public static function create_log($user_id,$module_type,$content){ $log = new Log; $log->user_id = $user_id; $log->module_type = $module_type; $log->content = $content; $log->save(); }
/** * Logs an action. * * @param string $action * @param App\Board|String $board * @param Array $data * @return App\Log */ public function log($action, $board = null, $data = null) { $board_uri = null; $action_details = null; if ($board instanceof \App\Board) { $board_uri = $board->board_uri; $action_details = $data; } else { if ($board instanceof \App\Post) { $board_uri = $board->board_uri; $action_details = $data; } else { if (is_string($board)) { $board_uri = $board; $action_details = $data; } else { if (is_array($board) && is_null($data)) { $board_uri = null; $action_details = $board; } } } } if (!is_null($action_details) && !is_array($action_details)) { $action_details = [$action_details]; } if (!is_null($action_details)) { $action_details = json_encode($action_details); } $log = new Log(['action_name' => $action, 'action_details' => $action_details, 'user_id' => $this->user->isAnonymous() ? null : $this->user->user_id, 'user_ip' => Request::getClientIp(), 'board_uri' => $board_uri]); return $log->save(); }
public function add($action, $message, $user = null) { $log = new Log(); $log->message = "{$action} : {$message}"; if (is_object($user) && hasEntry("id", $user)) { $log->user_id = $user->id; } $log->save(); }
public function destroy($id, User $user) { $stop = Stop::find($id); $log = new Log(); $log->user_id = $user->id; $log->log = "删除车站" . print_r($stop->toArray(), true); $log->save(); Stop::destroy($id); return redirect()->action('StopController@index'); }
public function destroy($id, User $user) { $rank = Rank::find($id); $log = new Log(); $log->user_id = $user->id; $log->log = "删除等级" . print_r($rank->toArray(), true); $log->save(); Rank::destroy($id); return redirect()->action('RankController@index'); }
public function destroy($id, User $user) { $help = Help::find($id); $log = new Log(); $log->user_id = $user->id; $log->log = "删除帮助" . print_r($help->toArray(), true); $log->save(); Help::destroy($id); return redirect()->action('AdminController@getHelp'); }
public function destroy($id, User $user) { $bike = Bike::find($id); $log = new Log(); $log->user_id = $user->id; $log->log = "删除单车" . print_r($bike->toArray(), true); dd($log->log); $log->save(); Bike::destroy($id); return redirect()->action('BikeController@index'); }
public function store(Request $request) { $log = new Log(); $log->email = $request->email; $log->industry = $request->industry; $log->report = $request->report; $log->saleprice = $request->saleprice; $log->proposals = $request->proposals; $log->save(); return view('templates.success'); }
public function questionDel(Request $request) { Question::find($request->get('id'))->delete(); Question::where('subId', $request->get('id'))->delete(); $log = new Log(); $log->memberId = Auth::user()->id; $log->detail = 'Delete Post,' . $request->get('id'); $log->save(); if ($request->get('redirect') == '') { return redirect(route('home')); } else { return redirect(html_entity_decode($request->get('redirect'))); } }
public function getAction($post = null, $action = null) { $post = Post::find($post); if (!$post) { app()->abort(422); } if ($action) { // Log action and push to queue $log = Log::firstOrNew(['reason' => $action, 'market_item_id' => $post->market()->whereAction($action)->first()->id]); if (!$log->id) { Auth::user()->log()->save($log); $job = (new AwaitAction($log))->onQueue('check'); $this->dispatch($job); } else { return ['error' => trans('app.action_duplicate')]; } } if (!$post) { return ['success' => true]; } $url = !$action ? false : $this->social->with($post->provider)->action($action, $post->provider_id); if ($url === true) { return ['success' => true]; } if (!$url || !parse_url($url)) { $url = $post->link; } return ['success' => true, 'redirect' => $url]; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $item = Activity::find($id); $item->status = 'deleted'; $item->save(); Log::create(array("user_id" => Auth::user()->id, "action" => "Delete Activities named " . $item->name)); }
