public function show_upcoming_events()
		<div class="show-upcoming-dates-calendar-wrapper">
			<input id="show-upcoming-dates-calendar-true" name="_bpt_show_upcoming_events_calendar" <?php 
        esc_attr_e(Utilities::is_selected('true', '_bpt_show_upcoming_events_calendar', 'checked'));
 value="true" type="radio" />
			<label for="show-upcoming-events-calendar-true">Yes</label>
			<input id="show-upcoming-events-calendar-false" name="_bpt_show_upcoming_events_calendar" <?php 
        esc_attr_e(Utilities::is_selected('false', '_bpt_show_upcoming_events_calendar', 'checked'));
 value="false" type="radio" />
			<label for="show-upcoming-events-calendar-false">No</label>

			<div class="<?php 
						If you would like to show upcoming events in the calendar, select yes.
  * Returns an array of a specific producers events formatted for the CLNDR.
  * @param  string  $client_id The Client ID of the producer you wish
  *                            to get the events of.
  * @param  boolean $dates     Get prices? Default is false.
  * @param  boolean $prices    Get Prices? Default is false.
  * @return json               The JSON string of the event Data.
 public static function get_events()
     $get = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED);
     $nonce = $get['nonce'];
     $widget_instance = $get['widgetID'];
     Utilities::check_nonce($nonce, 'bpt-calendar-widget-nonce');
     if (isset($get['clientID'])) {
         $client_id = $get['clientID'];
     } else {
         $client_id = get_option('_bpt_client_id');
     if (!$client_id) {
         wp_send_json(array('success' => false, 'error' => 'No client ID.'));
     if (!$widget_instance) {
         wp_send_json(array('success' => false, 'error' => 'No widget ID.'));
     if (!Utilities::cache_enabled()) {
         $events = new Api();
     if (get_transient('_bpt_calendar_events_' . $widget_instance) === false && Utilities::cache_enabled()) {
         $events = new Api();
         set_transient('_bpt_calendar_events_' . $widget_instance, $events->get_events($client_id), Utilities::cache_time());
     wp_send_json(get_transient('_bpt_calendar_events_' . $widget_instance));
  * Simple Get Account Call for testing that the settings are correct.
  * $dev_id and $client_id must be passed to the function.
 public function test_account($dev_id, $client_id)
     $account_info = new \BrownPaperTickets\APIv2\AccountInfo($dev_id);
     $event_list = new \BrownPaperTickets\APIv2\EventInfo($dev_id);
     $response = array('account' => $account_info->getAccount($client_id), 'events' => $event_list->getEvents($client_id));
     $response['events'] = Utilities::remove_bad_events($response['events']);
     return $response;
 public static function add_prices()
     Utilities::check_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], self::$nonce_title);
     if (!isset($_POST['prices'])) {
         wp_send_json(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'No prices were sent.'));
     if (Utilities::set_session_var('prices', $_POST['prices'])) {
         wp_send_json(array('success' => true, 'message' => 'Prices updated.', 'prices' => Utilities::get_session_var('prices')));
     wp_send_json(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to add prices.'));
 public function get_events($client_id = null, $event_id = null)
     if (!$client_id) {
         $client_id = $this->client_id;
     if (!$event_id) {
         $event_id = null;
      * Get Event List Setting Options
     $show_dates = get_option('_bpt_show_dates');
     $show_prices = get_option('_bpt_show_prices');
     $show_past_dates = get_option('_bpt_show_past_dates');
     $show_sold_out_dates = get_option('_bpt_show_sold_out_dates');
     $show_sold_out_prices = get_option('_bpt_show_sold_out_prices');
     $event_info = new \BrownPaperTickets\APIv2\EventInfo($this->dev_id);
     if ($event_id) {
         $client_id = null;
         $event_id = explode(' ', $event_id);
         $events = array();
         foreach ($event_id as $id) {
             $events[] = $event_info->getEvents($client_id, $id, $show_dates, $show_prices);
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             $event_list[] = $event[0];
     if (!$event_id) {
         $event_list = $event_info->getEvents($client_id, $event_id, $show_dates, $show_prices);
     if (isset($event_list['error'])) {
     $event_list = Utilities::remove_bad_events($event_list);
     $event_list = Utilities::sort_prices($event_list);
     if ($show_dates === 'true') {
         $remove_past = true;
         if ($show_past_dates === 'false') {
             $remove_past = false;
         $event_list = Utilities::remove_bad_dates($event_list, true, $remove_past);
     if ($show_prices === 'true' && $show_sold_out_prices === 'false') {
         $event_list = Utilities::remove_bad_prices($event_list);
     return $event_list;
  * Account Test Setup
 public static function test_account()
     $post = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED);
     Utilities::check_nonce($post['nonce'], 'bpt-admin-nonce');
     $dev_id = isset($post['devID']) ? htmlentities($post['devID']) : false;
     $client_id = isset($post['clientID']) ? htmlentities($post['clientID']) : false;
     if (!$dev_id) {
         wp_send_json(array('success' => false, 'error' => 'No developer ID.'));
     if (!$client_id) {
         wp_send_json(array('success' => false, 'error' => 'No client ID.'));
     $account = new Api();
     wp_send_json($account->test_account($dev_id, $client_id));
    public static function get_all_options()
        $get = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED);
        Utilities::check_nonce($get['nonce'], self::$nonce_title);
        global $wpdb;
        $options = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT *
			FROM `wp_options`
			WHERE `option_name` LIKE \'%_bpt_%\'', OBJECT);
        $results = array();
        foreach ($options as &$option) {
            $option_name = str_replace('_bpt_', '', $option->option_name);
            $results[$option_name] = $option->option_value;

