public function execute()
     /* @var $paths Paths */
     $paths = Pimple::getResource('paths');
     $path = $paths->getData() . '/activity-log';
     if (!file_exists($path) || !is_dir($path)) {
         mkdir($path, 0777);
     $filename = 'GeoLite2.mmdb';
     $gzPath = $path . '/' . $filename . '.gz';
     $tmpPath = $path . '/' . $filename . '.tmp';
     $finalPath = $path . '/' . $filename;
     file_put_contents($gzPath, file_get_contents($this->getDbUrl()), LOCK_EX);
     $this->decompressFile($gzPath, $tmpPath);
     if ($this->computedMd5MatchesPublishedMd5($tmpPath)) {
         rename($tmpPath, $finalPath);
     } else {
         if (file_exists($gzPath)) {
         if (file_exists($tmpPath)) {
         throw new Exception('Downloaded file does not match MD5 published by MaxMind.');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Check permissions
  * @return void
 protected function checkPermissions()
     $user = Pimple::getResource('user');
     if ($user->get('user_id') !== (int) $this->request->getQuery('user_id')) {
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Supply the Select object that will be manipulated by this listing.
  * @param Select $select
  * @param DbField $primaryKey
  * @param Request $request
 public function __construct(Select $select, DbField $primaryKey, Request $request = null)
     $this->select = $select;
     $this->primaryKey = $primaryKey;
     $this->request = $request ?: Pimple::getResource('dewdrop-request');
     $this->registerSelectModifier(new SelectFilter($this->request))->registerSelectModifier(new SelectSort($this->request))->registerSelectModifier(new SelectPaginate($this->request));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function getUser()
     if (null === $this->user && Pimple::hasResource('user')) {
         $this->user = Pimple::getResource('user');
     return $this->user;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function getActivityLog()
     if (!$this->activityLog) {
         $this->activityLog = Pimple::getResource('activity-log');
     return $this->activityLog;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function setUp()
     $this->db = Pimple::getResource('db');
     $this->filter = new Groups($this->component, $this->db);
     $this->fields = new Fields();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function __construct(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response, array $invokeArgs = array())
     $this->pimple = Pimple::getInstance();
     if ($this instanceof CrudInterface) {
         $this->addPageFactory(new CrudFactory($this));
     $this->env = new Zf1AdminEnv($this);
     parent::__construct($request, $response, $invokeArgs);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Create the PDO connection for PHPUnit using constants defined in
  * wp-config.php.
  * @return PDO
 public final function getConnection()
     if (!defined('WPINC')) {
         return $this->createDefaultDBConnection(Pimple::getResource('db')->getConnection(), Pimple::getResource('config')['db']['name']);
     } else {
         $connection = new PDO('mysql:dbname=' . DB_NAME . ';host=' . DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
         return $this->createDefaultDBConnection($connection, DB_NAME);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Filter the supplied URL.
  * @param string $url
  * @return mixed
 public function direct($url)
     if (!Pimple::hasResource('url-filter')) {
         return $url;
     } else {
         /* @var $filter callable */
         $filter = Pimple::getResource('url-filter');
         return $filter($url);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function get()
     if (!self::$key) {
         $paths = Pimple::hasResource('paths') ? Pimple::getResource('paths') : new Paths();
         $keyFile = $paths->getData() . '/activity-log/secret-session-cookie-key.php';
         if (file_exists($keyFile) && is_readable($keyFile)) {
             self::$key = trim(file_get_contents($keyFile));
     return self::$key;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Provide a Pimple container for retrieval of session storage.
  * @param mixed $container
 public function __construct($access = null)
     if ($access instanceof PimpleProper) {
         $access = $access['session.access'];
     if (null === $access) {
         $access = Pimple::getResource('session.access');
     if (!$access instanceof SessionAccessInterface) {
         throw new Exception('Must provide a SessionAccessInterface object.');
     $this->access = $access;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Check cookies to see if any cross-request notices were set.
  * Right now, we only support the "dewdrop_admin_success_notice" cookie,
  * which is set by the response helper object after an edit form, for
  * example, is successfully processed.  We may at some point offer a
  * more flexible way of passing messages through a session API.