/** * Gets all att. record from the connected device and no * sorting is applied. Returns only the new ones. * @return [type] [description] */ public function getAll() { if ($this->tad && $this->tad->is_alive()) { $data = $this->tad->get_att_log()->to_array(); $data = $data['Row']; // $device = Device::where('ip_address', $this->connected_device['ip_address'])->first(); $last_log = Log::where('device_id', $this->connected_device['device_id'])->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $last_log_datetime = null; if ($last_log) { $last_log_datetime = Carbon::parse($last_log->datetime); } $return_data = []; $timestamp = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($last_log_datetime === null || $last_log_datetime->lt(Carbon::parse($data[$k]['DateTime']))) { $data[$k]['emp_id'] = $data[$k]['PIN']; unset($data[$k]['PIN']); $data[$k]['datetime'] = $data[$k]['DateTime']; unset($data[$k]['DateTime']); $data[$k]['verified'] = $data[$k]['Verified']; unset($data[$k]['Verified']); $data[$k]['status'] = $data[$k]['Status']; unset($data[$k]['Status']); $data[$k]['workcode'] = $data[$k]['WorkCode']; unset($data[$k]['WorkCode']); $data[$k]['device_id'] = $this->connected_device['device_id']; $data[$k]['created_at'] = $timestamp; $data[$k]['updated_at'] = $timestamp; array_push($return_data, $data[$k]); } } return $return_data; } }
public function getLog(User $user) { if (!($user->auth & \Config::get('admin.adminLog'))) { return response(view('errors.error', ['title' => '权限不足', 'error' => '您没有管理后台日志的权限!']), 403); } return view('admin.log')->withLog(Log::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->paginate(20))->withUser($user); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $item = Source::find($id); $item->status = "deleted"; $item->save(); Log::create(array("user_id" => Auth::user()->id, "action" => "Delete Source named " . $item->name)); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $logs = Log::find($id); if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return $logs->toJson(); } dd($logs->toArray()); }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); $users = User::get(); #Category foreach (range(1, 20) as $void) { Log::create(['user_id' => $users->random(1)->id, 'type' => $faker->text(10), 'source_id' => $faker->numberBetween(50, 1000000), 'details' => $faker->text(50)]); } }
/** * Recalculates score based on current vote composition. * * @return Description */ protected function updateScore() { $votes = $this->vote_ups + $this->vote_downs; $ratio = $this->vote_downs > 0 ? $this->vote_ups / $this->vote_downs : 1; $score = round($votes * $ratio, 2); \Log::info($this->id . ': ' . $score); $this->score = $score; return $this; }
public function getIndex() { $users = User::all(); $entities = Semantics::GetAllEntities(); $logs = Log::all()->sortByDesc('created_at')->forPage(1, self::NB_LOGS_SHOWN); $comments = Comments::LoadComment(); $cComments = collect($comments); $data = array('users' => $users, 'entities' => $entities, 'logs' => $logs, 'comments' => $comments, 'nbCommentNotValidated' => $cComments->where("validated", false)->count()); return view('admin/admin')->with($data); }
public function savelog() { $equation = Input::get('equation'); $id = Input::get('id'); $status = Input::get('status'); $mood = Input::get('mood'); $log = array('equation' => $equation, 'equation_id' => $id, 'status' => $status, 'emotion' => $mood); $model = Log::create($log); // dd($model); }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); $actions = ActionType::get(); $users = User::select('id')->get(); //Category foreach (range(1, 20) as $void) { Log::create(['user_id' => $users->random(1)->id, 'action_type_id' => $actions->random(1)->id, 'source_id' => $faker->numberBetween(50, 1000000), 'details' => $faker->text(50)]); } }
public function getPointsAttribute() { $id = $this->attributes['id']; return Cache::remember("user_{$id}_points", 3, function () use($id) { $marketActions = Log::with('market')->whereFlag(true)->where('user_id', $id)->get()->sum('market.reward'); $otherActions = Log::where('user_id', $id)->whereFlag(true)->whereNull('market_item_id')->get()->sum('reward'); $reduced = $this->reduced->select('market.reward')->sum('market.reward'); return $marketActions + $otherActions - $reduced; }); }