namespace BrownPaperTickets\Modules;

use BrownPaperTickets\BptWordpress as Utilities;
require_once Utilities::plugin_root_dir() . 'lib/BptAPI/vendor/autoload.php';
class ModuleApi
    protected $dev_id;
    protected $client_id;
    public function __construct()
        $this->dev_id = get_option('_bpt_dev_id');
        $this->client_id = get_option('_bpt_client_id');
  * Filter Hidden Prices
  * @param  mixed $events Either a json string or an array of events.
  * @return array         The modified/filtered array.
 private static function filter_hidden_prices($events)
     if (is_string($events)) {
         $events = json_decode($events, true);
     $hidden_prices = get_option('_bpt_hidden_prices');
     if ($hidden_prices) {
         // If the user is an admin, we'll just add a property "hidden" to the
         // price.
         if (Utilities::is_user_an_admin()) {
             foreach ($events as &$event) {
                 foreach ($event['dates'] as &$date) {
                     foreach ($date['prices'] as &$price) {
                         if (array_key_exists($price['id'], $hidden_prices)) {
                             $price['hidden'] = true;
         } else {
             // If the user is not an admin, we'll remove that price.
             foreach ($events as &$event) {
                 foreach ($event['dates'] as &$date) {
                     $i = 0;
                     foreach ($date['prices'] as &$price) {
                         if (array_key_exists($price['id'], $hidden_prices)) {
                     $date['prices'] = array_values($date['prices']);
     return $events;

namespace BrownPaperTickets\Modules\Calendar;

