  * @param Request $request
  * @param $comment_id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
 public function update(Request $request)
     $comment_id = $request->input('comment_id');
     $comment = Comments::where('id', $comment_id)->first();
     $user = $request->user();
     if ($user->is_admin() or $user->is_moderator() or $user->id == $comment->user_id) {
         $content = $request->input('content');
         $comment->content = $content;
         $product = Products::where('id', $comment->on_product)->first();
         return redirect('/product/' . $product->slug);
     } else {
         redirect('/')->withErrors('You have not sufficient permissions');
 public function digitalCatalogs()
     $page = 'produtos';
     $websiteSettings = \App\Exceptions\Handler::readFile("websiteSettings.json");
     $pages = Pages::where('slug', '=', $page)->first();
     $productsCategories = ProductsCategories::orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get();
     $activePrinciples = Products::addSelect(DB::raw('DISTINCT(activePrinciple)'))->where('activePrinciple', '!=', '')->orderBy('activePrinciple', 'asc')->get();
     foreach ($activePrinciples as $activePrinciple) {
         array_add($activePrinciple, 'activePrincipleSlug', str_slug($activePrinciple->activePrinciple, '-'));
     $digitalCatalogs = DigitalCatalogs::orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->paginate(3);
     $categoryChosen = "Catálogos Digitais";
     $categoryChosenSlug = "catalogos-digitais";
     return view('website.products.digitalCatalogs')->with(compact('page', 'pages', 'websiteSettings', 'productsCategories', 'digitalCatalogs', 'categoryChosen', 'categoryChosenSlug', 'activePrinciples', 'activePrincipleChosenSlug'));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getBasked(Products $products, Slider $slider, Delivery $delivery)
     if (Session::get('product')) {
         $this->data['delivery'] = $delivery->getDeliveryActive();
         $productsBasked = Session::get('product');
         $this->data['countProducts'] = collect($productsBasked);
         $productsId = '';
         $k = 0;
         foreach ($productsBasked as $id) {
             if ($k == 0) {
                 $productsId = $id['id'];
             } else {
                 $productsId = $productsId . ' ,' . $id['id'];
         $this->data['bascedProducts'] = collect($products->getBascedProducts($productsId));
     } else {
         $this->data['bascedErrr'] = 'Корзина пуста';
     $this->data['slides'] = $slider->getActive();
     $this->data['products'] = $products->getActive();
     if (\Auth::user()) {
         $this->data['name'] = \Auth::user()->name;
         $this->data['address'] = \Auth::user()->address;
         $this->data['email'] = \Auth::user()->email;
         $this->data['number'] = \Auth::user()->number;
     return view('pages.cart', $this->data);
  * Run the migrations.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
     $prosJson = File::get(storage_path() . '/data/seed.json');
     $pros = json_decode($prosJson);
     foreach ($pros as $proData) {
         $pro = new Products();
         $pro->name = $proData->name;
         $pro->colors = '["black", "white"]';
         $pro->sizes = '["S", "M", "L"]';
         $pro->content = 'This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.This is a the content of the clothes.';
         $proData->price = str_replace('$', '', $proData->price);
         $pro->price = str_replace(',', '', $proData->price);
         $pro->picture = $proData->picture;
         if (isset($proData->{'size-picture'})) {
             $pro->size_picture = $proData->{'size-picture'};
         $pro->seller_id = 'A1234';
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function show_product($id)
     $products = new Products();
     $result_category = $products->get_category_by_id($id);
     $subProducts = new SubProducts();
     $result_sub_category = $subProducts->get_sub_category_by_category_id($id);
     return view('auth/show_products')->with(array('result_category' => $result_category, 'result_sub_category' => $result_sub_category));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function search(Slider $slider, Products $products)
     $search = Input::all();
     $search = $this->parsing($search['search']);
     $this->data['products'] = $products->searchProduct($search);
     $this->data['slides'] = $slider->getActive();
     return view('pages.index', $this->data);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function index()
     $products = new Products();
     $sub_products = new SubProducts();
     $result_category = $products->get_category();
     foreach ($result_category as $results_category) {
         $menu_result[$results_category->category_name] = $sub_products->get_sub_category_by_category_id($results_category->id);
     return view('index', compact('result_category', 'menu_result'));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function get()
     $about = new About();
     $data_about = $about->get_about();
     $products = new Products();
     $sub_products = new SubProducts();
     $result_category = $products->get_category();
     foreach ($result_category as $results_category) {
         $menu_result[$results_category->category_name] = $sub_products->get_sub_category_by_category_id($results_category->id);
     return view('about', compact('result_category', 'menu_result', 'data_about'));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function get()
     $partners = new Partners();
     $data_partners = $partners->get_partners();
     $products = new Products();
     $sub_products = new SubProducts();
     $result_category = $products->get_category();
