Exemplo n.º 1
  * Registers test namespaces of all available extensions.
  * @return array
  *   An associative array whose keys are PSR-4 namespace prefixes and whose
  *   values are directory names.
 public function registerTestNamespaces()
     if (isset($this->testNamespaces)) {
         return $this->testNamespaces;
     $this->testNamespaces = array();
     $existing = $this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4();
     // Add PHPUnit test namespace of Drupal core.
     $this->testNamespaces['Drupal\\Tests\\'] = [DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/tests/Drupal/Tests'];
     $this->availableExtensions = array();
     foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $name => $extension) {
         $this->availableExtensions[$extension->getType()][$name] = $name;
         $base_namespace = "Drupal\\{$name}\\";
         $base_path = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $extension->getPath();
         // Add namespace of disabled/uninstalled extensions.
         if (!isset($existing[$base_namespace])) {
             $this->classLoader->addPsr4($base_namespace, "{$base_path}/src");
         // Add Simpletest test namespace.
         $this->testNamespaces[$base_namespace . 'Tests\\'][] = "{$base_path}/src/Tests";
         // Add PHPUnit test namespace.
         // @todo Move PHPUnit namespace of extensions into Drupal\Tests\$name.
         // @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2260121
         $this->testNamespaces[$base_namespace . 'Tests\\'][] = "{$base_path}/tests/src";
     foreach ($this->testNamespaces as $prefix => $paths) {
         $this->classLoader->addPsr4($prefix, $paths);
     return $this->testNamespaces;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Registers test namespaces of all available extensions.
  * @return array
  *   An associative array whose keys are PSR-4 namespace prefixes and whose
  *   values are directory names.
 public function registerTestNamespaces()
     if (isset($this->testNamespaces)) {
         return $this->testNamespaces;
     $this->testNamespaces = array();
     $existing = $this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4();
     // Add PHPUnit test namespaces of Drupal core.
     $this->testNamespaces['Drupal\\Tests\\'] = [DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/tests/Drupal/Tests'];
     $this->testNamespaces['Drupal\\FunctionalTests\\'] = [DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalTests'];
     $this->availableExtensions = array();
     foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $name => $extension) {
         $this->availableExtensions[$extension->getType()][$name] = $name;
         $base_path = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $extension->getPath();
         // Add namespace of disabled/uninstalled extensions.
         if (!isset($existing["Drupal\\{$name}\\"])) {
             $this->classLoader->addPsr4("Drupal\\{$name}\\", "{$base_path}/src");
         // Add Simpletest test namespace.
         $this->testNamespaces["Drupal\\{$name}\\Tests\\"][] = "{$base_path}/src/Tests";
         // Add PHPUnit test namespaces.
         $this->testNamespaces["Drupal\\Tests\\{$name}\\Unit\\"][] = "{$base_path}/tests/src/Unit";
         $this->testNamespaces["Drupal\\Tests\\{$name}\\Functional\\"][] = "{$base_path}/tests/src/Functional";
     foreach ($this->testNamespaces as $prefix => $paths) {
         $this->classLoader->addPsr4($prefix, $paths);
     return $this->testNamespaces;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param ClassLoader $loader
  * @param string      $apps
  * @param string      $appDir
 public static function registerLoader(ClassLoader $loader, &$apps, $appDir)
     foreach ($apps['apps'] as &$app) {
         $namespace = $app['namespace'] . '\\';
         $prefixes = $loader->getPrefixesPsr4();
         if (isset($prefixes[$namespace])) {
             $app['path'] = $prefixes[$namespace][0];
         $app['path'] = $loader->getPrefixesPsr4()[$namespace];
     AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader([$loader, 'loadClass']);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function addPsr4($prefix, $paths, $prepend = false)
     $this->mainLoader->addPsr4($prefix, $paths, $prepend);
     $this->prefixesPsr4 = array_merge($this->prefixesPsr4, $this->mainLoader->getPrefixesPsr4());
     $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = array_merge($this->fallbackDirsPsr4, $this->mainLoader->getFallbackDirsPsr4());
