Exemplo n.º 1
  * Checks if the user is authorized to access this resource
  * The user can have the set store_user_id session variable set
  * OR
  * be an admin with the proper permissions
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
  * @param  \Closure $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     // Check if permissions should be ignored
     if (config('webpanel.ignore_permissions')) {
         return $next($request);
     $store_user_id = $request->session()->get('store_user_id', 'not-set');
     //Check if the store_user_id session variable is set
     if ($store_user_id != "not-set") {
         $user = StoreUser::find($store_user_id);
         //Check if the store_user_id is valid
         if ($user == null) {
             return redirect()->route('userpanel.auth.index')->withErrors(['You need to login to be able to use this application']);
         return $next($request);
     //TODO: Implement a way for a admin to impersonate a store user
     //        //Check if the user is logged into the webpanel
     //        if ($this->auth->check()) {
     //            //Get the name of the route and the permission required for the route
     //            $routeName = $request->route()->getName();
     //            $routePermission = config('route_perms.' . $routeName);
     //            //Check if the permissions is set
     //            //if ($routePermission == "" || $routePermission == NULL) {
     //            //    return $next($request);
     //            //}
     //            //If the permission is set, check if the user has got the permission
     //            if (!$this->auth->user()->can($routePermission)) {
     //                //TODO: Change the URL
     //                return redirect()->route('userpanel.auth.index')->withErrors(['You do not have the permission that is required to perform this action']);
     //            }
     //        }
     return redirect()->route('userpanel.auth.index')->withErrors(['You need to login to be able to use this application']);
  * Returns the Datatables data
  * Get the Useritems for the user
  * @param $request
  * @return mixed
 public function getUserData(Request $request)
     $user = StoreUser::find($request->session()->get('store_user_id'));
     $useritems = $user->items();
     return Datatables::of($useritems)->addColumn('action', function ($item) {
         $actions = view('templates.' . \Config::get('userpanel.template') . 'userpanel.useritems._sellactions', compact('item'))->render();
         return $actions;
 public function ComposeUserPanelHeader()
     view()->composer('templates.' . \Config::get('webpanel.template') . 'userpanel.includes.header', function ($view) {
         $store_user = StoreUser::find(Session("store_user_id"));
         $credits = $store_user->credits;
         $owned_item_count = $store_user->items()->count();
         $latest_items = $store_user->items()->orderBy('acquire_date', 'desc')->take(5)->get();
         $owned_loadout_count = $store_user->owned_loadouts()->count();
         $subscribed_loadout_count = $store_user->subscribed_loadouts()->count();
         if ($equipped_loadout = $store_user->equipped_loadout != NULL) {
             $equipped_loadout = $store_user->equipped_loadout->display_name;
         } else {
             $equipped_loadout = NULL;
         $view->with('latest_items', $latest_items);
         $view->with('username', Session("store_user_name"));
         $view->with('credits', $credits);
         $view->with('owned_item_count', $owned_item_count);
         $view->with('owned_loadout_count', $owned_loadout_count);
         $view->with('subscribed_loadout_count', $subscribed_loadout_count);
         $view->with('equipped_loadout_name', $equipped_loadout);