  * Upload an image
  * @param integer $membershipId
  * @param array $image
  *      string name
  *      string type
  *      string tmp_name
  *      integer error
  *      integer size
  * @param string $oldImage
  * @param boolean $deleteImage
  * @throws \Membership\Exception\MembershipException
  * @return void
 protected function uploadImage($membershipId, array $image, $oldImage = null, $deleteImage = false)
     // upload the membership's image
     if (!empty($image['name'])) {
         // delete old image
         if ($oldImage) {
             if (true !== ($result = $this->deleteImage($oldImage))) {
                 throw new MembershipException('Image deleting failed');
         // upload a new one
         if (false === ($imageName = FileSystemUtility::uploadResourceFile($membershipId, $image, self::$imagesDir))) {
             throw new MembershipException('Avatar uploading failed');
         // resize the image
         ImageUtility::resizeResourceImage($imageName, self::$imagesDir, (int) ApplicationSettingService::getSetting('membership_image_width'), (int) ApplicationSettingService::getSetting('membership_image_height'));
         $update = $this->update()->table('membership_level')->set(['image' => $imageName])->where(['id' => $membershipId]);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
     } elseif ($deleteImage && $oldImage) {
         // just delete the membership's image
         if (true !== ($result = $this->deleteImage($oldImage))) {
             throw new MembershipException('Image deleting failed');
         $update = $this->update()->table('membership_level')->set(['image' => null])->where(['id' => $membershipId]);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Generate a file url
  * @param string $fileName
  * @param array $options
  *      string path
  *      array filters
  * @return string
 public function __invoke($fileName, array $options)
     $currentPath = $options['path'] . '/' . $fileName;
     // generate a directory navigation link
     if (is_dir(FileManagerBaseModel::getUserBaseFilesDir() . '/' . $options['path'] . '/' . $fileName)) {
         // get the directory url
         $directoryUrl = $this->getView()->url('application/page', ['controller' => $this->getView()->applicationRoute()->getParam('controller'), 'action' => $this->getView()->applicationRoute()->getParam('action')], ['force_canonical' => true, 'query' => ['path' => $currentPath] + $options['filters']]);
         return $this->getView()->partial('file-manager/patrial/directory-url', ['name' => $fileName, 'url' => $directoryUrl]);
     // generate a file link
     return $this->getView()->partial('file-manager/patrial/file-url', ['file_extension' => FileSystemUtility::getFileExtension($fileName), 'name' => $fileName, 'url' => $this->view->serverUrl() . $this->view->basePath() . '/' . FileManagerBaseModel::getUserBaseFilesUrl() . '/' . $currentPath]);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Get form instance
  * @return object
 public function getForm()
     // get form builder
     if (!$this->form) {
         // add descriptions params
         $this->formElements['file']['description_params'] = [strtolower(SettingService::getSetting('file_manager_allowed_extensions')), FileSystemUtility::convertBytes((int) SettingService::getSetting('file_manager_allowed_size'))];
         // add extra validators
         $this->formElements['file']['validators'] = [['name' => 'fileextension', 'options' => ['extension' => explode(',', strtolower(SettingService::getSetting('file_manager_allowed_extensions')))]], ['name' => 'filesize', 'options' => ['max' => (int) SettingService::getSetting('file_manager_allowed_size')]]];
         $this->form = new ApplicationCustomFormBuilder($this->formName, $this->formElements, $this->translator, $this->ignoredElements, $this->notValidatedElements, $this->method);
     return $this->form;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Test delete user home directory
 public function testDeleteUserHomeDirectory()
     // test user data
     $data = ['nick_name' => Rand::getString(32), 'email' => Rand::getString(32), 'api_key' => Rand::getString(32), 'role' => AclModelBase::DEFAULT_ROLE_MEMBER, 'language' => null];
     // create a test user
     $query = $this->userModel->insert()->into('user_list')->values($data);
     $statement = $this->userModel->prepareStatementForSqlObject($query);
     $testUserId = $this->userModel->getAdapter()->getDriver()->getLastGeneratedValue();
     // create a test user's home directory
     $homeUserDirectory = FileManagerBaseModel::getUserBaseFilesDir($testUserId) . '/' . FileManagerBaseModel::getHomeDirectoryName();
     // fire the delete user event
     UserEvent::fireUserDeleteEvent($testUserId, $data);
     // delete the created user
