Exemplo n.º 1
 public function upload(Request $request)
     $listing = new Listing();
     if ($request->hasFile('file')) {
         $file = $request->file('file');
         $filename = date('U') . $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $file->move(public_path('uploads/'), $filename);
         $listing->image = $filename;
     $listing->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
     // $user = Auth::user
     // $listing->fill
     return redirect('/');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     /* $users = User::all();
        $listings = Listing::all();*/
     $users = User::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(10)->get();
     $listings = Listing::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(10)->get();
     return view('admin.page.index', compact('users', 'listings'));
 public function postListing(Request $request)
     $data = $request->all();
     // Create listing
     $listing = \App\Listing::create(['address1' => $data['address1'], 'address2' => $data['address2'], 'city' => $data['city'], 'state' => $data['state'], 'zip' => $data['zip'], 'property_type' => $data['property_type'], 'condition' => $data['condition'], 'beds' => $data['beds'], 'baths' => $data['baths'], 'additional_rooms' => $data['additional_rooms'], 'approx_size' => $data['approx_size'], 'approx_age_of_kitchen' => $data['approx_age_of_kitchen'], 'approx_age_of_baths' => $data['approx_age_of_baths'], 'message' => $data['message'], 'first_name' => $data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $data['last_name'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'phone' => $data['phone']]);
     $userData = $this->mapData($data);
     $checkForUser = \App\User::where('email', '=', $userData['email'])->first();
     if (is_null($checkForUser)) {
         // Create User
         $user = \App\User::create(['name' => $userData['name'], 'email' => $userData['email'], 'password' => bcrypt($userData['password']), 'phone' => $userData['phone']]);
     $email = 'emails.listingPost';
     $data['name'] = $userData['name'];
     $this->mailIt($email, $data);
     return redirect()->back()->with('success_message', 'Your listing has been sent for review...');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     $listing = Listing::findOrFail($id);
     /* deletes the uploaded files
     return redirect('listing');
    public function addListing(Request $request)
        //needs login to add session id
        if (!Auth::check()) {
            //This should not be possible
            //But in the case the user SOMEHOW is not logged in, redirect
            return redirect('signIn');
        $v = Validator::make($request->all(), ['title_name' => 'bail|required', 'location_name' => 'bail|required|numeric', 'floorNum_name' => 'bail|alpha_num', 'unitNum_name' => 'bail|alpha_num', 'dateFrom_name' => 'bail|required', 'dateTo_name' => 'bail', 'rent_name' => 'bail|required|numeric|min:0', 'rentalLength_name' => 'bail|numeric|min:0', 'priceDescription_name' => '', 'sqft_name' => 'min:0', 'bedrooms_name' => 'bail|numeric|min:0', 'bathrooms_name' => 'bail|numeric|min:0', 'sqftSize_name' => 'bail|numeric|min:0', 'image.*' => 'required|image', 'mls' => 'alpha_num']);
        //Check if validation passes. If not, redirect.
        if ($v->fails()) {
            return redirect('addListing')->withErrors($v)->withInput();
        $listing = new Listing();
        $listing->location_id = Input::get('location_name');
        $listingInfo = new Listing_Info();
        $listingInfo->listing_id = $listing->listing_id;
        $listingInfo->date_created = Carbon::now();
        $listingInfo->is_active = true;
        $listingInfo->listing_title = ucwords(Input::get('title_name'));
        $listingInfo->listing_description = Input::get('description_name', 'No Description');
        $listingInfo->price_monthly = Input::get('rent_name');
        $listingInfo->price_description = Input::get('priceDescription_name', 'No Description');
        $listingInfo->unit = Input::get('unitNum_name');
        $listingInfo->room_level = Input::get('floorNum_name');
        $listingInfo->num_bedrooms_total = Input::get('bedrooms_name');
        $listingInfo->num_bathrooms_total = Input::get('bathrooms_name');
        $listingInfo->num_roommates_max = Input::get('roommatesNum_name');
        $listingInfo->room_size_sqft = Input::get('sqft_name', 0);
        $listingInfo->has_kitchen = Input::has('kitchen_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->has_laundry = Input::has('laundry_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->has_yard = Input::has('yard_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->has_furnishings = Input::has('furnishing_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->owner_pays_internet = Input::has('internet_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->owner_pays_water = Input::has('water_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->owner_pays_electricity = Input::has('electricity_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->owner_has_pets = Input::has('allergy_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->allowed_dogs = Input::has('dogs_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->allowed_cats = Input::has('cats_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->allowed_other_pets = Input::has('otherPets_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->smoke_free = Input::has('smoke_name') ? true : false;
        $listingInfo->details_pets = Input::get('petDescription_name');
        $listingInfo->mls_number = Input::get('mls', 'N/A');
        $listingInfo->rental_length_months_min = Input::get('rentalLength_name');
        $listingInfo->rental_available_from = Input::get('dateFrom_name');
        $listingInfo->rental_available_to = Input::get('dateTo_name', NULL);
        $imageNum = 0;
        foreach ($request->file('image') as $file) {
            $imageNum = $imageNum + 1;
            $file_prefix = 'images/listing_photos/';
            $img = Image::make($file);
