private function processProductInfoData($header, $filePath, $classFunction, $params = [])
     LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Begin to read csv file', 'fileName' => $filePath], 'resque');
     $fileInfos = fopen($filePath, "r");
     $newFilePath = ExcelUtil::getDownloadFile($filePath);
     $productNames = $infos = [];
     while (!feof($fileInfos)) {
         $fileInfo = Json::decode(fgets($fileInfos), true);
         if (!empty($fileInfo)) {
             if (in_array($fileInfo['productName'], $productNames) || empty($productNames)) {
                 $infos[] = $fileInfo;
                 $productNames[] = $fileInfo['productName'];
             } else {
                 $args = [$infos, $params];
                 self::writeCsv($classFunction, $args, $header, $newFilePath);
                 unset($infos, $productNames);
                 $productNames[] = $fileInfo['productName'];
                 $infos[] = $fileInfo;
     if (!empty($infos)) {
         $args = [$infos, $params];
         self::writeCsv($classFunction, $args, $header, $newFilePath);
         unset($productNames, $infos);
     LogUtil::info(['message' => 'End to read csv file and end to write file', 'fileName' => $filePath], 'resque');
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function issueBirthdayCoupon($accountId, $birthdayCoupon, $memberId)
     //check coupon
     $couponId = $birthdayCoupon->couponId;
     $suitMemberIds = $this->getRewardMemberIds($accountId, $memberId, $birthdayCoupon);
     if (!empty($suitMemberIds)) {
         $members = Member::findAll(['_id' => ['$in' => $suitMemberIds]]);
         $coupon = Coupon::findByPk($couponId);
         if (empty($coupon)) {
             LogUtil::error(['message' => 'can not find the coupon', 'couponId' => (string) $couponId], 'member');
             return false;
         $total = count($members);
         $result = Coupon::updateAll(['$inc' => ['total' => 0 - $total]], ['total' => ['$gt' => $total], '_id' => $couponId]);
         if ($result) {
             foreach ($members as $member) {
                 //issue membershipdiscount
                 $membershipDiscount = MembershipDiscount::transformMembershipDiscount($coupon, $member, ScoreRule::NAME_BIRTHDAY);
                 if (false === $membershipDiscount->save()) {
                     Coupon::updateAll(['$inc' => ['total' => 1]], ['_id' => $couponId]);
                     LogUtil::error(['message' => 'add membershipdiscount fail', 'memberId' => (string) $member->_id, 'couponId' => (string) $coupon->_id], 'member');
                 } else {
                     LogUtil::info(['message' => 'issue coupon successful', 'couponId' => (string) $couponId, 'memberId' => (string) $member->_id], 'member');
         } else {
             LogUtil::error(['message' => 'coupon is not enough when give member birthday reward'], 'member');
             return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function createStatsCouponLog($dateStr, $stats)
     //check data whether exists today
     $result = ModelStatsCouponLogDaily::findOne(['date' => $dateStr]);
     if ($result) {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => $dateStr . ' coupon log data is exists'], 'resque');
         return true;
     $stats = CouponLog::formatStruct($stats);
     $data = $couponIds = [];
     foreach ($stats as $stat) {
         $receivedKey = $stat['couponId'] . '_' . CouponLog::RECIEVED;
         $redeemedKey = $stat['couponId'] . '_' . CouponLog::REDEEMED;
         if (!in_array($stat['couponId'], $couponIds)) {
             $couponIds[] = $stat['couponId'];
             $receivedNum = isset($stats[$receivedKey]['count']) ? $stats[$receivedKey]['count'] : 0;
             $redeemedNum = isset($stats[$redeemedKey]['count']) ? $stats[$redeemedKey]['count'] : 0;
             $data[] = ['couponId' => $stat['couponId'], 'accountId' => $stat['accountId'], 'recievedNum' => $receivedNum + $redeemedNum, 'redeemedNum' => $redeemedNum, 'date' => $dateStr];
     unset($stat, $stats, $couponIds);
     if (false === ModelStatsCouponLogDaily::batchInsert($data)) {
         LogUtil::error(['message' => 'Faild to create statis daily couponlog', 'date' => $dateStr, 'data' => json_encode($data)], 'resque');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function handle($data)
     # handle the wechat message
     LogUtil::info(['channel weconnect event' => $data], 'channel-webhook');
     if (empty($data)) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('channel', 'parameter_format_error'));
     $data = $data['data'];
     $requiredParameters = ['outTradeNo', 'tradeNo', 'tradeStatus'];
     ValidatorUtil::fieldsRequired($data, $requiredParameters);
     $tradePayment = TradePayment::findOne(['orderNumber' => $data['outTradeNo']]);
     LogUtil::info(['tradePayment' => $tradePayment->toArray()], 'channel-webhook');
     if (empty($tradePayment)) {
         throw new InvalidParameterException(Yii::t('common', 'data_error'));
     $memberId = $tradePayment['user']['memberId'];
     $couponId = $tradePayment['couponId'];
     LogUtil::info(['memberId' => $memberId, 'couponId' => $couponId], 'channel-webhook');
     if ($data['tradeStatus'] == 'PAY_SUCCESS') {
         $tradePayment->status = TradePayment::STATUS_PAID;
         $tradePayment->realAmount = intval($data['totalFee']) / 100;
         // Make coupon used
         if (!empty($couponId)) {
             Yii::$app->service->coupon->makeUsed($memberId, $couponId);
     } else {
         if ($data['tradeStatus'] == 'PAY_ERROR') {
             $tradePayment->status = TradePayment::STATUS_FAILED;
     $tradePayment->paymentTime = MongodbUtil::msTimetamp2MongoDate($data['paymentTime']);
     $tradePayment->transactionId = $data['tradeNo'];
     return $tradePayment->save(true, ['paymentTime', 'status', 'transactionId', 'realAmount']);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function actionFrontend()
     $params = $this->getQuery();
     if (self::ERROR_TYPE === $params[self::PARAM_TYPE]) {
         LogUtil::error($params, self::FRONTEND);
     } else {
         LogUtil::info($params, self::FRONTEND);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * validate go api signature
  * @return boolean
 private function validateSignature()
     $request = Yii::$app->request;
     $bodyStr = $request->getRawBody();
     $headers = $request->getHeaders();
     //for golang
     $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $bodyStr, 'Zc6smtltqrAToO44awoutxdS7LNsA81k');
     LogUtil::info(['signature' => $signature, 'header' => $headers['X-Event-Signature'], 'body' => $bodyStr], 'event');
     if (!empty($headers['X-Event-Signature']) && $signature === $headers['X-Event-Signature']) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Send mobile message.
