Exemplo n.º 1
  * Construct a complete Matrix with all entries set to a complex number
  * Takes a source matrix or array (which can be incomplete and converts each
  * entry to complex number type, setting a default value if entry does not exist.
  * If a Matrix is supplied as $source, the data is cloned into the ComplexMatrix
  * converting to complex number values, with no further checks, although you
  * may get exceptions thrown if conversion is not possible.
  * If you don't supply a default value, then 0+0i will be used
  * @param Matrix|array $source Array to initialise the matrix with
  * @param ComplexType $normalizeDefault Value to set missing vertices
 public function __construct($source, ComplexType $normalizeDefault = null)
     if (is_null($normalizeDefault)) {
         $ri = RationalTypeFactory::create(0, 1);
         $normalizeDefault = ComplexTypeFactory::create($ri, clone $ri);
     parent::__construct($source, $normalizeDefault);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * ShiftMatrix constructor.
  * @param IntType $size Number of required rows and columns
  * @param StringType $shiftType SM_TYPE_UPPER|SM_TYPE_LOWER
  * @param IntType|null $identityType Type of identity entries: default == IdentityType::IDM_TYPE_INT
 public function __construct(IntType $size, StringType $shiftType, IntType $identityType = null)
     $mA = (new Identity())->create([$size()]);
     $new = TypeFactory::createInt(0);
     $fS = new Shift();
     if ($shiftType() == self::SM_TYPE_UPPER) {
         $mB = $fS($mA, [1, $new]);
     if ($shiftType() == self::SM_TYPE_LOWER) {
         $mB = $fS($mA, [-1, $new]);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Construct a complete matrix whose entries are a result of a function
  * The function must accept two parameters
  *  e.g. $function($row, $col) {return $row - $col;}
  * $row and $col are 1 based
  * @param callable $function
  * @param IntType $rows Number of required rows
  * @param IntType $cols Number or required columns
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(callable $function, IntType $rows, IntType $cols)
     if ($rows() < 1) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$rows must be >= 1');
     if ($cols() < 1) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$cols must be >= 1');
     $source = array();
     $rc = $rows();
     $cc = $cols();
     for ($r = 0; $r < $rc; $r++) {
         for ($c = 0; $c < $cc; $c++) {
             $source[$r][$c] = $function($r + 1, $c + 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Construct a complete Matrix with all entries set to a rational number
  * Takes a source matrix or array (which can be incomplete and converts each
  * entry to rational number, setting a default value if entry does not exist.
  * If a Matrix is supplied as $source, the data is cloned into the RationalMatrix
  * converting to rational number values, with no further checks, although you
  * may get exceptions thrown if conversion is not possible.
  * @param Matrix|array $source Array to initialise the matrix with
  * @param mixed $normalizeDefault Value to set missing vertices
 public function __construct($source, $normalizeDefault = 0)
     $default = $this->convertNumberToRational($normalizeDefault);
     parent::__construct($source, $default);