getGroups() public static method

Get the list of all groups as array($groupId => $groupName).
public static getGroups ( ) : array
return array
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Execute the action.
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // action to execute
     $action = \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('action', array('addToGroup', 'delete'), '');
     $ids = isset($_GET['id']) ? (array) $_GET['id'] : array();
     $newGroupId = \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('newGroup', array_keys(BackendProfilesModel::getGroups()), '');
     // no ids provided
     if (empty($ids)) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Index') . '&error=no-profiles-selected');
     // delete the given profiles
     if ($action === 'delete') {
         $report = 'deleted';
     } elseif ($action === 'addToGroup') {
         // add the profiles to the given group
         // no group id provided
         if ($newGroupId == '') {
             $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Index') . '&error=no-group-selected');
         // set new status
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             // profile must exist
             if (BackendProfilesModel::exists($id)) {
                 // make sure the user is not already part of this group without an expiration date
                 foreach (BackendProfilesModel::getProfileGroups($id) as $existingGroup) {
                     // if he is, skip to the next user
                     if ($existingGroup['group_id'] === $newGroupId) {
                         continue 2;
                 // OK, it's safe to add the user to this group
                 BackendProfilesModel::insertProfileGroup(array('profile_id' => $id, 'group_id' => $newGroupId, 'starts_on' => BackendModel::getUTCDate()));
         // report
         $report = 'added-to-group';
     } else {
         // unknown action
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Index') . '&error=unknown-action');
     // report
     $report = (count($ids) > 1 ? 'profiles-' : 'profile-') . $report;
     // redirect
     $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Index', null, null, array('offset' => \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('offset', null, ''), 'order' => \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('order', null, ''), 'sort' => \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('sort', null, ''), 'email' => \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('email', null, ''), 'status' => \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('status', null, ''), 'group' => \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('group', null, ''))) . '&report=' . $report);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Load the form.
 private function loadForm()
     // create form
     $this->frm = new BackendForm('filter', BackendModel::createURLForAction(), 'get');
     // values for dropdowns
     $status = BackendProfilesModel::getStatusForDropDown();
     $groups = BackendProfilesModel::getGroups();
     // add fields
     $this->frm->addText('email', $this->filter['email']);
     $this->frm->addDropdown('status', $status, $this->filter['status']);
     // add a group filter if wa have groups
     if (!empty($groups)) {
         $this->frm->addDropdown('group', $groups, $this->filter['group']);
     // manually parse fields
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Load the form
 private function loadForm()
     // get default template id
     $defaultTemplateId = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Pages', 'default_template', 1);
     // create form
     $this->frm = new BackendForm('edit');
     // assign in template
     $this->tpl->assign('defaultTemplateId', $defaultTemplateId);
     // create elements
     $this->frm->addText('title', $this->record['title'], null, 'form-control title', 'form-control danger title');
     $this->frm->addHidden('template_id', $this->record['template_id']);
     $this->frm->addRadiobutton('hidden', array(array('label' => BL::lbl('Hidden'), 'value' => 'Y'), array('label' => BL::lbl('Published'), 'value' => 'N')), $this->record['hidden']);
     // image related fields
     // page auth related fields
     // check if profiles module is installed
     if (BackendModel::isModuleInstalled('Profiles')) {
         // add checkbox for auth_required
         $this->frm->addCheckbox('auth_required', isset($this->record['data']['auth_required']) && $this->record['data']['auth_required']);
         // get all groups and parse them in key value pair
         $groupItems = BackendProfilesModel::getGroups();
         if (!empty($groupItems)) {
             $groups = array();
             foreach ($groupItems as $key => $item) {
                 $groups[] = array('label' => $item, 'value' => $key);
             // set checked values
             $checkedGroups = array();
             if (is_array($this->record['data']['auth_groups'])) {
                 foreach ($this->record['data']['auth_groups'] as $group) {
                     $checkedGroups[] = $group;
             // add multi checkbox
             $this->frm->addMultiCheckbox('auth_groups', $groups, $checkedGroups);
     // a god user should be able to adjust the detailed settings for a page easily
     if ($this->isGod) {
         // init some vars
         $items = array('move', 'children', 'edit', 'delete');
         $checked = array();
         $values = array();
         foreach ($items as $value) {
             $values[] = array('label' => BL::msg(\SpoonFilter::toCamelCase('allow_' . $value)), 'value' => $value);
             if (isset($this->record['allow_' . $value]) && $this->record['allow_' . $value] == 'Y') {
