Exemplo n.º 1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     /* @var $entity \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\Order */
     $orderType = OrderType::load($entity->bundle());
     $row = ['order_id' => $entity->id(), 'type' => $orderType->label(), 'customer' => ['data' => ['#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $entity->getOwner()]], 'state' => $entity->getState()->getLabel(), 'created' => $this->dateFormatter->format($entity->getCreatedTime(), 'short')];
     return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getQuestion()
     if ($this->entityRevision instanceof TimestampedRevisionInterface) {
         return t('Are you sure you want to delete the revision from %revision-date?', ['%revision-date' => $this->dateFormatter->format($this->entityRevision->getRevisionCreationTime())]);
     } else {
         return t('Are you sure you want to delete to the revision');
Exemplo n.º 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     $row = array();
     $row['label']['data'] = array('#type' => 'link', '#title' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($entity->label()), '#url' => $entity->urlInfo());
     $row['type'] = SafeMarkup::checkPlain($entity->get('type')->entity->label());
     $row['changed'] = $this->dateFormatter->format($entity->get('changed')->value, 'short');
     return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function form(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $form['label'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Name', '#maxlength' => 100, '#description' => t('Name of the date format'), '#default_value' => $this->entity->label());
     $form['id'] = array('#type' => 'machine_name', '#description' => t('A unique machine-readable name. Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.'), '#disabled' => !$this->entity->isNew(), '#default_value' => $this->entity->id(), '#machine_name' => array('exists' => array($this, 'exists'), 'replace_pattern' => '([^a-z0-9_]+)|(^custom$)', 'error' => $this->t('The machine-readable name must be unique, and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Additionally, it can not be the reserved word "custom".')));
     $form['date_format_pattern'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Format string'), '#maxlength' => 100, '#description' => $this->t('A user-defined date format. See the <a href="@url">PHP manual</a> for available options.', array('@url' => 'http://php.net/manual/function.date.php')), '#required' => TRUE, '#attributes' => ['data-drupal-date-formatter' => 'source'], '#field_suffix' => ' <small class="js-hide" data-drupal-date-formatter="preview">' . $this->t('Displayed as %date_format', ['%date_format' => '']) . '</small>');
     $form['langcode'] = array('#type' => 'language_select', '#title' => t('Language'), '#languages' => LanguageInterface::STATE_ALL, '#default_value' => $this->entity->language()->getId());
     $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['dateFormats'] = $this->dateFormatter->getSampleDateFormats();
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'system/drupal.system.date';
     return parent::form($form, $form_state);
  * @covers ::preRender
 public function testPreRender()
     $payment_status_created = mt_rand();
     $payment_status = $this->getMock(PaymentStatusInterface::class);
     $element = array('#payment_statuses' => [$payment_status]);
     $build = $this->sut->preRender($element);
     $this->assertSame('table', $build['table']['#type']);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     if ($entity->isLocked()) {
         $row['id'] = $this->t('@entity_id (locked)', array('@entity_id' => $entity->id()));
     } else {
         $row['id'] = $entity->id();
     $row['label'] = $this->getLabel($entity);
     $row['pattern'] = $this->dateFormatter->format(REQUEST_TIME, $entity->id());
     return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     $uri = $entity->urlInfo();
     $options = $uri->getOptions();
     $row['title']['data'] = ['#type' => 'link', '#title' => $entity->label(), '#url' => $uri];
     $row['type'] = SafeMarkup::checkPlain($entity->getType()->label());
     $row['author']['data'] = ['#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $entity->getOwner()];
     $row['status'] = $entity->isActive() ? $this->t('active') : $this->t('not active');
     $row['imported'] = $this->dateFormatter->format($entity->getImportedTime(), 'short');
     $row['operations']['data'] = $this->buildOperations($entity);
     return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items)
     $elements = array();
     foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
         if ($item->value) {
             $updated = $this->t('@time ago', array('@time' => $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval(REQUEST_TIME - $item->value)));
         } else {
             $updated = $this->t('never');
         $elements[$delta] = array('#markup' => $updated);
     return $elements;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $config = $this->config('system.cron');
     $form['description'] = array('#markup' => '<p>' . t('Cron takes care of running periodic tasks like checking for updates and indexing content for search.') . '</p>');
     $form['run'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Run cron'), '#submit' => array(array($this, 'submitCron')));