  * @return string
 private function loadNoticeFromCookies()
     if (!Pimple::getResource('paths')->isWp()) {
         return '';
     $notice = '';
     if (isset($_COOKIE['dewdrop_admin_success_notice']) && $_COOKIE['dewdrop_admin_success_notice']) {
         $notice = $_COOKIE['dewdrop_admin_success_notice'];
         // Expire/delete cookie
         setcookie('dewdrop_admin_success_notice', null, 0);
     return $notice;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function __construct(Table $table, ActivityLog $activityLog = null, Inflector $inflector = null)
     $this->table = $table;
     $this->inflector = $inflector ?: Pimple::getResource('inflector');
     $tableName = $table->getTableName();
     $inflectedName = $this->inflector->singularize($this->inflector->hyphenize($tableName));
     if (!$tableName) {
         $className = get_class($table);
         throw new Exception("Cannot create activity log handle for {$className} because no table name is set.");
     $this->setActivityLog($activityLog ?: Pimple::getResource('activity-log'))->setName($inflectedName)->setModel($table)->addAlias($tableName);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Provide the component that these permissions should be applied to.
  * @param mixed $component
  * @param null|bool $debug
  * @throws Exception
 public function __construct($component, $debug = null)
     if (!$component instanceof ComponentInterface && !$component instanceof CrudInterface) {
         throw new Exception('Component must be CopmonentInterface or implement CrudInterface');
     $this->component = $component;
     $this->debug = null === $debug ? Pimple::getResource('debug') : $debug;
     $this->register('access', 'Allow access to the ' . $this->component->getTitle() . ' component')->set('access', true);
     $this->register('display-menu', 'Show the ' . $this->component->getTitle() . ' component in the menu')->set('display-menu', true);
     if ($this->component instanceof CrudInterface) {
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function execute()
     /* @var $paths Paths */
     $paths = Pimple::getResource('paths');
     $path = $paths->getData() . '/activity-log';
     if (!file_exists($path) || !is_dir($path)) {
         mkdir($path, 0777);
     $fullPath = $path . '/secret-session-cookie-key.php';
     if (file_exists($fullPath)) {
         throw new Exception('Key already present.  Delete the current key file if you want to regenerate.');
     } else {
         $key = bin2hex(random_bytes(64));
         file_put_contents($fullPath, $key, LOCK_EX);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Perform any processing or data manipulation needed before render.
  * A response helper object will be passed to this method to allow you to
  * easily add success messages or redirects.  This helper should be used
  * to handle these kinds of actions so that you can easily test your
  * page's code.
  * @param ResponseHelper $responseHelper
  * @return ResponseHelper|null
 public function process(ResponseHelper $responseHelper)
     $isCurrentUser = $this->row->get('user_id') === Pimple::getResource('user')->get('user_id');
     if (!$this->component->getPermissions()->can('edit') && !$isCurrentUser) {
         return $responseHelper->redirectToUrl('/admin');
     if ($this->request->isPost()) {
         if ($this->inputFilter->isValid()) {
             if ($isCurrentUser) {
                 return $responseHelper->redirectToUrl('/admin');
             } else {
                 return $responseHelper->redirectToAdminPage('index');
Exemplo n.º 17
  * If no $wwwPath or $docRoot are provided, pull those from the environment.
  * Return the supplied URL with a prefix pointing to the bower_components
  * folder, being careful to not double-up on slashes on either end.