                 $checked[] = $value;
         $this->frm->addMultiCheckbox('allow', $values, $checked);
     // build prototype block
     $block['index'] = 0;
     $block['formElements']['chkVisible'] = $this->frm->addCheckbox('block_visible_' . $block['index'], true);
     $block['formElements']['hidExtraId'] = $this->frm->addHidden('block_extra_id_' . $block['index'], 0);
     $block['formElements']['hidPosition'] = $this->frm->addHidden('block_position_' . $block['index'], 'fallback');
     $block['formElements']['txtHTML'] = $this->frm->addTextarea('block_html_' . $block['index'], '');
     // this is no editor; we'll add the editor in JS
     // add default block to "fallback" position, the only one which we can rest assured to exist
     $this->positions['fallback']['blocks'][] = $block;
     // content has been submitted: re-create submitted content rather than the db-fetched content
     if (isset($_POST['block_html_0'])) {
         // init vars
         $this->blocksContent = array();
         $hasBlock = false;
         $i = 1;
         // loop submitted blocks
         while (isset($_POST['block_position_' . $i])) {
             // init var
             $block = array();
             // save block position
             $block['position'] = $_POST['block_position_' . $i];
             $positions[$block['position']][] = $block;
             // set linked extra
             $block['extra_id'] = $_POST['block_extra_id_' . $i];
             // reset some stuff
             if ($block['extra_id'] <= 0) {
                 $block['extra_id'] = null;
             // init html
             $block['html'] = null;
             // extra-type is HTML
             if ($block['extra_id'] === null) {
                 // reset vars
                 $block['extra_id'] = null;
                 $block['html'] = $_POST['block_html_' . $i];
             } else {
                 // type of block
                 if (isset($this->extras[$block['extra_id']]['type']) && $this->extras[$block['extra_id']]['type'] == 'block') {
                     // set error
                     if ($hasBlock) {
                     // home can't have blocks
                     if ($this->record['id'] == 1) {
                     // reset var
                     $hasBlock = true;
             // set data
             $block['created_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
             $block['edited_on'] = $block['created_on'];
             $block['visible'] = isset($_POST['block_visible_' . $i]) && $_POST['block_visible_' . $i] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
             $block['sequence'] = count($positions[$block['position']]) - 1;
             // add to blocks
             $this->blocksContent[] = $block;
             // increment counter; go fetch next block
     // build blocks array
     foreach ($this->blocksContent as $i => $block) {
         $block['index'] = $i + 1;
         $block['formElements']['chkVisible'] = $this->frm->addCheckbox('block_visible_' . $block['index'], $block['visible'] == 'Y');
         $block['formElements']['hidExtraId'] = $this->frm->addHidden('block_extra_id_' . $block['index'], (int) $block['extra_id']);
         $block['formElements']['hidPosition'] = $this->frm->addHidden('block_position_' . $block['index'], $block['position']);
         $block['formElements']['txtHTML'] = $this->frm->addTextarea('block_html_' . $block['index'], $block['html']);
         // this is no editor; we'll add the editor in JS
         $this->positions[$block['position']]['blocks'][] = $block;
     // redirect
     $redirectValue = 'none';
     if (isset($this->record['data']['internal_redirect']['page_id'])) {
         $redirectValue = 'internal';
     if (isset($this->record['data']['external_redirect']['url'])) {
         $redirectValue = 'external';
     $redirectValues = array(array('value' => 'none', 'label' => \SpoonFilter::ucfirst(BL::lbl('None'))), array('value' => 'internal', 'label' => \SpoonFilter::ucfirst(BL::lbl('InternalLink')), 'variables' => array('isInternal' => true)), array('value' => 'external', 'label' => \SpoonFilter::ucfirst(BL::lbl('ExternalLink')), 'variables' => array('isExternal' => true)));
     $this->frm->addRadiobutton('redirect', $redirectValues, $redirectValue);
     $this->frm->addDropdown('internal_redirect', BackendPagesModel::getPagesForDropdown(), $redirectValue == 'internal' ? $this->record['data']['internal_redirect']['page_id'] : null);
     $this->frm->addText('external_redirect', $redirectValue == 'external' ? urldecode($this->record['data']['external_redirect']['url']) : null, null, null, null, true);
     // page info
     $this->frm->addCheckbox('navigation_title_overwrite', $this->record['navigation_title_overwrite'] == 'Y');
     $this->frm->addText('navigation_title', $this->record['navigation_title']);
     if ($this->showTags()) {
         // tags
         $this->frm->addText('tags', BackendTagsModel::getTags($this->URL->getModule(), $this->id), null, 'form-control js-tags-input', 'error js-tags-input');
     // a specific action
     $isAction = isset($this->record['data']['is_action']) && $this->record['data']['is_action'] == true ? true : false;
     $this->frm->addCheckbox('is_action', $isAction);
     // extra
     $blockTypes = BackendPagesModel::getTypes();
     $this->frm->addDropdown('extra_type', $blockTypes, key($blockTypes));
     // meta
     $this->meta = new BackendMeta($this->frm, $this->record['meta_id'], 'title', true);
     // set callback for generating an unique URL
     $this->meta->setURLCallback('Backend\\Modules\\Pages\\Engine\\Model', 'getURL', array($this->record['id'], $this->record['parent_id'], $isAction));