     $status = '<p>' . t('Last run: %cron-last ago.', array('%cron-last' => $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval(REQUEST_TIME - $this->state->get('system.cron_last')))) . '</p>';
     $form['status'] = array('#markup' => $status);
     $form['cron_url'] = array('#markup' => '<p>' . t('To run cron from outside the site, go to <a href="!cron">!cron</a>', array('!cron' => url('cron/' . $this->state->get('system.cron_key'), array('absolute' => TRUE)))) . '</p>');
     $form['cron'] = array('#title' => t('Cron settings'), '#type' => 'details', '#open' => TRUE);
     $options = array(3600, 10800, 21600, 43200, 86400, 604800);
     $form['cron']['cron_safe_threshold'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Run cron every'), '#description' => t('More information about setting up scheduled tasks can be found by <a href="@url">reading the cron tutorial on drupal.org</a>.', array('@url' => url('http://drupal.org/cron'))), '#default_value' => $config->get('threshold.autorun'), '#options' => array(0 => t('Never')) + array_map(array($this->dateFormatter, 'formatInterval'), array_combine($options, $options)));
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $form['num'] = array('#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('How many users would you like to generate?'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('num'), '#required' => TRUE, '#min' => 0);
     $form['kill'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Delete all users (except user id 1) before generating new users.'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('kill'));
     $options = user_role_names(TRUE);
     $form['roles'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => $this->t('Which roles should the users receive?'), '#description' => $this->t('Users always receive the <em>authenticated user</em> role.'), '#options' => $options);
     $form['pass'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Password to be set'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('pass'), '#size' => 32, '#description' => $this->t('Leave this field empty if you do not need to set a password'));
     $options = array(1 => $this->t('Now'));
     foreach (array(3600, 86400, 604800, 2592000, 31536000) as $interval) {
         $options[$interval] = $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($interval, 1) . ' ' . $this->t('ago');
     $form['time_range'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('How old should user accounts be?'), '#description' => $this->t('User ages will be distributed randomly from the current time, back to the selected time.'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => 604800);
     return $form;
  * @covers ::buildRow
  * @dataProvider providerTestBuildRow
  * @depends testBuildOperations
 function testBuildRow($payment_currency_exists)
     $payment_changed_time = time();
     $payment_changed_time_formatted = $this->randomMachineName();
     $payment_currency_code = $this->randomMachineName();
     $payment_amount = mt_rand();
     $payment_amount_formatted = $this->randomMachineName();
     $payment_status_definition = array('label' => $this->randomMachineName());
     $payment_status = $this->getMock(PaymentStatusInterface::class);
     $owner = $this->getMock(UserInterface::class);
     $payment_method_label = $this->randomMachineName();
     $payment_method_definition = ['label' => $payment_method_label];
     $payment_method = $this->getMock(PaymentMethodInterface::class);
     $payment = $this->getMock(PaymentInterface::class);
     $currency = $this->getMock(CurrencyInterface::class);
     $map = array(array($payment_currency_code, $payment_currency_exists ? $currency : NULL), array('XXX', $payment_currency_exists ? NULL : $currency));
     $build = $this->sut->buildRow($payment);
     $expected_build = array('data' => array('updated' => $payment_changed_time_formatted, 'status' => $payment_status_definition['label'], 'amount' => $payment_amount_formatted, 'payment_method' => $payment_method_label, 'owner' => array('data' => array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $owner)), 'operations' => array('data' => array('#type' => 'operations', '#links' => []))));
     $this->assertSame($expected_build, $build);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $index = $this->entity;
     // Do not allow the form to be cached. See
     // \Drupal\views_ui\ViewEditForm::form().
     if ($index instanceof UnsavedConfigurationInterface && $index->hasChanges()) {
         if ($index->isLocked()) {
             $form['#disabled'] = TRUE;
             $username = array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $index->getLockOwner($this->entityTypeManager));
             $lock_message_substitutions = array('@user' => $this->getRenderer()->render($username), '@age' => $this->dateFormatter->formatTimeDiffSince($index->getLastUpdated()), ':url' => $index->toUrl('break-lock-form')->toString());
             $form['locked'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('index-locked', 'messages', 'messages--warning')), '#children' => $this->t('This index is being edited by user @user, and is therefore locked from editing by others. This lock is @age old. Click here to <a href=":url">break this lock</a>.', $lock_message_substitutions), '#weight' => -10);
         } else {
             $form['changed'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('index-changed', 'messages', 'messages--warning')), '#children' => $this->t('You have unsaved changes.'), '#weight' => -10);
     // Set an appropriate page title.