  * @param string $mobile The phone number
  * @param string $text, The message content.
  * @return Array
 public static function sendMobileMessage($mobile, $text)
     $url = YUNPIAN_DOMAIN;
     $params = ['apikey' => YUNPIAN_API_KEY, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'text' => $text];
     Yii::$app->curl->setHeaders(['Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded']);
     $resultJson = Yii::$app->curl->post($url, http_build_query($params));
     LogUtil::info(['url' => $url, 'params' => $params, 'response' => $resultJson], 'mobile-message');
     $result = Json::decode($resultJson, true);
     if ($result && isset($result['code']) && 0 == $result['code'] && isset($result['result']) && isset($result['result']['count']) && $result['result']['count'] > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         LogUtil::error(['url' => $url, 'params' => $params, 'response' => $resultJson], 'mobile-message');
         return false;
 public function perform()
     $args = $this->args;
     if (empty($args['type'])) {
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $yesterdayStamp = TimeUtil::today() - 24 * 3600;
             self::setData($type, $yesterdayStamp);
             LogUtil::info(['message' => 'run stats PromotionCodeAnalysis, type :' . $type], 'resque');
     } else {
         $type = intval($args['type']);
         $yesterdayStamp = TimeUtil::today() - 24 * 3600;
         self::setData($type, $yesterdayStamp);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Request the service with basic auth
  * @param string $url requested url
  * @param string $method requested method
  * @param string $params requested parameters
 private function _requestService($url, $method, $params = NULL)
     //format header and params for post and put
     if (in_array($method, [self::METHOD_POST, self::METHOD_PUT])) {
         $method = $method . 'Json';
         $params = Json::encode($params);
     $resultJson = Yii::$app->curl->{$method}($url, $params);
     $logUrl = strtoupper($method) . ' ' . $url;
     $logTarget = 'webhook';
     LogUtil::info(['url' => $logUrl, 'response' => $resultJson, 'params' => $params], $logTarget);
     if (StringUtil::isJson($resultJson)) {
         return Json::decode($resultJson, true);
     } else {
         LogUtil::error(['url' => $logUrl, 'response' => $resultJson, 'params' => $params], $logTarget);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function actionAuth()
     $secret = TUISONGBAO_SECRET;
     $socketId = $this->getParams('socketId');
     $channelName = $this->getParams('channelName');
     $authData = $this->getParams('authData');
     $parts = explode(':', $authData);
     $clientId = $parts[1];
     $userData = ['userId' => $clientId, 'userInfo' => []];
     $userDataJsonStr = json_encode($userData);
     $strToSign = $socketId . ':' . $channelName . ':' . $userDataJsonStr;
     LogUtil::info(['strToSign' => $strToSign, 'secret' => $secret], 'signature');
     $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $strToSign, $secret);
     LogUtil::info(['signature' => $signature, 'channelData' => $userDataJsonStr], 'signature');
     $result = ['signature' => $signature, 'channelData' => $userDataJsonStr];
     echo json_encode($result);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Create a job and put it in global queue
  * @param  string $className
  * @param  array  $args
  * @param  timestamp $executeTime UNIX timestamp when job should be executed, default is now
  * @param  int $span seconds
  * @return string|null      job token or empty
 public function create($className, $args = [], $executeTime = null, $interval = null, $isGlobal = true)
     LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Begin a job', 'args' => $args], 'resque');
     $queue = $isGlobal ? self::GLOBAL_QUEUE : self::BACKEND_QUEUE;
     $args['language'] = Yii::$app->language;
     if (!empty($executeTime)) {
         if (!empty($interval)) {
             $args['cron_job_time_interval'] = '+ ' . $interval . ' seconds';
             while ($executeTime < time()) {
                 $executeTime = strtotime($args['cron_job_time_interval'], $executeTime);
             $args['cron_job_execute_time'] = $executeTime;
         return Yii::$app->resque->enqueueJobAt($executeTime, $queue, $className, $args);
     } else {
         return Yii::$app->resque->createJob($queue, $className, $args);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @args {"description": "Direct: Analysis daily promotion code "}
 public function perform()
     $yesterday = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getTime(-1);
     $type = new MongoInt32(ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_TOTAL);
     $where = ['createdAt' => $yesterday, 'type' => $type];
     $status = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::checkExistData($where);
     if ($status) {
         $yesterdayStamp = TimeUtil::today() - 24 * 3600;
         $yesterday = new MongoDate($yesterdayStamp);
         //get campaignlogs in yesterday
         $campaignLogs = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getMemberCampaignLog();
         //create datas
         if (!empty($campaignLogs)) {
             $campaignData = [];
             foreach ($campaignLogs as $key => $campaignLog) {
                 //get total the day before yesterday
                 $beforeYesterday = new MongoDate(TimeUtil::today() - 2 * 24 * 3600);
                 $productId = $campaignLog['_id']['productId'];
                 $campaignId = $campaignLog['_id']['campaignId'];
                 $accountId = $campaignLog['_id']['accountId'];
                 $condition = ['productId' => $productId, 'campaignId' => $campaignId, 'accountId' => $accountId, 'createdAt' => $beforeYesterday, 'type' => $type];
                 $beforeYesterdayData = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::findOne($condition);
                 if (empty($beforeYesterdayData)) {