     $query = $this->userModel->delete()->from('user_list')->where(['user_id' => $testUserId]);
     $statement = $this->userModel->prepareStatementForSqlObject($query);
     // home directory must be deleted
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Clear css cache
  * @return boolean
 public static function clearCssCache()
     try {
         return ApplicationFileSystem::deleteFiles(LayoutService::getLayoutCachePath());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return false;
  * Upload custom module
  * @param array $formData
  *      string login required
  *      string password required
  *      array module required
  * @param string $host
  * @return boolean|string
 public function uploadCustomModule(array $formData, $host)
     $uploadResult = true;
     try {
         // create a tmp dir
         $tmpDirName = $this->generateTmpDir();
         // unzip a custom module into the tmp dir
         $this->unzipFiles($formData['module']['tmp_name'], $tmpDirName);
         // check the module's config
         if (!file_exists($tmpDirName . '/config.php')) {
             throw new ApplicationException('Cannot define the module\'s config file');
         // get the module's config
         $moduleConfig = (include $tmpDirName . '/config.php');
         // get the module's path
         $modulePath = !empty($moduleConfig['module_path']) ? $tmpDirName . '/' . $moduleConfig['module_path'] : null;
         // check the module existing
         if (!$modulePath || !file_exists($modulePath) || !is_dir($modulePath)) {
             throw new ApplicationException('Cannot define the module\'s path into the config file');
         if (!file_exists($modulePath . '/' . $this->moduleInstallConfig) || !file_exists($modulePath . '/' . $this->moduleConfig)) {
             throw new ApplicationException('Module not found');
         // check the module layout existing
         $moduleLayoutPath = null;
         if (!empty($moduleConfig['layout_path'])) {
             $moduleLayoutPath = $tmpDirName . '/' . $moduleConfig['layout_path'];
             if (!file_exists($moduleLayoutPath) || !is_dir($moduleLayoutPath)) {
                 throw new ApplicationException('Cannot define the module\'s layout path into the config file');
         // check the module existing into modules and layouts dirs
         $moduleName = basename($modulePath);
         $globalModulePath = ApplicationService::getModulePath(false) . '/' . $moduleName;
         $moduleLayoutName = $moduleLayoutPath ? basename($moduleLayoutPath) : null;
         $localModulePath = APPLICATION_ROOT . '/' . $globalModulePath;
         $localModuleLayout = $moduleLayoutName ? ApplicationService::getBaseLayoutPath() . '/' . $moduleLayoutName : null;
         if (file_exists($localModulePath) || $localModuleLayout && file_exists($localModuleLayout)) {
             throw new ApplicationException('Module already uploaded');
         // upload the module via FTP
         $ftp = new ApplicationFtpUtility($host, $formData['login'], $formData['password']);
         $ftp->copyDirectory($modulePath, $globalModulePath);
         // upload the module's layout
         if ($moduleLayoutPath) {
             $globalModuleLayoutPath = basename(APPLICATION_PUBLIC) . '/' . ApplicationService::getBaseLayoutPath(false) . '/' . $moduleLayoutName;
             $ftp->copyDirectory($moduleLayoutPath, $globalModuleLayoutPath);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $uploadResult = $e->getMessage();
     // remove the tmp dir
     if (file_exists($tmpDirName)) {
         ApplicationFileSystemUtility::deleteFiles($tmpDirName, [], false, true);
     // fire the upload custom module event
     if (true === $uploadResult) {
     return $uploadResult;
  * Delete an image
  * @param string $imageName
  * @return boolean
 protected function deleteMiniPhotoGalleryImage($imageName)
     $imageTypes = [self::$thumbnailsDir, self::$imagesDir];
     // delete images
     foreach ($imageTypes as $path) {
         if (true !== ($result = FileSystemUtility::deleteResourceFile($imageName, $path))) {
             return $result;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * File size
  * @param integer $bytes
  * @return string
 public function __invoke($bytes)
     return FileSystemUtility::convertBytes($bytes);
  * Delete an membership's image
  * @param string $imageName
  * @return boolean
 protected function deleteImage($imageName)
     return FileSystemUtility::deleteResourceFile($imageName, self::$imagesDir);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Validate existing file
  * @param $value
  * @param array $context
  * @return boolean
 public function validateExistingFile($value, array $context = [])
     $newFilePath = $this->fullUserPath . $value . '.' . FileSystemUtility::getFileExtension($this->fileName);
