getTestEnvironmentName() public method

public getTestEnvironmentName ( ) : string
return string
  * @param  StoryTeller $st
  * @return void
 public function start(StoryTeller $st)
     // Sauce Labs handles proxying for us (if required)
     // via the Sauce Connect app
     // build the Sauce Labs url
     $url = "http://" . urlencode($this->browserDetails->saucelabs->username) . ':' . urlencode($this->browserDetails->saucelabs->accesskey) . '';
     // build the Sauce Labs capabilities array
     $desiredCapabilities = $this->browserDetails->desiredCapabilities;
     // add the story's name, so that someone looking at the Sauce Labs
     // list of jobs can see what this browser was used for
     // due to encoding errors at SauceLabs, we can't use '>' as a
     // delimiter in the story's name
     $story = $st->getStory();
     $desiredCapabilities['name'] = $st->getTestEnvironmentName() . ' / ' . $st->getCurrentPhase() . ': ' . $st->getCurrentPhaseName() . ' / ' . $story->getName();
     // create the browser session
     $webDriver = new WebDriverClient($url);
     $this->browserSession = $webDriver->newSession($this->browserDetails->browser, $desiredCapabilities);
 public function initAfterModulesAvailable(StoryTeller $st, CliEngine $engine, Injectables $injectables)
     // shorthand
     $output = $injectables->output;
     // are we keeping the test environment hanging around afterwards?
     if (isset($engine->options->persistTarget) && $engine->options->persistTarget) {
         $injectables->activeConfig->setData('storyplayer.phases.testEnvShutdown.TestEnvironmentDestruction', false);
     // are we trying to use a test environment that has previously
     // been persisted?
     if (isset($engine->options->reuseTarget) && $engine->options->reuseTarget) {
         // does the target exist to be reused?
         $hasTarget = $st->fromTargetsTable()->hasCurrentTestEnvironment();
         if (!$hasTarget) {
             $output->logCliWarning("target environment '" . $st->getTestEnvironmentName() . "' does not exist; ignoring --reuse-target switch");
         // okay, so we have the test environment in the targets table,
         // but has the test environment been changed at all?
         $origSig = $st->fromTargetsTable()->getCurrentTestEnvironmentSignature();
         $currentSig = $st->getTestEnvironmentSignature();
         if ($origSig != $currentSig) {
             // our test environment entry isn't valid, so remove it
             $output->logCliWarning("target environment '" . $st->getTestEnvironmentName() . "' has changed; ignoring --reuse-target switch");
         // if we get here, then we do not need to create the test environment
         $injectables->activeConfig->setData('storyplayer.phases.testEnvStartup.TestEnvironmentConstruction', false);
     } else {
         // do we already have this target?
         // this can happen when the test environment was previously
         // persisted, and this time we're being run without the
         // --reuse-target flag
         // does the target exist to be reused?
         $hasTarget = $st->fromTargetsTable()->hasCurrentTestEnvironment();
         if ($hasTarget) {
             // remove this target from the table