     foreach ($result_category as $results_category) {
         $menu_result[$results_category->category_name] = $sub_products->get_sub_category_by_category_id($results_category->id);
     return view('partners', compact('result_category', 'menu_result', 'data_partners'));
 public function show($id)
     $design_collection = Designs::all();
     $art_collection = Products::all();
     $displayed_design = Designs::findorfail($id);
     return view('backend.admin.design.edit', compact('design_collection', 'art_collection', 'displayed_design', 'displayed_art'));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static function LovedProduct($get = "all")
     $arrayListId = [];
     $arrayProductId = [];
     $detailProducts = [];
     /*get user id*/
     $customer_id = Auth::user()->id;
     /*get list id*/
     $loveListId = LoveList::select(["id"])->where("customer_id", $customer_id)->get();
     foreach ($loveListId as $id) {
         $arrayListId[] = $id->id;
     /*get product id of list*/
     if (isset($arrayListId)) {
         $lovedProducts = LoveListDetail::select(["product_id"])->whereIn("list_id", $arrayListId)->get();
         foreach ($lovedProducts as $id) {
             $arrayProductId[] = $id->product_id;
     /*get product detail*/
     if ($get == "all") {
         if (isset($arrayProductId)) {
             $detailProducts = Products::getProductById($arrayProductId, "array");
         return $detailProducts;
     } else {
         if ($get == "id") {
             return $arrayProductId;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function add_sub_category($id)
     $data_sub_category = Input::all();
     $validator_sub_category = Validator::make(array('sub_category_name' => $data_sub_category['sub_category_name']), array('sub_category_name' => 'required|min:2|max:25'));
     $message = $validator_sub_category->errors();
     if ($validator_sub_category->fails()) {
         return redirect()->back()->with('errors', $message);
     } else {
         $Products = new Products();
         $result_category = $Products->get_category_by_id($id);
         $subProducts = new SubProducts();
         $subProducts->insert_sub_category($id, $data_sub_category);
         $result_sub_category = $subProducts->get_sub_category_by_category_id($id);
         return view('auth/show_products')->with(array('result_category' => $result_category, 'result_sub_category' => $result_sub_category));
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Define your route model bindings, pattern filters, etc.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Routing\Router  $router
  * @return void
 public function boot(Router $router)
     $router->bind('products', function ($value) {
         return Products::findOrFail($value);
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($id)
     $product = Products::find($id);
     if (is_null($product)) {
     return view('pages.single', compact('product'));
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function create()
     $allcustomers = \App\Customers::orderBy('first_name')->get();
     $customers = $allcustomers->lists('CustomerFullName', 'id');
     $allproducts = \App\Products::orderBy('product_name')->get();
     $products = $allproducts->lists('ProductShowInfo', 'id');
     return view('orders.create', compact('customers', 'products'));
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Show the application welcome screen to the user.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     if (Cache::has('products:all')) {
         $products = Cache::get('products:all');
     } else {
         $products = Products::all();
         Cache::put('products:all', $products, 15);
     return view('index', compact("products"));
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function showCart()
     $carts = Cart::content();
     foreach ($carts as $cart) {
         $products = Products::findOrFail($cart->id);
         $quantityInStock = $products->quantityInStock - $cart->qty;
         DB::table('products')->where('id', '=', $cart->id)->update(['quantityInStock' => $quantityInStock]);
     $total = Cart::total();
     return view('users.pages.cart', compact('carts', 'total'));
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     // $this->call('UserTableSeeder');
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
         \App\Products::create(['name' => 'Item ' . $i, 'slug' => 'item-' . $i, 'cat_id' => 3, 'amount' => 2 * $i, 'desc' => 'Test test test']);
     \App\Category::create(['name' => 'Рубашки', 'slug' => 'rubashki']);
     $this->command->info('table seeded!');
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $user = \Auth::user();
     $stock = Stocks::where('branch_id', $user['branch_id'])->get()->toArray();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($stock as $id) {
         $stock[$i]['product_name'] = Products::where('id', $id['product_id'])->value('p_name');
         $stock[$i]['id'] = $i + 1;
         $i = $i + 1;
     return view('stock', compact('stock'));
 public function index()
     $page = 'produtos';
     $websiteSettings = \App\Exceptions\Handler::readFile("websiteSettings.json");
     $pages = Pages::where('slug', '=', $page)->first();
     $advertising = Advertising::orderByRaw("RAND()")->get();
     foreach ($advertising as $ad) {
         array_add($ad, "image", Advertising::imageVideo($ad->url));
         array_set($ad, "url", Advertising::embedVideo($ad->url, 1));
     $calls = Calls::orderByRaw("RAND()")->limit(2)->get();
     $products = Products::orderBy('sortorder', 'ASC')->get();
     return view('website.products')->with(compact('page', 'websiteSettings', 'pages', 'advertising', 'calls', 'products'));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function index()