     $oldFilePath = $this->fullFilePath . $this->fileName;
     if ($newFilePath != $oldFilePath) {
         if (file_exists($newFilePath)) {
             return is_dir($newFilePath);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Delete an user's avatar
  * @param string $avatarName
  * @return boolean
 protected function deleteUserAvatar($avatarName)
     $avatarTypes = [self::$thumbnailsDir, self::$avatarsDir];
     // delete avatar
     foreach ($avatarTypes as $path) {
         if (true !== ($result = FileSystemUtility::deleteResourceFile($avatarName, $path))) {
             return $result;
     return true;
  * Upload an image
  * @param integer $imageId
  * @param array $image
  *      string name
  *      string type
  *      string tmp_name
  *      integer error
  *      integer size
  * @param string $oldImage
  * @throws \MiniPhotoGallery\Exception\MiniPhotoGalleryException
  * @return void
 protected function uploadImage($imageId, array $image, $oldImage = null)
     if (!empty($image['name'])) {
         // delete an old image
         if ($oldImage) {
             if (true !== ($result = $this->deleteMiniPhotoGalleryImage($oldImage))) {
                 throw new MiniPhotoGalleryException('Image deleting failed');
         // upload the image
         if (false === ($imageName = FileSystemUtility::uploadResourceFile($imageId, $image, self::$imagesDir))) {
             throw new MiniPhotoGalleryException('Image uploading failed');
         // resize the image
         ImageUtility::resizeResourceImage($imageName, self::$imagesDir, (int) SettingService::getSetting('miniphotogallery_thumbnail_width'), (int) SettingService::getSetting('miniphotogallery_thumbnail_height'), self::$thumbnailsDir);
         $update = $this->update()->table('miniphotogallery_image')->set(['image' => $imageName])->where(['id' => $imageId]);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
  * Upload image
  * @param integer $imageId
  * @param array $image
  *      string name
  *      string type
  *      string tmp_name
  *      integer error
  *      integer size
  * @param string $oldImage
  * @throws \Slideshow\Exception\SlideshowException
  * @return void
 protected function uploadImage($imageId, array $image, $oldImage = null)
     if (!empty($image['name'])) {
         // delete an old image
         if ($oldImage) {
             if (true !== ($result = $this->deleteSlideShowImage($oldImage))) {
                 throw new SlideshowException('Image deleting failed');
         // upload the image
         if (false === ($imageName = FileSystemUtility::uploadResourceFile($imageId, $image, self::$imagesDir))) {
             throw new SlideshowException('Image uploading failed');
         $update = $this->update()->table('slideshow_image')->set(['image' => $imageName])->where(['id' => $imageId]);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
  * Upload an news image
  * @param integer $newsId
  * @param array $image
  *      string name
  *      string type
  *      string tmp_name
  *      integer error
  *      integer size
  * @param string $oldImage
  * @param boolean $deleteImage
  * @throws \News\Exception\NewsException
  * @return void
 protected function uploadImage($newsId, array $image, $oldImage = null, $deleteImage = false)
     // upload the news's image
     if (!empty($image['name'])) {
         // delete an old image
         if ($oldImage) {
             if (true !== ($result = $this->deleteNewsImage($oldImage))) {
                 throw new NewsException('Image deleting failed');
         // upload the image
         if (false === ($imageName = FileSystemUtility::uploadResourceFile($newsId, $image, self::$imagesDir))) {
             throw new NewsException('Image uploading failed');
         // resize the image
         ImageUtility::resizeResourceImage($imageName, self::$imagesDir, (int) SettingService::getSetting('news_thumbnail_width'), (int) SettingService::getSetting('news_thumbnail_height'), self::$thumbnailsDir);
         ImageUtility::resizeResourceImage($imageName, self::$imagesDir, (int) SettingService::getSetting('news_image_width'), (int) SettingService::getSetting('news_image_height'));
         $update = $this->update()->table('news_list')->set(['image' => $imageName])->where(['id' => $newsId]);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
     } elseif ($deleteImage && $oldImage) {
         // just delete the news's image
         if (true !== ($result = $this->deleteNewsImage($oldImage))) {
             throw new NewsException('Image deleting failed');
         $update = $this->update()->table('news_list')->set(['image' => null])->where(['id' => $newsId]);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Upload layout updates
  * @param array $formData
  *      string login required
  *      string password required
