Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function getdanhsachnguoinhan($emails)
     $toemails = array();
     foreach ($emails as $email) {
         $emailname = Danhmucemail::find($email);
         $toemails[] = $emailname->email . '@gila1.bca';
     return $toemails;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function guimails($dataemails)
     // get input
     //$to = $emails
     //$tos = preg_split("/[\s;]+/", $to);
     //$cc = \Input::get('nguoinhankhac');
     //$ccs = preg_split("/[\s;]+/", $cc);
     //$subject = $dataemails->tieude;
     //$message = $dataemails->noidungemail;
     //echo '<pre>';
     //$toEmails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
     $toEmails = Danhmucemail::getdanhsachnguoinhan($dataemails['emails']);
     //$paths = File::getduongdanfileemail($dataemails['attachfiles']);
         \Mail::send('layout.emails', $dataemails , function ($dataemails) use ($paths, $toEmails) {
             //$message->from('*****@*****.**', '');
             $size = count($paths);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
     \Mail::send('layout.emails', $dataemails, function ($dataemails) use($toEmails) {
         //$message->from('*****@*****.**', '');
         echo 'ok';
     //return $sent = 'ok';
     // has file
     if (\Input::hasFile('attachment')) {
         $now_date = str_replace('/', '_', date('d/m/Y'));
         $files = \Input::file('attachment');
         $newnamefiles = array();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $destinationPath = 'uploads';
             $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
             $filename = File::removesign($filename);
             $filename = File::removespace($filename);
             $newfilename = $now_date . '_' . rand(1, 99999) . '_' . $filename;
             $upload_success = $file->move($destinationPath, $newfilename);
             array_push($newnamefiles, $newfilename);
         $path = array();
         foreach ($newnamefiles as $value) {
             $filepath = 'uploads/' . $value;
             array_push($path, $filepath);
         // không cc
         if ($ccs[0] == '') {
             \Mail::send('emails.mail', array('user_message' => \Input::get('noidung')), function ($message) use ($path, $tos, $ccs, $subject) {
                 $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Lê Thanh Thái');
                 $size = count($path);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
             return \Redirect::route('email.send')->with('message', 'Gửi Thành Công!');
         } else {
             \Mail::send('emails.mail', array('user_message' => \Input::get('noidung')), function ($message) use ($path, $tos, $ccs, $subject) {
                 $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Lê Thanh Thái');
                 $size = count($path);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
             return \Redirect::route('email.send')->with('message', 'Gửi Thành Công!');
     } else // no file
         if ($ccs[0] == '') {
             \Mail::send('emails.mail', array('user_message' => \Input::get('noidung')), function ($message) use ($tos, $ccs, $subject) {
                 $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Lê Thanh Thái');
             return \Redirect::route('email.send')->with('message', 'Gửi Thành Công!');
         } else {
             \Mail::send('emails.mail', array('user_message' => \Input::get('noidung')), function ($message) use ($tos, $ccs, $subject) {
                 $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Lê Thanh Thái');
             return \Redirect::route('email.send')->with('message', 'Gửi Thành Công!');
     }//end send
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     if (Auth::check() && $this->rolechucnangs && $this->rolechucnangs->Sua == 1) {
         $loaicongvans = Danhmucloaicongvan::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $capphathanhs = Danhmucnhomdonvi::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $noiphathanhs = Danhmucdonvi::get(array('id', 'name', 'danhmucnhomdonvi_id'));
         $mucdichs = Danhmucmucdich::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $linhvucchuyendes = Linhvucchuyende::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $chuyendes = Danhmucchuyende::get(array('id', 'name', 'linhvucchuyende_id'));
         $chutrixulys = Danhmucphong::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $phoihopxulys = Danhmucphong::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $canboxulys = Canbo::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $phongs = Danhmucphong::orderBy('name')->get();
         $dois = Danhmucdoi::orderBy('name')->get();
         $canbos = User::where('role_id', '>', 2)->orderBy('name')->get();
         $emails = Danhmucemail::orderBy('name')->get();
         $domats = Danhmucdomat::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $dokhans = Danhmucdokhan::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $congvanden = Congvanden::findOrFail($id);
         if ($congvanden->sohosoluubo) {
             $action = 'congvanden.update';
             $title = 'bộ';
         } else {
             $action = 'congvanden.update';
             $title = '';
         $getfiletralois = \DB::table('file_traloicongvandens')->where('congvanden_id', $id)->get();
         $getcountups = \DB::table('file_traloicongvandens')->where('congvanden_id', $id)->distinct()->select('stt')->get();
         $getusers = \DB::table('file_traloicongvandens')->where('congvanden_id', $id)->distinct()->select('user_id')->get();
         return view('congvanden.edit')->with(array('congvanden' => $congvanden, 'getcountups' => $getcountups, 'getfiletralois' => $getfiletralois, 'getusers' => $getusers, 'loaicongvans' => $loaicongvans, 'domats' => $domats, 'dokhans' => $dokhans, 'menus' => $this->menus, 'capphathanhs' => $capphathanhs, 'noiphathanhs' => $noiphathanhs, 'mucdichs' => $mucdichs, 'linhvucchuyendes' => $linhvucchuyendes, 'chuyendes' => $chuyendes, 'chutrixulys' => $chutrixulys, 'phoihopxulys' => $phoihopxulys, 'canboxulys' => $canboxulys, 'phongs' => $phongs, 'dois' => $dois, 'canbos' => $canbos, 'emails' => $emails, 'action' => $action, 'title' => $title));
     } else {
         return \Redirect::route('congvanden.index')->with('message-error', 'Không có quyền truy cập');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     if (Auth::check() && $this->rolechucnangs && $this->rolechucnangs->Sua == 1) {
         $noisoanthaos = Danhmucphong::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $nguoikys = Canbo::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $mucdichs = Danhmucmucdich::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $linhvucchuyendes = Linhvucchuyende::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $chuyendes = Danhmucchuyende::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $loaicongvans = Danhmucloaicongvan::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $hinhthucchuyens = Danhmuchinhthucchuyen::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $dokhans = Danhmucdokhan::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $domats = Danhmucdomat::get(array('id', 'name'));
         $noinhancongvans = Danhmucdonvi::all();
         $phongs = Danhmucphong::orderBy('name')->get();
         $dois = Danhmucdoi::orderBy('name')->get();
         $canbos = User::where('role_id', '>', 2)->orderBy('name')->get();
         $emails = Danhmucemail::orderBy('name')->get();
         $congvandi = Congvandi::findOrFail($id);
         return view('congvandi.edit')->with(array('congvandi' => $congvandi, 'loaicongvans' => $loaicongvans, 'hinhthucchuyens' => $hinhthucchuyens, 'domats' => $domats, 'dokhans' => $dokhans, 'menus' => $this->menus, 'noisoanthaos' => $noisoanthaos, 'nguoikys' => $nguoikys, 'mucdichs' => $mucdichs, 'linhvucchuyendes' => $linhvucchuyendes, 'chuyendes' => $chuyendes, 'phongs' => $phongs, 'dois' => $dois, 'canbos' => $canbos, 'emails' => $emails));
     } else {
         return \Redirect::route('congvandi.index')->with('message-error', 'Không có quyền truy cập');
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy($id)
     if (Auth::check() && $this->rolechucnangs && $this->rolechucnangs->Xoa == 1) {
         $danhmucemail = Danhmucemail::findOrFail($id);
         return \Redirect::route('danhmucemail.index')->with('message', 'Xóa thành công!');
     } else {
         return \Redirect::route('danhmucemail.index')->with('message-error', 'Không có quyền truy cập');