     $title = 'Thinner | Colder';
     $featuredProducts = Products::where('featured', true)->get();
     $featuredDesigns = Designs::where('featured', true)->get();
     for ($index = 0; $index < $featuredProducts->count(); $index++) {
         //$prices = Pricing::where('product_id', $featuredProducts[$index]->id)->get();
         //$ordered = $prices->sortBy('pricing');
         //$lowest = $ordered->first();
         $id = $featuredProducts[$index]->id;
         $featuredProducts[$index]->lowestPrice = Pricing::LowestPrice($id);
     return view('frontend.home', compact('title', 'featuredDesigns', 'featuredProducts'));
 public function show()
     if (\Auth::user()) {
         $carts = Cart::where('cust_id', \Auth::User()->id)->get()->toArray();
         $ids = null;
         if ($carts) {
             $carts = Cart::where('cust_id', \Auth::User()->id)->get();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($carts as $cart) {
                 $cart['p_name'] = Products::where('id', $cart->product_id)->value('p_name');
                 $cart['price'] = Products::where('id', $cart->product_id)->value('price');
                 $ids[$cart['product_id']] = $cart['product_id'];
         return view('pages.cart', compact('carts'), compact('ids'));
     } else {
         return redirect('auth/login');
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($id)
     if (\Auth::user()) {
         $order = \Auth::User()->orders();
         $ids = null;
         if ($order) {
             $orders = Orders::where('cust_id', \Auth::User()->id)->get();
         $orders = Orders::where('cust_id', \Auth::User()->id)->where('order_id', $id)->get();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($orders as $order) {
             $order['p_name'] = Products::where('id', $order->product_id)->value('p_name');
             $order['price'] = Products::where('id', $order->product_id)->value('price');
             $ids[$order['product_id']] = $order['product_id'];
         return view('pages.order', compact('orders'), compact('ids'));
     } else {
         return redirect('auth/login');
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function infoProducts($products, $id)
     $allPrice = 0;
     $convert = array();
     $infoProduct = array();
     foreach ($products as $item) {
         $infoItem = Products::getPriceItem($item['id']);
         $infoProduct[] = ['info' => $infoItem, 'count' => $item['count']];
         if ($infoItem[0]->newPrice != '0' || $infoItem[0]->newPrice != NULL) {
             $Price = $infoItem[0]->newPrice;
             $allPrice = $allPrice + $infoItem[0]->newPrice * $item['count'];
         } else {
             $Price = $infoItem[0]->price;
             $allPrice = $allPrice + $infoItem[0]->price * $item['count'];
         $convert[] = ['products_id' => $item['id'], 'count' => $item['count'], 'price' => $Price, 'title' => $infoItem[0]->title, 'order_id' => $id];
     $info = ['infoProduct' => $infoProduct, 'allPrice' => $allPrice];
     return $info;
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $id = $request->input('id');
     if ($id == null) {
         return Response::json(array('result' => false, 'message' => 'Product code is valide'));
     $product_vol = Products_vol::where('code', $id)->get()->first();
     if ($product_vol == null) {
         return Response::json(array('result' => false, 'message' => 'Product can not defind'));
     $product = Products::where('id', $product_vol->products_id)->first();
     $p_name = $product->name;
     $product_vol->name = $p_name . ' ' . $product_vol->name;
     //ADD TO CART
     $cart = Cart::instance('cartoon');
     $cart->add(array('id' => $product_vol->code, 'name' => $product_vol->name, 'qty' => 1, 'price' => $product_vol->price));
     return Response::json(array('result' => true, 'product' => $product_vol->name, 'cart' => $cart->content(), 'total' => $cart->total(), 'count' => $cart->count()));
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $dateCusId = DB::select('select * from orders where cast(created_at as DATE) = ? and  CustomerId = ?', array($request['Date'], $request['CustomerId']));
     $customers = Customers::where('id', '=', $request->CustomerId)->get();
     foreach ($request['quantity'] as $key => $tee) {
         $products = Products::where('id', '=', $key)->get();
         $count = DB::select('select count(*) as a from orders where cast(created_at As Date) = ? and CustomerId = ? and ProductId = ?', array($request['Date'], $request['CustomerId'], $key));
         if ($count[0]->a == 0) {
             $InsertDb = DB::table('orders')->insert(array('ProductName' => $products[0]->Name, 'ProductId' => $key, 'CustomerId' => $request->CustomerId, 'CustomerName' => $customers[0]->name, 'quantity' => $tee, 'Alish' => $products[0]->Alish, 'AlishCem' => $tee * $products[0]->Alish, 'Satish' => $products[0]->Satish, 'SatishCem' => $tee * $products[0]->Satish, 'Income' => $products[0]->Income, 'IncomeCem' => $tee * ($products[0]->Satish - $products[0]->Alish), 'created_at' => $request['Date'], 'updated_at' => $request['Date']));
         } else {
             $selectOld = Orders::where('ProductId', $key)->where('CustomerId', $request->CustomerId)->where('created_at', $request['Date'])->get();
             DB::table('orders')->where('ProductId', $key)->where('CustomerId', $request->CustomerId)->where('created_at', $request['Date'])->update(array('quantity' => $tee, 'AlishCem' => $tee * $selectOld[0]->Alish, 'SatishCem' => $tee * $selectOld[0]->Satish, 'IncomeCem' => $tee * $selectOld[0]->Income));
     //////////////////////////buna bax asahi
