protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->doctrine = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine');
     // get all cities
     $qb = $this->doctrine->getManager()->createQueryBuilder();
     $qb->select('ct')->from('HelperBundle:City', 'ct')->where('ct.geoCityId IS NOT NULL')->orderBy('', 'ASC');
     $cities = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
     $connection = $this->doctrine->getConnection();
     foreach ($cities as $city) {
         $output->write('Updating data of old city #' . $city->getId());
         $sql = "SELECT cg_gct.* FROM `chromedia_global`.`geo_cities` cg_gct WHERE cg_gct.`id` = ?";
         $statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
         $statement->bindValue(1, $city->getGeoCityId());
         $globalCityData = $statement->fetch();
         if ($globalCityData) {
             $updateSql = "UPDATE `cities` SET `id` = :geoCityId, `name` = :geoCityName, `slug` = :geoCitySlug WHERE `old_id` = :oldId";
             $updateStatement = $connection->prepare($updateSql);
             $updateStatement->bindValue('geoCityId', $globalCityData['id']);
             $updateStatement->bindValue('geoCityName', $globalCityData['name']);
             $updateStatement->bindValue('geoCitySlug', $globalCityData['slug']);
             $updateStatement->bindValue('oldId', $city->getOldId());
             $output->writeln(' OK');
         } else {
             $output->writeln(' Not found');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry $doctrine
 public function __construct($doctrine)
     $dbConfig = $doctrine->getConnection()->getParams();
     if (isset($dbConfig['dsn'])) {
         $data = EhrlichAndreas_Util_Dsn::parseDsn($dbConfig['dsn']);
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             $dbConfig[$key] = $value;
         $data = EhrlichAndreas_Util_Dsn::parseUri($dbConfig['dsn']);
         if (isset($data[0])) {
             $dbConfig['adapter'] = ucfirst($data[0]);
         if (isset($dbConfig['adapter']) && $dbConfig['driver']) {
             $dbConfig['adapter'] = $dbConfig['driver'] . '_' . $dbConfig['adapter'];
     if (!isset($dbConfig['adapter']) && isset($dbConfig['driver'])) {
         $dbConfig['adapter'] = $dbConfig['driver'];
     if (!isset($dbConfig['driver_options']) && isset($dbConfig['driverOptions'])) {
         $dbConfig['driver_options'] = $dbConfig['driverOptions'];
     if (!isset($dbConfig['username']) && isset($dbConfig['user'])) {
         $dbConfig['username'] = $dbConfig['user'];
     $this->adapter = EhrlichAndreas_Db_Db::factory($dbConfig);
 private function reset()
     if ($this->doctrine) {
         /** @var Connection $c */
         $c = $this->doctrine->getConnection();
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry $doctrine
  * @param \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger           $logger
 public function __construct(Doctrine $doctrine, Logger $logger)
     $this->entityManager = $doctrine->getManager();
     $dLogger = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack();
  * Merge $fromTreatment to $toTreatment
  * @param Treatment $fromTreatment
  * @param Treatment $toTreatment
 public function mergeTreatmentToAnotherTreatment(Treatment $fromTreatment, Treatment $toTreatment)
      * Steps for merge
      * 1. Move all institution_treatments of $fromTreatment to $toTreatment. Considerations:
      *      a. Consider existing institution_treatments.institution_id and institution_treatments.toTreatment combination
      * 2. Delete $fromTreatment
     $connection = $this->doctrine->getConnection();
     $em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
     // step 1
     $sql = "UPDATE IGNORE `institution_treatments` inst_tr \n                SET inst_tr.`treatment_id` = :toTreatmentId\n                WHERE inst_tr.`treatment_id` = :fromTreatmentId";
     $statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
     $statement->bindValue('fromTreatmentId', $fromTreatment->getId());
     $statement->bindValue('toTreatmentId', $toTreatment->getId());
     // remove the remaining institutions $fromTreatment with existing $toTreatment that were left out from the above operation
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `institution_treatments` WHERE `treatment_id` = :fromTreatmentId";
     $statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
     $statement->bindValue('fromTreatmentId', $fromTreatment->getId());
     // step 2
     // remove $fromTreatment
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function testGetUnknownConnection()
     $container = $this->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerInterface');
     $registry = new Registry($container, array(), array(), 'default', 'default');
     $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException', 'Doctrine ORM Connection named "default" does not exist.');
 private function doInstitution(Institution $institution, $em)
     //$this->output->write("Institution #{$institution->getId()}");
     $oldState = \trim($institution->getStateBak());
     if ($oldState == '') {
         //$this->output->writeln('[No old state]');
     $country = $institution->getCountry();
     // find a state with the same name for this country in chromedia_global
     $connection = $this->doctrine->getConnection();
     $sql = "SELECT gs.* FROM `chromedia_global`.`geo_states` gs WHERE `name` LIKE :state AND `geo_country_id` = :geoCountryId";
     $statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
     $statement->bindValue('state', $oldState);
     $statement->bindValue('geoCountryId', $country->getId());
     if (!($rowCount = $statement->rowCount())) {
         //$this->output->writeln('[No matching state]');
         $this->nonMatchingInstitutions[] = $institution;
     } else {
         if ($rowCount == 1) {
             $globalStateData = $statement->fetch();
             $hcaState = $this->getHcaState($globalStateData, $country);
             //$this->output->writeln("[Set to {$hcaState->getName()} ]");
         } else {
             if (strtolower($oldState) == 'singapore') {
                 // manual for singapore
                 while ($globalStateData = $statement->fetch()) {
                     if ($globalStateData['id'] == 2732) {