            $img_t = Image::make($file);
            $img_t->resize(600, null, function ($constraint) {
            $filename = $file_prefix . time() . '_imgNum' . $imageNum . '_' . $listing->listing_id;
            $img_t->save($filename . '_thumb', 100);
            $lis_img = new Listing_Image();
            $lis_img->listing_id = $listing->listing_id;
            $lis_img->image_filename = $filename;
            $lis_img->image_filename_thumbnail = $filename . '_thumb';
        /* Scan new listing for saved searches match, and send SMS message */
        $dbg = false;
        //set to true for testing
        $query = <<<SQL
\t\t\tSELECT \t*
\t\t\tFROM \thomestead.saved_searches AS SEARCH
\t\t\tINNER \tJOIN homestead.users AS USER ON SEARCH.user_id = USER.user_id
        $searches = DB::select($query);
        foreach ($searches as $s) {
            $match = true;
            if ($dbg) {
                print "User {$s->first_name} has a search<br>";
            $str = $s->phone;
            $ph = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
                if (is_numeric($str[$i])) {
                    $ph = $ph . $str[$i];
            if ($ph[0] == 1) {
                $ph = substr($ph, 0, 11);
            } else {
                $ph = substr($ph, 0, 10);
            if ($dbg) {
                printf("The phone is : " . $ph . "<br>");
            /* Check price range if max pricing is not in saved search */
            if ($s->price_monthly_max < 2000) {
                if ($listingInfo->price_monthly >= $s->price_monthly_min && $listingInfo->price_monthly <= $s->price_monthly_max) {
                    if ($dbg) {
                        print "Price matches search criteria<br>";
                } else {
                    $match = false;
            if ($listingInfo->num_bedrooms_total < $s->num_bedrooms_total) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 1<br>";
            if ($listingInfo->num_bathrooms_total < $s->num_bathrooms_total) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 2<br>";
            if ($listingInfo->num_roommates_max > $s->num_roommates_max) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 3<br>";
            if (($s->has_kitchen == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->has_kitchen) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 4 {$listingInfo->has_kitchen} {$listingInfo->has_kitchen} " . (Input::has('kitchen_name') ? "A" : "B") . "<br>";
            if (($s->has_laundry == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->has_laundry) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 5<br>";
            if (($s->has_yard == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->has_yard) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 6<br>";
            if (($s->has_furnishings == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->has_furnishings) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 7<br>";
            if (($s->owner_pays_internet == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->owner_pays_internet) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 8<br>";
            if (($s->owner_pays_water == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->owner_pays_water) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 9<br>";
            if (!($s->owner_has_pets == 1 ? true : false) && $listingInfo->owner_has_pets) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 10<br>";
            if (($s->allowed_dogs == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->allowed_dogs) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 11<br>";
            if (($s->allowed_cats == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->allowed_cats) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 12<br>";
            if (($s->allowed_other_pets == 1 ? true : false) && !$listingInfo->allowed_other_pets) {
                $match = false;
            if ($dbg) {
                if (!$match) {
                    print "No match 13<br>";
            if ($match && strlen($ph) == 10) {
                if ($dbg) {
                    print "This listing matches your search criteria<br>";
                $msg = <<<MSG
Hello {$s->first_name}!
Homestead has found a {$listingInfo->num_bedrooms_total} bedroom,{$listingInfo->num_bathrooms_total} bathroom property that matches the criteria in your saved search #{$s->saved_search_id}.

Please visit our website to check out the listing for more details!

 The Homestead Team

                $em = $s->email;
                Mail::raw($msg, function ($message) use($ph, $msg) {
                    $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Homestead');
                Mail::raw($msg, function ($message) use($ph, $msg, $em) {
                    $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Homestead');
                    $message->subject('Homestead listing search results');
                    //print "SMS sent to $ph<br>";
            } else {
                if ($dbg) {
                    print "This listing does not match your search criteria<br>";
        if ($dbg) {
            return var_dump($searches) . var_dump($listingInfo);
        return redirect('houseTemplate/' . $listing->listing_id);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function getPropertyFromListing($ListingId)
     $list = Listing::where('listing_id', '=', $ListingId)->first();
     $location = $list->location;
     $listings = $location->listing;
     return view('listingByProperty', compact('listings'), compact('location'));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function removeListing($id)
     if (Auth::guest()) {
         return redirect()->route('home');
     $listing = Listing::where('id', $id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
     if ($listing) {
         flash()->success("Successfully removed your listing");
         return redirect()->back();
     } else {
         flash()->error("You cannot remove that listing");
         return redirect()->back();