function view($nom) { $this->set("nom", $nom); $test = new \model\mysql\Utilisateur(); $test->find(array("conditions" => array(array(array("colums" => "login", "table" => new \model\mysql\Utilisateur()), "=", array("colums" => "login", "table" => new \model\mysql\Rtorrents()))))); \core\Mysqli::query("select * from tr"); }
static function getAllRtorrentUtilisateur($login) { $query = "select nomrtorrent "; $query .= "from rtorrents "; $query .= "where "; $query .= "login =" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($login); \core\Mysqli::query($query); return \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(true); }
public static function isRtorrentServeur() { $query = "select count(*) as nb from rtorrent"; $query .= " where hostname=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html(HOST); \core\Mysqli::query($query); $objet = \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(); return $objet->nb == 1; //die(); }
public static function traiteTicket($id) { $query = "select id, donnee, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expire) as expire from ticket "; $query .= " where id=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($id); \core\Mysqli::query($query); $ticket = \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(false, __CLASS__); if ($ticket != null) { if ($ticket->expire <= time()) { $ticket->delete(); $ticket = null; } } return $ticket; }
public static function getAllGenre() { $query = "select distinct g.label as label "; $query .= "from torrentfilm tf, film f, genrefilm g "; $query .= "where ( "; $query .= "tf.idfilm = "; $query .= "and = "; $query .= "and tf.login = "******"user"]->login); //$query .= " and rs.nomrtorrent = r.nom "; $query .= " ) or ( "; //$query .= "tf.fini = true "; $query .= "tf.partageamis = true "; $query .= "and tf.idfilm = "; $query .= "and = "; //$query .= "and rs.nomrtorrent = r.nom "; $query .= "and tf.login in (select login from amis a1 where a1.demandeur = " . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html(\config\Conf::$user["user"]->login) . " and a1.ok = true union select demandeur from amis a2 where a2.login = "******"user"]->login) . " and a2.ok = true)"; $query .= ") ORDER BY label ASC"; \core\Mysqli::query($query); return \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(true); }
throw new Exception("Impossible de trouver la distribution"); } \config\Conf::$distribution = $c[1]; $c = \model\simple\Console::execute("ls -l /proc/1/exe | awk '{ print \$11 }'"); if ($c[0] === 1) { throw new Exception("Impossible de trouver l'init.."); } \config\Conf::$init = basename($c[1]); \model\simple\MakerRtorrentLancer::create(); //\model\simple\MakerRtorrent::create(); \model\simple\Console::println("Configuration de mysql"); $host = \model\simple\Console::saisieString("Entré host de mysql"); $login = \model\simple\Console::saisieString("Entré le login de mysql"); $mdp = \model\simple\Console::saisieString("Entré le mot de passe de mysql"); $querys = file_get_contents(ROOT . DS . "mysql" . DS . "mediastorrent.sql"); \core\Mysqli::initmultiquery($host, $login, $mdp, $querys); $lvm = \model\simple\Console::saisieBoolean("Est ce que vous utiliserez lvm2 ?"); $volumegroup = ""; if ($lvm) { $volumegroup = \model\simple\Console::saisieString("Entré le nom du volume group que vous utiliserez"); $sortie = \model\simple\Console::execute('vgdisplay -c ' . $volumegroup); if ($sortie[0] === 1) { $lvm = false; \model\simple\Console::println($volumegroup . " non disponible => désactivation du support de lvm2"); } } \model\simple\MakerConf::make($host, $login, $mdp, $lvm, $volumegroup); exec("crontab -l > mycron"); exec('echo "*/1 * * * * ' . ROOT . DS . "script" . DS . '" >> mycron'); exec("crontab mycron"); exec("rm mycron");
public static function getDescription($id) { $query = "SELECT * FROM torrents WHERE id = " . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string($id); \core\Mysqli::query($query); return \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(true, __CLASS__); }
public static function estFini($id) { $query = "select count(*) as nb from cronroot "; $query .= " where fini=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html(true) . " and encour=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html(true) . " and id=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($id); \core\Mysqli::query($query); $res = \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(); if (!is_bool($res)) { return $res->nb == 1; } return false; }
public static function supprimeUtilisateur($login) { $query = "delete from utilisateur "; $query .= " where login=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($login); \core\Mysqli::query($query); $res = \core\Mysqli::nombreDeLigneAffecte() == 1; \core\Mysqli::close(); return $res; }
public static function getUtilisteur($login) { $query = "select * from utilisateur"; $query .= " where login=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($login); \core\Mysqli::query($query); return \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(false, __CLASS__); }
static function getAllFilmUserTitreAsc($genre) { $query = "select distinct * from ( select f.titre as titre, as id, f.urlposter as poster, f.urlbackdrop as backdrop , f.infos as infos "; $query .= "from torrentfilm tf, film f , genrefilm g "; $query .= "where ( "; $query .= "tf.idfilm = "; $query .= "and = "; if (!is_null($genre)) { $query .= "and g.label = " . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($genre); } //$query .= "and r.nom = tf.nomrtorrent "; $query .= " and tf.login = "******"user"]->login); //$query .= " and rs.nomrtorrent = r.nom "; $query .= " ) or ( "; //$query .= "tf.fini = true "; $query .= "tf.partageamis = true "; $query .= "and tf.idfilm = "; $query .= "and = "; if (!is_null($genre)) { $query .= "and g.label = " . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($genre); } //$query .= "and r.nom = tf.nomrtorrent "; //$query .= "and rs.nomrtorrent = r.nom "; $query .= " and tf.login in (select login from amis a1 where a1.demandeur = " . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html(\config\Conf::$user["user"]->login) . " and a1.ok = true union select demandeur from amis a2 where a2.login = "******"user"]->login) . " and a2.ok = true)"; $query .= ") ) t ORDER BY titre ASC"; \core\Mysqli::query($query); return \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(true); }
public function updateMediainfo($mediainfo) { $this->mediainfo = json_encode($mediainfo); $query = "update torrentserie set "; $query .= "mediainfo=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($this->mediainfo); $query .= " where id=" . \core\Mysqli::real_escape_string_html($this->id); \core\Mysqli::query($query); //echo $query; $res = \core\Mysqli::nombreDeLigneAffecte() == 1; \core\Mysqli::close(); return $res; }
function isql() { $querys = file_get_contents(ROOT . DS . "mysql" . DS . "mediastorrent.sql"); $t = \core\Mysqli::multiquery($querys); \core\Mysqli::getObjectAndClose(false); }