public function getName($id = false) { $rez = 'no name'; if ($id === false) { $id = $this->id; } if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $facetConfig = $this->getFacetFieldConfig($this->getClassDepth() - 1); switch (@$facetConfig['type']) { case 'users': $rez = User::getDisplayName($id); break; case 'varchar': $rez = $id; break; default: $rez = Objects::getName($id); } } else { switch ($id) { case 'root': $rez = parent::getName('root'); break; } } return $rez; }
public function onSolrQuery(&$p) { $result =& $p['result']; $data =& $result['data']; $actionLogIds = array(); $comments = new Objects\Plugins\Comments(); //format ago date and collect log action ids foreach ($data as &$doc) { $la = Objects::getCachedObject($doc['id'])->getLastActionData(); $la['agoText'] = Util\formatAgoTime($la['time']); $la['uids'] = array_reverse(array_keys($la['users'])); $doc['lastAction'] = $la; $actionLogId = $la['users'][$la['uids'][0]]; $doc['comments'] = $comments->getData($doc['id']); $actionLogIds[$actionLogId] =& $doc; } $logRecs = DM\Log::getRecords(array_keys($actionLogIds)); foreach ($logRecs as $r) { $d = Util\jsonDecode($r['data']); $obj = Objects::getCachedObject($actionLogIds[$r['id']]['id']); $diff = $obj->getDiff($d); if (!empty($diff)) { $html = ''; foreach ($diff as $fn => $fv) { $html .= "<tr><th>{$fn}</th><td>{$fv}</td></tr>"; } $actionLogIds[$r['id']]['diff'] = "<table class=\"as-diff\">{$html}</table>"; } } }
public function getChildren(&$pathArray, $requestParams) { $this->path = $pathArray; $this->lastNode = @$pathArray[sizeof($pathArray) - 1]; $this->requestParams = $requestParams; if (!$this->acceptedPath($pathArray, $requestParams)) { return; } $ourPid = @$this->config['pid']; if ($ourPid == '') { $ourPid = 0; } $this->createDefaultFilter(); if (empty($this->lastNode) || $this->lastNode->id == $ourPid && get_class($this->lastNode) != get_class($this) || \CB\Objects::getType($this->lastNode->id) == 'case') { $rez = $this->getRootNodes(); } else { switch ($this->lastNode->id) { case 'tasks': $rez = $this->getDepthChildren2(); break; case 2: case 3: $rez = $this->getDepthChildren3(); break; default: $rez = $this->getChildrenTasks(); } } return $rez; }
function sendUserMails($u) { $uid = $u['id']; if (empty($u['email'])) { return; } $sendType = User::canSendNotifications($uid); if ($sendType == false) { return; } $coreName = Config::get('core_name'); // $coreUrl = Config::get('core_url'); $languages = Config::get('languages'); $lang = $languages[$u['language_id'] - 1]; if (filter_var($u['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { //group mails into digest and separate ones (where user is mentioned) $mails = array('digest' => array(), 'separate' => array()); foreach ($u['mails'] as $notificationId => $notification) { //[$core #$nodeId] $action_type $template_name: $object_title $templateId = Objects::getTemplateId($notification['object_id']); $templateName = Objects::getName($templateId); $subject = '[' . $coreName . ' #' . $notification['object_id'] . '] ' . Notifications::getActionDeclination($notification['action_type'], $lang) . ' ' . $templateName . ' "' . htmlspecialchars_decode($notification['data']['name']) . '"'; $sender = Notifications::getSender($notification['from_user_id']); //divide notification into separate number of actions it consist of $actions = getNotificationActions($notification); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($actions); $i++) { $a = $actions[$i]; $message = Notifications::getMailBodyForAction($a, $u); $isMentioned = !empty($a['data']['mentioned']) && in_array($uid, $a['data']['mentioned']); $mails[$isMentioned ? 