Exemplo n.º 1
  * Display existing assets.
  * @return Response
 public function putAssets(Request $request, Board $board)
     if (!$board->canEditConfig($this->user)) {
         return abort(403);
     $input = Input::all();
     $validator = Validator::make($input, ['asset_type' => ["required", "in:board_banner,file_deleted,file_none,file_spoiler"], 'new_board_banner' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_banner", "image", "image_size:<=300,<=100"]]);
     if (!$validator->passes()) {
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator->errors());
     // Fetch the asset.
     $upload = Input::file("new_{$input['asset_type']}");
     if (file_exists($upload->getPathname())) {
         $storage = FileStorage::storeUpload($upload);
         $asset = new BoardAsset();
         $asset->asset_type = "board_banner";
         $asset->board_uri = $board->board_uri;
         $asset->file_id = $storage->file_id;
     return $this->view(static::VIEW_CONFIG, ['board' => $board, 'banners' => $board->getBanners(), 'tab' => "assets"]);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Imports board attachments.
  * @return void
 public function importInfinityBoardAssets()
     $this->info("\tImporting board assets ...");
     Board::orderBy('board_uri', 'asc')->chunk(1, function ($boards) {
         foreach ($boards as $board) {
             $this->line("\t\tImporting assets from /{$board->board_uri}/");
             $flagsMade = 0;
             $bannersMade = 0;
             # FLAGS
             $flagsPath = "{$this->targetLocation}/static/custom-flags/{$board->board_uri}/";
             $flagSerPath = "{$this->targetLocation}/{$board->board_uri}/flags.ser";
             $flags = [];
             if (file_exists($flagSerPath)) {
                 try {
                     $flags = @unserialize(@file_get_contents("{$this->targetLocation}/{$board->board_uri}/flags.ser"));
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $this->warn("\t\t\tFailed to unserialize flags.ser");
                 if (is_array($flags) && count($flags)) {
                     foreach ($flags as $flagFile => $flagName) {
                         $flag = new File("{$flagsPath}{$flagFile}.png", false);
                         if ($flag->isReadable()) {
                             $storage = FileStorage::storeUpload($flag);
                             $asset = $board->assets()->create(['file_id' => $storage->file_id, 'asset_type' => "board_flags", 'asset_name' => $flagName]);
             # BANNERS
             $bannersPath = "{$this->targetLocation}/static/banners/{$board->board_uri}/";
             if (is_readable($bannersPath)) {
                 $banners = array_filter(scandir($bannersPath), function ($item) use($bannersPath) {
                     return !is_dir("{$bannersPath}{$item}");
                 foreach ($banners as $bannerName) {
                     $banner = new File("{$bannersPath}{$bannerName}", false);
                     if ($banner->isReadable() && !!FileFacade::get($banner)) {
                         $storage = FileStorage::storeUpload($banner);
                         $asset = $board->assets()->create(['file_id' => $storage->file_id, 'asset_type' => "board_banner", 'asset_name' => null]);
             $this->line("\t\tImported {$flagsMade} flags and {$bannersMade} banners.");
  * Uploads a single file.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  Board  $board
  * @return json
 public function putFile(Request $request, Board $board)
     $input = Input::all();
     $rules = [];
     PostRequest::rulesForFiles($board, $rules);
     $rules['files'][] = "required";
     $validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);
     if (!$validator->passes()) {
         return json_encode(['errors' => $validator->errors()]);
     $storage = new Collection();
     foreach ($input['files'] as $file) {
         $newStorage = FileStorage::storeUpload($file);
         $storage[$newStorage->hash] = $newStorage;
     return $storage;
  * Add new assets.