                     $beforeYesterdayData['total'] = 0;
                 $condition = ['campaignId' => $campaignId, 'accountId' => $accountId, 'productId' => $productId];
                 $number = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::checkMemberUnique($condition, TimeUtil::today());
                 //subtract the member who is recorded before
                 $total = $beforeYesterdayData['total'] + $number;
                 $campaignLogs[$key]['total'] = $total;
             $campaignData = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignLogs, $type, $yesterday);
             if (false === ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData)) {
                 LogUtil::error(['message' => 'Faild to create daily data', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'data' => json_encode($campaignData)], 'resque');
         //set the default value when the value is not exists
         $yesterdayStamp -= 3600 * 24;
         ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::setDefault($yesterdayStamp, $type);
     } else {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Total analysis data is exists', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')], 'resque');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * @args {"description": "Direct: Analysis participate promotion code "}
 public function perform()
     $yesterday = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getTime(-1);
     $type = new MongoInt32(ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_PARTICIPATE);
     $where = ['createdAt' => $yesterday, 'type' => $type];
     $status = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::checkExistData($where);
     if ($status) {
         $yesterdayStamp = TimeUtil::today() - 24 * 3600;
         $yesterday = new MongoDate($yesterdayStamp);
         $createWhere = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getCreateTime();
         $campaignIds = CampaignLog::distinct('campaignId', $createWhere);
         $campaignLogs = [];
         if (!empty($campaignIds)) {
             $where = array_merge($createWhere, ['campaignId' => ['$in' => $campaignIds]]);
             $campaignLogs = CampaignLog::getCollection()->aggregate([['$match' => $where], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['campaignId' => '$campaignId', 'memberId' => '$', 'accountId' => '$accountId', 'productId' => '$productId']]]]);
         if (!empty($campaignLogs)) {
             //get total for take part in a campaign
             $campaignData = [];
             foreach ($campaignLogs as $data) {
                 $campaignId = $data['_id']['campaignId'];
                 $key = (string) $campaignId . (string) $data['_id']['productId'];
                 if (isset($campaignData[$key])) {
                     //to sum the total in every product in same campaign
                     $campaignData[$key]['total'] += 1;
                 } else {
                     $product = Product::findByPk($data['_id']['productId']);
                     $productName = empty($product['name']) ? '' : $product['name'];
                     $result = ['productId' => $data['_id']['productId'], 'productName' => $productName, 'campaignId' => $campaignId, 'accountId' => $data['_id']['accountId'], 'createdAt' => $yesterday, 'total' => 1, 'type' => $type];
                     $campaignData[$key] = $result;
             if (false === ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData)) {
                 LogUtil::error(['message' => 'Faild to create daily data', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'data' => json_encode($campaignData)], 'resque');
             unset($datas, $campaignIds, $campaignData);
     } else {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Participate analysis data is exists', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')], 'resque');
     return true;
 public function perform()
     //accountId, properties are required fileds
     $args = $this->args;
     if (empty($args['accountId']) || empty($args['properties'])) {
         ResqueUtil::log('Missing required arguments accountId or properties!');
         return false;
     $date = empty($args['date']) ? '' : $args['date'];
     $datetime = TimeUtil::getDatetime($date);
     $dateStr = date('Y-m-d', $datetime);
     $start = new MongoDate($datetime);
     $end = new MongoDate(strtotime('+1 day', $datetime));
     $accountId = new MongoId($args['accountId']);
     $condition = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'createdAt' => ['$gte' => $start, '$lt' => $end]];
     $campaignLogs = self::getCampaignLog($condition);
     if (empty($campaignLogs)) {
         LogUtil::info(['date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'message' => $dateStr . ': campaignLogs is empty,no need to store data'], 'resque');
         return true;
     //get all member info
     $memberInfos = self::getMemberInfo($condition);
     //Get all the property mongo id for comparison
     $condition = ['propertyId' => ['$in' => $args['properties']], 'accountId' => $accountId];
     $propertyIdStrs = self::getPropertyIds($condition);
     //Generate the meta data for inserting
     $statsRows = [];
     foreach ($campaignLogs as $campaignLog) {
         $campaignLog = $campaignLog['_id'];
         $redeemTime = self::getRedeemTime($campaignLog);
         //check the redeem time whether exists
         $condition = ['code' => $campaignLog['code'], 'productId' => $campaignLog['productId'], 'month' => date('Y-m', $redeemTime)];
         $memberCampaignLogDaily = ModelStatsMemberCampaignLogDaily::findOne($condition);
         if (empty($memberCampaignLogDaily)) {
             $memProperty = self::getProperty((string) $campaignLog['member']['id'], $memberInfos, $propertyIdStrs);