'separate' : 'digest'][] = array('subject' => $subject, 'body' => $message, 'sender' => $sender, 'nId' => $notificationId); } } //merge digest emails group into one email and put it into separate group if (sizeof($mails['digest']) == 1) { $mails['separate'][] = $mails['digest'][0]; } elseif (!empty($mails['digest'])) { $mail = array(); $ids = array(); $sender = ''; foreach ($mails['digest'] as $m) { $mail[] = $m['body']; $sender = $m['sender']; $ids[] = $m['nId']; } $mails['separate'][] = array('subject' => '[' . $coreName . '] Notifications digest', 'body' => implode('<hr />', $mail), 'sender' => $sender, 'nId' => $ids); } foreach ($mails['separate'] as $mail) { echo $u['email'] . ': ' . $mail['subject'] . "\n"; if (!mail($u['email'], $mail['subject'], $mail['body'], "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\nFrom: " . $mail['sender'] . "\r\n")) { System::notifyAdmin('CaseBox cron notification: Cant send notification (' . $mail['nId'] . ') mail to "' . $u['email'] . '"', $mail['body']); } else { DM\Notifications::markAsSeen($mail['nId'], $uid); } } if (!empty($mails['digest'])) { User::setUserConfigParam('lastNotifyTime', Util\dateISOToMysql('now'), $uid); } } }
public function getName($id = false) { if ($id == false) { $id = $this->id; } $rez = Objects::getName($id); return $rez; }
/** * method to get and format the log data as needed * @param array &$p * @return array */ protected static function getLogData(&$p) { $rez = array(); $fields = array('id' => 1, 'name' => 1, 'iconCls' => 1, 'pids' => 1, 'path' => 1, 'template_id' => 1, 'case_id' => 1, 'date' => 1, 'size' => 1, 'cid' => 1, 'oid' => 1, 'uid' => 1, 'cdate' => 1, 'udate' => 1); $oldData = empty($p['old']) ? array() : $p['old']->getData(); $newData = empty($p['new']) ? array() : $p['new']->getData(); $oldData = array_intersect_key($oldData, $fields); $newData = array_intersect_key($newData, $fields); $rez = $newData + $oldData; //return empty result for other than object actions (login, logout, etc) if (empty($rez['id'])) { return; } Util\unsetNullValues($rez); $rez['name'] = htmlspecialchars($rez['name'], ENT_COMPAT); if (empty($rez['iconCls'])) { $rez['iconCls'] = Browser::getIcon($rez); } if (!empty($p['mentioned'])) { $rez['mentioned'] = $p['mentioned']; } $rez['pids'] = empty($rez['pids']) ? Objects::getPids($rez['id']) : Util\toNumericArray($rez['pids']); $rez['path'] = htmlspecialchars(@Util\coalesce($rez['pathtext'], $rez['path']), ENT_COMPAT); switch ($p['type']) { case 'comment': case 'comment_update': $rez['comment'] = $p['comment']; break; case 'file_upload': case 'file_update': $rez['file'] = $p['file']; break; case 'completion_decline': case 'completion_on_behalf': if (!empty($p['forUserId'])) { $rez['forUserId'] = $p['forUserId']; } break; default: // setting old and new properties of linear custom data if (!empty($p['old'])) { $rez['old'] = $p['old']->getAssocLinearData(); } if (!empty($p['new'])) { $rez['new'] = $p['new']->getAssocLinearData(); } //unset identical values if (!empty($rez['old']) && !empty($rez['new'])) { foreach ($rez['old'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($rez['new'][$k]) && $rez['new'][$k] == $v) { unset($rez['old'][$k]); unset($rez['new'][$k]); } } } } return $rez; }
protected function getObjectClass() { $rez = null; if (empty($this->objectClass) && !empty($this->id)) { $this->objectClass = \CB\Objects::getCachedObject($this->id); $rez =& $this->objectClass; } return $rez; }
/** * get data model pid that is different from tree one * @param int $pid * @return int */ protected function getDMPid($pid) { $rez = null; $name = Objects::getName($pid); $id = DM\Config::toId($name, 'param'); if (is_numeric($id)) { $rez = $id; } return $rez; }
public function getData($id = false) { $rez = array('success' => true); parent::getData($id); $preview = Objects::getPreview($this->id); $obj = Objects::getCachedObject($this->id); if (empty($obj)) { return $rez; } $data = $obj->getData(); if (!empty($preview)) { $rez['data'] = array('preview' => $preview); } if (!empty($data)) { if (!empty($data['pids'])) { $path = explode(',', $data['pids']); array_pop($path); $rez['data']['pids'] = $rez['data']['path'] = implode('/', $path); $arr = array(&$rez['data']); Search::setPaths($arr); } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, array('id', 'template_id', 'date_end', 'cid', 'uid', 'cdate', 'udate'))) { if (in_array($k, array('date', 'date_end', 'cdate', 'udate'))) { $v = Util\dateMysqlToISO($v); } $rez['data'][$k] = $v; //add ago udate text if (in_array($k, array('cdate', 'udate'))) { $rez['data'][$k . '_ago_text'] = Util\formatAgoTime($v); } } } $rez['data']['name'] = $obj->getName(); } $rez['data']['can'] = $obj->getActionFlags(); //set status info for tasks if not active if ($obj->getType() == 'task') { $d =& $rez['data']; $d['status'] = ''; switch ($obj->getStatus()) { case Objects\Task::$STATUS_ACTIVE: break; case Objects\Task::$STATUS_CLOSED: //just add title css class and continue with default $d['titleCls'] = 'task-completed'; // break; // break; default: $d['status'] = $obj->getStatusText(); $d['statusCls'] = $obj->getStatusCSSClass(); } } return $rez; }
