Exemplo n.º 1
  * Creates data provider instance with search query applied 
  * @param array $params 
  * @return ActiveDataProvider 
 public function search($params)
     $query = Lesson::find();
     // add conditions that should always apply here
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     $dataProvider->setSort(['attributes' => ['id', 'groupName' => ['asc' => ['group.name' => SORT_ASC], 'desc' => ['group.name' => SORT_DESC], 'label' => 'groupName'], 'disciplineName' => ['asc' => ['discipline.name' => SORT_ASC], 'desc' => ['discipline.name' => SORT_DESC], 'label' => 'disciplineName'], 'teacherFullname' => ['asc' => ['user.last_name' => SORT_ASC, 'user.first_name' => SORT_ASC, 'user.middle_name' => SORT_ASC], 'desc' => ['user.last_name' => SORT_DESC, 'user.first_name' => SORT_DESC, 'user.middle_name' => SORT_DESC], 'label' => 'teacherFullname'], 'lessonTypeName' => ['asc' => ['lesson_type.name' => SORT_ASC], 'desc' => ['lesson_type.name' => SORT_DESC], 'label' => 'lessonTypeName'], 'week', 'day', 'time', 'auditory']]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     // grid filtering conditions
     $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'ghd_id' => $this->ghd_id, 'lesson_type_id' => $this->lesson_type_id, 'week' => $this->week, 'day' => $this->day, 'time' => $this->time, 'date' => $this->date]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'auditory', $this->auditory]);
     $query->joinWith('groupHasDiscipline')->joinWith(['groupHasDiscipline.group' => function ($q) {
         $q->where('group.name LIKE "%' . $this->groupName . '%" ');
     $query->joinWith('groupHasDiscipline')->joinWith(['groupHasDiscipline.discipline' => function ($q) {
         $q->where('discipline.name LIKE "%' . $this->disciplineName . '%" ');
     $query->joinWith('teacherHasDiscipline')->joinWith('teacherHasDiscipline.teacher')->joinWith(['teacherHasDiscipline.teacher.user' => function ($q) {
         $q->where('user.first_name LIKE "%' . $this->teacherFullname . '%" ' . 'OR user.last_name LIKE "%' . $this->teacherFullname . '%"' . 'OR user.middle_name LIKE "%' . $this->teacherFullname . '%"');
     $query->joinWith(['lessonType' => function ($q) {
         $q->where('lesson_type.name LIKE "%' . $this->lessonTypeName . '%" ');
     return $dataProvider;
Exemplo n.º 2
echo Html::encode($this->title);

// Html::encode("Общее расписание");
$ghd_id_arr = array();
foreach ($ghd as $grouphasdisc) {
    array_push($ghd_id_arr, $grouphasdisc->id);
$lessons = Lesson::find()->where(['ghd_id' => $ghd_id_arr])->orderBy('week ASC, day ASC, time ASC')->all();
$schedule = array();
for ($week = 1; $week <= 2; $week++) {
    $schedule[$week][] = Html::beginTag('table', ['class' => 'table table-bordered center-align']);
    $schedule[$week][] = Html::beginTag('tr');
    $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', 'День недели', ['class' => 'center-align']);
    $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', 'Неделя - ' . $week, ['class' => 'center-align', 'colspan' => '4']);
    for ($day = 1; $day <= 6; $day++) {
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::beginTag('tr');
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', Lesson::getDayName($day), ['class' => 'center-align lesson-day', 'colspan' => '5']);
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::beginTag('tr');
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', "Предмет", ['class' => 'center-align']);
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', 'Время', ['class' => 'center-align']);
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', 'Преподаватель', ['class' => 'center-align']);
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', 'Аудитория', ['class' => 'center-align']);
        $schedule[$week][] = Html::tag('th', 'Тип занятия', ['class' => 'center-align']);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getLesson()
     return Lesson::find()->all();
