Exemplo n.º 1
 public function searchTwitter()
     Yii::trace('start searchTwitter ' . date('y-m-d h:m '));
     // Load your Twitter application keys
     $settings = array('oauth_access_token' => \Yii::$app->params['twitter']['oauth_token'], 'oauth_access_token_secret' => \Yii::$app->params['twitter']['oauth_secret'], 'consumer_key' => \Yii::$app->params['twitter']['key'], 'consumer_secret' => \Yii::$app->params['twitter']['secret']);
     // Connect to Twitter
     $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
     // Query settings for search
     $url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json';
     $requestMethod = 'GET';
     // rate limit of 180 queries
     $limit = 180;
     $query_count = 1;
     $count = 100;
     $result_type = 'recent';
     // calculate valid timestamp range
     $valid_start = $this->start_at;
     // $until_date and $valid_end = // start time + duration
     $valid_end = $this->start_at + $this->duration * 60;
     Yii::trace('Valid Range: ' . $valid_start . ' -> ' . $valid_end);
     $until_date = date('Y-m-d', $valid_end + 24 * 3600);
     // add one day
     $distance_km = $this->distance / 1000;
     // distance in km
     // Unused: &since=$since_date
     // $since_date = '2015-03-05';
     // Perform first query with until_date
     $getfield = "?result_type={$result_type}&geocode=" . $this->latitude . "," . $this->longitude . "," . $distance_km . "mi&include_entities=false&until={$until_date}&count={$count}";
     $tweets = json_decode($twitter->setGetfield($getfield)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest());
     if (isset($tweets->errors)) {
         Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', 'Twitter Rate Limit Reached.');
     $max_id = 0;
     Yii::trace('Count Statuses: ' . count($tweets->statuses));
     Yii::trace('Max Tweet Id: ' . $max_id);
     foreach ($tweets->statuses as $t) {
         // check if tweet in valid time range
         $unix_created_at = strtotime($t->created_at);
         Yii::trace('Tweet @ ' . $t->created_at . ' ' . $unix_created_at . ':' . $t->user->screen_name . ' ' . (isset($t->text) ? $t->text : ''));
         if ($unix_created_at >= $valid_start && $unix_created_at <= $valid_end) {
             // print_r($t);
             $i = new Twitter();
             $i->add($this->id, $t->id_str, $t->user->id_str, $t->user->screen_name, $unix_created_at, isset($t->text) ? $t->text : '');
         if ($max_id == 0) {
             $max_id = intval($t->id_str);
         } else {
             $max_id = min($max_id, intval($t->id_str));
     $count_repeat_max = 0;
     // Perform all subsequent queries with addition of updated maximum_tweet_id
     while ($query_count <= $limit) {
         $prior_max_id = $max_id;
         $query_count += 1;
         Yii::trace('Request #: ' . $query_count);
         // Perform subsequent query with max_id
         $getfield = "?result_type={$result_type}&geocode=" . $this->latitude . "," . $this->longitude . "," . $distance_km . "mi&include_entities=false&max_id={$max_id}&count={$count}";
         $tweets = json_decode($twitter->setGetfield($getfield)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest());
         if (isset($tweets->errors)) {
             Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', 'Twitter Rate Limit Reached.');
         // sometimes twitter api fails
         if (!isset($tweets->statuses)) {
         Yii::trace('Count Statuses: ' . count($tweets->statuses));
         Yii::trace('Max Tweet Id: ' . $max_id);
         foreach ($tweets->statuses as $t) {
             // check if tweet in valid time range
             $unix_created_at = strtotime($t->created_at);
             if ($unix_created_at >= $valid_start && $unix_created_at <= $valid_end) {
                 $i = new Twitter();
                 $i->add($this->id, $t->id_str, $t->user->id_str, $t->user->screen_name, $unix_created_at, isset($t->text) ? $t->text : '');
             } else {
                 if ($unix_created_at < $valid_start) {
                     // stop querying when earlier than valid_start
             $max_id = min($max_id, intval($t->id_str)) - 1;
         if ($prior_max_id - $max_id <= 1 or count($tweets->statuses) < 1) {
             $count_repeat_max += 1;
         if ($count_repeat_max > 5) {
             // when the api isn't returning more results
     // end while