     $form['#title'] = $this->t('Manage fields for search index %label', array('%label' => $index->label()));
     $form['#tree'] = TRUE;
     $form['description']['#markup'] = $this->t('<p>The data type of a field determines how it can be used for searching and filtering. The boost is used to give additional weight to certain fields, e.g. titles or tags.</p> <p>Whether detailed field types are supported depends on the type of server this index resides on. In any case, fields of type "Fulltext" will always be fulltext-searchable.</p>');
     if ($index->hasValidServer()) {
         $form['description']['#markup'] .= '<p>' . $this->t('Check the <a href=":server-url">' . "server's</a> backend class description for details.", array(':server-url' => $index->getServerInstance()->toUrl('canonical')->toString())) . '</p>';
     if ($fields = $index->getFieldsByDatasource(NULL)) {
         $form['_general'] = $this->buildFieldsTable($fields);
         $form['_general']['#title'] = $this->t('General');
     foreach ($index->getDatasources() as $datasource_id => $datasource) {
         $fields = $index->getFieldsByDatasource($datasource_id);
         $form[$datasource_id] = $this->buildFieldsTable($fields);
         $form[$datasource_id]['#title'] = $datasource->label();
     $form['actions'] = $this->actionsElement($form, $form_state);
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $bundles = $this->mediaBundleStorage->loadMultiple();
     if (empty($bundles)) {
         $create_url = $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('media.bundle_add');
         $this->setMessage($this->t('You do not have any media bundles that can be generated. <a href="@create-bundle">Go create a new media bundle</a>', ['@create-bundle' => $create_url]), 'error', FALSE);
         return [];
     $options = [];
     foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
         $options[$bundle->id()] = ['bundle' => ['#markup' => $bundle->label()]];
     $form['media_bundles'] = ['#type' => 'tableselect', '#header' => ['bundle' => $this->t('Media bundle')], '#options' => $options];
     $form['kill'] = ['#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('<strong>Delete all media</strong> in these bundles before generating new media.'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('kill')];
     $form['num'] = ['#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('How many media items would you like to generate?'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('num'), '#required' => TRUE, '#min' => 0];
     $options = [1 => $this->t('Now')];
     foreach ([3600, 86400, 604800, 2592000, 31536000] as $interval) {
         $options[$interval] = $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($interval, 1) . ' ' . $this->t('ago');
     $form['time_range'] = ['#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('How far back in time should the media be dated?'), '#description' => $this->t('Media creation dates will be distributed randomly from the current time, back to the selected time.'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => 604800];
     $form['name_length'] = ['#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Maximum number of words in names'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('name_length'), '#required' => TRUE, '#min' => 1, '#max' => 255];
     $options = [];
     // We always need a language.
     $languages = $this->languageManager->getLanguages(LanguageInterface::STATE_ALL);
     foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
         $options[$langcode] = $language->getName();
     $form['add_language'] = ['#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Set language on media'), '#multiple' => TRUE, '#description' => $this->t('Requires locale.module'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => [$this->languageManager->getDefaultLanguage()->getId()]];
     $form['#redirect'] = FALSE;
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Index.
  * @return array
  *   Render array with all the entries.
 public function index()
     $output = ['#cache' => ['max-age' => 0]];
     // This is going to be reused at two places: once for the TableSortExtender,
     // and once for the table header itself.
     $header = [['data' => $this->t('Created'), 'field' => 'p.created'], ['data' => $this->t('Changed'), 'field' => 'p.changed'], ['data' => $this->t('Name'), 'field' => 'p.name'], ['data' => $this->t('Phone'), 'field' => 'p.phone'], ['data' => $this->t('Operations'), 'colspan' => '2']];
     $query = $this->connection->select('phonebook', 'p')->extend('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Query\\TableSortExtender')->extend('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Query\\PagerSelectExtender');
     $result = $query->orderByHeader($header)->limit(25)->execute();
     $output['table'] = ['#type' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#empty' => $this->t('No entries found.')];
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $output['table'][] = [['data' => ['#markup' => $this->date_formatter->format($row->created)]], ['data' => ['#markup' => $this->date_formatter->formatTimeDiffSince($row->changed)]], ['data' => ['#markup' => $row->name]], ['data' => ['#markup' => $row->phone]], ['data' => ['#markup' => $this->l($this->t('edit'), new Url('d8phonebook.edit', ['phonebook' => $row->pbid]))]], ['data' => ['#markup' => $this->l($this->t('delete'), new Url('d8phonebook.delete', ['phonebook' => $row->pbid], ['query' => ['token' => $this->csrf_token_generator->get('phonebook/' . $row->pbid . '/delete')]]))]]];
     $output['pager'] = array('#type' => 'pager');
     return $output;
  * Displays the aggregator administration page.
  * @return array
  *   A render array as expected by drupal_render().