protected function getColors() { $rez = array(); $ids = array_keys((array) $this->solrData); $objects = Objects::getCachedObjects($ids); foreach ($objects as $o) { $d = $o->getData(); if (!empty($d['data']['color'])) { $rez[$d['id']] = $d['data']['color']; } } return $rez; }
/** * update objects custom data * @return boolean */ protected function updateCustomData() { parent::updateCustomData(); /* saving template data to templates and templates_structure tables */ $p =& $this->data; $data = $this->collectCustomModelData(); $data['id'] = $this->id; $data['template_id'] = $this->detectParentTemplate(); DM\TemplatesStructure::update($data); if ($this->isSolrConfigUpdated()) { $tpl = \CB\Objects::getCachedObject($data['template_id']); $tpl->setSysDataProperty('solrConfigUpdated', true); } }
/** * create method * @return void */ public function create($p = false) { //disable default log from parent Object class //we'll set comments add as comment action for parent $disableLogFlag = \CB\Config::getFlag('disableActivityLog'); \CB\Config::setFlag('disableActivityLog', true); $rez = parent::create($p); \CB\Config::setFlag('disableActivityLog', $disableLogFlag); $p =& $this->data; $this->parentObj = Objects::getCachedObject($p['pid']); $this->updateParentFollowers(); $this->logAction('file_upload', array('file' => array('id' => $p['id'], 'name' => $p['name']))); return $rez; }
public function getData($id = false) { $rez = array('success' => true); parent::getData($id); $o = Objects::getCachedObject($this->id); $data = $o->getData(); //show current version only if have more other versions if (!empty($data['versions'])) { $data['ago_text'] = Util\formatAgoTime($data['cdate']); $data['user'] = User::getDisplayName($data['oid'], true); $data['cls'] = 'sel'; $rez['data'] = array($data); } return $rez; }
public function getData($id = false) { $rez = array('success' => true); parent::getData($id); // echo $this->id.'!!'; $o = Objects::getCachedObject($this->id); $data = $o->getData(); if (!empty($data['versions'])) { $rez['data'] = $data['versions']; foreach ($rez['data'] as &$version) { $version['ago_text'] = Util\formatAgoTime($version['cdate']); $version['user'] = User::getDisplayName($version['cid'], true); } } return $rez; }
public function getName($id = false) { if ($id == false) { $id = $this->id; } switch ($id) { case 1: return L\get('Manager'); case 2: return L\get('Lead'); case 3: return L\get('Support'); case 4: return L\get('AllMyCases'); } return Objects::getName($id); }
public function getName($id = false) { if ($id === false) { $id = $this->id; } $rez = $id; switch ($id) { case 'recycleBin': return L\get('RecycleBin'); default: if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $rez = \CB\Objects::getName($id); } break; } return $rez; }
/** * check if current class is configured to return any result for * given path and request params * @param array &$pathArray * @param array &$requestParams * @return boolean */ protected function acceptedPath(&$pathArray, &$requestParams) { $lastNode = null; if (empty($pathArray)) { return false; } else { $lastNode = $pathArray[sizeof($pathArray) - 1]; } if ($lastNode instanceof Dbnode) { if (\CB\Objects::getType($lastNode->id) !== 'case') { return false; } } elseif (get_class($lastNode) != get_class($this)) { return false; } return true; }
