Exemplo n.º 1
    public function updateMapping(ContentType $contentType, $envs = false)
        try {
            if (!empty($contentType->getFieldType())) {
                $pipelines = [];
                /**@var \AppBundle\Entity\FieldType $child */
                foreach ($contentType->getFieldType()->getChildren() as $child) {
                    if (!$child->getDeleted()) {
                        /**@var \AppBundle\Form\DataField\DataFieldType $dataFieldType */
                        $dataFieldType = $this->formRegistry->getType($child->getType())->getInnerType();
                        $pipeline = $dataFieldType->generatePipeline($child);
                        if ($pipeline) {
                            $pipelines[] = $pipeline;
                if (!empty($pipelines)) {
                    $body = ["description" => "Extract attachment information for the content type " . $contentType->getName(), "processors" => $pipelines];
                    $this->client->ingest()->putPipeline(['id' => $this->instanceId . $contentType->getName(), 'body' => $body]);
                    $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('notice', 'Pipelines updated/created for ' . $contentType->getName());
        } catch (BadRequest400Exception $e) {
            $message = json_decode($e->getPrevious()->getMessage(), true);
            $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('error', '<p><strong>We was not able to generate pipelines, they are disabled</strong> Please consider to update your elasticsearch cluster (>=5.0) and/or install the ingest attachment plugin (bin/elasticsearch-plugin install ingest-attachment)</p>
					<p>Message from Elasticsearch: <b>' . $message['error']['type'] . '</b>' . $message['error']['reason'] . '</p>');
        try {
            if (!$envs) {
                $envs = array_reduce($this->environmentService->getManagedEnvironement(), function ($envs, $item) {
                    /**@var \AppBundle\Entity\Environment $item*/
                    if (isset($envs)) {
                        $envs .= ',' . $item->getAlias();
                    } else {
                        $envs = $item->getAlias();
                    return $envs;
            $body = $this->mappingService->generateMapping($contentType, $contentType->getHavePipelines());
            $out = $this->client->indices()->putMapping(['index' => $envs, 'type' => $contentType->getName(), 'body' => $body]);
            if (isset($out['acknowledged']) && $out['acknowledged']) {
                if ($this->session->isStarted()) {
                    $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('notice', 'Mappings successfully updated/created for ' . $contentType->getName() . ' in ' . $envs);
            } else {
                $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('warning', '<p><strong>Something went wrong. Try again</strong></p>
						<p>Message from Elasticsearch: ' . print_r($out, true) . '</p>');
            $em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
        } catch (BadRequest400Exception $e) {
            $message = json_decode($e->getPrevious()->getMessage(), true);
            $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('error', '<p><strong>You should try to rebuild the indexes</strong></p>
					<p>Message from Elasticsearch: <b>' . $message['error']['type'] . '</b>' . $message['error']['reason'] . '</p>');