 public function adminOverview()
     $entity_manager = $this->entityManager();
     $feeds = $entity_manager->getStorage('aggregator_feed')->loadMultiple();
     $header = array($this->t('Title'), $this->t('Items'), $this->t('Last update'), $this->t('Next update'), $this->t('Operations'));
     $rows = array();
     /** @var \Drupal\aggregator\FeedInterface[] $feeds */
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $row = array();
         $row[] = $feed->link();
         $row[] = $this->formatPlural($entity_manager->getStorage('aggregator_item')->getItemCount($feed), '1 item', '@count items');
         $last_checked = $feed->getLastCheckedTime();
         $refresh_rate = $feed->getRefreshRate();
         $row[] = $last_checked ? $this->t('@time ago', array('@time' => $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval(REQUEST_TIME - $last_checked))) : $this->t('never');
         if (!$last_checked && $refresh_rate) {
             $next_update = $this->t('imminently');
         } elseif ($last_checked && $refresh_rate) {
             $next_update = $next = $this->t('%time left', array('%time' => $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($last_checked + $refresh_rate - REQUEST_TIME)));
         } else {
             $next_update = $this->t('never');
         $row[] = $next_update;
         $links['edit'] = ['title' => $this->t('Edit'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.aggregator_feed.edit_form', ['aggregator_feed' => $feed->id()])];
         $links['delete'] = array('title' => $this->t('Delete'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.aggregator_feed.delete_form', ['aggregator_feed' => $feed->id()]));
         $links['delete_items'] = array('title' => $this->t('Delete items'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('aggregator.feed_items_delete', ['aggregator_feed' => $feed->id()]));
         $links['update'] = array('title' => $this->t('Update items'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('aggregator.feed_refresh', ['aggregator_feed' => $feed->id()]));
         $row[] = array('data' => array('#type' => 'operations', '#links' => $links));
         $rows[] = $row;
     $build['feeds'] = array('#prefix' => '<h3>' . $this->t('Feed overview') . '</h3>', '#type' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows, '#empty' => $this->t('No feeds available. <a href="@link">Add feed</a>.', array('@link' => $this->url('aggregator.feed_add'))));
     return $build;
  * Generates the list page.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
  * @return array
 public function listAction(Request $request)
     $limit = $request->get('limit', 10);
     $ip = $request->query->get('ip');
     $method = $request->query->get('method');
     $url = $request->query->get('url');
     $profiles = $this->profiler->find($ip, $url, $limit, $method, '', '');
     $rows = [];
     if (count($profiles)) {
         foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
             $row = [];
             $row[] = $this->l($profile['token'], new Url('webprofiler.dashboard', ['profile' => $profile['token']]));
             $row[] = $profile['ip'];
             $row[] = $profile['method'];
             $row[] = $profile['url'];
             $row[] = $this->date->format($profile['time']);
             $rows[] = $row;
     } else {
         $rows[] = [['data' => $this->t('No profiles found'), 'colspan' => 6]];
     $build = [];
     $storage_id = $this->config('webprofiler.config')->get('storage');
     $storage = $this->storageManager->getStorage($storage_id);
     $build['resume'] = ['#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => '<p>{{ message }}</p>', '#context' => ['message' => $this->t('Profiles stored with %storage service.', ['%storage' => $storage['title']])]];
     $build['filters'] = $this->formBuilder()->getForm('Drupal\\webprofiler\\Form\\ProfilesFilterForm');
     $build['table'] = ['#type' => 'table', '#rows' => $rows, '#header' => [$this->t('Token'), ['data' => $this->t('Ip'), 'class' => [RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW]], ['data' => $this->t('Method'), 'class' => [RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW]], $this->t('Url'), ['data' => $this->t('Time'), 'class' => [RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM]]], '#sticky' => TRUE];
     return $build;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $processors = $this->configuration['processors'];
     $info = $this->getPluginDefinition();
     $counts = array(3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25);
     $items = array_map(function ($count) {
         return $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($count, '1 item', '@count items');
     }, array_combine($counts, $counts));
     $intervals = array(3600, 10800, 21600, 32400, 43200, 86400, 172800, 259200, 604800, 1209600, 2419200, 4838400, 9676800);
     $period = array_map(array($this->dateFormatter, 'formatInterval'), array_combine($intervals, $intervals));
     $period[AGGREGATOR_CLEAR_NEVER] = t('Never');
     $form['processors'][$info['id']] = array();
     // Only wrap into details if there is a basic configuration.
     if (isset($form['basic_conf'])) {
         $form['processors'][$info['id']] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Default processor settings'), '#description' => $info['description'], '#open' => in_array($info['id'], $processors));
     $form['processors'][$info['id']]['aggregator_summary_items'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Number of items shown in listing pages'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['source']['list_max'], '#empty_value' => 0, '#options' => $items);
     $form['processors'][$info['id']]['aggregator_clear'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Discard items older than'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['items']['expire'], '#options' => $period, '#description' => t('Requires a correctly configured <a href="@cron">cron maintenance task</a>.', array('@cron' => $this->url('system.status'))));
     $lengths = array(0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000);
     $options = array_map(function ($length) {
         return $length == 0 ? t('Unlimited') : format_plural($length, '1 character', '@count characters');
     }, array_combine($lengths, $lengths));
     $form['processors'][$info['id']]['aggregator_teaser_length'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Length of trimmed description'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['items']['teaser_length'], '#options' => $options, '#description' => t('The maximum number of characters used in the trimmed version of content.'));
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $index = $this->entity;
     // Do not allow the form to be cached. See
     // \Drupal\views_ui\ViewEditForm::form().