public function create($p) { $rez = array('succes' => false, 'data' => array()); if (empty($p['node_id']) || empty($p['data'])) { return $rez; } $data = array('name' => Purify::filename($p['data']['name']), 'path' => $p['data']['path'], 'pathText' => empty($p['data']['pathText']) ? '' : $p['data']['pathText']); if (is_numeric($p['node_id'])) { $data['template_id'] = Objects::getTemplateId($p['node_id']); $data['iconCls'] = Browser::getIcon($data); } elseif (!empty($p['data']['iconCls'])) { $data['iconCls'] = $p['data']['iconCls']; } $d = array('user_id' => User::getId(), 'node_id' => $p['node_id'], 'data' => Util\jsonEncode($data)); $id = DM\Favorites::create($d); $rez = array('success' => true, 'data' => array('id' => $id, 'node_id' => $d['node_id'], 'data' => $data)); return $rez; }
/** * This function is designed to prepeare all necessary nodes properties for graph rendering. * * used properties for graph: * id * ,$this->labelField - will be used as node label * ,hint = $this->hintField * ,date = $this->dateField * ,shape - node shape * ,style - custom node style * ,fillcolor * ,margin * ,penwith * ,leftSideNodes - for decisions with associated violations * ,rightSideNodes */ private function prepareGraphNodes(&$nodesArray) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($nodesArray); $i++) { /* define a reference for easy use */ $node =& $nodesArray[$i]; /* adjust title field if needed */ $t = trim($node[$this->labelField]); $node[$this->hintField] = nl2br($t); $node[$this->labelField] = strlen($t) > 30 ? substr($t, 0, 30) . ' ...' : $t; /* adjusting date field format */ if (!empty($node[$this->dateField])) { $node[$this->dateField] = substr($node[$this->dateField], 0, 10); $node[$this->dateField] = implode('.', array_reverse(explode('-', $node[$this->dateField]))); } /* end of adjusting date field format */ /* SETTING NODE STYLE (SHAPE AND COLOR) */ /* getting node object */ $o = Objects::getCachedObject($node['id']); $node['style'] = 'filled'; $color = $o->getFieldValue('color', 0)['value']; if (!empty($color)) { $t = $o->getTemplate(); $color = $t->formatValueForDisplay($t->getField('color'), $color, false); $node['fillcolor'] = @$this->colors[$color]; } else { $node['fillcolor'] = $this->colors['gray']; } $inLinks = Util\toNumericArray($o->getFieldValue('in_links', 0)['value']); $outLinks = Util\toNumericArray($o->getFieldValue('out_links', 0)['value']); foreach ($inLinks as $inNode) { $this->links[$inNode][$node['id']] = 1; } foreach ($outLinks as $outNode) { $this->links[$node['id']][$outNode] = 1; } /* setting node shape */ $node['shape'] = "box"; //set default shape // $this->switchNodeShowTitles($node); } }
/** * executing preimporting changes to target core * @return void */ protected function prepare() { //update template types DB\dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `templates`\n CHANGE `type` `type` enum('case','object','file','task','user','email','template','field','search','comment','shortcut','menu')\n COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL after `is_folder`") or die(DB\dbQueryError()); // set templates template id in config $ids = DM\Templates::getIdsByType('template'); $id = array_shift($ids); BBM::$cfg['templatesTemplateId'] = $id; $this->cfg['templates']['Menu rule']['fields']['template_ids']['cfg']['templates'] = $id; $this->cfg['templates']['Menu rule']['fields']['menu']['cfg']['templates'] = $id; // detect fields template id $ids = DM\Templates::getIdsByType('field'); $id = array_shift($ids); BBM::$cfg['fieldTemplateId'] = $id; //detect folderTemplateId $ids = Config::get('folder_templates'); if (!empty($ids)) { BBM::$cfg['folderTemplateId'] = array_shift($ids); } //create "Menu" folder under templates to store our menu templates there //and update BBM::$cfg['templatesFolderId'] to our folder id $o = new \CB\Objects\Object(); $rootId = Browser::getRootFolderId(); $pid = Objects::getChildId($rootId, 'Templates'); if (empty($pid)) { $pid = Objects::getChildId($rootId, 'System'); if (!empty($pid)) { $pid = Objects::getChildId($pid, 'Templates'); } } $id = $o->create(array('id' => null, 'pid' => $pid, 'template_id' => BBM::$cfg['folderTemplateId'], 'name' => 'Menu', 'data' => array('_title' => 'Menu'))); BBM::$cfg['templatesFolderId'] = $id; //create System/Menus folder for transferring menu rules to it $pid = Objects::getChildId($rootId, 'System'); if (empty($pid)) { $pid = $o->create(array('id' => null, 'pid' => $rootId, 'template_id' => BBM::$cfg['folderTemplateId'], 'name' => 'System', 'data' => array('_title' => 'System'))); } $this->cfg['menusFolderId'] = $o->create(array('id' => null, 'pid' => $pid, 'template_id' => BBM::$cfg['folderTemplateId'], 'name' => 'Menus', 'data' => array('_title' => 'Menus'))); }