  * @param string $url
  * @param string $wwwPath
  * @param string $docRoot
  * @return string
 public function direct($url, $wwwPath = null, $docRoot = null)
     if (null === $wwwPath) {
         if (self::$wwwPath) {
             $wwwPath = self::$wwwPath;
         } else {
             $paths = Pimple::getResource('paths');
             $docRoot = $docRoot ?: $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
             if (false === strpos($paths->getWww(), $docRoot)) {
                 $wwwPath = '';
             } else {
                 $wwwPath = trim(str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $paths->getWww() . '/'), '/');
                 $wwwPath = $wwwPath ? '/' . $wwwPath : '';
             self::$wwwPath = $wwwPath;
     return $wwwPath . '/bower_components/' . ltrim($url, '/');
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function direct(Entry $entry, ActivityLog $activityLog = null)
     /* @var $resolver \Dewdrop\ActivityLog\HandlerResolver */
     $resolver = Pimple::getResource('activity-log.handler-resolver');
     $handlers = new HandlerContainer();
     $handlers->setDefault(function (ShortcodeInterface $s) use($entry, $resolver) {
         try {
             $handler = $resolver->resolve($s->getName());
             $entity = $entry->getEntity($handler, $s->getParameter('id'));
             return trim($this->view->activityLogEntity($entity));
         } catch (ActivityLog\Exception\HandlerNotFound $e) {
             return '<strong>Unknown Type</strong>';
         } catch (ActivityLog\Exception\EntityNotFound $e) {
             return '<strong>Entity Not in DB</strong>';
     $processor = new Processor(new RegularParser(), $handlers);
     return $processor->process($entry->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function getMessage($name, array $templateValues)
     if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->anonymousMessages)) {
         throw new TemplateNotFound("Message template not found with name '{$name}'.");
     $user = $this->user;
     if (!$user && Pimple::hasResource('user')) {
         $user = Pimple::getResource('user');
     $userHandler = null;
     try {
         $userHandler = $this->handlerResolver->resolve('user');
     } catch (HandlerNotFound $e) {
         // OK to proceed without the user handler.  Will just treat as anonymous.
     if (!$user || !$userHandler) {
         $template = $this->anonymousMessages[$name];
     } else {
         $template = $this->userMessages[$name];
         // Automatically include %user% value when available.
         $templateValues['%user%'] = $userHandler->createEntity($user->getId());
     return $this->renderTemplateTags($template, $templateValues);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Provides a response to the request
  * @return string|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse
  * @throws Exception
 public function respond()
     $request = Pimple::getResource('dewdrop-request');
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         if (6 > strlen($request->getPost('password'))) {
             $this->view->assign('error', 'Password must be at least 6 characters long.');
         } elseif ($request->getPost('password') !== $request->getPost('confirm')) {
             $this->view->assign('error', 'Passwords do not match.');
         } else {
             $userAndToken = $this->getUserAndTokenRows($this->request->query->get('token'));
             $userAndToken['token']->set('used', 1)->save();
             return $this->app->redirect('/auth/login?token=' . $userAndToken['token']->get('token'));
     try {
         $userAndToken = $this->getUserAndTokenRows($this->request->query->get('token'));
         $this->view->assign('user', $userAndToken['user']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->view->assign('invalidToken', true);
     $this->view->assign('password', $request->getPost('password'))->assign('confirm', $request->getPost('confirm'));
     return $this->renderLayout($this->view->render('reset-password.phtml'));
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Optionally supply an array of fields that can be used as an initial
  * set for this collection.
  * @param array $fields
  * @param UserInterface $user
 public function __construct(array $fields = null, UserInterface $user = null)
     if (is_array($fields)) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
     if (null !== $user) {
         $this->user = $user;
     } elseif (Pimple::hasResource('user') && Pimple::getResource('user') instanceof UserInterface) {
         $this->user = Pimple::getResource('user');
Exemplo n.º 22
  * @expectedException \Dewdrop\Exception
 public function testComponentWithEmptyInitThrowsException()
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../test-components/insufficient-init-method/Component.php';
     new \DewdropTest\Admin\InsufficientInitMethod\Component(Pimple::getInstance());
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Setup the default changesets.  If a changeset has already been configured with a given
  * name, the default will not be applied.  This is done primarily to allow the
  * overrideChangesetPath() method to swap out the default paths during testing.