     if ($index instanceof UnsavedConfigurationInterface && $index->hasChanges()) {
         if ($index->isLocked()) {
             $form['#disabled'] = TRUE;
             $username = array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $index->getLockOwner($this->entityTypeManager));
             $lock_message_substitutions = array('@user' => $this->getRenderer()->render($username), '@age' => $this->dateFormatter->formatTimeDiffSince($index->getLastUpdated()), ':url' => $index->toUrl('break-lock-form')->toString());
             $form['locked'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('index-locked', 'messages', 'messages--warning')), '#children' => $this->t('This index is being edited by user @user, and is therefore locked from editing by others. This lock is @age old. Click here to <a href=":url">break this lock</a>.', $lock_message_substitutions), '#weight' => -10);
     $args['%index'] = $index->label();
     $form['#title'] = $this->t('Add fields to index %index', $args);
     $form['properties'] = array('#theme' => 'search_api_form_item_list');
     $datasources = array('' => NULL);
     $datasources += $this->entity->getDatasources();
     foreach ($datasources as $datasource) {
         $form['properties'][] = $this->getDatasourceListItem($datasource);
     // Log any unmapped types that were encountered.
     if ($this->unmappedFields) {
         $unmapped_types = array();
         foreach ($this->unmappedFields as $type => $fields) {
             $unmapped_types[] = implode(', ', $fields) . ' (' . new FormattableMarkup('type @type', array('@type' => $type)) . ')';
         $vars['@fields'] = implode('; ', $unmapped_types);
         $vars['%index'] = $this->entity->label();
         \Drupal::logger('search_api')->warning('Warning while retrieving available fields for index %index: could not find a type mapping for the following fields: @fields.', $vars);
     $form['actions'] = $this->actionsElement($form, $form_state);
     return $form;
  * Implements form #pre_render callback.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function preRender(array $element)
     if (!isset($element['#payment_statuses']) || !is_array($element['#payment_statuses'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('#payment_statuses must be an array of \\Drupal\\payment\\Plugin\\Payment\\Status\\PaymentStatusInterface instances.');
     $element['table'] = array('#empty' => $this->t('There are no statuses.'), '#header' => array($this->t('Status'), $this->t('Date')), '#type' => 'table');
     /** @var \Drupal\payment\Plugin\Payment\Status\PaymentStatusInterface $status */
     foreach ($element['#payment_statuses'] as $delta => $payment_status) {
         if (!$payment_status instanceof PaymentStatusInterface) {
             $type = is_object($payment_status) ? get_class($payment_status) : gettype($payment_status);
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('#payment_statuses must be an array of \\Drupal\\payment\\Plugin\\Payment\\Status\\PaymentStatusInterface instances, but the array contained %s.', $type));
         $definition = $payment_status->getPluginDefinition();
         $element['table']['status_' . $delta] = array('#attributes' => array('class' => array('payment-status-plugin-' . $payment_status->getPluginId())), 'label' => array('#attributes' => array('class' => array('payment-status-label')), '#markup' => $definition['label']), 'created' => array('#attributes' => array('class' => array('payment-line-item-quantity')), '#markup' => $this->dateFormatter->format($payment_status->getCreated())));
     return $element;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $types = $this->nodeTypeStorage->loadMultiple();
     if (empty($types)) {
         $create_url = $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('node.type_add');
         $this->setMessage($this->t('You do not have any content types that can be generated. <a href="@create-type">Go create a new content type</a>', array('@create-type' => $create_url)), 'error', FALSE);
     $options = array();
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $options[$type->id()] = array('type' => array('#markup' => $type->label()));
         if ($this->commentManager) {
             $comment_fields = $this->commentManager->getFields('node');
             $map = array($this->t('Hidden'), $this->t('Closed'), $this->t('Open'));
             $fields = array();
             foreach ($comment_fields as $field_name => $info) {
                 // Find all comment fields for the bundle.
                 if (in_array($type->id(), $info['bundles'])) {
                     $instance = FieldConfig::loadByName('node', $type->id(), $field_name);
                     $default_value = $instance->getDefaultValueLiteral();
                     $default_mode = reset($default_value);
                     $fields[] = SafeMarkup::format('@field: !state', array('@field' => $instance->label(), '!state' => $map[$default_mode['status']]));
             // @todo Refactor display of comment fields.
