Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returns if a sprint in a project is complete
  * @return  boolean
 public function isComplete()
     $issuesCount = $this->issues()->select('status_id')->where('sprint_id', '=', $this->id)->where('project_id', '=', $this->project_id)->count();
     $issuesCompletedCount = $this->issues()->select('status_id')->where('sprint_id', '=', $this->id)->where('project_id', '=', $this->project_id)->whereIn('status_id', array(IssueStatus::getIdByMachineName('complete'), IssueStatus::getIdByMachineName('archive')))->count();
     if ($issuesCompletedCount == $issuesCount) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get the list of issues in a sprint by issue status
  * @param string $issueStatusMachineName
  * @param int $sprintId
 public static function getIssuesInSprintByIssueStatus($issueStatusMachineName, $sprintId)
     $statusId = IssueStatus::getIdByMachineName($issueStatusMachineName);
     if ($statusId) {
         return Issue::where('sprint_id', '=', $sprintId)->where('status_id', '=', $statusId)->get();
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $currentTimestamp = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
     $tomorrowTimestamp = Carbon::now()->addDay()->toDateTimeString();
     $issuesWithDeadlineWithinADay = DB::table('issues')->select('id', 'deadline', 'title')->where('deadline', '>=', $currentTimestamp)->where('deadline', '<', $tomorrowTimestamp)->where('status_id', '!=', IssueStatus::getIdByMachineName('complete'))->where('status_id', '!=', IssueStatus::getIdByMachineName('archive'))->get();
     Mail::send('emails.issuesDeadlineReminder', ['issuesWithDeadlineWithinADay' => $issuesWithDeadlineWithinADay], function ($message) {
         $message->from(env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS'), env('APP_NAME'));
         $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'Srikanth AD')->subject('Daily report: issues with deadlines within a day');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Update the status of an issue
  * @return string
 public function statuschange()
     $result = 'There was an error updating the issue status';
     $issueStatusMachineNames = IssueStatus::lists('machine_name', 'id')->all();
     $newIssueStatusMachineName = trim(strip_tags(Request::get('machineNameOfNewIssueStatus')));
     $prevIssueId = trim(strip_tags(Request::get('prevIssueId')));
     $nextIssueId = trim(strip_tags(Request::get('nextIssueId')));
     if (in_array($newIssueStatusMachineName, $issueStatusMachineNames)) {
         $issueId = (int) trim(Request::get('issueId'));
         $statusId = array_search($newIssueStatusMachineName, $issueStatusMachineNames);
         $issue = Issue::findOrFail($issueId);
         if ($issue) {
             DB::update('update issues set status_id = ? where id = ?', [$statusId, $issueId]);
             $result = 'Issue status has been changed successfully.';
             // If an issue is archived set sort order (previous and next) to NULL
             if ($newIssueStatusMachineName == 'archive') {
                 // Check if previous and next issue ids provided in the Request exist in the sprint
                 if ($prevIssueId && Sprint::find($issue->sprint_id)->issues()->where('id', '=', $issue->id)->first()->id) {
                     // do nothing
                 } else {
                     $prevIssueId = NULL;
                 if ($nextIssueId && Sprint::find($issue->sprint_id)->issues()->where('id', '=', $issue->id)->first()->id) {
                     // do nothing
                 } else {
                     $nextIssueId = NULL;
                 // set sort order for previous and next issues in the same sprint
                 if ($prevIssueId) {
                     $prevIssue = Issue::findOrFail($prevIssueId);
                     $prevIssue->sort_next = $issue->sort_next ? $issue->sort_next : NULL;
                 if ($nextIssueId) {
                     $nextIssue = Issue::findOrFail($nextIssueId);
                     $nextIssue->sort_prev = $issue->sort_prev ? $issue->sort_prev : NULL;
                 // set sort_prev and sort_next for archived issue to NULL
                 $archivedIssue = Issue::findOrFail($issueId);
                 $archivedIssue->sort_prev = NULL;
                 $archivedIssue->sort_next = NULL;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Update the status of an issue
  * @return string
 public function statuschange()
     $result = 'There was an error updating the issue status';
     $issueStatusMachineNames = IssueStatus::lists('machine_name', 'id')->all();
     $newIssueStatusMachineName = trim(Request::get('machineNameOfNewIssueStatus'));
     if (in_array($newIssueStatusMachineName, $issueStatusMachineNames)) {
         $issueId = (int) trim(Request::get('issueId'));
         $statusId = array_search($newIssueStatusMachineName, $issueStatusMachineNames);
         if (Issue::find($issueId) != NULL) {
             DB::update('update issues set status_id = ? where id = ?', [$statusId, $issueId]);
             $result = 'Issue status has been changed successfully.';
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Return the collection of issue statuses
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $issuestatuses = IssueStatus::all();
     return $issuestatuses;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * getLatestIssueInSprint Get the latest issue from a sprint - by created at date
  * @return latest issue in sprint
 public function getLatestIssueInSprint()
     $archiveStatusId = IssueStatus::getIdByMachineName('archive');
     return $this->issues()->where('status_id', '!=', (int) $archiveStatusId)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Get the collection of issues corresponding to a given sprint - that are not archived
  * @param integer $sprintId
  * @return collection
 public function getIssuesFromSprint($sprintId)
     $archiveStatusId = IssueStatus::getIdByMachineName('archive');
     return $this->issues()->where('status_id', '!=', (int) $archiveStatusId)->where('sprint_id', '=', (int) $sprintId)->get();
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Get issue statuses, except "archive" by sort_order
 public static function getBySortOrder()
     return IssueStatus::where('machine_name', '!=', 'archive')->orderBy('sort_order', 'asc')->get();