public function createLink(Request $request) { $parameters = $request->except(['_token']); $parameters['slug'] = Str::slug($parameters['name']); $date = new \DateTime(null); $link = new Links(); $link->name = $parameters['name']; $link->link = $parameters['link']; $link->description = $parameters['description']; $link->slug = $date->format('dmYhis') . '-' . Str::slug($parameters['name']); $link->save(); return redirect()->route('listLink')->with('success', 'Item was added !'); }
/** * Display a listing of categories and the category members (parent-children) and their social media. * * @return Response */ public function index($slug) { // get links in footer $linksArr = \App\Links::orderBy('rank', 'ASC')->lists('link', 'name'); if ($slug != 'all') { $catObj = Category::whereSlug($slug)->first(); if (is_null($catObj)) { \Session::flash('message', 'Invalid category'); return redirect('/socialmedia/all'); } $catPathArr = $catObj->getCategoryPath($slug); $catArr = $catObj->getChildren($catObj->id); } else { $catPathArr = array(); $catObj = new Category(); $catArr = $catObj->getParents(); } $getChildren = $this->getChildrenBool($catPathArr, $slug, $catObj); // eg. get the teammates on the Lakers, don't get teams in the Pacific Coast division if ($getChildren) { $memberArr = $this->memberObj->getMembersWithinSingleCategory($catObj->id); list($memberArr, $contentArr) = $this->memberSocialObj->getSocialMediaWithMemberIds($memberArr); return view('socialmedia.child', compact('memberArr', 'contentArr', 'catPathArr', 'linksArr')); } else { $parentArr['contentArr'] = []; foreach ($catArr as $catId => $catName) { $memberArr = $this->memberObj->getMembersWithinSingleCategory($catId); $tmpMemberArr = array($memberArr[0]); list(, $contentArr) = $this->memberSocialObj->getSocialMediaWithMemberIds($tmpMemberArr); $parentArr['memberArr'][$catId] = $memberArr; $parentArr['contentArr'] = $parentArr['contentArr'] + $contentArr; } return view('socialmedia.parent', compact('parentArr', 'catArr', 'catPathArr', 'linksArr')); } }
public function updateLink(Request $req, $id) { $link = Links::find($id); if ($req->isMethod('post')) { $parametres = $req->except(['_token']); $link->nom = $parametres['nom']; $link->link = $parametres['lien']; $link->description = $parametres['description']; $link->save(); return redirect()->route('listLink')->with('ok', 'Lien modifié'); } return view('link/addLink')->with('link', $link); }
public static function recent($paginate = 15) { return Links::with('user', 'category')->published()->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate($paginate); }
/** * @param Request $request * @return static */ protected function saveLink(Request $request) { return Links::create(['category_id' => $request->category_id, 'user_id' => auth()->user()->id, 'title' => $request->title, 'url' => $request->url, 'description' => $request->description]); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { Links::whereId($id)->delete(); return Redirect::route('links.index')->with('message', 'Link deleted.'); }
public function run() { DB::table('links')->truncate(); factory(App\Links::class, 10)->create(); \App\Links::create(['category_id' => 2, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Laravel Permission', 'url' => '', 'description' => 'This package allows to save permissions and roles in a database.', 'published' => 1]); }
/** * Redirect to the URL * @param string $code URL hash * @return [type] [description] */ public function redirect($code) { $link = Links::whereCode($code)->first(); header("Location:" . $link->url); }
/** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return Response */ public function index() { return view('home', ['links' => Links::recent()]); }
/** * */ public function DeletePdf($id) { $link = Links::findOrFail($id); \File::cleanDirectory(storage_path('app') . $link->pdf); \File::deleteDirectory(storage_path('app/pdf/') . $link->id); $link->update(['pdf' => '']); return \Redirect::back()->with('message', 'Pdf Başarıyla Silindi!'); }
/** * Update to increase the downvotes of a link. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function downvote($id) { //retrieve entry for current link if (is_null(Votes::where(['userid' => Auth::user()->id, 'linkid' => $id])->first())) { $link = Links::find($id); $link->downvotes += 1; $link->save(); $newVote = Votes::create(['linkid' => $id, 'userid' => Auth::user()->id, 'vote' => -1]); $newVote->save(); } else { return redirect()->action('LinkController@index')->withErrors(['You have already voted.']); } return redirect()->action('LinkController@index'); }