public function store(StoreCommentRequest $request) { // TODO: findOrFail ile kontrol et. ModelNotFoundException'ı handle'a ekle. if (!Log::find($request->log_id)) { return redirect()->back(); } // TODO: Bu işlemi CommentObserver'da yap. $request->merge(['user_id' => auth()->user()->id]); Comment::create($request->all()); return redirect()->back(); }
public static function registroPersonaTicket($idPersona, $id_ticket, $idUsuCrea) { $persona_aplicativo = new aplicativo_ticket_persona(); $persona_aplicativo->aplicativo_id = $id_ticket; $persona_aplicativo->ticket_persona_id = $idPersona; $persona_aplicativo->usucrea = $idUsuCrea; $persona_aplicativo->estado = '0'; $persona_aplicativo->save(); \Log::info('Se registro Correctamente el aplicativo en la cuenta...dao: aplicativo_ticket_persona/36.'); return $persona_aplicativo->ticket_persona_id; }
public static function getHtml($url) { $client = new Client(); $response = $client->get($url, ['verify' => false, 'timeout' => 10]); if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200) { $error = '%s: Bad HTTP response code, url is %s, status code is %d.'; $error = sprintf($error, __METHOD__, $url, $response->getStatusCode()); Log::error($error); throw new \Exception($error, 0); } return $response->getBody()->__toString(); }
public function postListGridData(Request $req, $db = 'bidang') { /* paging biasa ====================================== select * from `dokumen` limit 0,10 */ // if ($req->get('page')) { // if ($req->get('page')==1) { // $offset=$req->get('page')-1; // } // else{ // $offset=($req->get('page')-1)*$req->get('rows'); // } // $data->skip($offset); // } // if ($req->get('rows')) { // $data->take($req->get('rows')); // } // if ($req->get('sort') && $req->get('order')) { // $data->orderBy($req->get('sort'), $req->get('order')); // } // $datax['rows']=$this->show_relasi_kolom($data->get()); // $total['total'] = \DB::table('dokumen')->count(); /** ,=== snippet =============================================================================== */ $offset = 1; if ($req->get('page')) { if ($req->get('page') == 1) { $offset = $req->get('page') - 1; } else { $offset = ($req->get('page') - 1) * $req->get('rows'); } } $rows = 10; if ($req->get('rows')) { $rows = $req->get('rows'); } // $log = Log::where('table','=',$db)->skip($page)->take($rows)->paginate(); $log = Log::with('users', 'groups')->where('table', $db)->skip($offset)->take($rows)->paginate(); // dd($rows); // dd($log->toArray()); $newdata = []; $i = 0; foreach ($log->toArray()['data'] as $data) { $newdata[$i] = $data; $newdata[$i]['users_email'] = $data['users']['email']; $newdata[$i]['groups_name'] = $data['groups']['name']; $i++; } // $result['total']=$log->toArray()['total']; $result['total'] = count($log->toArray()['data']); // $result['rows']=$log->toArray()['data']; $result['rows'] = $newdata; return json_encode($result); }
public function process() { $transactionID = Input::get('transactionID'); $transaction = Transaction::where('transaction_id', '=', $transactionID)->first(); $logs = Log::where('transaction_id', '=', $transactionID)->get(); $recentLog = Log::where('transaction_id', '=', $transactionID)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); if (Input::has('create')) { // Redirect to different route / URI return Redirect::route('superadmin/create_transaction')->with('transactionID', $transactionID); // Alternatively, you could process action 1 here } elseif (Input::has('update')) { // Process action 2 return Redirect::route('superadmin/update_transaction')->with('transaction', $transaction)->with('logs', $logs)->with('recentLog', $recentLog); } elseif (Input::has('out')) { // Process action 3 return Redirect::route('superadmin/out_transaction')->with('transaction', $transaction)->with('logs', $logs)->with('users', '')->with('recentLog', $recentLog); } }