  * @return Response
 public function putAssets(Request $request, Board $board)
     if (!$board->canEditConfig($this->user)) {
         return abort(403);
     if (!!Input::get('delete', false)) {
         return $this->deleteAssets($request, $board);
     $input = Input::all();
     $assetType = Input::get('asset_type', false);
     $validator = Validator::make($input, ['asset_type' => ["required", "in:board_banner,board_banned,board_icon,file_deleted,file_spoiler"], 'new_board_banned' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_banned", "image", "image_size:100-500", "max:250"], 'new_board_banner' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_banner", "image", "image_size:<=300,<=100", "max:1024"], 'new_board_icon' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_icon", "image", "image_aspect:1", "image_size:64,64", "max:50"], 'new_file_deleted' => ["required_if:asset_type,file_deleted", "image", "image_size:100-500", "max:250"], 'new_file_spoiler' => ["required_if:asset_type,file_spoiler", "image", "image_size:100-500", "max:250"]]);
     if (!$validator->passes()) {
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator->errors());
     // Fetch the asset.
     $upload = Input::file("new_{$input['asset_type']}");
     $multiples = $assetType == "board_banner" || $assetType == "board_banned";
     if (file_exists($upload->getPathname())) {
         $storage = FileStorage::storeUpload($upload);
         if ($storage->exists) {
             if (!$multiples) {
                 $assets = $board->assets()->with('storage')->where('asset_type', $input['asset_type'])->get();
                 foreach ($assets as $asset) {
             $asset = new BoardAsset();
             $asset->asset_type = $input['asset_type'];
             $asset->board_uri = $board->board_uri;
             $asset->file_id = $storage->file_id;
         } else {
             return redirect()->back()->withErrors(["validation.custom.file_generic"]);
     Event::fire(new BoardWasModified($board));
     return $this->getAssets($board);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Uploads a single file.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  Board  $board
  * @return json
 public function putFile(Request $request, Board $board)
     $input = Input::all();
     $rules = [];
     PostRequest::rulesForFiles($board, $rules);
     $rules['files'][] = "required";
     $validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);
     if (!$validator->passes()) {
         return json_encode(['errors' => $validator->errors()]);
     $storage = new Collection();
     foreach ($input['files'] as $file) {
         $ip = new IP($request->ip());
         $uploadSize = (int) Cache::get("upstream_data_for_" . $ip->toLong(), 0);
         if ($uploadSize <= 52430000) {
             Cache::increment("upstream_data_for_" . $ip->toLong(), $file->getSize(), 2);
             $newStorage = FileStorage::storeUpload($file);
             $storage[$newStorage->hash] = $newStorage;
             Cache::decrement("upstream_data_for_" . $ip->toLong(), $file->getSize());
         } else {
             return abort(429);
     return $storage;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Pushes the post to the specified board, as a new thread or as a reply.
  * This autoatically handles concurrency issues. Creating a new reply without
  * using this method is forbidden by the `creating` event in ::boot.
  * @param  App\Board  &$board
  * @param  App\Post   &$thread
  * @return void
 public function submitTo(Board &$board, &$thread = null)
     $this->board_uri = $board->board_uri;
     $this->author_ip = Request::getClientIp();
     $this->reply_last = $this->freshTimestamp();
     $this->bumped_last = $this->reply_last;
     if (!is_null($thread) && !$thread instanceof Post) {
         $thread = $board->getLocalThread($thread);
         $this->reply_to = $thread->post_id;
         $this->reply_to_board_id = $thread->board_id;
     // Store attachments
     $uploads = [];
     if (is_array($files = Input::file('files'))) {
         $uploads = array_filter($files);
     // Store the post in the database.
     DB::transaction(function () use($thread) {
         // The objective of this transaction is to prevent concurrency issues in the database
         // on the unique joint index [`board_uri`,`board_id`] which is generated procedurally
         // alongside the primary autoincrement column `post_id`.
         // First instruction is to add +1 to posts_total.
         DB::table('boards')->where('board_uri', $this->board_uri)->increment('posts_total');
         // Second, we record this value and lock the table.