     //        $datePurchase = DB::select('select * from purchases where cast(created_at as DATE) = ? and  CustomerId = ?', array($request['Date'], $request['CustomerId']));
     //        DB::table('purchases')
     //            ->where('id', $datePurchase[0]->id)
     //            ->update(array('Borc' => $borc));
     //        DB::table('users')
     //            ->where('id', 1)
     //            ->update(array('votes' => 1));
     //    $test = Products::where('CustomerId', '=', $request['CustomerId'])->get();
     //    foreach ($test as $key => $t2) {
     //        DB::table('orders')->insert(
     //            ['ProductName' => $t2->Name,
     //                'CustomerId' => $request['CustomerName'],
     //                'CustomerName' => $request['CustomerName'],
     //                'quantity' => Input::get("quantity.$key"),
     //                'Alish' => $t2->Alish,
     //                'Satish' => $t2->Satish,
     //                'Income' => Input::get("quantity.$key") * ($t2->Satish - $t2->Alish),
     //                'created_at' => Carbon::now(),
     //                'updated_at' => Carbon::now()]
     //        );
     //    }
     //        Orders::create($request->all());
     return redirect('orders/create');
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function run()
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Лампочка', 'price' => '100', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Для дома', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\lamp.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Рулетка', 'price' => '200', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Для дома', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\rulet.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Вентилятор', 'price' => '120', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Для дома', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\vent.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Ботинки', 'price' => '260', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Развлечение', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\bot.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Швейцарский нож', 'price' => '80', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Развлечение', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\knife.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Гитара', 'price' => '163', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Развлечение', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\gitar.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Попрыгунчик', 'price' => '30', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Разное', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\prig.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Стэплер', 'price' => '220', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Разное', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\step.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
     Products::create(['product_name' => 'Инструмент', 'price' => '65', 'qty' => '10', 'product_type' => 'Разное', 'product_img' => 'images\\product\\instrum.jpg', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Curabitur semper quam sit amet turpis rhoncus id venenatis tellus sollicitudin.
         Fusce ullamcorper, dolor non mollis pulvinar, turpis tortor commodo nisl,
         et semper lectus augue blandit tellus. Quisque id bibendum libero.']);
 public function update(Request $request)
     $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['id' => 'required', 'name' => 'required', 'name_th' => 'required', 'status' => 'required', 'publisher_id' => 'required', 'image' => 'required']);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Response::json(array('result' => false, 'data' => 'data is valid.'));
     $now = Carbon::now('Asia/Bangkok');
     $pro = Products::where('id', $request->input('id'))->get()->first();
     $pro->name = $request->input('name');
     $pro->name_th = $request->input('name_th');
     $pro->status = $request->input('status');
     $pro->image = $request->input('image');
     $pro->author = $request->input('author');
     $pro->resume = $request->input('resume');
     $pro->updated_at = $now;
     $pro->publisher_id = $request->input('publisher_id');
     $result = $pro->save();
     if ($result) {
         return Response::json(array('result' => true, 'data' => $pro));
     return Response::json(array('result' => false, 'data' => 'Update has been error.'));
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     if ($this->user_type == 1) {
         // Supplier
         $products = $this->productRepository->findBy('user_id', $this->userid);
         return view('products.supplier', ['products' => $products]);
     } else {
         if ($this->user_type == 2) {
             // Reseller
             $products = Product::all();
             return view('products.reseller-add', ['products' => $products]);
 public static function deleteProductsByCategory($productsCategoriesId)
     $folder = "assets/images/_upload/products/";
     $folderBull = "assets/bulas/";
     $products = Products::where('productsCategoriesId', $productsCategoriesId)->get();
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         if ($product->bull != "") {
             if (File::exists($folderBull . $product->bull)) {
                 File::delete($folderBull . $product->bull);
         if ($product->image != "") {
             if (File::exists($folder . $product->image)) {
                 File::delete($folder . $product->image);
     return Products::where('productsCategoriesId', '=', $productsCategoriesId)->delete();