             if (!empty($fields)) {
                 $options[$type->id()]['comments'] = array('data' => array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $fields));
             } else {
                 $options[$type->id()]['comments'] = $this->t('No comment fields');
     $header = array('type' => $this->t('Content type'));
     if ($this->commentManager) {
         $header['comments'] = array('data' => $this->t('Comments'), 'class' => array(RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM));
     $form['node_types'] = array('#type' => 'tableselect', '#header' => $header, '#options' => $options);
     $form['kill'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('<strong>Delete all content</strong> in these content types before generating new content.'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('kill'));
     $form['num'] = array('#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('How many nodes would you like to generate?'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('num'), '#required' => TRUE, '#min' => 0);
     $options = array(1 => $this->t('Now'));
     foreach (array(3600, 86400, 604800, 2592000, 31536000) as $interval) {
         $options[$interval] = $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($interval, 1) . ' ' . $this->t('ago');
     $form['time_range'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('How far back in time should the nodes be dated?'), '#description' => $this->t('Node creation dates will be distributed randomly from the current time, back to the selected time.'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => 604800);
     $form['max_comments'] = array('#type' => $this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('comment') ? 'number' : 'value', '#title' => $this->t('Maximum number of comments per node.'), '#description' => $this->t('You must also enable comments for the content types you are generating. Note that some nodes will randomly receive zero comments. Some will receive the max.'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('max_comments'), '#min' => 0, '#access' => $this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('comment'));
     $form['title_length'] = array('#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Maximum number of words in titles'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('title_length'), '#required' => TRUE, '#min' => 1, '#max' => 255);
     $form['add_alias'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#disabled' => !$this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('path'), '#description' => $this->t('Requires path.module'), '#title' => $this->t('Add an url alias for each node.'), '#default_value' => FALSE);
     $form['add_statistics'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Add statistics for each node (node_counter table).'), '#default_value' => TRUE, '#access' => $this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('statistics'));
     $options = array();
     // We always need a language.
     $languages = $this->languageManager->getLanguages(LanguageInterface::STATE_ALL);
     foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
         $options[$langcode] = $language->getName();
     $form['add_language'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Set language on nodes'), '#multiple' => TRUE, '#description' => $this->t('Requires locale.module'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => array($this->languageManager->getDefaultLanguage()->getId()));
     $form['#redirect'] = FALSE;
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Throws an exception if the current user triggers flood control.
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException
 protected function contactFloodControl()
     $limit = $this->config('contact.settings')->get('flood.limit');
     $interval = $this->config('contact.settings')->get('flood.interval');
     if (!$this->flood->isAllowed('contact', $limit, $interval)) {
         drupal_set_message($this->t('You cannot send more than %limit messages in @interval. Try again later.', array('%limit' => $limit, '@interval' => $this->dateFormatter->formatInterval($interval))), 'error');
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Formats a timestamp.
  * @param int $timestamp
  *   A UNIX timestamp to format.
  * @return string
  *   The formatted timestamp string using the past or future format setting.
 protected function formatTimestamp($timestamp)
     $granularity = $this->getSetting('granularity');
     $options = ['granularity' => $granularity];
     if ($this->request->server->get('REQUEST_TIME') > $timestamp) {
         return SafeMarkup::format($this->getSetting('past_format'), ['@interval' => $this->dateFormatter->formatTimeDiffSince($timestamp, $options)]);
     } else {
         return SafeMarkup::format($this->getSetting('future_format'), ['@interval' => $this->dateFormatter->formatTimeDiffUntil($timestamp, $options)]);
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Override parent method, which deals with dates as integers.
 protected function opSimple($field)
     $origin = !empty($this->value['type']) && $this->value['type'] == 'offset' ? $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->server->get('REQUEST_TIME') : 0;
     $value = intval(strtotime($this->value['value'], $origin));
     // Convert to ISO. UTC is used since dates are stored in UTC.
     $value = $this->query->getDateFormat("'" . $this->dateFormatter->format($value, 'custom', DATETIME_DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT, DATETIME_STORAGE_TIMEZONE) . "'", $this->dateFormat, TRUE);
     // This is safe because we are manually scrubbing the value.
     $field = $this->query->getDateFormat($field, $this->dateFormat, TRUE);
     $this->query->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$field} {$this->operator} {$value}");
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $time = new DrupalDateTime();
     $format_types = $this->dateStorage->loadMultiple();
     foreach ($format_types as $type => $type_info) {
         $format = $this->dateFormatter->format($time->format('U'), $type);
         $options[$type] = $type_info->label() . ' (' . $format . ')';
     $elements['format_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Date format'), '#description' => t("Choose a format for displaying the date. Be sure to set a format appropriate for the field, i.e. omitting time for a field that only has a date."), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('format_type'));
     return $elements;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Form constructor for the comment overview administration form.
  * @param array $form
  *   An associative array containing the structure of the form.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
  *   The current state of the form.
  * @param string $type
  *   The type of the overview form ('approval' or 'new').
  * @return array
  *   The form structure.
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $type = 'new')
     // Build an 'Update options' form.
     $form['options'] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t('Update options'), '#open' => TRUE, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('container-inline')));
     if ($type == 'approval') {
         $options['publish'] = $this->t('Publish the selected comments');
     } else {
         $options['unpublish'] = $this->t('Unpublish the selected comments');
     $options['delete'] = $this->t('Delete the selected comments');
     $form['options']['operation'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Action'), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => 'publish');
     $form['options']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Update'));
     // Load the comments that need to be displayed.