                         $hcaState = $this->getHcaState($globalStateData, $country);
                         //$this->output->writeln("[Set to {$hcaState->getName()} ]");
             } else {
                 $this->nonUniqueStates[] = array('country_id' => $country->getId(), 'state' => $oldState);
                 //$this->output->writeln("[Non unique state {$oldState}]");
                 $this->nonMatchingInstitutions[] = $institution;
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->doctrine = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine');
     $this->om = $this->doctrine->getManager();
     $this->connection = $this->doctrine->getConnection();
     $this->output = $output;
     $this->termRepository = $this->doctrine->getRepository('TermBundle:Term');
     // reset internal flag to 0 for terms linked to a treatment
     // get all treatments
     $qb = $this->doctrine->getManager()->createQueryBuilder();
     $qb->select('t1')->from('TreatmentBundle:Treatment', 't1')->orderBy('', 'ASC');
     $treatments = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
     foreach ($treatments as $treatment) {
 private function updateEmail($accountId, $accountEmail, $contactEmail)
     $updateSql = "UPDATE `chromedia_global`.`accounts` SET `email` = :contactEmail WHERE `id` = :accountId AND `email` = :accountEmail";
     $statement = $this->doctrine->getConnection()->prepare($updateSql);
     $statement->bindValue('accountId', $accountId);
     $statement->bindvalue('accountEmail', $accountEmail);
     $statement->bindValue('contactEmail', $contactEmail);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @param Registry $doctrine
  * @param Selector $selector
 public function __construct(Registry $doctrine, Selector $selector)
     $this->repository = $doctrine->getRepository('AnimeDbCatalogBundle:Item');
     $this->selector = $selector;
     // register custom lower()
     $conn = $doctrine->getConnection()->getWrappedConnection();
     if (method_exists($conn, 'sqliteCreateFunction')) {
         $conn->sqliteCreateFunction('lower', function ($str) {
             return mb_strtolower($str, 'UTF8');
         }, 1);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * @param Registry                       $registry
  * @param \Knp\Component\Pager\Paginator $paginator
  * @param                                $connection
  * @param                                $manager
  * @param                                $itemsPerPage
  * @internal param $items
 public function __construct(Registry $registry, Paginator $paginator, $connection, $manager, $itemsPerPage)
     $this->registry = $registry;
     $this->paginator = $paginator;
     $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage;
     // this prevents a 'NULL not support' exception
     if (!$connection || empty($connection)) {
         $connection = null;
     $this->connection = $registry->getConnection($connection);
     if (!$manager || empty($manager)) {
         $manager = null;
     $this->manager = $registry->getManager($manager);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @param string $connectionName
  * @param string $mysqlHost
  * @param string $mysqlUsername
  * @param string $mysqlPassword
  * @param string $mysqlDbname
  * @param array $onlyTables
 public function run(string $connectionName = 'default', string $mysqlHost = 'localhost', string $mysqlUsername = null, string $mysqlPassword = null, string $mysqlDbname = null, array $onlyTables = [])
     $this->connection = $this->doctrine->getConnection($connectionName);
     if ($mysqlHost) {
         $this->initMysqlSettings($mysqlHost, $mysqlUsername, $mysqlPassword, $mysqlDbname);
     $tables = $this->showTables();
     foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
         $this->fs->remove([self::DUMP_IN_FILE_NAME, self::DUMP_OUT_FILE_NAME]);
         if (!empty($onlyTables) && !in_array($tableName, $onlyTables)) {
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Execute the command. Get all the deposits needing to be harvested. Each
  * deposit will be passed to the commands processDeposit() function.
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 protected final function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $force = $input->getOption('force');
     $q = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT d FROM AppBundle\\Entity\\Deposit d where d.plnState = :state');
     $q->setParameter('state', 'agreement');
     $iterator = $q->iterate();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($iterator as $row) {
         $deposit = $row[0];
         $this->processDeposit($deposit, $force);
         if ($i % 50 === 0) {
 public function setDoctrine(Registry $doctrine)
     $this->doctrine = $doctrine;
     $this->connection = $doctrine->getConnection('hca_blog');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * @param Table $table
 private function enableUserTriggers(Table $table)
     $tableFullName = $table->getSchema() . PgAnalyzer::DB_SEPARATOR . $table->getName();
     $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . $tableFullName . " ENABLE TRIGGER USER";
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Sets up Key Mapping, if enabled
  * Creates the necessary tables, if they arent there, and updates the service
  * @param array            $configs
  * @param Registry         $doctrine
  * @throws \Exception
 public function setupKeyMap(array $configs, Registry $doctrine)
     if ($configs['enabled']) {
         // Make sure the connection isn't empty
         if ($configs['connection'] === '') {
             throw new \Exception("Please specify a `connection` for the keyMap setting under memcached. ");
         // Grab the connection from doctrine
         /** @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection */
         $connection = $doctrine->getConnection($configs['connection']);
         // Fetch the memcached service, set key mapping to enabled, and set the connection
  * @return string
 protected function generateUuid()
     $conn = $this->doctrine->getConnection();
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $conn->getDatabasePlatform()->getGuidExpression();
     return $conn->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function tearDown()