['@target' => $target->id(), '@form_id' => $form_id]);
         throw new \BadMethodCallException($message);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function bind(TargetInterface $module)
     $this->target = $module;
     $this->table = $module->id() . '__' . $this->getPluginId();
     $schema = $this->db->schema();
     if ($schema->tableExists($this->table)) {
     } else {
         $schema->createTable($this->table, ['fields' => $this->getFields()]);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     $target->getIndexer('function')->get($this->pluginDefinition['hook'])->setDocComment($this->buildFixMe(NULL, [], self::DOC_COMMENT));
     $render = ['#theme' => 'dmu_route_subscriber', '#module' => $target->id()];
     $this->writeClass($target, $this->parse($render));
     $alterable = ParameterNode::create('data');
     $parameter = clone $alterable;
     $this->implement($target, 'menu_links_discovered_alter')->appendParameter($parameter->setName('links'));
     $parameter = clone $alterable;
     $this->implement($target, 'menu_local_tasks_alter')->appendParameter($parameter->setName('data'))->appendParameter(ParameterNode::create('route_name'));
     $parameter = clone $alterable;
     $this->implement($target, 'menu_local_actions_alter')->appendParameter($parameter->setName('local_actions'));
     $parameter = clone $alterable;
     $items = clone $alterable;
     $function = $this->implement($target, 'contextual_links_view_alter')->appendParameter($parameter->setName('element'))->appendParameter($items->setName('items')->setReference(FALSE));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     $hook = $target->getIndexer('function')->get($this->pluginDefinition['hook'])->setName($target->id() . '_entity_bundle_create');
  * Tests if the function call can be rewritten at all, which it will be
  * only if both arguments are strings, and the first argument is the machine
  * name of the target module.
  * @param \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionCallNode $call
  *  The function call to test.
  * @param \Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\TargetInterface $target
  *  The target module.
  * @return boolean
 public function canRewrite(FunctionCallNode $call, TargetInterface $target)
     $arguments = $call->getArguments();
     return $arguments[0] instanceof StringNode && $arguments[0]->toValue() == $target->id() && $arguments[1] instanceof StringNode;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     // If the hook implementation contains logic, we cannot convert it and
     // that's that. So we'll leave a FIXME and bail out.
     /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $hook */
     $hook = $target->getIndexer('function')->get('hook_menu');
     if ($hook->is(new ContainsLogicFilter())) {
     // Links are split out by group because there are separate config files
     // for each link type.
     $links = ['menu' => new LinkIndex(), 'task' => new LinkIndex(), 'action' => new LinkIndex(), 'contextual' => new LinkIndex()];
     $hook_menu = new HookMenu($target, $this->routeConverters);
     foreach ($hook_menu->getSourceRoutes()->getAllLinks() as $path => $source) {
         /** @var LinkBinding $binding */
         $binding = $this->linkBinding->create($source, $hook_menu->getDestinationRoute($path));
         // Skip if the converter wasn't able to find a destination.
         $destination = $binding->getDestination();
         if (empty($destination)) {
         if ($binding instanceof MenuLinkBinding) {
         } elseif ($binding instanceof LocalTaskLinkBinding) {
         } elseif ($binding instanceof LocalActionLinkBinding) {
         } elseif ($source->isContextualLink()) {
     $links = array_map(function (LinkIndex $index) {
         return $index->build();
     }, $links);
     foreach ($links['contextual'] as $link) {
         $link['group'] = $target->id();
     foreach ($links as $group => $data) {
         if ($data) {
             $this->writeInfo($target, 'links.' . $group, $data);
 protected function getController(TargetInterface $target, Drupal7Route $route)
     $render = ['#theme' => 'dmu_controller', '#module' => $target->id()];
     return $this->parse($render);
  * Writes a class to the target module's PSR-4 root.
  * @param TargetInterface $target
  *  The target module.
  * @param ClassNode $class
  *  The class to write. The path will be determined from the class'
  *  fully qualified name.
  * @return string
  *  The generated path to the class.
 public function writeClass(TargetInterface $target, ClassNode $class)
     $class_path = ltrim($class->getName()->getAbsolutePath(), '\\');
     $path = str_replace(['Drupal\\' . $target->id(), '\\'], ['src', '/'], $class_path) . '.php';
     return $this->write($target, $path, $class->parents()->get(0));