Exemplo n.º 1
  * Sends the response to the client
  * @param \BearFramework\App\Response $response The response object to be sent
  * @return void No value is returned
 private function sendResponse($response)
     if (!headers_sent()) {
         $statusCodes = [];
         $statusCodes[200] = 'OK';
         $statusCodes[201] = 'Created';
         $statusCodes[202] = 'Accepted';
         $statusCodes[203] = 'Non-Authoritative Information';
         $statusCodes[204] = 'No Content';
         $statusCodes[205] = 'Reset Content';
         $statusCodes[206] = 'Partial Content';
         $statusCodes[300] = 'Multiple Choices';
         $statusCodes[301] = 'Moved Permanently';
         $statusCodes[302] = 'Found';
         $statusCodes[303] = 'See Other';
         $statusCodes[304] = 'Not Modified';
         $statusCodes[305] = 'Use Proxy';
         $statusCodes[307] = 'Temporary Redirect';
         $statusCodes[400] = 'Bad Request';
         $statusCodes[401] = 'Unauthorized';
         $statusCodes[402] = 'Payment Required';
         $statusCodes[403] = 'Forbidden';
         $statusCodes[404] = 'Not Found';
         $statusCodes[405] = 'Method Not Allowed';
         $statusCodes[406] = 'Not Acceptable';
         $statusCodes[407] = 'Proxy Authentication Required';
         $statusCodes[408] = 'Request Timeout';
         $statusCodes[409] = 'Conflict';
         $statusCodes[410] = 'Gone';
         $statusCodes[411] = 'Length Required';
         $statusCodes[412] = 'Precondition Failed';
         $statusCodes[413] = 'Request Entity Too Large';
         $statusCodes[414] = 'Request-URI Too Long';
         $statusCodes[415] = 'Unsupported Media Type';
         $statusCodes[416] = 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable';
         $statusCodes[417] = 'Expectation Failed';
         $statusCodes[500] = 'Internal Server Error';
         $statusCodes[501] = 'Not Implemented';
         $statusCodes[502] = 'Bad Gateway';
         $statusCodes[503] = 'Service Unavailable';
         $statusCodes[504] = 'Gateway Timeout';
         $statusCodes[505] = 'HTTP Version Not Supported';
         if (isset($statusCodes[$response->statusCode])) {
             header((isset($_SERVER, $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1') . ' ' . $response->statusCode . ' ' . $statusCodes[$response->statusCode]);
         if ($response->isPropertyUsed('headers')) {
             // performance optimization
             if (count($response->headers) > 0) {
                 $headers = $response->headers->getList();
                 foreach ($headers as $header) {
                     if ($header['name'] === 'Content-Type') {
                         $header['value'] .= '; charset=' . $response->charset;
                     header($header['name'] . ': ' . $header['value']);
         if ($response->isPropertyUsed('cookies')) {
             // performance optimization
             if (count($response->cookies) > 0) {
                 $baseUrlParts = parse_url($this->request->base);
                 $cookies = $response->cookies->getList();
                 foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
                     setcookie($cookie['name'], $cookie['value'], $cookie['expire'], $cookie['path'] === null ? isset($baseUrlParts['path']) ? $baseUrlParts['path'] . '/' : '' : $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'] === null ? isset($baseUrlParts['host']) ? $baseUrlParts['host'] : '' : $cookie['domain'], $cookie['secure'] === null ? $this->request->scheme === 'https' : $cookie['secure'], $cookie['httpOnly']);
     if ($response instanceof App\Response\FileReader) {
     } else {
         echo $response->content;
     if ($this->isPropertyUsed('hooks')) {
         // performance optimization
         $this->hooks->execute('responseSent', $response);