     $status = $type == 'approval' ? CommentInterface::NOT_PUBLISHED : CommentInterface::PUBLISHED;
     $header = array('subject' => array('data' => $this->t('Subject'), 'specifier' => 'subject'), 'author' => array('data' => $this->t('Author'), 'specifier' => 'name', 'class' => array(RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM)), 'posted_in' => array('data' => $this->t('Posted in'), 'class' => array(RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW)), 'changed' => array('data' => $this->t('Updated'), 'specifier' => 'changed', 'sort' => 'desc', 'class' => array(RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW)), 'operations' => $this->t('Operations'));
     $cids = $this->commentStorage->getQuery()->condition('status', $status)->tableSort($header)->pager(50)->execute();
     /** @var $comments \Drupal\comment\CommentInterface[] */
     $comments = $this->commentStorage->loadMultiple($cids);
     // Build a table listing the appropriate comments.
     $options = array();
     $destination = $this->getDestinationArray();
     $commented_entity_ids = array();
     $commented_entities = array();
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $commented_entity_ids[$comment->getCommentedEntityTypeId()][] = $comment->getCommentedEntityId();
     foreach ($commented_entity_ids as $entity_type => $ids) {
         $commented_entities[$entity_type] = $this->entityManager->getStorage($entity_type)->loadMultiple($ids);
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         /** @var $commented_entity \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface */
         $commented_entity = $commented_entities[$comment->getCommentedEntityTypeId()][$comment->getCommentedEntityId()];
         $username = array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $comment->getOwner());
         $body = '';
         if (!empty($comment->comment_body->value)) {
             $body = $comment->comment_body->value;
         $comment_permalink = $comment->permalink();
         $attributes = $comment_permalink->getOption('attributes') ?: array();
         $attributes += array('title' => Unicode::truncate($body, 128));
         $comment_permalink->setOption('attributes', $attributes);
         $options[$comment->id()] = array('title' => array('data' => array('#title' => $comment->getSubject() ?: $comment->id())), 'subject' => array('data' => array('#type' => 'link', '#title' => $comment->getSubject(), '#url' => $comment_permalink)), 'author' => drupal_render($username), 'posted_in' => array('data' => array('#type' => 'link', '#title' => $commented_entity->label(), '#access' => $commented_entity->access('view'), '#url' => $commented_entity->urlInfo())), 'changed' => $this->dateFormatter->format($comment->getChangedTime(), 'short'));
         $comment_uri_options = $comment->urlInfo()->getOptions();
         $links = array();
         $links['edit'] = array('title' => $this->t('Edit'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.comment.edit_form', ['comment' => $comment->id()], $comment_uri_options + ['query' => $destination]));
         if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('content_translation') && $this->moduleHandler->invoke('content_translation', 'translate_access', array($comment))->isAllowed()) {
             $links['translate'] = array('title' => $this->t('Translate'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.comment.content_translation_overview', ['comment' => $comment->id()], $comment_uri_options + ['query' => $destination]));
         $options[$comment->id()]['operations']['data'] = array('#type' => 'operations', '#links' => $links);
     $form['comments'] = array('#type' => 'tableselect', '#header' => $header, '#options' => $options, '#empty' => $this->t('No comments available.'));
     $form['pager'] = array('#type' => 'pager');
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // The revision timestamp will be updated when the revision is saved. Keep
     // the original one for the confirmation message.
     $original_revision_timestamp = $this->revision->getRevisionCreationTime();
     $this->revision = $this->prepareRevertedRevision($this->revision, $form_state);
     $this->revision->revision_log = t('Copy of the revision from %date.', ['%date' => $this->dateFormatter->format($original_revision_timestamp)]);
     $this->logger('content')->notice('@type: reverted %title revision %revision.', ['@type' => $this->revision->bundle(), '%title' => $this->revision->label(), '%revision' => $this->revision->getRevisionId()]);
     drupal_set_message(t('@type %title has been reverted to the revision from %revision-date.', ['@type' => node_get_type_label($this->revision), '%title' => $this->revision->label(), '%revision-date' => $this->dateFormatter->format($original_revision_timestamp)]));
     $form_state->setRedirect('entity.node.version_history', array('node' => $this->revision->id()));
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Tests the formatDiff method.
  * @dataProvider providerTestFormatDiff
  * @covers ::formatDiff
 public function testformatDiff($expected, $timestamp1, $timestamp2, $options = array())
     // Mocks a simple formatPlural implementation.
     $this->stringTranslation->expects($this->any())->method('formatPlural')->with($this->anything(), $this->anything(), $this->anything(), array(), array('langcode' => isset($options['langcode']) ? $options['langcode'] : NULL))->will($this->returnCallback(function ($count, $one, $multiple) {
         return $count == 1 ? $one : str_replace('@count', $count, $multiple);
     // Mocks a simple translate implementation.