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Returns all matching files by namespace
  * Example: find all route.php files in Routes folders,
  * $loader->find('App\Route\routes.php')
  * Example: find all Cron directories
  * $loader->find('App\Controller\Cron')
  * @return array
 public function find($glob) : array
     @(list($prefix, $match) = explode('/', $this->utils->unixPath(trim($glob, '\\/')), 2));
     foreach ($folders = $this->loader->getPrefixesPsr4()["{$prefix}\\"] ?? [] as $folder) {
         if (is_readable($path = sprintf('%s/%s', $folder, $match))) {
             $matches[] = realpath($path);
     return $matches ?? [];
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Returns class loading information for a single package
  * @param PackageInterface $package The package to generate the class loading info for
  * @param bool $useRelativePaths If set to TRUE, make the path relative to the current TYPO3 instance (PATH_site)
  * @return array
 public function buildClassLoadingInformationForPackage(PackageInterface $package, $useRelativePaths = false)
     $classMap = [];
     $psr4 = [];
     $packagePath = $package->getPackagePath();
     $manifest = $package->getValueFromComposerManifest();
     if (empty($manifest->autoload)) {
         // Legacy mode: Scan the complete extension directory for class files
         $classMap = $this->createClassMap($packagePath, $useRelativePaths, !$this->isDevMode);
     } else {
         $autoloadPsr4 = $this->getAutoloadSectionFromManifest($manifest, 'psr-4');
         if (!empty($autoloadPsr4)) {
             $classLoaderPrefixesPsr4 = $this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4();
             foreach ($autoloadPsr4 as $namespacePrefix => $paths) {
                 foreach ((array) $paths as $path) {
                     $namespacePath = $packagePath . $path;
                     if ($useRelativePaths) {
                         $psr4[$namespacePrefix][] = $this->makePathRelative($namespacePath, realpath($namespacePath));
                     } else {
                         $psr4[$namespacePrefix][] = $namespacePath;
                     if (!empty($classLoaderPrefixesPsr4[$namespacePrefix])) {
                         // The namespace prefix has been registered already, which means there also might be
                         // a class map which we need to override
                         $classMap = array_merge($classMap, $this->createClassMap($namespacePath, $useRelativePaths, false, $namespacePrefix));
         $autoloadClassmap = $this->getAutoloadSectionFromManifest($manifest, 'classmap');
         if (!empty($autoloadClassmap)) {
             foreach ($autoloadClassmap as $path) {
                 $classMap = array_merge($classMap, $this->createClassMap($packagePath . $path, $useRelativePaths));
     return ['classMap' => $classMap, 'psr-4' => $psr4];
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function __construct(ClassLoader $loader, Engine $engine = null)
     if (!$engine) {
         $engine = new Engine();
     $this->engine = $engine;
     $this->add(null, $loader->getFallbackDirs());
     $this->addPsr4(null, $loader->getFallbackDirsPsr4());
     foreach ($loader->getPrefixes() as $prefix => $path) {
         $this->add($prefix, $path);
     foreach ($loader->getPrefixesPsr4() as $prefix => $path) {
         $this->addPsr4($prefix, $path);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getConfig()
     // Initialize empty configuration.
     $config = ['psr-0' => [], 'psr-4' => [], 'class-location' => []];
     // Find the tokenized paths.
     $psrs = array('psr-0' => $this->classLoader->getPrefixes(), 'psr-4' => $this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4());
     // Get all the PSR-0 and PSR-0 and detect the ones that have Drupal tokens.
     foreach ($psrs as $psr_type => $namespaces) {
         $namespaces = $namespaces ?: [];
         foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $paths) {
             $token_paths = array();
             if (!is_array($paths)) {
                 $paths = array($paths);
             foreach ($paths as $path) {
                 $token_resolver = $this->tokenFactory->factory($path);
                 if (!$token_resolver->hasToken()) {
                 $path = $token_resolver->trimPath();
                 $token_paths[] = $path;
             // If there were paths, add them to the config.
             if (!empty($token_paths)) {
                 $config[$psr_type][$prefix] = $token_paths;
     // Get the drupal path configuration.