  * @return void
 protected function initChangesets()
     $mainChangesetName = Env::getInstance()->getProjectNoun();
     $defaultChangesets = ['dewdrop-core' => $this->paths->getDewdropLib() . '/db/' . $this->dbType, $mainChangesetName => $this->paths->getPluginRoot() . '/db', 'dewdrop-test' => $this->paths->getDewdropLib() . '/tests/db/' . $this->dbType];
     if (Pimple::hasResource('dbdeploy.changesets')) {
         $defaultChangesets = array_merge($defaultChangesets, Pimple::getResource('dbdeploy.changesets'));
     foreach ($defaultChangesets as $name => $path) {
         if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->changesets)) {
             $this->changesets[$name] = $path;
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Hashes the given plain text password and stores the result, which can be retrieved with getPassword()
  * @param string $plaintextPassword
  * @return UserRowGateway
 public function hashPassword($plaintextPassword)
     $encoder = Pimple::getResource('security.encoder.digest');
     $this->set('password_hash', $encoder->encodePassword(trim($plaintextPassword), ''));
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 25

// On prod, most code is tucked into zend outside the doc root
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../zend/')) {
    define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../zend/'));
} else {
    define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../'));
require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Dewdrop\Pimple;
/* @var $silex \Silex\Application */
$silex = Pimple::getInstance();
$silex->get('/', function () {
    return file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/dewdrop-index.html');
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Returns table metadata filesystem path.
  * @return string
 public function getTableMetadataPath()
     if (null === $this->tableMetadataPath) {
         /* @var $paths Paths */
         $paths = Pimple::getResource('paths');
         $this->tableMetadataPath = $paths->getModels() . '/metadata';
     return $this->tableMetadataPath;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Get the InputFilterBuilder that can be used to create default validators
  * and filters for the field.
  * @return InputFilterBuilder
 public function getInputFilterBuilder()
     return $this->inputFilterBuilder ?: Pimple::getResource('db.field.input-filter-builder');
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Pass a whole log of stuff into the view.
 public function render()
     $fields = $this->component->getFields();
     $listing = $this->component->getListing();
     $filter = $this->component->getVisibilityFilter();
     $this->view->assign(['component' => $this->component, 'permissions' => $this->component->getPermissions(), 'singularTitle' => $this->component->getPrimaryModel()->getSingularTitle(), 'pluralTitle' => $this->component->getPrimaryModel()->getPluralTitle(), 'listing' => $listing, 'visibilityFilter' => $filter, 'groupingFilter' => $this->component->getFieldGroupsFilter(), 'fields' => $fields, 'debug' => Pimple::getResource('debug'), 'isSortable' => $this->component instanceof SortableListingInterface, 'page' => $this, 'createUrl' => $this->getCreateUrl()]);
     if ($this->component instanceof BulkActionProcessorInterface) {
         $this->view->assign(['bulkActions' => $this->component->getBulkActions(), 'bulkActionFailureMessage' => $this->bulkActionFailureMessage]);
     return $this->renderView();
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Generate a URL for the provided page and params that will match the
  * Silex routes set up by this class.
  * @param ComponentInterface $component
  * @param string $page
  * @param array $params
  * @return string
 public function url(ComponentInterface $component, $page, array $params = array())
     $url = '/admin/' . $component->getName() . '/' . $this->application['inflector']->hyphenize($page) . $this->assembleQueryString($params, '?');
     if (Pimple::hasResource('url-filter')) {
         /* @var $filter callable */
         $filter = Pimple::getResource('url-filter');
         $url = $filter($url);
     return $url;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public function renderLinkUrl($primaryKeyValue)
     $linkTemplate = $this->defaultLinkTemplate;
     $user = $this->user;
     if (null === $user && Pimple::hasResource('user') && Pimple::getResource('user') instanceof UserInterface) {
         $user = Pimple::getResource('user');
     foreach ($this->roleSpecificLinkTemplates as $role => $roleSpecificLinkTemplate) {
         if ($user && $user->hasRole($role)) {
             $linkTemplate = $roleSpecificLinkTemplate;
     if (!$linkTemplate) {
         return null;
     /* @var $urlFilter callable */
     $urlFilter = Pimple::getResource('url-filter');
     $linkTemplate = $urlFilter($linkTemplate);
     return sprintf($linkTemplate, $primaryKeyValue);