Exemplo n.º 1
 function batchListDisplay($filter = '', $mode = '', $maxBatchID = '')
     global $FANNIE_URL;
     $dbc = $this->con;
     if ($mode === '') {
         $mode = $this->config->get('BATCH_VIEW', 'all');
     $colors = array('#ffffff', '#ffffcc');
     $c = 0;
     $ret = "";
     $ret .= "<b>Display</b>: ";
     if ($mode != 'pending') {
         $ret .= "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"changeTimeSlice('pending'); return false;\">Pending</a> | ";
     } else {
         $ret .= "Pending | ";
     if ($mode != 'current') {
         $ret .= "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"changeTimeSlice('current'); return false;\">Current</a> | ";
     } else {
         $ret .= "Current | ";
     if ($mode != 'historical') {
         $ret .= "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"changeTimeSlice('historical'); return false;\">Historical</a> | ";
     } else {
         $ret .= "Historical | ";
     if ($mode != 'all') {
         $ret .= "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"changeTimeSlice('all'); return false;\">All</a>";
     } else {
         $ret .= "All<br />";
     $sort = \COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\FannieUI::tableSortIcons();
     $ret .= '<table class="table tablesorter tablesorter-core"><thead>';
     $ret .= "<tr><th bgcolor={$colors[$c]}>Batch Name{$sort}</th>";
     $ret .= "<th bgcolor={$colors[$c]}>Type{$sort}</th>";
     $ret .= "<th bgcolor={$colors[$c]}>Items{$sort}</th>";
     $ret .= "<th bgcolor={$colors[$c]}>Start date{$sort}</th>";
     $ret .= "<th bgcolor={$colors[$c]}>End date{$sort}</th>";
     $ret .= "<th bgcolor={$colors[$c]}>Owner/Super Dept.{$sort}</th>";
     $ret .= "<th colspan=\"3\">&nbsp;</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
     // owner column might be in different places
     // depending if schema is up to date
     $ownerclause = "'' as owner FROM batches AS b";
     $batchesTable = $dbc->tableDefinition('batches');
     $owneralias = '';
     if (isset($batchesTable['owner'])) {
         $ownerclause = 'b.owner FROM batches AS b';
         $owneralias = 'b';
     } else {
         if ($dbc->tableExists('batchowner')) {
             $ownerclause = 'o.owner FROM batches AS b LEFT JOIN
                         batchowner AS o ON b.batchID=o.batchID';
             $owneralias = 'o';
     // the 'all' query
     // where clause is for str_ireplace below
     $fetchQ = "SELECT b.batchName,\n                        b.batchType,\n                        b.startDate,\n                        b.endDate,\n                        b.batchID,\n                        t.typeDesc,\n                        COUNT(l.upc) AS items,\n                   {$ownerclause}\n                    LEFT JOIN batchType AS t ON b.batchType = t.batchTypeID\n                    LEFT JOIN batchList AS l ON b.batchID=l.batchID\n                   WHERE 1=1 ";
     $args = array();
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'pending':
             $fetchQ .= ' AND ' . $dbc->datediff("b.startDate", $dbc->now()) . ' > 0 ';
         case 'current':
             $fetchQ .= '
                 AND ' . $dbc->datediff("b.startDate", $dbc->now()) . ' <= 0
                 AND ' . $dbc->datediff("b.endDate", $dbc->now()) . ' >= 0 ';
         case 'historical':
             $fetchQ .= ' AND ' . $dbc->datediff("b.startDate", $dbc->now()) . ' <= 0 ';
     // use a filter - only works in 'all' mode
     if ($filter != '') {
         $fetchQ .= ' AND ' . $owneralias . '.owner = ? ';
         $args[] = $filter;
     $fetchQ .= ' GROUP BY b.batchName, b.batchType, b.startDate, b.endDate, b.batchID,
                     t.typeDesc, ' . $owneralias . '.owner ';
     $fetchQ .= ' ORDER BY b.batchID DESC';
     $fetchQ = $dbc->add_select_limit($fetchQ, 50);
     if (is_numeric($maxBatchID)) {
         $fetchQ = str_replace("WHERE ", "WHERE b.batchID < ? AND ", $fetchQ);
         array_unshift($args, $maxBatchID);
     $fetchR = $dbc->exec_statement($fetchQ, $args);
     $count = 0;
     $lastBatchID = 0;
     while ($fetchW = $dbc->fetch_array($fetchR)) {
           strtotime() and date() are not reciprocal functions
           date('Y-m-d', strtotime('0000-00-00')) results in
           -0001-11-30 instead of the expected 0000-00-00
         if ($fetchW['startDate'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $fetchW['startDate'] = '';
         if ($fetchW['endDate'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $fetchW['endDate'] = '';
         $c = ($c + 1) % 2;
         $id = $fetchW['batchID'];
         $ret .= '<tr id="batchRow' . $fetchW['batchID'] . '" class="batchRow">';
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]} id=name{$id}><a id=namelink{$id} \n                href=\"EditBatchPage.php?id={$id}\">{$fetchW['batchName']}</a></td>";
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]} id=type{$id}>" . $fetchW['typeDesc'] . "</td>";
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]}>" . $fetchW['items'] . "</td>";
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]} id=startdate{$id}>" . (strtotime($fetchW['startDate']) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($fetchW['startDate'])) : '') . "</td>";
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]} id=enddate{$id}>" . (strtotime($fetchW['endDate']) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($fetchW['endDate'])) : '') . "</td>";
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]} id=owner{$id}>{$fetchW['owner']}</td>";
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]} id=edit{$id}>\n                <a href=\"\" onclick=\"editBatchLine({$id}); return false;\" class=\"batchEditLink btn btn-default btn-xs\">\n                    " . \COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\FannieUI::editIcon() . "\n                </a>\n                <a href=\"\" onclick=\"saveBatchLine({$id}); return false;\" class=\"batchSaveLink btn btn-default btn-xs collapse\">\n                    " . \COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\FannieUI::saveIcon() . "\n                </a>\n                </td>";
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]}><a href=\"\" class=\"btn btn-danger btn-xs\"\n                onclick=\"deleteBatch({$id},'" . str_replace("'", '', $fetchW['batchName']) . "'); return false;\">" . \COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\FannieUI::deleteIcon() . '</a></td>';
         $ret .= "<td bgcolor={$colors[$c]}><a href=\"batchReport.php?batchID={$id}\">Report</a></td>";
         $ret .= "</tr>";
         $lastBatchID = $fetchW[4];
     $ret .= "</tbody></table>";
     if (is_numeric($maxBatchID)) {
         $ret .= sprintf("<a href=\"\" \n                    onclick=\"scroll(0,0); batchListPager('%s','%s',''); return false;\">First page</a>\n                     | ", $filter, $mode);
     if ($count >= 50) {
         $ret .= sprintf("<a href=\"\" \n                    onclick=\"scroll(0,0); batchListPager('%s','%s',%d); return false;\">Next page</a>", $filter, $mode, $lastBatchID);
     } else {
         $ret .= "Next page";
     return $ret;