     $composer_config = json_decode(file_get_contents(static::COMPOSER_CONFIGURATION_NAME));
     $config['class-location'] = array();
     if (isset($composer_config->autoload->{'class-location'})) {
         $config['class-location'] = array_merge($config['class-location'], (array) $composer_config->autoload->{'class-location'});
     if (isset($composer_config->{'autoload-dev'}->{'class-location'})) {
         $config['class-location'] = array_merge($config['class-location'], (array) $composer_config->{'autoload-dev'}->{'class-location'});
     return $config;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function registerRoutes()
     // Auto-register routes.
     if (!isset($this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4()[$this->config->namespacePrefix . '\\'])) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Namespace prefix "%s" defined in the config was not found in the autoloader.', $this->config->namespacePrefix));
     $sourcePath = array_pop($this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4()[$this->config->namespacePrefix . '\\']);
     $routes = [];
     $app = $this->app;
     $formatNegotiator = $this->formatNegotiator;
     $serializer = $this->serializer;
     $config = $this->config;
     foreach ($this->getWebServiceClasses($this->config->namespacePrefix, $sourcePath) as $webServiceClass) {
         // Need to get methods and DTOs from class
         $classReflection = new ClassReflection($webServiceClass);
         $httpMethodNames = $this->config->httpMethodNames;
         $httpMethodReflections = array_filter($classReflection->getMethods(), function ($methodReflection) use($httpMethodNames) {
             return in_array($methodReflection->name, $httpMethodNames);
         // @todo add a check to make sure DTOs are unique. This might happen implicitly when registering routes.
         // Call for each http method/DTO in web service
         /** @var MethodReflection $httpMethodReflection */
         foreach ($httpMethodReflections as $httpMethodReflection) {
             // This assumes that the first argument of the HTTP method is a DTO.
             $httpMethodReflectionPrototype = $httpMethodReflection->getPrototype();
             $requestDtoClass = array_shift($httpMethodReflectionPrototype['arguments'])['type'];
             $requestDtoClassReflection = new ClassReflection($requestDtoClass);
             $requestDtoProperties = $requestDtoClassReflection->getProperties();
             $returnDtoClass = $httpMethodReflection->getReturnType();
             $returnDtoProperties = (new ClassReflection($returnDtoClass))->getProperties();
             $requestMethod = $httpMethodReflectionPrototype['name'];
             $route = '/' . $this->config->baseUrl . '/' . $requestDtoClassReflection->getShortName();
             $routes[] = new class($route, $requestDtoClass, $requestDtoProperties, $returnDtoClass, $returnDtoProperties)
                 public $path;
                 public $requestDto;
                 public $requestDtoParameters;
                 public $returnDto;
                 public $returnDtoProperties;
                 public function __construct(string $path, string $requestDto, array $requestDtoParameters, string $returnDto, array $returnDtoProperties)
                     $this->path = $path;
                     $this->requestDto = $requestDto;
                     $this->requestDtoParameters = $requestDtoParameters;
                     $this->returnDto = $returnDto;
                     $this->returnDtoProperties = $returnDtoProperties;
             $app->get($route, function () use($app, $formatNegotiator, $serializer, $config, $webServiceClass, $requestDtoClass, $requestMethod) {
                 /** @var Request $httpRequest */
                 $httpRequest = $app['request'];
                 // Convert request parameters to the request DTO.
                 $params = $serializer->serialize($httpRequest->query->all(), 'json');
                 $requestDto = $serializer->deserialize($params, $requestDtoClass, 'json');
                 // Get the response DTO by calling the HTTP method of the web service class, with the request DTO.
                 $responseDto = (new $webServiceClass())->{$requestMethod}($requestDto);
                 // Content negotiation
                 $format = $formatNegotiator->getBestFormat(implode(',', $httpRequest->getAcceptableContentTypes()), $config->contentNegotiation->priorities);
                 return new Response($serializer->serialize($responseDto, $format), 200, array('Content-Type' => $app['request']->getMimeType($format)));
      * Register custom _routes meta route
     $app->get($config->baseUrl . '/_routes', function () use($app, $formatNegotiator, $serializer, $config, $routes) {
         $httpRequest = $app['request'];
         $format = $formatNegotiator->getBestFormat(implode(',', $httpRequest->getAcceptableContentTypes()), $config->contentNegotiation->priorities);
         $serializedData = $serializer->serialize($routes, $format);
         $responseCode = Response::HTTP_OK;
         if ($serializedData === false) {
             $serializedData = '';
             $responseCode = Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
         return new Response($serializedData, $responseCode, array('Content-Type' => $app['request']->getMimeType($format)));