/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(WorkRequest $request) { $work = $this->permissionSection(function () use($request) { $newWork = DB::transaction(function () use($request) { $newWork = new Work(); $newWork->slug = CommonController::uniqueSlugFunc($request->title, 'works'); $newWork->title = $request->title; $newWork->description = $request->description; $newWork->deadline = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $request->deadline)); $newWork->importance = $request->importance; $newWork->created_by = $this->currentUser->getId(); $newWork->save(); $departmentWork = new DepartmentWork(); $departmentWork->department_id = $request->department; $departmentWork->assign_date = time(); //@todo DATE HATASI !!! BURALAR REVİZE EDİLMELİ $departmentWork->accepted = 0; $departmentWork->save(); $newWork->last_department_work_id = $departmentWork->id; $newWork->save(); if ($request->hasFile('file')) { $file = $request->file('file'); $fileName = CommonController::fileUpload($file, 'uploads/works-files'); $newWork->file = $fileName; $newWork->save(); } if ($request->is_senior == 1 && $request->has('department_worker')) { $userWork = new UserWork(); $userWork->department_id = $request->department; $userWork->assign_date = time(); //@todo DATE HATASI !!! BURALAR REVİZE EDİLMELİ $userWork->assigned_to = $request->department_worker; $userWork->accepted = 0; $userWork->save(); $departmentWork->accepted = 1; $departmentWork->last_user_work_id = $userWork->id; $departmentWork->save(); /** * İŞ AÇILAN KİŞİYE MAİL ATMA */ $user = User::where('id', '=', $request->department_worker)->first(); $username = $user->first_name . " " . $user->last_name; $username = mb_convert_case($username, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'utf-8'); $workCreator = User::where('id', '=', $newWork->created_by)->first(); $creatorusername = $workCreator->first_name . " " . $workCreator->last_name; $creatorusername = mb_convert_case($creatorusername, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'utf-8'); CommonController::mailSendNotQueue('IS TAKIP SISTEMI', [$user->email], ['fullname' => $username, 'work' => $newWork, 'message' => 'Departman lideriniz ' . $creatorusername . ' tarafından size , "' . $newWork->title . '" başlıklı yeni bir iş açıldı. Detaylar için lütfen sisteme gidiniz.'], 'emails.work-mail-template'); CommonController::sendSms('RHPOZTFYAY', $user->phone, 'Merhaba ' . $username . ', departman lideriniz ' . $creatorusername . ' tarafından size yeni bir iş açıldı lütfen sistem üzerinden ayrıntıları inceleyin'); /** * İŞİ OLUŞTURAN KİŞİYE BİLGİLENDİRME */ $departmentWithSenior = Department::where('id', '=', $request->department)->with('senior')->first(); $seniorUser = $departmentWithSenior->senior[0]; $seniorUsername = $seniorUser->first_name . " " . $seniorUser->last_name; $seniorUsername = mb_convert_case($seniorUsername, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'utf-8'); CommonController::mailSendNotQueue('IS TAKIP SISTEMI', [$seniorUser->email], ['fullname' => $seniorUsername, 'message' => 'Departmanınıza "' . $newWork->title . '" başlıklı yeni bir iş açılmış ve bu iş ' . $username . ' kişisine atanmıştır. İşin detayları ve işi atamak için lütfen sisteme gidiniz.'], 'emails.work-mail-template'); CommonController::sendSms('RHPOZTFYAY', $seniorUser->phone, 'Merhaba ' . $seniorUsername . ', departmanınıza "' . $newWork->title . '" başlıklı yeni bir iş açılmış ve bu iş ' . $username . ' kişisine atanmıştır . İşin detayları ve işi atamak için lütfen sisteme gidiniz.'); } else { $departmentWithSenior = Department::where('id', '=', $request->department)->with('senior')->first(); $user = $departmentWithSenior->senior[0]; $username = $user->first_name . " " . $user->last_name; $username = mb_convert_case($username, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'utf-8'); $workCreator = User::where('id', '=', $newWork->created_by)->first(); $creatorusername = $workCreator->first_name . " " . $workCreator->last_name; $creatorusername = mb_convert_case($creatorusername, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'utf-8'); CommonController::mailSendNotQueue('IS TAKIP SISTEMI', [$user->email], ['fullname' => $username, 'message' => 'Departmanınıza ' . $creatorusername . ' tarafından , "' . $newWork->title . '" başlıklı yeni bir iş açılmıştır. İşin detayları ve işi atamak için lütfen sisteme gidiniz.'], 'emails.work-mail-template'); CommonController::sendSms('RHPOZTFYAY', $user->phone, 'Merhaba ' . $username . ', departmanınıza "' . $newWork->title . '" başlıklı yeni bir iş açılmıştır. İşin detayları ve işi atamak için lütfen sisteme gidiniz.'); } return $newWork; }); return $newWork; }, 'wts.work.create'); $departmentDetail = Department::where('id', '=', $request->department)->first(); $work->deadline = date("d-m-y H:i", $work->deadline); if ($request->is_senior == 1 && $request->has('department_worker')) { return response()->json(['success' => true, 'messages' => 'Kayıt İşlemi Başarılı', 'work' => ['data' => $work, 'department_name' => $departmentDetail->name, 'assigned_to' => $request->department_worker]]); } else { return response()->json(['success' => true, 'messages' => 'Kayıt İşlemi Başarılı', 'work' => ['data' => $work, 'department_name' => $departmentDetail->name]]); } }
$work->work_type_description = $description; $work->project_id = $project->id; $work->work_type_id = $workType->id; $work->save(); } $description = 'A new landing page is required to support Fall 2016 GNO.'; if (is_null($work = Work::checkIfExists($description))) { // get $project->id $project = Project::where('name', '=', 'Magento Development')->first(); // get $project->id $workType = WorkType::where('type', '=', 'Feature')->first(); $work = new Work(); $work->work_type_description = $description; $work->project_id = $project->id; $work->work_type_id = $workType->id; $work->save(); } /******************************************************************************************************************* * time_card insert(s) ******************************************************************************************************************/ // get $work->id $work = Work::where('work_type_description', '=', 'The catalog view is performing too slowly.')->first(); // get $timeCardFormat->id $timeCardFormat = TimeCardFormat::where('description', '=', 'Day of week starts on SAT and ends on SUN')->first(); $timeCard = new TimeCard(); $timeCard->work_id = $work->id; $timeCard->time_card_format_id = $timeCardFormat->id; if (is_null(TimeCard::checkIfExists($timeCard))) { $timeCard->iso_beginning_dow_date = '2015-11-09'; $timeCard->save(); }