Exemplo n.º 4
// echo $this->render('_search', ['model' => $searchModel]);
   <div class="btn-group">
echo Html::button('Добавить занятие', ['value' => Url::to(['//lesson/create']), 'class' => 'btn btn-success modalButton']);
echo Html::button('Управление типами', ['value' => Url::to(['//lesson-type/index']), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary modalButton']);
Pjax::begin(['enablePushState' => false]);
echo GridView::widget(['dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'filterModel' => $searchModel, 'options' => ['class' => 'table-responsive'], 'columns' => [['class' => 'yii\\grid\\SerialColumn'], 'groupName', 'disciplineName', ['attribute' => 'lessonTypeName', 'filter' => ArrayHelper::map(\common\models\LessonType::find()->all(), 'name', 'name')], 'teacherFullname', ['attribute' => 'week', 'filter' => [1 => 1, 2 => 2]], ['attribute' => 'day', 'value' => function ($model) {
    return $model->dayRealName;
}, 'filter' => Lesson::getDaysList()], ['attribute' => 'time', 'filter' => ArrayHelper::map(Lesson::find()->select('time')->distinct()->all(), 'time', 'time')], 'auditory', ['class' => 'common\\components\\ActionColumn']]]);
Modal::begin(['header' => '', 'id' => 'modal', 'size' => 'modal-lg']);
echo "<div id='modalContent'></div>";
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function getLessonsList($arr)
     $group = isset($arr['group']) ? $arr['group'] : null;
     $teacher = isset($arr['teacher']) ? $arr['teacher'] : null;
     if ($group !== null) {
         if (!isset($arr['semester'])) {
             $semester = Group::findOne($group)->currentSemester;
         } else {
             $semester = GroupSemesters::find()->where(['group_id' => $arr['group'], 'semester_number' => $arr['semester']])->one();
         if (!$semester) {
             return false;
         $lessons = Lesson::find()->joinWith('groupHasDiscipline', true, "INNER JOIN")->where(['group_has_discipline.group_id' => $group])->andWhere(['group_has_discipline.semester_number' => $semester->semester_number])->orderBy('week ASC, day ASC, time ASC')->all();
         return $lessons;
     } elseif ($teacher !== null) {
         $lessons = Lesson::find()->select('lesson.*')->innerJoin("teacher_has_discipline thd", "`thd`.`id` = `lesson`.`thd_id`")->innerJoin("group_has_discipline ghd", '`ghd`.`id` = `lesson`.`ghd_id`')->innerJoin("group g", '`g`.`id` = `ghd`.`group_id`')->innerJoin("group_semesters gs", '`gs`.`group_id` = `g`.`id` AND `ghd`.`semester_number`  = `gs`.`semester_number`')->where(['<=', 'gs.begin_date', date('U')])->andWhere(['>=', 'gs.end_date', date('U')])->andWhere(['thd.teacher_id' => $teacher])->orderBy('week ASC, day ASC, time ASC, id ASC')->all();
         return $lessons;
Exemplo n.º 6
use yii\grid\GridView;
use yii\bootstrap\Nav;
use yii\bootstrap\Tabs;
use yii\helpers\Url;
use yii\bootstrap\Modal;
use common\widgets\Schedule;
use common\models\Lesson;
use common\widgets\CommentsWidget;
use yii\helpers\Markdown;
/* @var $this yii\web\View */
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */
$this->title = $model->discipline->name . ":" . $model->group->name;
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => $model->group->name, 'url' => Url::to(['//group/view', 'id' => $model->group->id])];
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title;
$lessons = Lesson::find()->where(['ghd_id' => $model->id])->all();
echo Tabs::widget(['options' => ['class' => 'nav nav-pills nav-justified'], 'items' => [['label' => 'Неделя - 1', 'content' => Schedule::widget(['scenario' => 'group', 'lessons' => $lessons, 'week' => 1])], ['label' => 'Неделя - 2', 'content' => Schedule::widget(['scenario' => 'group', 'lessons' => $lessons, 'week' => 2])]]]);
echo CommentsWidget::widget(['class_name' => $model::className(), 'item_id' => $model->id]);
<div class="group-has-discipline-index">

echo Html::encode($this->title);
    <div class='row'>
        <div class="col-md-3">