     $this->stringTranslation->expects($this->any())->method('translate')->with($this->anything())->will($this->returnCallback(function ($string, $args, $options) {
         return $string;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->dateFormatter->formatDiff($timestamp1, $timestamp2, $options));
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Displays details about a specific database log message.
  * @param int $event_id
  *   Unique ID of the database log message.
  * @return array
  *   If the ID is located in the Database Logging table, a build array in the
  *   format expected by drupal_render();
 public function eventDetails($event_id)
     $build = array();
     if ($dblog = $this->database->query('SELECT w.*, u.name, u.uid FROM {watchdog} w INNER JOIN {users} u ON w.uid = u.uid WHERE w.wid = :id', array(':id' => $event_id))->fetchObject()) {
         $severity = watchdog_severity_levels();
         $message = $this->formatMessage($dblog);
         $username = array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => user_load($dblog->uid));
         $rows = array(array(array('data' => $this->t('Type'), 'header' => TRUE), $this->t($dblog->type)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Date'), 'header' => TRUE), $this->dateFormatter->format($dblog->timestamp, 'long')), array(array('data' => $this->t('User'), 'header' => TRUE), array('data' => $username)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Location'), 'header' => TRUE), l($dblog->location, $dblog->location)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Referrer'), 'header' => TRUE), l($dblog->referer, $dblog->referer)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Message'), 'header' => TRUE), $message), array(array('data' => $this->t('Severity'), 'header' => TRUE), $severity[$dblog->severity]), array(array('data' => $this->t('Hostname'), 'header' => TRUE), String::checkPlain($dblog->hostname)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Operations'), 'header' => TRUE), $dblog->link));
         $build['dblog_table'] = array('#type' => 'table', '#rows' => $rows, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('dblog-event')), '#attached' => array('library' => array('dblog/drupal.dblog')));
     return $build;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Displays details about a specific database log message.
  * @param int $event_id
  *   Unique ID of the database log message.
  * @return array
  *   If the ID is located in the Database Logging table, a build array in the
  *   format expected by drupal_render();
 public function eventDetails($event_id)
     $build = array();
     if ($dblog = $this->database->query('SELECT w.*, u.uid FROM {watchdog} w LEFT JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = w.uid WHERE w.wid = :id', array(':id' => $event_id))->fetchObject()) {
         $severity = RfcLogLevel::getLevels();
         $message = $this->formatMessage($dblog);
         $username = array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $dblog->uid ? $this->userStorage->load($dblog->uid) : User::getAnonymousUser());
         $rows = array(array(array('data' => $this->t('Type'), 'header' => TRUE), $this->t($dblog->type)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Date'), 'header' => TRUE), $this->dateFormatter->format($dblog->timestamp, 'long')), array(array('data' => $this->t('User'), 'header' => TRUE), array('data' => $username)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Location'), 'header' => TRUE), $this->l($dblog->location, $dblog->location ? Url::fromUri($dblog->location) : Url::fromRoute('<none>'))), array(array('data' => $this->t('Referrer'), 'header' => TRUE), $this->l($dblog->referer, $dblog->referer ? Url::fromUri($dblog->referer) : Url::fromRoute('<none>'))), array(array('data' => $this->t('Message'), 'header' => TRUE), $message), array(array('data' => $this->t('Severity'), 'header' => TRUE), $severity[$dblog->severity]), array(array('data' => $this->t('Hostname'), 'header' => TRUE), SafeMarkup::checkPlain($dblog->hostname)), array(array('data' => $this->t('Operations'), 'header' => TRUE), SafeMarkup::checkAdminXss($dblog->link)));
         $build['dblog_table'] = array('#type' => 'table', '#rows' => $rows, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('dblog-event')), '#attached' => array('library' => array('dblog/drupal.dblog')));
     return $build;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $entity */
     $mark = array('#theme' => 'mark', '#mark_type' => node_mark($entity->id(), $entity->getChangedTime()));
     $langcode = $entity->language()->id;
     $uri = $entity->urlInfo();
     $options = $uri->getOptions();
     $options += $langcode != LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED && isset($languages[$langcode]) ? array('language' => $languages[$langcode]) : array();
     $row['title']['data'] = array('#type' => 'link', '#title' => $entity->label(), '#suffix' => ' ' . drupal_render($mark)) + $uri->toRenderArray();
     $row['type'] = String::checkPlain(node_get_type_label($entity));
     $row['author']['data'] = array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $entity->getOwner());
     $row['status'] = $entity->isPublished() ? $this->t('published') : $this->t('not published');
     $row['changed'] = $this->dateFormatter->format($entity->getChangedTime(), 'short');
     $language_manager = \Drupal::languageManager();
     if ($language_manager->isMultilingual()) {
         $row['language_name'] = $language_manager->getLanguageName($langcode);
     $row['operations']['data'] = $this->buildOperations($entity);
     return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);