public function getData($id = false) { $rez = array('success' => true, 'data' => array()); parent::getData($id); $obj = $this->getObjectClass(); if (!is_object($obj)) { return $rez; } $data = $obj->getData(); $rez['data'] = array_intersect_key($data, array('id' => 1, 'name' => 1, 'template_id' => 1, 'cid' => 1, 'cdate' => 1, 'uid' => 1, 'udate' => 1, 'dstatus' => 1, 'did' => 1, 'ddate' => 1, 'size' => 1)); $d =& $rez['data']; $pids = Util\toNumericArray($data['pids']); array_pop($pids); $d['pids'] = $d['path'] = implode('/', $pids); $arr = array(&$d); Search::setPaths($arr); $d['template_name'] = Objects::getName($d['template_id']); $sd = $obj->getSysData(); $userId = User::getId(); $d['subscription'] = 'ignore'; if (!empty($sd['fu']) && in_array($userId, $sd['fu'])) { $d['subscription'] = 'watch'; //follow } if (!empty($sd['wu']) && in_array($userId, $sd['wu'])) { $d['subscription'] = 'watch'; } $d['cid_text'] = User::getDisplayName($d['cid']); $d['cdate_ago_text'] = Util\formatAgoTime($d['cdate']); $d['cdate'] = Util\dateMysqlToISO($d['cdate']); $d['udate'] = Util\dateMysqlToISO($d['udate']); $d['uid_text'] = User::getDisplayName($d['uid']); $d['udate_ago_text'] = Util\formatAgoTime($d['udate']); if (!empty($d['dstatus'])) { $d['did_text'] = User::getDisplayName($d['did']); $d['ddate_text'] = Util\formatAgoTime($d['ddate']); } return $rez; }
public function getName($id = false) { $rez = 'no name'; if ($id === false) { $id = $this->id; } if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $facetConfig = $this->getFacetFieldConfig($this->getClassDepth() - 1); switch (@$facetConfig['type']) { case 'users': $rez = User::getDisplayName($id); break; default: $rez = Objects::getName($id); } } else { switch ($id) { case 'root': $cfg =& $this->config; $l = Config::get('user_language'); if (empty($cfg['title_' . $l])) { $l = Config::get('language'); if (empty($cfg['title_' . $l])) { if (!empty($cfg['title'])) { $rez = $cfg['title']; } } else { $rez = $cfg['title_' . $l]; } } else { $rez = $cfg['title_' . $l]; } break; } } return $rez; }
/** * just a test method to upload a file and execute methods from * DataModel to check the result * @return void */ public function testDataModelFilesMethods() { $api = new Api\Files(); $fn = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'cb_test'); file_put_contents($fn, 'testing'); $data = array('pid' => 1, 'localFile' => $fn, 'oid' => 1); $rez = $api->upload($data); $this->assertTrue($rez['success'], 'Upload test file failed: ' . $fn); $fileData = $rez['data']['file']; $id = $fileData['id']; $rez = DM\Files::getContentIds($id); $this->assertTrue(!empty($rez[$id]), 'Cant get content id'); $rez = DM\Files::getContentPaths($id); $this->assertTrue(!empty($rez[$id]), 'Cant get content path'); //delete the file from system and check if same actions return empty results $f = Objects::getCachedObject($id); $f->delete(true); // permanently delete unset($f); $rez = DM\Files::getContentIds($id); $this->assertTrue(empty($rez[$id]), 'Obtaining content id for a permanently deleted file'); $rez = DM\Files::getContentPaths($id); $this->assertTrue(empty($rez[$id]), 'Obtaining content path for a permanently deleted file'); }
public function deleteVersion($id) { $rez = array('success' => true, 'id' => $id); $content_id = 0; $version = DM\FilesVersions::read($id); if (!empty($version)) { $content_id = $version['content_id']; } DM\FilesVersions::delete($id); $this->removeContentId($content_id); DM\Tree::update(array('id' => $version['file_id'], 'updated' => 1)); Objects::updateCaseUpdateInfo($id); Solr\Client::runCron(); return $rez; }