         $boards = DB::table('boards')->where('board_uri', $this->board_uri)->lockForUpdate()->select('posts_total')->get();
         $posts_total = $boards[0]->posts_total;
         // Optionally, the OP of this thread needs a +1 to reply count.
         if ($thread instanceof Post) {
             if (!$this->isBumpless() && !$thread->isBumplocked()) {
                 $thread->bumped_last = $this->created_at;
             $thread->reply_last = $this->created_at;
             $thread->reply_count += 1;
         // Finally, we set our board_id and save.
         $this->board_id = $posts_total;
         // Queries and locks are handled automatically after this closure ends.
     // Process uploads.
     if (count($uploads) > 0) {
         foreach ($uploads as $uploadIndex => $upload) {
             if (file_exists($upload->getPathname())) {
                 $uploadName = urlencode($upload->getClientOriginalName());
                 $uploadExt = pathinfo($uploadName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                 $fileName = basename($uploadName, "." . $uploadExt);
                 $fileExt = $upload->guessExtension();
                 $storage = FileStorage::storeUpload($upload);
                 $attachment = new FileAttachment();
                 $attachment->post_id = $this->post_id;
                 $attachment->file_id = $storage->file_id;
                 $attachment->filename = urlencode("{$fileName}.{$fileExt}");
     // Finally fire event on OP, if it exists.
     if ($thread instanceof Post) {
         Event::fire(new ThreadNewReply($thread));
  * Add new assets.
  * @return Response
 public function putAssets(Request $request, Board $board)
     if (!$board->canEditConfig($this->user)) {
         return abort(403);
     if (!!Input::get('delete', false)) {
         return $this->deleteAssets($request, $board);
     $input = Input::all();
     $assetType = Input::get('asset_type', false);
     $validator = Validator::make($input, ['asset_type' => ["required", "in:board_banner,board_banned,board_icon,board_flags,file_deleted,file_spoiler"], 'new_board_banned' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_banned", "image", "image_size:100-500", "max:250"], 'new_board_banner' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_banner", "image", "image_size:<=300,<=100", "max:1024"], 'new_board_flags' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_flags", "array", "min:1", "max:500"], 'new_board_icon' => ["required_if:asset_type,board_icon", "image", "image_aspect:1", "image_size:64,64", "max:50"], 'new_file_deleted' => ["required_if:asset_type,file_deleted", "image", "image_size:100-500", "max:250"], 'new_file_spoiler' => ["required_if:asset_type,file_spoiler", "image", "image_size:100-500", "max:250"]]);
     if (!$validator->passes()) {
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator->errors());
     // Fetch the asset.
     $multiples = $assetType == "board_banner" || $assetType == "board_banned" || $assetType == "board_flags";
     if ($assetType == "board_flags") {
         $new = $input["new_{$input['asset_type']}"];
         $names = isset($new['name']) ? $new['name'] : [];
         $uploads = isset($new['file']) ? $new['file'] : [];
         $rules = [];
         $nameRules = ["required", "string", "between:1,128"];
         $imageRules = array_merge(["required"], BoardAsset::getRulesForFlags($board));
         foreach (range(0, count($uploads) - 1) as $index) {
             $rules["name.{$index}"] = $nameRules;
             $rules["file.{$index}"] = $imageRules;
         $validator = Validator::make($new, $rules);
         if (!$validator->passes()) {
             return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator->errors());
     } else {
         $uploads = [Input::file("new_{$input['asset_type']}")];
     foreach ((array) $uploads as $index => $upload) {
         if (file_exists($upload->getPathname())) {
             $storage = FileStorage::storeUpload($upload);
             if ($storage->exists) {
                 if (!$multiples) {
                     $assets = $board->assets()->with('storage')->where('asset_type', $input['asset_type'])->get();
                     foreach ($assets as $asset) {
                 $asset = new BoardAsset();
                 $asset->asset_type = $input['asset_type'];
                 $asset->asset_name = isset($names[$index]) ? $names[$index] : null;
                 $asset->board_uri = $board->board_uri;
                 $asset->file_id = $storage->file_id;
             } else {
                 return redirect()->back()->withErrors(["validation.custom.file_generic"]);
     Event::fire(new BoardWasModified($board));
     return $this->getAssets($board);