             $statsRows[] = ['memberId' => $campaignLog['member']['id'], 'memProperty' => $memProperty, 'productId' => $campaignLog['productId'], 'code' => $campaignLog['code'], 'year' => date('Y', $redeemTime), 'month' => date('Y-m', $redeemTime), 'quarter' => TimeUtil::getQuarter($redeemTime), 'accountId' => $accountId, 'createdAt' => new MongoDate(strtotime('+1 day', $datetime) - 1)];
     unset($statsRows, $memberCampaignLogDaily, $condition, $memProperty, $memberInfos);
     return true;
  * @args {"description": "Direct: update Stats of coupon"}
 public function perform()
     $args = $this->args;
     $startTime = strtotime($args['startTime']);
     $endTime = strtotime($args['endTime']);
     $current = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
     if ($endTime > $current) {
         $endTime = $current;
     for ($t = $startTime; $t <= $endTime; $t += 3600 * 24) {
         $dateStr = date('Y-m-d', $t);
         ModelStatsCouponLogDaily::deleteAll(['date' => $dateStr]);
         $stats = CouponLog::getStats($dateStr);
         if (!empty($stats)) {
             StatsCouponLogDaily::createStatsCouponLog($dateStr, $stats);
         LogUtil::info(['message' => $dateStr . ': Update StatsCouponLogDaily'], 'update_coupon_log');
     return true;
  * @args {"description": "Direct: Analysis total participate"}
 public function perform()
     $yesterday = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getTime(-1);
     $type = new MongoInt32(ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_TOTAL_PARTICIPATE);
     $where = ['createdAt' => $yesterday, 'type' => $type];
     $status = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::checkExistData($where);
     if ($status) {
         $yesterdayStamp = TimeUtil::today() - 24 * 3600;
         $yesterday = new MongoDate($yesterdayStamp);
         $where = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getCreateTime();
         $campaignData = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getMemberAllTimes($where);
         $campaignData = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignData, $type, $yesterday);
         if (false === ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData)) {
             LogUtil::error(['message' => 'Faild to create daily data', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'data' => json_encode($campaignData)], 'resque');
     } else {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Total participate analysis data is exists', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')], 'resque');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * This method is used to push message.
  *  If mobile help-desk client is on backend, push message.
 public function pushMessage($deskId, $eventType, $extra, $message = null)
     $cache = \Yii::$app->cache;
     $deskStrId = $deskId . '';
     //Update the helpdesk unread message count
     $count = $cache->get(ConversationController::UNREAD_COUNT_PREFIX . $deskStrId);
     empty($count) && ($count = 0);
     $desk = HelpDesk::findByPk($deskId);
     if (empty($desk->deviceToken) || empty($desk->environment)) {
         LogUtil::info(['push' => 'missing device token', 'desk' => $deskId, 'eventType' => $eventType, 'extra' => $extra]);
     } else {
         if ($eventType == ConversationController::EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE && $this->isPushMessage($deskId, $desk->accountId)) {
             $cache->set(ConversationController::UNREAD_COUNT_PREFIX . $deskStrId, ++$count);
         } else {
             //no code here, push state like 'sessionConnected', no need to add $count
         $extra['type'] = $eventType;
         $target = [$desk->environment => [$desk->deviceToken]];
         \Yii::$app->tuisongbao->pushMessage($target, $count, $extra, $message);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function perform()
     $args = $this->args;
     if (empty($args['accountId']) || empty($args['key']) || empty($args['header']) || empty($args['collection']) || empty($args['fields'])) {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'fail to export klp member, missing params', 'args' => $args], 'resque');
         return false;
     $fileName = $args['key'];
     $filePath = ExcelUtil::getFile($fileName, 'csv');
     $condition = ExcelUtil::processCondition(unserialize($args['condition']));
     ExcelUtil::exportWithMongo($args['collection'], $args['fields'], $filePath, $condition);
     $classFunction = '\\backend\\modules\\member\\models\\Member::preProcessKlpMemberData';
     $headerKeys = array_keys($args['header']);
     ExcelUtil::processRowsData($args['header'], $filePath, $classFunction, $headerKeys);
     $newFilePath = ExcelUtil::getDownloadFile($filePath);
     $downloadFilePath = self::getFile($fileName);
     copy($newFilePath, $downloadFilePath);
     //notice frontend the job is finished
     Yii::$app->tuisongbao->triggerEvent(Message::EVENT_EXPORT_FINISH, ['key' => $fileName], [Message::CHANNEL_GLOBAL . $args['accountId']]);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Upload file to qiniu cloud
  * @param  string $filePath file path
  * @param  string $key      file name in qiniu
  * @param  bool   $isAllowedOverwrite
 public function upload($filePath, $key, $isAllowedOverwrite = false)
     if ($isAllowedOverwrite) {
         $upToken = $this->getToken($key);
     } else {
         $upToken = $this->getToken();
     if (filesize($filePath) > 1 << self::QINIU_UPLOAD_BLOCK_BITS) {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'upload file use block', 'filePath' => $filePath], 'resque');
         $putExtra = new \Qiniu_Rio_PutExtra();
         list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Rio_PutFile($upToken, $key, $filePath, $putExtra);
     } else {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'upload file directly', 'filePath' => $filePath], 'resque');
         $putExtra = new \Qiniu_PutExtra();
         $putExtra->Crc32 = 1;
         list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_PutFile($upToken, $key, $filePath, $putExtra);
     if ($err !== null) {
         return $err;
