Exemplo n.º 1

use Augwa\PaymentGateway;
 * define $paymentGateway
 * define $creditCard
include __DIR__ . '/config.php';
$savedCard = $paymentGateway->saveCard($creditCard, function (PaymentGateway\Response\SaveCard $response) {
    echo sprintf("Billing profile successfully created, your token is %s and will expire on %s", $response->getToken(), $response->getTokenExpiryDate()->format('F jS, Y')) . PHP_EOL;
}, function (PaymentGateway\Response\SaveCard $response) {
    echo sprintf("Oops, seems like there was a problem saving the credit card: %s", $response->getApiError()) . PHP_EOL;
$transaction = new PaymentGateway\Helper\Transaction();
$transaction->setTransactionDate(new \DateTime());
$transaction->setComment('Test Transaction');
$paymentGateway->createChargeSaved($transaction, function (PaymentGateway\Response\CreateChargeSaved $response) {
    echo sprintf("Your credit card was charged for \$%.2f with reference number: %s", $response->getTransaction()->getAmount(), $response->getReferenceNumber()) . PHP_EOL;
}, function (PaymentGateway\Response\CreateChargeSaved $response) {
    echo sprintf("Oops, seems like there was a problem charging the billing profile: %s", $response->getApiError()) . PHP_EOL;