/** * update create menus * @return void */ protected function updateCreateMenus() { $rootId = \CB\Browser::getRootFolderId(); $pid = Objects::getChildId($rootId, 'System'); if (!empty($pid)) { $pid = Objects::getChildId($pid, 'Menus'); if (!empty($pid)) { $res = DB\dbQuery('SELECT id FROM tree WHERE pid = $1 AND dstatus = 0', $pid) or die(DB\dbQueryError()); if ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $o = Objects::getCachedObject($r['id']); $d = $o->getData(); $d['data']['menu'] = $this->templateIds['Case'] . ',' . $this->templateIds['Contact'] . ',' . $this->templateIds['Organization'] . ',' . $d['data']['menu']; $o->update($d); } $res->close(); } } }
if (empty($core['mails'])) { continue; } $_GET['core'] = $coreName; $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $coreName . ''; include $site_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php'; include $site_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib/language.php'; $templateIds = Templates::getIdsByType('comment'); if (empty($templateIds)) { \CB\debug('receive comments cron: no comment template defined'); continue; } $templateId = array_shift($templateIds); $commentsObj = Objects::getCustomClassByType('comment'); foreach ($core['mails'] as $mail) { if (!Objects::idExists($mail['pid'])) { \CB\debug('receive comments cron: target id not found for mail "' . $mail['subject'] . '"'); continue; } $emailFrom = extractEmailFromText($mail['from']); // user email $emailTo = extractEmailFromText($mail['to']); // <*****@*****.**> $userId = DM\User::getIdByEmail($emailFrom); $_SESSION['user'] = array('id' => $userId); $data = array('id' => null, 'pid' => $mail['pid'], 'oid' => $userId, 'cid' => $userId, 'template_id' => $templateId, 'data' => array('_title' => removeContentExtraBlock($mail['content'], $emailFrom, $emailTo)), 'sys_data' => array('mailId' => $mail['id'])); try { $commentId = $commentsObj->create($data); //add attachments if (!empty($mail['attachments'])) { saveObjectAttachments($commentId, $mail['attachments']);
/** * update path property for an items array * @param array $dataArray */ public static function setPaths(&$dataArray) { //collect distinct paths and ids $paths = array(); $distinctIds = array(); foreach ($dataArray as &$item) { if (isset($item['path']) && !isset($paths[$item['path']])) { $path = Util\toNumericArray($item['path'], '/'); if (!empty($path)) { $paths[$item['path']] = $path; $distinctIds = array_merge($distinctIds, $path); } } } if (!empty($distinctIds)) { $distinctIds = array_unique($distinctIds); $objects = Objects::getCachedObjects($distinctIds); $names = array(); foreach ($distinctIds as $id) { if (!empty($objects[$id])) { $names[$id] = $objects[$id]->getHtmlSafeName(); } } //replace ids in paths with names foreach ($paths as $path => $elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($elements); $i++) { if (isset($names[$elements[$i]])) { $elements[$i] = $names[$elements[$i]]; } } array_unshift($elements, ''); array_push($elements, ''); $paths[$path] = implode('/', $elements); } //replace paths in objects data foreach ($dataArray as &$item) { if (isset($item['path'])) { $item['path'] = @$paths[$item['path']]; } } } }
/** * test notifications module * * @return [type] [description] */ public function testNotifications() { //check if everything is prepeared $this->assertTrue(sizeof($this->userIds) > 3, 'Less than 4 users created'); $this->assertTrue(sizeof($this->objectIds) > 2, 'Less than 3 tasks created'); //add a comment to obj 1 with user 1 referencing user 2 $firstUserId = $this->userIds[0]; $secondUserId = $this->userIds[1]; $thirdUserId = $this->userIds[2]; $forthUserId = $this->userIds[3]; $rootUserId = $this->oldValues['user_id']; $pid = $this->objectIds[0]; $commentData = array('pid' => $pid, 'template_id' => 9, 'data' => array('_title' => 'Hello to user @bow!')); $_SESSION['user']['id'] = $firstUserId; /* make a check - user should be denied to add comments */ try { $commentId = $this->createObject($commentData); } catch (\Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); $this->assertTrue($msg == 'Access is denied', $msg); } $_SESSION['user']['id'] = $rootUserId; $this->addAllowSecurityRule(); // try again adding a comment, // now it should work without access exceptions $_SESSION['user']['id'] = $firstUserId; $commentId = $this->createObject($commentData); $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($commentId), 