     } else {
         return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function perform()
     # Run task
     $args = $this->args;
     if (empty($args['locationPath']) || empty($args['productId']) || empty($args['filePath']) || empty($args['accountId']) || empty($args['qiniuBucket']) || empty($args['fileName'])) {
         LogUtil::error(['message' => 'missing productId or filePath in PromotionCheckCode', 'params' => $args], 'resque_product');
     //get qiniu file, keep bom because of excel content
     $qiniuFile = Yii::$app->curl->get($args['filePath'], [], false);
     if (false === file_put_contents($args['locationPath'], $qiniuFile)) {
         LogUtil::error(['message' => 'Fail to get file from qiniu', 'args' => $args], 'resque_product');
         return false;
     $phpreader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007');
     $filePath = $args['locationPath'];
     if (!$phpreader->canRead($filePath)) {
         $phpreader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5');
         if (!$phpreader->canRead($filePath)) {
             $phpreader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('CSV')->setDelimiter(',')->setInputEncoding('GBK')->setEnclosure('"')->setLineEnding("\r\n")->setSheetIndex(0);
             if (!$phpreader->canRead($filePath)) {
                 LogUtil::error(['message' => 'FIle can not read in PromotionCheckCode'], 'resque_product');
                 return false;
             LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Use Csv', 'filePath' => $filePath], 'resque_product');
         } else {
             LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Use Excel5', 'filePath' => $filePath], 'resque_product');
     } else {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Use Excel2007', 'filePath' => $filePath], 'resque_product');
     $phpexcel = $phpreader->load($filePath);
     //read excel the first table
     $currentSheet = $phpexcel->getSheet(0);
     //get total row num
     $allRow = $currentSheet->getHighestRow();
     //product sku
     $productId = $args['productId'];
     //make a key to be called a name for redis set
     $cacheSet = self::SET_HEAD . md5($args['accountId'] . "_" . $productId . "_" . $args['fileName']);
     //make a key to be called a name for redis hash
     $cacheHash = md5($args['accountId'] . "_" . $productId . "_" . $args['fileName']);
     //the key for wrong number for store in redis
     $wrongKey = 'wrong';
     //the key for right number for  store in redis
     $rightKey = 'right';
     $total = $wrong = $right = 0;
     $redis = Yii::$app->cache->redis;
     $redis->expire($cacheHash, self::EXPIRE);
     LogUtil::info(['message' => 'get file info', 'allRow' => $allRow, 'sku' => $productId, 'cacheSet' => $cacheSet, 'cacheHash' => $cacheHash], 'resque_product');
     for ($rowIndex = 2; $rowIndex <= $allRow; ++$rowIndex) {
         //get productid
         $A = 'A' . $rowIndex;
         //get code
         $B = 'B' . $rowIndex;
         $Acell = trim($currentSheet->getCell($A)->getValue());
         $Bcell = strtoupper(trim($currentSheet->getCell($B)->getValue()));
         if ($Acell != $productId && !empty($Bcell) && !empty($Acell)) {
             LogUtil::error(['error' => 'the product number in the excel is not equal the selected product number', 'args' => ['cell' => $Acell, 'sku' => $productId]], 'resque_product');
             // $wrong++;
             $redis->Hset($cacheHash, $wrongKey, self::PRODUCT_SKU_WRONG);
             $redis->Hset($cacheHash, $rightKey, 0);
             return false;
         } else {
             if (!empty($Acell) && !empty($Bcell)) {
                 $redis->sadd($cacheSet, $Bcell);
     if ($total <= 0) {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'no datas'], 'resque_product');
     //store the number of the wrong code and the number of the right code
     $right = $redis->scard($cacheSet);
     $wrong = $total - $right;
     $redis->Hset($cacheHash, $wrongKey, $wrong);
     $redis->Hset($cacheHash, $rightKey, $right);
     Yii::$app->qiniu->deleteFile($args['fileName'], $args['qiniuBucket']);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Follower bind to be a member.
  * <b>Request Type</b>: POST<br/><br/>
  * <b>Request Endpoint</b>:http://{server-domain}/api/mobile/bind<br/><br/>
  * <b>Response Content-type</b>: application/json<br/><br/>
  * <b>Summary</b>: This api is used for follower bind.
  * <br/><br/>
  * <b>Request Params</b>:<br/>
  *     mobile: string<br/>
  *     openId: string<br/>
  *     unionId: string<br/>
  *     channelId: string<br/>
  *     captcha: string<br/>
  *     <br/><br/>
  * <b>Response Params:</b><br/>
  *     <br/><br/>
  * <br/><br/>
  * <b>Response Example</b>:<br/>
  * <pre>
  * {
  *  "message": "OK",
  *  "data": ""
  * </pre>
 public function actionBind()
     //set language zh_cn when bind
     Yii::$app->language = LanguageUtil::LANGUAGE_ZH;
     $params = $this->getParams();
     if (empty($params['mobile']) || empty($params['openId']) || empty($params['channelId']) || empty($params['captcha'])) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException('missing param');
     $isTest = false;
     if ($params['mobile'] == self::TEST_PHONE && $params['captcha'] == self::TEST_CODE) {
         $isTest = true;
     } else {
         $this->attachBehavior('CaptchaBehavior', new CaptchaBehavior());
         $this->checkCaptcha($params['mobile'], $params['captcha']);
     //get accountId
     $openId = $params['openId'];
     $channel = Channel::getEnableByChannelId($params['channelId']);
     $origin = $channel->origin;
     $accountId = $channel->accountId;
     //create accessToken
     $token = Token::createForMobile($accountId);
     if (empty($token['accessToken'])) {
         throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Failed to create token for unknown reason.');
     $accessToken = $token['accessToken'];
     //if member has bind