  *      array layout required
  * @param string $host
  * @return array|string
 public function uploadLayoutUpdates(array $formData, $host)
     $uploadResult = true;
     try {
         // create a tmp dir
         $tmpDirName = $this->generateTmpDir();
         // unzip a layout updates into the tmp dir
         $this->unzipFiles($formData['layout']['tmp_name'], $tmpDirName);
         // check the layout's config
         if (!file_exists($tmpDirName . '/update_layout_config.php')) {
             throw new LayoutException('Cannot define the layout\'s config file');
         // get the layout's config
         $updateLayoutConfig = (include $tmpDirName . '/update_layout_config.php');
         // get updates params
         $layoutCompatable = !empty($updateLayoutConfig['compatable']) ? $updateLayoutConfig['compatable'] : null;
         $layoutName = !empty($updateLayoutConfig['layout_name']) ? $updateLayoutConfig['layout_name'] : null;
         $layoutVersion = !empty($updateLayoutConfig['version']) ? $updateLayoutConfig['version'] : null;
         $layoutVendor = !empty($updateLayoutConfig['vendor']) ? $updateLayoutConfig['vendor'] : null;
         $layoutVendorEmail = !empty($updateLayoutConfig['vendor_email']) ? $updateLayoutConfig['vendor_email'] : null;
         // check the layout existing
         if (!$layoutName) {
             throw new LayoutException('Layout not found');
         $layoutInstalled = true;
         // get layout info from db
         if (null == ($layoutInfo = $this->getLayoutInfo($layoutName))) {
             // get info from config
             if (false === ($layoutInfo = $this->getCustomLayoutInstallConfig($layoutName))) {
                 // nothing to update
                 throw new LayoutException('Layout not found');
             $layoutInstalled = false;
         // compare the layout options
         if (!$layoutVendor || !$layoutVendorEmail || empty($layoutInfo['vendor']) || empty($layoutInfo['vendor_email']) || strcasecmp($layoutVendor, $layoutInfo['vendor']) != 0 || strcasecmp($layoutVendorEmail, $layoutInfo['vendor_email']) != 0) {
             throw new LayoutException('Layout not found');
         if (!$layoutCompatable || true !== ($result = version_compare(SettingService::getSetting('application_generator_version'), $layoutCompatable, '>='))) {
             throw new LayoutException('These updates are not compatible with current CMS version');
         // compare the layout versions
         if (!$layoutVersion || empty($layoutInfo['version']) || version_compare($layoutVersion, $layoutInfo['version']) <= 0) {
             throw new LayoutException('This layout updates are not necessary or not defined');
         // clear caches
         // upload layout's updates
         $this->uploadLayoutFiles($layoutName, $updateLayoutConfig, $tmpDirName, $host, $formData, false);
         // update version
         if ($layoutInstalled) {
             $update = $this->update()->table('layout_list')->set(['version' => $layoutVersion])->where(['name' => $layoutName]);
             $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $uploadResult = $e->getMessage();
     // remove the tmp dir
     if (file_exists($tmpDirName)) {
         ApplicationFileSystemUtility::deleteFiles($tmpDirName, [], false, true);
     // fire the upload layout updates event
     if (true === $uploadResult) {
     // return an error description
     return $uploadResult;
  * Delete an image
  * @param string $imageName
  * @return boolean
 protected function deleteSlideShowImage($imageName)
     if (true !== ($result = FileSystemUtility::deleteResourceFile($imageName, self::$imagesDir))) {
         return $result;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Get the user's list of directories
  * @return array|boolean
 public function getUserDirectories()
     $baseDir = self::getUserBaseFilesDir();
     $homeDir = $baseDir . '/' . self::$homeDirectoryName;
     // check the home directory existing
     if (!file_exists($homeDir)) {
         // create a new home directory
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
     $iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($baseDir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
     $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     $directories = [];
     // get list of user's directories
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (!$file->isDir()) {
         // PHP_EOL - fix for array_merge_recursive (values should be as strings)
         $path = [$file->getFilename() . PHP_EOL => []];
         for ($depth = $files->getDepth() - 1; $depth >= 0; $depth--) {
             $path = [$files->getSubIterator($depth)->current()->getFilename() . PHP_EOL => $path];
         $directories = array_merge_recursive($directories, $path);
     return $directories;