  * Loads and registers plugin's namespace and loads its event listeners classes.
  * This is used to allow plugins being installed to respond to events before
  * they are integrated to the system. Events such as `beforeInstall`,
  * `afterInstall`, etc.
  * @param string $plugin Name of the plugin for which attach listeners
  * @param string $path Path to plugin's root directory (which contains "src")
  * @throws \Cake\Error\FatalErrorException On illegal usage of this method
 protected function _attachListeners($plugin, $path)
     $path = normalizePath("{$path}/");
     $eventsPath = normalizePath("{$path}/src/Event/");
     if (is_readable($eventsPath) && is_dir($eventsPath)) {
         $EventManager = EventManager::instance();
         $eventsFolder = new Folder($eventsPath);
         Plugin::load($plugin, ['autoload' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false, 'path' => $path, 'classBase' => 'src', 'ignoreMissing' => true]);
         foreach ($eventsFolder->read(false, false, true)[1] as $classPath) {
             $className = preg_replace('/\\.php$/i', '', basename($classPath));
             $fullClassName = implode('\\', [$plugin, 'Event', $className]);
             if (class_exists($fullClassName)) {
                 $handler = new $fullClassName();
                 $this->_listeners[] = $handler;
Exemplo n.º 2
    $filter = $plugin->status;
    if ($plugin->isTheme) {
        $filter = $filter && in_array($plugin->name, [option('front_theme'), option('back_theme')]);
    if (!$filter) {
    if (!in_array("{$plugin->name}\\", array_keys($classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4()))) {
        $classLoader->addPsr4("{$plugin->name}\\", normalizePath("{$plugin->path}/src/"), true);
    if (!in_array("{$plugin->name}\\Test\\", array_keys($classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4()))) {
        $classLoader->addPsr4("{$plugin->name}\\Test\\", normalizePath("{$plugin->path}/tests/"), true);
    $info = ['autoload' => false, 'bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true, 'path' => normalizePath("{$plugin->path}/"), 'classBase' => 'src', 'ignoreMissing' => true];
    Plugin::load($plugin->name, $info);
    foreach ($plugin->eventListeners as $fullClassName) {
        if (class_exists($fullClassName)) {
            if (str_ends_with($fullClassName, 'Shortcode')) {
                EventDispatcher::instance('Shortcode')->eventManager()->on(new $fullClassName());
            } else {
                EventDispatcher::instance()->eventManager()->on(new $fullClassName());
    $pluginsPath[] = $info['path'];
if (empty($pluginsPath)) {
    die("Ops, something went wrong. Try to clear your site's snapshot and verify write permissions on /tmp directory.");