     if (empty($params['unionId'])) {
         $member = Member::getByOpenId($openId);
     } else {
         $unionId = $params['unionId'];
         $member = Member::getByUnionid($unionId);
     if (!empty($member)) {
         $memberId = (string) $member->_id;
         $url = $this->buildBindRedirect($memberId, $params);
         return ['message' => 'OK', 'data' => $url];
     //check mobile has been bind
     $member = Member::getByMobile($params['mobile'], new \MongoId($accountId));
     if (!empty($member)) {
         throw new InvalidParameterException(['phone' => Yii::t('common', 'phone_has_been_bound')]);
     $follower = Yii::$app->weConnect->getFollowerByOriginId($openId, $params['channelId']);
     $originScene = empty($follower['firstSubscribeSource']) ? '' : $follower['firstSubscribeSource'];
     //init avatar and location
     $avatar = !empty($follower['headerImgUrl']) ? $follower['headerImgUrl'] : Yii::$app->params['defaultAvatar'];
     $location = [];
     !empty($follower['city']) ? $location['city'] = $follower['city'] : null;
     !empty($follower['province']) ? $location['province'] = $follower['province'] : null;
     !empty($follower['country']) ? $location['country'] = $follower['country'] : null;
     LogUtil::info(['message' => 'get follower info', 'follower' => $follower], 'channel');
     //init member properties
     $memberProperties = MemberProperty::getByAccount($accountId);
     $propertyMobile = [];
     $propertyGender = [];
     $propertyName = [];
     $properties = [];
     foreach ($memberProperties as $memberProperty) {
         if ($memberProperty['name'] == Member::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_MOBILE) {
             $propertyMobile['id'] = $memberProperty['_id'];
             $propertyMobile['name'] = $memberProperty['name'];
             $propertyMobile['value'] = $params['mobile'];
             $properties[] = $propertyMobile;
         if ($memberProperty['name'] == Member::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_GENDER) {
             $propertyGender['id'] = $memberProperty['_id'];
             $propertyGender['name'] = $memberProperty['name'];
             $propertyGender['value'] = !empty($follower['gender']) ? strtolower($follower['gender']) : 'male';
             $properties[] = $propertyGender;
         if ($memberProperty['name'] == Member::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_NAME) {
             $propertyName['id'] = $memberProperty['_id'];
             $propertyName['name'] = $memberProperty['name'];
             $propertyName['value'] = $follower['nickname'];
             $properties[] = $propertyName;
     //get default card
     $card = MemberShipCard::getDefault($accountId);
     $memberId = new \MongoId();
     $memberAttribute = ['$set' => ['_id' => $memberId, 'avatar' => $avatar, 'cardId' => $card['_id'], 'location' => $location, 'score' => 0, 'socialAccountId' => $params['channelId'], 'properties' => $properties, 'openId' => $openId, 'origin' => $origin, 'originScene' => $originScene, 'unionId' => empty($unionId) ? '' : $unionId, 'accountId' => $accountId, 'cardNumber' => Member::generateCardNumber($card['_id']), 'cardProvideTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'createdAt' => new \MongoDate(), 'socials' => [], 'isDeleted' => false]];
     if (!$isTest) {
         $result = Member::updateAll($memberAttribute, ['openId' => $openId], ['upsert' => true]);
     } else {
         $result = true;
     if ($result) {
         // reword score first bind card
         $this->attachBehavior('MemberBehavior', new MemberBehavior());
         Yii::$app->qrcode->create(Yii::$app->request->hostInfo, Qrcode::TYPE_MEMBER, $memberId, $accountId);
         $memberId = (string) $memberId;
         $url = $this->buildBindRedirect($memberId, $params);
         return ['message' => 'OK', 'data' => $url];
     } else {
         LogUtil::error(['error' => 'member save error', 'params' => Json::encode($member)], 'member');
         throw new ServerErrorHttpException("bind fail");
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function actionGetOneCookbookById()
     $accountId = $this->getAccountId();
     $cookbookId = $request = Yii::$app->request->get("cookbookId", "");
     $mobile = Yii::$app->request->get('mobile', null);
     $query = new Query();
     $query->from('uhkklpCookbook')->select(['_id', 'title', 'image', 'content', 'ingredient', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'shareUrl', 'isSampleOpen', 'sample', 'active', 'createdDate', 'updatedDate', 'operator', 'type', 'video', 'restaurantName', 'cookName', 'category', 'subCategory', 'portionSize', 'preparationMethod', 'yield', 'creativeExperience', 'deliciousSecret', 'cuisineType', 'averageScore'])->where(['_id' => $cookbookId]);
     $cookbook = $query->one();
     if ($cookbook == false) {
         return ['code' => 1204, 'msg' => 'cookbook not found.'];
     $cookbook = $this->formatCookbook($cookbook);
     $cookbook = $this->formatCookbookForAPI($cookbook);
     if ($mobile != null && strlen($mobile) != 0) {
         //collection and score
         $query = new Query();
         $query->from('uhkklpUserCookbook')->where(['mobile' => $mobile, 'isDeleted' => false, 'accountId' => $accountId]);
         $userCookbook = $query->all();
         $cookbook['collection'] = 'N';
         $cookbook['score'] = 0;
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($userCookbook); $j++) {
             if ($userCookbook[$j]['cookbookId'] == $cookbook['cookbookId']) {
                 if (!isset($userCookbook[$j]['collection'])) {
                     $userCookbook[$j]['collection'] = 'N';
                 } else {
                     if ($userCookbook[$j]['collection'] != 'N') {
                         $userCookbook[$j]['collection'] = 'Y';
                 if (!isset($userCookbook[$j]['score'])) {
                     $userCookbook[$j]['score'] = 0;
                 $cookbook['collection'] = $userCookbook[$j]['collection'];