use BrownPaperTickets\BptWordpress as Utilities;
require_once Utilities::plugin_root_dir() . 'src/modules/bpt-module-api.php';
class Api extends \BrownPaperTickets\Modules\ModuleApi
     * Returns an array of a specific producers events formatted for the CLNDR.
     * @param  string  $client_id The Client ID of the producer you wish
     *                            to get the events of.
     * @param  boolean $dates     Get prices? Default is false.
     * @param  boolean $prices    Get Prices? Default is false.
     * @return json               The JSON string of the event Data.
    public function get_events($client_id = null, $dates = true, $prices = false)
        $dev_id = get_option('_bpt_dev_id');
        if (!$this->dev_id) {
            return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Unable to fetch events.');
        if (isset($_POST['clientID']) && $_POST['clientID'] !== '') {
            $client_id = $_POST['clientID'];
        $events = new \BrownPaperTickets\APIv2\EventInfo($this->dev_id);
        $events = $events->getEvents($client_id, null, $dates, $prices);
        $clndr_format = array();
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            if ($event['live']) {
                foreach ($event['dates'] as $date) {
')}} w/service fee)</small>
							{{ /.includeFee }}
							<select class="bpt-price-qty" name="price_{{ id }}" data-price-id="{{ id }}">
								{{{ getQuantityOptions( . ) }}}
								<option value="0" selected="true">0</option>

    if (Utilities::is_user_an_admin()) {
					<tr class="bpt-admin-option">
						<td colspan="3">
							<!-- <h5>Price Options</h5> -->
								<label for="bpt-price-hidden-{{ id }}" class="bpt-admin-option bpt-price-hidden">Display Price</label>
								<select id="bpt-price-hidden-{{ id }}" on-change="togglePriceVisibility" class="bpt-admin-option bpt-price-hidden" data-price-id="{{ id }}" data-price-name="{{ name }}">
									<option {{ ^hidden }}selected{{ /hidden }} value="true">Yes</option>
									<option {{ #hidden }}selected{{ /hidden }}value="false">No</option>
								<label class="bpt-admin-option bpt-price-max-quantity" for="bpt-price-max-quantity-{{ id }}">Set Max Quantity</label>
								<input id="bpt-price-max-quantity-{{ id }}" type="text" value="{{ .maxQuantity }}" class="bpt-admin-option bpt-price-max-quantity" on-change="setPriceMaxQuantity" placeholder="20">
    public function include_service_fee()

		<div class="include-service-fee-wrapper">
			<input id="include-service-fee-true" name="_bpt_include_service_fee" <?php 
        esc_attr_e(Utils::is_selected('true', '_bpt_include_service_fee', 'checked'));
 value="true" type="radio" />
			<label for="include-service-fee-true">Yes</label>
			<input id="include-service-fee-true" name="_bpt_include_service_fee" <?php 
        esc_attr_e(Utils::is_selected('false', '_bpt_include_service_fee', 'checked'));
 value="false" type="radio" />
			<label for="include-service-fee-true">No</label>
			<div class="<?php 
						If you would like to include the Brown Paper Tickets service fees in your price total, select true.
			<p class="bpt-help">This will override any individual price's service fee setting.</p>

namespace BrownPaperTickets\Modules;

require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '../bpt-module-class.php';
require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/purchase-inputs.php';
require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/purchase-ajax.php';
require_once \BrownPaperTickets\BptWordpress::plugin_root_dir() . 'lib/BptAPI/vendor/autoload.php';
use BrownPaperTickets\APIv2\ManageCart;
use BrownPaperTickets\APIv2\CartInfo;
class Purchase extends Module
    public function register_settings()
        register_setting(self::$menu_slug, self::$setting_prefix . 'purchase_settings');
    public function register_sections()
        $section_title = 'Purchase Settings';
        $section_suffix = '_purchase';
        $inputs = new Purchase\Inputs();
        add_settings_section($section_title, $section_title, array($inputs, 'section'), self::$menu_slug . $section_suffix);
        add_settings_field(self::$setting_prefix . 'enable_sales', 'Enable Sales', array($inputs, 'enable_sales'), self::$menu_slug . $section_suffix, $section_title);
    public function load_public_js($hook)
        global $post;
        $options = get_option('_bpt_purchase_settings');
        $sales_enabled = isset($options['enable_sales']) ? $options['enable_sales'] : false;
        $require_all_info = isset($options['require_all_info']) ? $options['require_all_info'] : false;
        if (is_a($post, 'WP_Post') && (has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'list-events') || has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'list_events')) && $sales_enabled) {