public function getDone(Request $request) { $id = $request->get('paymentId'); $token = $request->get('token'); $payer_id = $request->get('PayerID'); $payment = PayPal::getById($id, $this->_apiContext); $paymentExecution = PayPal::PaymentExecution(); $paymentExecution->setPayerId($payer_id); $executePayment = $payment->execute($paymentExecution, $this->_apiContext); $order = Order::whereUserId(Auth::id())->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); if (!is_null($order)) { $order->payment = $id; $order->save(); } $log = Log::whereUserId(Auth::id())->whereReason('purchase')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); if (!is_null($log)) { $log->flag = true; $log->save(); } return view('checkout.done'); }
public function deletelog(Request $request) { $date = $request->input('date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); Log::dayBefore($date)->delete(); echo json_encode("1"); }
public function modifyPoints($points, $actionTypeId, $sourceId) { $data = ['action_type_id' => $actionTypeId, 'source_id' => $sourceId, 'details' => $points, 'user_id' => $this->id]; $log = Log::create($data); $userPoints = new UserPoints(); $userPoints->user_id = $this->id; $userPoints->action_type_id = $actionTypeId; $userPoints->source_id = $sourceId; $userPoints->points = $points; if ($userPoints->save()) { $this->current_points = $this->current_points + $points; //Action type = 9 is for canceled orders, the user should not add to accumulated points if ($points > 0 && $actionTypeId != 9) { $this->accumulated_points = $this->accumulated_points + $points; } if ($this->save()) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function update(Request $request) { //dd($request->all()); $niceNames = array('gradYear' => 'ปีจบการศึกษา', 'classRoom' => 'สายชั้น', 'CRNo' => 'เลขที่', 'studenNo' => 'รหัสนักเรียน', 'idCardNo' => 'รหัสประชาชน', 'titleName' => 'คำนำหน้าชื่อ', 'name' => 'ชื่อ', 'lastname' => 'นามสกุล', 'nickname' => 'ชื่อเล่น', 'birthday' => 'วันเกิด', 'address' => 'ที่อยู่', 'tel' => 'เบอร์โทรศัพท์'); $messages = ['required' => ':attribute จำเป็นต้องระบุข้อมูล!', 'date_format' => 'รูปแบบวันที่ไม่ถูกต้อง! กรุณาระบุ ปีคศ-เดือน-วัน เท่านั้น!', 'email' => 'Email ไม่ถูกต้อง!', 'unique' => ':attribute มีผู้ใช้งานแล้ว!', 'alpha_num' => ':attribute กรุณาระบุตัวเลขหรือตัวอักษรเท่านั้น!', 'between' => ':attribute ต้องอยู่ระหว่าง :min ถึง :max ตัวอักษรเท่านั้น!', 'confirmed' => 'รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน!', 'date_format' => ':attribute วันที่ไม่ถูกต้อง!', 'min' => ':attribute ข้อมูลต้องมี :max ตัว!', 'max' => ':attribute ข้อมูลต้องมี :max ตัว!']; $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['gradYear' => 'required', 'classRoom' => 'required', 'CRNo' => 'required', 'studenNo' => 'required', 'idCardNo' => 'required|max:13|min:13', 'titleName' => 'required', 'name' => 'required', 'lastname' => 'required', 'nickname' => 'required', 'address' => 'required', 'birthday' => 'required|date_format:Y-m-d', 'tel' => 'required'], $messages); $validator->setAttributeNames($niceNames); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect(route('member', ['action' => '2']))->withErrors($validator->errors())->withInput($request->all()); } $classRoom = explode(',', $request->get('classRoom')); //dd($classRoom); $memberUpdate = User::find(Auth::user()->id); $memberUpdate->gradYear = trim($request->get('gradYear')); $memberUpdate->class = trim($classRoom[0]); $memberUpdate->room = trim($classRoom[1]); $memberUpdate->CRNo = trim($request->get('CRNo')); $memberUpdate->studenNo = trim($request->get('studenNo')); $memberUpdate->idCardNo = trim($request->get('idCardNo')); $memberUpdate->titleName = trim($request->get('titleName')); $memberUpdate->name = trim($request->get('name')); $memberUpdate->lastname = trim($request->get('lastname')); $memberUpdate->nickname = trim($request->get('nickname')); $memberUpdate->birthday = trim($request->get('birthday')); $memberUpdate->address = trim($request->get('address')); $memberUpdate->tel = trim($request->get('tel')); $memberUpdate->contact = trim($request->get('contact')); $memberUpdate->save(); $log = new Log(); $log->memberId = Auth::user()->id; $log->detail = 'Update Member,' . $memberUpdate; $log->save(); return redirect(route('member', ['action' => '2'])); }