                 $cookbook['score'] = $userCookbook[$j]['score'];
         $query = new Query();
         $query->from('uhkklpSamplerecord')->where(['mobile' => $mobile, 'isDeleted' => false, 'accountId' => $accountId]);
         $record = $query->all();
         $sample = $cookbook['sample'];
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($sample); $j++) {
             for ($k = 0; $k < count($record); $k++) {
                 if ($record[$k]['sampleId'] == $sample[$j]['id']) {
                     $sample[$j]['getSampled'] = 'Y';
             if ($k >= count($record)) {
                 $sample[$j]['getSampled'] = 'N';
         $cookbook['sample'] = $sample;
     $result['cookbook'] = $cookbook;
     LogUtil::info('GetOneCookbookById' . ' mobile:' . $mobile, 'cookbook-log');
     Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
     return ['code' => 200, 'msg' => 'OK', 'result' => $result];
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function actionOpenWechatPayment()
     $params = $_POST;
     $file = $_FILES;
     $accountId = $this->getAccountId();
     if (empty($params['appId']) || empty($params['sellerId']) || empty($params['apiKey']) || empty($file['p12Credential']) || empty($file['pemCredentialKey']) || empty($file['pemCredential']) || empty($file['caCredential']) || empty($params['weconnectAccountId'])) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('common', 'parameters_missing'));
     $condition = array('appId' => $params['appId'], 'sellerId' => $params['sellerId'], 'apiKey' => $params['apiKey'], 'weconnectAccountId' => $params['weconnectAccountId'], 'quncrmAccountId' => (string) $accountId, 'p12Credential' => "@{$file['p12Credential']["tmp_name"]};type={$file['p12Credential']['type']};filename={$file['p12Credential']['name']}", 'pemCredentialKey' => "@{$file['pemCredentialKey']['tmp_name']};type={$file['pemCredentialKey']['type']};filename={$file['pemCredentialKey']['name']}", 'pemCredential' => "@{$file['pemCredential']['tmp_name']};type={$file['pemCredential']['type']};filename={$file['pemCredential']['name']}", 'caCredential' => "@{$file['caCredential']['tmp_name']};type={$file['caCredential']['type']};filename={$file['caCredential']['name']}", 'paymentStatus' => 'ENABLE');
     $result = Yii::$app->weConnect->openWechatPayment($condition);
     if (!empty($result) && empty($result['message']) == 'OK') {
         $channelId = $params['weconnectAccountId'];
         LogUtil::info(['accountId' => (string) $accountId, 'channelId' => $channelId], 'reservation');
         Yii::$app->webhookEvent->subscribeMsg('channel', $channelId, WebhookEvent::DATA_TYPE_MSG_PAYMENT, time());
         return ['authDirectory' => DOMAIN . self::WECHAT_PAYMENT_DIRECTORY];
     } else {
         LogUtil::error(['message' => 'Failed to open wechat payment', 'data' => $result], 'channel');
  * Used for tuisongbao web hook, realtime engine will call the service when user subscribe or unsubscribe a channel
  * @return string json status
 public function actionUserState()
     $body = $this->getParams();
     $headers = Yii::$app->request->getHeaders();
     $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', json_encode($body), TUISONGBAO_SECRET);
     LogUtil::info(['body' => $body, 'signature' => $signature], 'webhook');
     // Check whether it is called by the tuisongbao web hook
     if ($signature === $headers['X-Engine-Signature']) {
         //TODO: First event may not be the correct one
         $time = $body['timestamp'];
         $event = $body['events'][0];
         $userId = $event['userId'];
         $eventName = $event['name'];
         //Tip: Only handle the user_removed event on global channel here
         if (strpos($event['channel'], ChatConversation::CHANNEL_GLOBAL) !== false && ChatConversation::MONGOID_LENGTH === strlen($userId)) {
             $helpdesk = HelpDesk::findByPk(new \MongoId($userId));
             if (!empty($helpdesk)) {
                 if ($eventName == ChatConversation::EVENT_USER_ADDED || $eventName == ChatConversation::EVENT_USER_REMOVED) {
                     $updateTimePrefix = 'wm-update-time';
                     $cache = Yii::$app->cache;
                     $lastTime = $cache->get($updateTimePrefix . $userId);
                     // failed events will be send again, but timestamp will not change
                     // if a event is failed and other event has success, skip that failed event
                     // Event_1. user_add failed; Event_2, user_remove successed; Event_1. user_add successed
                     // skip Event_1. user_add successed
                     if (empty($lastTime) || $lastTime < $time) {
                         $cache->set($updateTimePrefix . $userId, $time);
                         HelpDesk::cacheOnlineDesks($helpdesk->_id . '', $helpdesk->accountId . '', $eventName);
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Using a post request to call weibo api
  * @param  string $url request url
  * @param  string $logTarget log file directory
  * @param  string $resultField the flag of the success request
  * @param  string $params request parameters
  * @param  boolean $returnResultData
  * @throws ApiDataException
 private function _post($url, $logTarget, $resultField, $params = [], $returnResultData = true)
     $resultJson = null;
     if (count($params) == 0) {
         $resultJson = Yii::$app->curl->post($url);
     } else {
         $resultJson = Yii::$app->curl->postJson($url, $params);
     LogUtil::info(['url' => 'POST ' . $url, 'params' => $params, 'response' => $resultJson], $logTarget);
     $result = json_decode($resultJson, true);
     if ($result && isset($result[$resultField])) {
         if ($returnResultData) {
             return $result;
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         throw new ApiDataException("POST " . $url, $resultJson);
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Create a new Token