'Wrong comment ID.'); //check notifications for user bow, //he should receive 2 new notifications from root and andrew $this->assertTrue($this->checkLastNotification($secondUserId, array('user_id' => $firstUserId, 'object_id' => $pid, 'read' => 0)), 'Wrong last notification'); //check notifications for root user, he also should receive a new notification from andrew //as owner of the object $this->assertTrue($this->checkLastNotification($rootUserId, array('user_id' => $firstUserId, 'object_id' => $pid, 'read' => 0)), 'No notification for root (owner) user.'); //add comments with all 4 users and check notifications to cover //code for 3 and more users notifications grouping //and check root notifications with each comment for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $_SESSION['user']['id'] = $this->userIds[$i]; $commentData['data']['_title'] = 'Comment from user #' . $i . '.'; $this->createObject($commentData); $this->assertTrue($this->checkLastNotification($rootUserId, array('user_id' => $this->userIds[$i], 'object_id' => $pid, 'read' => 0)), 'Wrong last notification for root from user #' . $i . '.'); } $_SESSION['user']['id'] = $rootUserId; /*-------- answer back to previous comment with root and see if notifications are created */ $commentData['data']['_title'] = 'Reply to Hellow comment.'; $commentId = $this->createObject($commentData); //check notifications for all 4 users for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $this->assertTrue($this->checkLastNotification($this->userIds[$i], array('object_id' => $pid, 'read' => 0)), 'Wrong last notification from root for user #' . $i . '.'); } $this->checkMarkingNotificationsAsRead(); //end of big testing schema //cover for now some simple code from Notifications $this->assertTrue(\CB\Notifications::getActionDeclination('reopen', 'en') == 'reopened', 'Declination not correct for reopen.'); $this->assertTrue(\CB\Notifications::getActionDeclination('SomeWrongValue!>', 'en') == 'SomeWrongValue!>', 'Declination not correct for a wrong value.'); $this->assertTrue(\CB\Notifications::getActionDeclination('file_upload', 'en') == 'uploaded a file to', 'Declination not correct for file_upload.'); $this->assertTrue(\CB\Notifications::getActionDeclination('file_update', 'en') == 'updated a file in', 'Declination not correct for file_update.'); //update a task and delete them all $obj = \CB\Objects::getCachedObject($pid); $data = $obj->getData(); $data['data']['due_date'] = '2012-12-17T00:00:00Z'; unset($data['data']['importance']); $data['data']['description'] .= ' *update* '; $obj->update($data); foreach ($this->objectIds as $id) { $obj->delete(false); } //get unset notifications and and access functions for preparing email $recs = DM\Notifications::getUnsent(); foreach ($recs as $action) { $userData = \CB\User::getPreferences($action['to_user_id']); $sender = \CB\Notifications::getSender($action['from_user_id']); $body = \CB\Notifications::getMailBodyForAction($action, $userData); } }
/** * function to check if a user cam manage task * * This function returns true if specified user can manage/update specified task. * User can manage a task if he is Administrator, Creator of the task * or is one of the responsible task users. * * @param int $taskId id of the task to be checked * @param int $userId id of the user to be checked * @return boolean returns true in case of the user can manage the task */ public static function canManageTask($taskId, $userId = false) { $rez = false; if ($userId == false) { $userId = User::getId(); } $task = Objects::getCachedObject($taskId); $data = $task->getData(); $rez = $data['cid'] == $userId || in_array($userId, $data['sys_data']['task_u_ongoing']) || in_array($userId, $data['sys_data']['task_u_done']); if (!$rez) { $rez = Security::isAdmin($userId); } return $rez; }
/** * method to collect solr data from object data * according to template fields configuration * and store it in sys_data onder "solr" property * @return void */ protected function collectSolrData() { parent::collectSolrData(); $sd =& $this->data['sys_data']['solr']; $sd['target_type'] = Objects::getType($this->data['target_id']); }