  * @param Object $user, instance of model User
  * @author Devin Jin
 public static function create($user)
     $account = Account::findOne(['_id' => $user->accountId]);
     if (!empty($account)) {
         $token = new Token();
         $token->accessToken = StringUtil::uuid();
         $token->expireTime = new \MongoDate(time() + self::EXPIRE_TIME);
         $token->userId = $user['_id'];
         $token->accountId = $account['_id'];
         $token->language = $user['language'];
         $token->enabledMods = empty($account['enabledMods']) ? [] : $account['enabledMods'];
         $token->role = $user['role'];
         if ($token->save()) {
             LogUtil::info(['message' => 'create new token for wechat', 'accessToken' => $token->accessToken]);
             return $token;
     return false;
  * check the code in the excel
 public function actionCheckCode()
     $params = Yii::$app->request->post();
     $productId = $params['productId'];
     //$productId = '1429862376675049';
     if (empty($productId)) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException('missing param productId');
     $fileKey = 'file';
     if (empty($_FILES[$fileKey])) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException('missing param ' . $fileKey);
     $accountId = $this->getAccountId();
     $where = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'sku' => $productId];
     $result = Product::findOne($where);
     LogUtil::info(['file' => $_FILES, 'where' => $where], 'promotimeCode');
     if (empty($result)) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t("product", "product_deleted"));
     //upload config
     $config = ['maxSize' => self::MAXSIZE, 'allowFiles' => self::$ALLOWFILES, 'pathFormat' => self::PATHFORMAT, 'privateBucket' => true];
     //upload to qiniu
     $upload = new Uploader($fileKey, $config, 'upload', 1);
     $fileInfo = $upload->getFileInfo();
     $rootPath = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . '/code/';
     if (!is_dir($rootPath)) {
         FileHelper::createDirectory($rootPath, 0777, true);
     $fileName = $fileInfo['title'];
     $locationPath = $rootPath . $fileName . $fileInfo['type'];
     if (empty($fileName)) {
         throw new InvalidParameterException($fileInfo['state']);
     $checkArgs = ['qiniuBucket' => QINIU_DOMAIN_PRIVATE, 'productId' => $productId, 'filePath' => Yii::$app->qiniu->getPrivateUrl($fileName), 'locationPath' => $locationPath, 'fileName' => $fileName, 'accountId' => (string) $accountId, 'description' => 'Direct: Check if promotion codes to be imported is unique'];
     $jobId = Yii::$app->job->create('backend\\modules\\product\\job\\PromotionCheckCode', $checkArgs);
     return ['message' => 'OK', 'data' => ['token' => $jobId, 'filename' => $fileName]];
 private static function _setStatsMemberPropTradeQuarterly($startTime, $endTime, $args)
     //Assume that the subChannel is the secode element in properties
     $propertyKey = $args['properties'][1];
     $memberProperty = MemberProperty::findOne(['propertyId' => $propertyKey]);
     if (!empty($memberProperty)) {
         $startQuarter = TimeUtil::getQuarter($startTime);
         $endQuarter = TimeUtil::getQuarter($endTime);
         for ($quarter = $startQuarter; $quarter <= $endQuarter; ++$quarter) {
             $year = date('Y', $startTime);
             $condition = ['accountId' => $args['accountId'], 'year' => $year, 'quarter' => $quarter];
             self::generateStatsMemberPropTradeQuarterlyData((string) $memberProperty['_id'], $condition);
             LogUtil::info(['message' => $quarter . ' :Run StatsMemberPropTradeQuarterly'], 'update_job');
     } else {
         LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Can not find this propertyId:' . $propertyKey], 'update_job');
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Get wehcat pay signature
  * Request Method:
  *     POST
  * Request Parameters:
  *     {
  *         "quncrmAccountId": "群脉账号ID",
  *         "params": {
  *             "key1": "value1",
  *             "key2": "value2",
  *             "key3": "value3",
  *         }
  *     }
  * Response Body:
  *      {
  *           "code": 200,
  *           "message": "OK",
  *           "data": {
  *               "appId": "公众账号ID",
  *               "signType": "DSA、RSA、MD5",
  *               "paySign": "signString"
  *           }
  *       }
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function getWechatPaySignature($accountId, $prepayId, $appId)
     $url = $this->weconnectDomain . '/weixin/pay/sign';
     $timestamp = time();
     $nonceStr = StringUtil::rndString(16, StringUtil::ALL_DIGITS_LETTERS);
     $params = ['timeStamp' => $timestamp, 'nonceStr' => $nonceStr, 'package' => "prepay_id={$prepayId}", 'appId' => $appId, 'signType' => 'MD5'];
     $data = ['quncrmAccountId' => (string) $accountId, 'params' => $params];
     LogUtil::info(['wechat signature data' => $data], 'reservation');
     $result = Yii::$app->curl->postJson($url, json_encode($data));
     $result = json_decode($result, true);
     LogUtil::info(['wechat signature result' => $result], 'reservation');
     if (!empty($result) && $result['code'] === 200 && !empty($result['data'])) {
         $params['appId'] = $result['data']['appId'];
         $params['signType'] = $result['data']['signType'];
         $params['paySign'] = $result['data']['paySign'];
         return $params;
  * redirect to receive coupon page
  * @param $level,log level
  * @param $message,string
  * @param $args,array, args must include these key:mainDomain,couponId,id,memberId,result,channelId
 private function _redirectCouponDetail($message, $args, $params)
     $url = $mainDomain . '?couponId=' . $couponId . '&id=' . $id . '&memberId=' . $memberId . '&result=' . $result . '&message=' . $message . '&channelId=' . $channelId;
     LogUtil::info(['message' => $message, 'url' => $url, 'params' => $params], 'product');
     return $this->redirect($url);